[Tutor] Error: 'module' object is not callable

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Nov 14 00:19:05 CET 2007

"Ajaya Mohan R. S." <ajayan_rs at yahoo.com> wrote 

> I am trying to run a code for plotting Taylor diagram,
> ending up with the following errors. How do I fix
> these errors? Help appreciated.

Without any sight of the code that caused them its hard 
to give sensible answers. We can only suggest general 

> Error: 'module' object is not callable

Suggests that you are trying to call a module!
Do you have a pair of parens after a module name 
(or a reference to a module name) For example

import foo

# do some stuff

bar = foo
# more stuff
bar()   # error here coz bar refers to module foo

> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "model_vs_data_comp_stat.py", line 1471, in ?
>    normalize_sign_option=normalize_sign_option,
> scaling_factor=scaling_factor)

This looks like the end of a function/method call but 
we can't see the beginning...

>  File "model_vs_data_comp_stat.py", line 1197, in
> model_vs_data_comp_stat
>    all_model_output = MV.sort (all_model_output, 0)

> ValueError: sort axis argument out of bounds

So where is the axis value derived?

Other than that I doubt we can help without visibility 
of some code.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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