[Tutor] setting program configuration for all files and modules ofa program

Tim Michelsen timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de
Tue Apr 15 01:45:21 CEST 2008

> Yes, thats the way I'd recommend.
>> Is there a more decent and elegant way?
I don't know. I was just asking how other programmers achive this 

> Another option is to have the config settiongs in a normal
> Python module and just import it. That is less appealing if
> the config file is shared with a non python program, but if
> its all Python then that's a much simpler approach...
I think that the cfg-files are much more readable for others.

> PS.
> Why all the parens around the error strings in your code?
I am using gettext:

_ = gettest.gettest

Got this from the documentation.

Thanks for your reply!


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