[Tutor] Need help with sockets

James Duffy devsfan1830 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 19 21:44:55 CEST 2008

For a part of a program, I need to send a text string to another machine in
a IM style app. I've done this in C# but never in python. The server is in
C# so I just need a client side program that can listen for and display
incoming messages as well as send messages. Ive managed to make a socket and
connect but I don't know how to setup a listen thread and a sender function.
Can someone help? Below is C# code for the listener/send function of my
client that id made. I basically hafta turn this into python. This method
runs inside a thread.





void RunClient() 


TcpClient myClient; // instantiate TcpClient for sending data to server 



Output to screen: Attempting connection\r\n" 

// Step 1: Create TcpClient 

myClient = new TcpClient(); 

// Step 2: Connect to server 


// Step 3: Create a Network Stream associated with TcpClient 

myNetStream = myClient.GetStream();

// Step 4: Create objects for writing and reading across stream 

myWriter = new BinaryWriter(myNetStream); 

myReader = new BinaryReader(myNetStream); 

// loop until server signals termination 



// Step 5: Processing phase 



// read message from server 

message = myReader.ReadString();

inbound.Text +="\r\n" + message; 


// handle exception if error in reading server data 

catch (Exception) 


System.Environment.Exit( System.Environment.ExitCode); 



while (message != "SERVER>>> TERMINATE"); 

status.Text += "\r\nClosing connection.\r\n"; 

// Step 6: Close connection 







// handle exception if error in establishing connection 

Catch (Exception error) 







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