[Tutor] unicode problem

Emad Nawfal emadnawfal at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 02:23:57 CEST 2007

*Hi All Tutors,*
*I'm new and I'm trying to use unicode strings in my code (specifically
Arabic), but I get this:*

IDLE 1.2.1
>>> text = ur'المصريون'
Unsupported characters in input

>>> for letter in text:
 print letter

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module>
    for letter in text:
NameError: name 'text' is not defined
>>> u = u'المضريون'
Unsupported characters in input

>>> s = u'المصريون'.encode('utf-8')
Unsupported characters in input
*Can anyone please tell me how to use Arabic in my code?
لا أعرف مظلوما تواطأ الناس علي هضمه ولا زهدوا في إنصافه كالحقيقة.....محمد
Emad Soliman Nawfal
Indiana University, Bloomington
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