[Tutor] how do I create a lists of values associated with a key?

Marc Tompkins marc.tompkins at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 12:20:43 CEST 2008

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Angela Yang <angelayian at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a list of values for one key.  How do I specify this data structure?
> First tried,
> collection = []
> collection['abby'].append('apprentice1')
> collection['abby'].append('apprentice2')
> That did not work because list index is not numeric.
> But for dictionaries, it is key - value pairs.  But I need key -> multiple
> values.
> Do you have some example how to specify this?
> Angela

Each "value" can, itself, be a container - a tuple, a list, or another

dictTuple = {"a":(1,2,3), "b":(4,5,6)}
dictList = {"a":[1,2,3], "b":[4,5,6]}
dictDict = {"a":{"c":"1","d":"2","e":"3"}, "b":{"f":"4","g":"5","h":"6"}}

Retrieving values:
valValue = dictTuple["a"][0]  # 1
valValue = dictTuple["b"][2]  # 6

Lists work just the same:
valValue = dictList["a"][0]  # 1
valValue = dictList["b"][2]  # 6

Dictionaries are, well, like dictionaries:
valValue = dictDict["a"]["c"]  # 1
valValue = dictDict["b"]["h"]  # 6

Hope that helps....

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