[Tutor] Which Python Script Editor of Choice?

Jeff Younker jeff at drinktomi.com
Fri Apr 4 23:04:03 CEST 2008

Jeffrey Dates wrote:
> So as I'm starting to get into writing some scripts, I'm looking for  
> recommendations for a nifty script editor.  Ideally a freeware/ 
> shareware solution until I can justify a purchase of something more  
> beefy.
> Currently I'm using PSPad, however it's pretty dumb and doesn't  
> recognize Python context.  Which, I suppose is fine, but would be  
> nice if there was one.  Especially since I'm learning.

I use Eclipse+PyDev plugin+commercial ($30) PyDev extensions (which
runs for free, but nags every hour or so.)   I has a feature set that  
no other
python IDE has at this point.  (Let me qualify that:  I haven't looked  
at the Iron
Python tools on windows, and they might be better, but I don't do much  
the windows world so I haven't looked at it yet.)

- Jeff Younker - jeff at drinktomi.com -

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