[Tutor] Beginner problem: name 'convertToFahrenheit' is not defined

Joseph Bae joeturf at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 01:08:30 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I'm new to Python (and programming in general) and need some help!

Here is my code so far for a temperature conversion program (converts
between Fahrenheit and Celsius):

temp = input("Enter A Number : ")
convertTo = raw_input("Convert To (F)ahrenheit or (C)elsius? : ")

if convertTo == "F":
    convertedTemp = convertToFahrenheit(temp)
    print "%d Celsius = %d Fahrenheit" % (temp, convertedTemp)
    convertedTemp = convertToCelsius(temp)
    print "%d Fahrenheit = %d Celsius" % (temp, convertedTemp)

def convertToFahrenheit(t):
    tF = (9.0/5.0) * (t + 32)
    return tF

def convertToCelsius(t):
    tC = (9.0/5.0) * (t - 32)
    return tC

It worked fine without having extra functions but once I put
convertToFahrenheit and convertToCelsius in (just for practice really), this

Enter A Number : 50
Convert to (F)ahrenheit or (C)elsius? : F
Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "TemperatureConverter.py", line 5, in <module>
          convertedTemp = convertToFahrenheit(temp)
NameError: name 'convertToFahrenheit' is not defined

This is most likely a very simple error, but can someone please clarify for
me why it's behaving this way?


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