[Tutor] for vs while

Andreas Kostyrka andreas at kostyrka.org
Fri Sep 28 18:01:09 CEST 2007

Hash: SHA1


for item in stuff:
    print item[1]


for cmd, msg in stuff:
    print msg


James wrote:
> All,
> I have a dumb question...hopefully someone can shed some light on the  
> difference between for and while in the situation below.
> I'm trying to iterate through a list I've created.  The list consists  
> of a command, followed by a 'logging' message (a message printed to a  
> console or log file after the command is run).
> Here's a small snippet of code:
> 	# a list which includes (1) a command, and (2) something to be  
> dumped into a log file after the command runs
> 	stuff = [ ["cat /etc/password"] , ["viewed /etc/password"] ]
> 	#works
> 	i = 0 ; j = 1
> 	while i < len( stuff ):
> 		os.system( str( stuff[ i ] ) )
> 		print stuff[ j ]
> 		i += 1 ; j += 1
> The while loop does precisely what it should do: it runs the first  
> command using os.system(), and then prints out the string in the  
> second position of the list.
> Then I tried to do the same thing with a for loop that looks  
> logically equivalent.  I replaced the while loop with this for loop:
> 	# doesn't work
> 	for i in len( stuff ):
> 		os.system( stuff[ i ] )
> 		j = i + 1
> 		print stuff[ j ]
> Python doesn't like it, though.  It gives me the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
> What precisely causes this error?  I come from a C background, and  
> while and for loops can be molded to do precisely the same thing; it  
> doesn't seem like this is the case in this scenario.
> Thoughts/ideas appreciated.  :)
> Thanks!
> .james
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