[Tutor] What has Editor X got that PyWin32 hasn't?

Marc Tompkins marc.tompkins at gmail.com
Wed Aug 13 14:33:07 CEST 2008

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 4:15 AM, Dick Moores <rdm at rcblue.com> wrote:

> I've marked your list with *** for yes; ### for no; ??? for not sure or not
> sure what you mean.
 At 03:06 AM 8/13/2008, Marc Tompkins wrote:
>    -  Todo list ??? But TODO's in code are flagged
> I'd never used it before, but I just tried it: I inserted "# Todo: stuff"
on line 24 of my program and it appeared in the Todo list.  So the same, I

>    -  Index ??? If you mean a browser of functions, classes, and variables,
> then yes.
> Yup.

>    -  TabNanny compiling checker (finds errors that work OK now, but might
> bite you later)  ???
> I don't remember now where I saw the name "TabNanny" - I just ran the
checker, and it didn't say that (maybe it was in the first version of SPE I
used.)  Looking at menu, I see that it's PyChecker.  I've never compared
head-to-head with pylint, but it finds the same stuff that lint would

> but indentation problems are taken care of.
>  Now, that gets a "????" from me.  SPE lets you set whether the tab key
should insert tabs or spaces, and if (as is recommended) you chose spaces,
then how many.  Also whether to automatically convert tabs to spaces in
files that you open.   If that's what you mean... well, I wouldn't write
Python in an editor that didn't do that.  (OK, I do use Notepad, or joe, or
what have you, in a pinch.  But not for any longer than I have to.)
If you mean, does it read my mind and realize that when I wrote

if something:
    the other

I really meant

if something:
the other

then no, it's not that smart.  Damn.

> I didn't know SPE had come so far. However, Ulipad has most of what you
> list, and more.

> Some more features are:
> Code snippets window
That's what I use the Notes area for.

> FTP window
Now, I can see how that would be useful, but I love me some FileZilla.  I'm
not sure I'd use an FTP window in my editor unless it was as good...

> can group files in "sessions"
They're called "Workspaces" in SPE

> "live" regex
SPE has Kiki, which I've never tried - I usually muck around in the Terminal
area and cut-and-paste when my regex is working.

> search and replace
Well, yeah... I thought that one was kind of obvious; even IDLE has that.

> search in files

> syntax checker
SPE shows a warning when you open any of (, {, [, ''', or """, and it sticks
around till everything matches.  Improperly continued lines, bad indentation
(AHA! That's what you meant - the kind of indentation error that would blow
up.  Yeah, that's covered.)

> spell check
How does that work?  I generally use camelCased names that would fail a
spellcheck anyway, and if I misspell any Python keywords then I get a nice
easy error message.

> pylint
As before - PyChecker.  No idea of the relative merits.

> svn support
Ah well.

> a great many keybindings, mostly for the editor
Not a clue - not something I've been curious about...

> And last but not least, a developer who is quick to respond to email, or to
> posts on the Ulipad mailing list.
I've never tried - I liked it, an update came out, I liked it even better -
but a quick look at the lists seems promising, and for what it's worth he's
frequently in the wxpython groups.   To me, the best customer service is the
kind you never need to use (not saying bad things don't happen, just that
they haven't to me.  Yet.  Knock on wood.)

I don't mean to be such an evangelist for it, but it seemed I'd left a few
things out.
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