[Tutor] Is anybody out there who could help me with URL Authentication?

Jeff Younker jeff at drinktomi.com
Sat Aug 2 08:26:22 CEST 2008

On Aug 1, 2008, at 12:39 AM, Federo wrote:
> Below is problem I am unable to solve. I would appreciate your  
> advice or
> even better code sample. The problem is URL authorisation. I try to  
> approaches
> but no luck so far. Two problems:
> 1.) Being able to logon using Python code
> 2.) Being able to send data to a form and get back server reply

While it's possible to cobble together something using urllib and
htmlparser, you're much better off using mechanize.  It's basically
an entire browser in a library.  It handles http authentication,
cookies, form processing, etc.

For more details check out the project's page at:


- Jeff Younker - jeff at drinktomi.com -

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