[Tutor] Permission Report

Stephen Nelson-Smith sanelson at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 00:50:20 CEST 2007

Hello all,

I have a tree of code on a machine which has been tweaked and fiddled
with over several months, and which passes tests.

I have the same codebase in a new virtual machine.  A shell hack[0]
shows me that the permissions are very different between the two.

I could use rsync or something to synchronise them, but I would like
to produce a report of the sort:

Change file: foo from 755 to 775

So I can try to work out why this is necessary.

I'm not sure how best to proceed - I guess walk through the filesystem
gathering info using stat, then do the same on the new system, and

Or are there some clever modules I could use?


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