[Tutor] How can I see properly my korean.

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu May 31 09:41:46 CEST 2007

>I input the data which is from the database into array.
> and then I print out the array to the file
> but the letter I can not figure out.
>>         fileHandle = open ( 
>> '/var/chroot/www/htdocs/django/js/model.js',
>> 'w' )
>>         fileHandle.write( codecs.BOM_UTF8 )
>>         print >> fileHandle, 'var blog = '
>>         print >> fileHandle, blog
>>         fileHandle.close()
> What I want to do is to see properly the letter not this letter 
> '\xec\x9d'
> Can anyone who know solution let me know how to do kindly?

I think you need to set the locale at the top of your python code.
I have no idea what you need to do in your JavaScript however.

Alan G. 

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