[Tutor] upgrading Python

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Oct 15 10:33:25 CEST 2007

"bhaaluu" <bhaaluu at gmail.com> wrote

> Why people even give MS any mind-share is beyond me....

For the same reason most people don't buy kit cars.
Linux is a great hobbyist environment and if you want your 
OS to be a hobby then use Linux you will learn a lot 
about your computers. But if you just want to unpack 
the box turn it on and start writing documents, editing 
photos etc use Windows (or MacOS).

I've been working professionally with Unix and Unix-like 
OS for over 20 years now but when I bought a laptop 
for my own use I bought a Mac - Unix without the pain.

> easy. Once you become familiar with GNU/Linux, you find it is much
> easier than MS-Windows! 

Sorry, I can't agree. Linux has a lot of rough edges 
where you still need to open text files and eit them, stop 
and start services etc That is never going to be easier for 
the average user than clicking a few boxes in a dalog.

Linux is a hobbyist OS, it allows you all the power and flexibility 
but at the expense of exposing great swathes of the under-belly 
of the PC. Most users simply don't want to know that stuff and 
don't have the time to learn.

Fortunately for us Python runs on both so the readers of this 
forum have the luxury of choosing which to use. As a 
programmer there is a much stronger case for using Linux
because it does allow far greater access and therefore makes 
many programming tasks easier. Plus nearly everything is 
controlled by text files - which are prorammatically 
easy to manipulate.  But for ordinary users Linux remains 

IMHO of course! :-)

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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