[Tutor] Apache, CGI-BIN, Python

Eric Brunson brunson at brunson.com
Tue Sep 11 06:43:38 CEST 2007

Alan Gauld wrote:
> "Ryan" <silas428 at gmail.com> wrote
>> I am running a Linux box and cannot find my Apache cgi-bin to put 
>> some
>> python scripts in. I know I probably have to create one but don't 
>> know
>> where and how.
> I think there are several places that you can create cgi-bin depending
> on how you configure apache. But the place I usually see it is 
> directly
> under the apache root directory - ie the one that is equivalent to / 
> in
> the url.

But, if you read the apache configuration files, it will tell you were 
it is.  :-)

>> everything works fine except:
>> form = cgi.FieldStorage()
>> #This is where everything goes wrong
>> #I get error messages for either the lastname line or firstname
> Can you tell us
> a) exactly what error messages and
> b) How you are invoking the script - where are the values
> supposed to be coming from?
>> lastname = form['lastname'].value
>> firstname =form['firstname'].value
>> message = firstname + " " + lastname
>> print reshtml % message
> HTH,

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