[Tutor] key/value order in dictionaries

Chris Fuller cfuller084 at thinkingplanet.net
Fri Aug 1 04:57:43 CEST 2008

On Thursday 31 July 2008 05:33, Monika Jisswel wrote:
> Python dictionaries are not ordered & the order you will get when you print
> a dictionary is the order that the python virtual machines thinks optimal
> for that dictionary for its own internal procedures.

If you need an ordered dictionary, such things exist.  The implementation I 
use is at http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/modules.shtml, but there may be  
one or two other popular ones out there.  You probably shouldn't use them 
unless you have a specific need to.  They will be a lot slower, and extra 
dependencies always complicates distribution.


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