[Tutor] Is there python editor or plugin for a python editor for curly brackets around code blocks?

Chris Fuller cfuller084 at thinkingplanet.net
Wed Aug 13 10:23:28 CEST 2008

Some clarifications w.r.t. indentation and Python:

It's just a joke, really:

Turnabout is fair play!

Also, pindent.py in the Tools/scripts directory of your Python distribution 
will produce correctly indented scripts if the blocks are designated with 
a "#end" line.

But seriously, you don't want to go creating a separate class of source file.  
It'll be harder for you and the other programmers to context switch when 
working with code that uses the standard style, will confuse others who won't 
know what to do with your code, adds overhead to the compiling, will break 
when somebody tries to run it under the standard environment, could clutter 
up your development directories, depending on the implementation, etc.

Here's a thread from 1999 on the Python mailing list that discusses the issue:

There's another script towards the end that might even do what you want, but 
you might want to read what they have to say first :)


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