[Tutor] What has Editor X got that PyWin32 hasn't?

johnf jfabiani at yolo.com
Wed Aug 13 00:56:41 CEST 2008

On Tuesday 12 August 2008 11:31:44 am Jaggo wrote:
> Hello.
> I haven't much experience with programming.
> I'd like to point this question to programmers who write in editors other
> than the default PyWin32:
> Why do you use your editor rather than using Pywin? What feature has editor
> X got that PyWin hasn't?
> (That is, other than "My editor runs on unix / linux"; while that does
> count for something it is rather irrelevant to my current situation.)
> Thanks in advance,
> Omer.

I use wing.  Wing does cost $ (but they have a freebie).  So why am I willing 
to pay for the use of of editor when VIM, eclipse, and many others are 
available free of any cost.   Because I use it on a daily basis and it is 
simple.  I don't have to recall just how to get something done using a 
special command.  I can write scripts, debug (has a very good debugger), code 
completion, provides project management.  Etc... etc...  The bottom line is I 
like it and I'm not alone there are a large number of pro's using wing.  

But you should fine out what you like by testing the editors.  There is a 
large list of editors available including the latest from Netbeans.  

John Fabiani

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