[Tutor] Making a python script to feed files into another pythonscript

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Sep 11 09:47:41 CEST 2007

"Ashley Booth" <abooth at stanford.edu> wrote

> So far I can get it to read the directory fine but it ends up just
> opening the script I want the files to be fed into instead of giving
> it the input and output to run and running it. Any ideas?
> Here is what I have so far:
> import sys, os
> indir = raw_input('input directory path ') # input directory
> script1 = os.system(raw_input('python script path '))

os.system only returnms the error code of the operation
not the results, so script1 will usually contain 0 (for success).

You need to look at the subprocess module and the
examples of replacing popen. Specifically using the
communicate() method of Popen.

> for j in os.listdir(indir):
>       input = os.path.join(indir,j)
>       output = os.path.join(indir,j.split('rovctd')[0]+'.txt')

You might find os.path.basename more reliable here.

>       script1(input,output)

This won't work see above.

> If this is going to be too complicated,

No, this is exactly the kind of thing Python is good at.

> I would at least be happy with how to tack on the list
> directory stuff to then of the script1- it would not be a
> stand alone script but at least it would work.

Sorry you lost me there.
Which script? The one above or the ones you are
trying to execute?

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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