[Tutor] Reformatting phone number

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 12:13:58 CEST 2008

2008/8/21 OmerT <Jaggojaggo+Py at gmail.com>:
> mostly, I google "docs.python" and the term or class I'm looking for.
> Mind, this mainly works for modules or classes which came with the interpreter.

Exactly- that only works for term, classes, and functions that you
already know the name of. The php docs have a list of all the
functions with a one-line description. It's very easy to find which
funtion performs what one needs.

I would have never found the startswith() function with the current
document structure. But I suppose that is subject for another thread,
which I am sure would degrade quickly into a flamewar. I don't want to
be the cause of that :)

Dotan Cohen



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