[Tutor] smtplib howto send with a subject line

Daniel McQuay simplebob at gmail.com
Wed May 23 21:49:21 CEST 2007

Hey Guys, I'm having a problem with my script that sends out an email using
smtplib. Whats happening now is when it is send I get a (no subject) where
the subject line should be. I checked a few places such as effbot and some
other online doc but couldn't find any thing about the subject line.

Any help would be much appreciated.

#Created by: Daniel McQuay
#This script will send and email
#to verify if the backup was
#successful or not.

import smtplib
import sys

emmssg = "/tmp/backup.log"
smtpserver = 'localhost'
smtpuser = ''
smtppass = ''

#Recipients who will be getting the emails
RECIPIENTS = ['simplebob at gmail.com']

SENDER = 'Saint_Richards'

#This does not work?
SUBJECT = 'Backup_Log'

emmssg = open('/tmp/backup.log','r').read()

session = smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver)
    session.login(smtpuser, smtppass)
smtpresult = session.sendmail(SENDER, RECIPIENTS, SUBJECT, emmssg)

if smtpresult:
    errstr = ""
    for recip in smtpresult.keys():
        errstr = """Could not delivery mail to: %s

Server said: %s

%s""" % (recip, smtpresult[recip][0], smtpresult[recip][1], errstr)
    raise smtplib.SMTPException, errstr

Thanks in advance,

Daniel McQuay
H: 814.825.0847
M: 814-341-9013
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