[Tutor] Firstrade Authentication: Form Management
federo at email.si
Sat Aug 9 21:48:41 CEST 2008
Bellow is the last code I tried. The code open main page however down not open
main page with server reply for symbol GOOG. I include in code everythig in
POSTDATA. Other fields seem irelevant. Entire header is attached.
Sorry for being persistent but I DO WANT to master this technology!
Cheers, Ales
import urllib2
import urllib
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor())
f = opener.open('https://investor.firstrade.com/firstrade/login.do')
data = f.read()
params = dict(username='janezfedero', password='kmet555', destination='')
params['login.x'] = 'Log+In'
params = urllib.urlencode(params)
f = opener.open('https://investor.firstrade.com/firstrade/login.do', params)
data = f.read()
params2 = dict(contentProvider='pinnacor', quoteSymbol='goog',
optionChain='goog', countryCode='US', optionRange='NTM', tickerSymbol='goog',
params2['contentProvider'] = 'pinnacor'
#params2['quoteSymbol'] = 'goog'
#params2['optionChain'] = 'goog'
#params2['countryCode'] = 'US'
#params2['optionRange'] = 'NTM'
#params2['tickerSymbol'] = 'goog'
#params2['contentType'] = 'stockQuote'
#params2['quote.x'] = 'submitted'
= 'contentProvider=pinnacor"eSymbol=goog&optionChain=goog&ountryCode=US&opti
params2 = urllib.urlencode(params2)
f = opener.open ('https://investor.firstrade.com/firstrade/mainmenu.do',
data2 = f.read()
On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 at 13:56:29, Kent Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 5:12 AM, Federo <federo at email.si> wrote:
> > Kent hi
> >
> > I am still unable to enter data into textbox and getting back server reply.
> The
> > main problem is that I do not understand which fileds / header to observer
> > using Firefox Fireburg. Atteched you can see headers I went through. With
> red
> > font I marked differences among stages. In nider of the headers I didn't
> find
> > fieldds you included in your workable login code.
> Hi Federo,
> This isn't really a Python question anymore, it is a matter of
> figuring out what the server requires. You have to look at the form
> data as well as the headers. TamperData is one Firefox pluging that
> can do that, I'm sure there are others as well.
> Kent
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