[Tutor] PyMOTW: difflib

Marc Tompkins marc.tompkins at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 02:13:49 CEST 2008

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 4:52 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com>

> "Dick Moores" <rdm at rcblue.com> wrote
> > Could you give a blow-by-blow on the dis.dis()?
> I'll have a go but I've never actually studied Python P-Code,
> this is based on my 8080 and 68000 assembler experience!
> ...
> I'm no expert but I'm sure someone else can fix up my errors
> but its very like any other kind of assembler - you just need
> to look up the behaviour of each op code.
> Alan G.
Stop it, you two!  You're bringing back painful memories... I do believe I'm
having a flashback to my Z-80 days... The horror!  The horror!

Has there been any research on assembler-induced PTSD, I wonder?  Thank
Guido for Python, where we can forget all our low-level cares...  or at
least we COULD...

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