[Tutor] Fwd: hi...

W W srilyk at gmail.com
Sun Aug 24 14:18:02 CEST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: W W <srilyk at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] hi...
To: Alberto Perez <betopm at live.com.mx>

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 1:31 AM, Alberto Perez <betopm at live.com.mx> wrote:

>  I have a problem with python, I'm begginner in python. How clear the
> screen of GUI python interactive????

I'm not really aware of a way, other than to exit and restart. Is there any
particular reason you need/want to?

> and which is the difference between interactive mode and not interactive
> mode????

interactive mode executes each statement after you write it, for instance:

>>> x = 1
>>> x += 1
>>> print x
>>> y = x * 2
>>> print x, y
2 4

but if you put this in a file:

x = 1
x += 1
print x
y = x * 2
print x, y

then you run your file and it will output:
2 4

> because when I run a program in interactive mode, the program run very
> good, but if run in not interactive mode not show me error, but the return
> of function returns no value, this is the source code:

Your problem isn't that the function returns no value, it's that it doesn't
work like you think it should.

>  def suma(no1,no2):
>     total=no1+no2
>     return total

Right here your function returns the value of "total", not the actual

> print 'hola'
> opcion=input()
> if opcion==1:
>     print 'suma'
>     a=input()
>     b=input()
>     suma(a,b)

So right here, the line suma(a, b) does nothing for you, but evaluate the
total. If you want to print the value, you need to store it in a variable:

total = suma(a, b)

would work.

> the result of this code is:
> hola
> 1
> suma
> 5
> 7
> >>> total
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
>     total
> NameError: name 'total' is not defined
> >>>
> why this happens??? what I did wrong??? and why run very good in
> interactive mode??? thanks for help me and sorry for my bad english, I from
> Mexico and I english student. Thank you.

If you've read the above comments, hopefully that explains what you need. In
addition, I re-wrote your program to work properly:

def suma(no1, no2):
    total = no1 + no2
    return total

print 'Hola'
opcion = int(raw_input())
if opcion == 1:
    print 'Suma'
    a = int(raw_input())
    b = int(raw_input())
    total = suma (a, b)
    print total

Hope this helps,

To be considered stupid and to be told so is more painful than being called
gluttonous, mendacious, violent, lascivious, lazy, cowardly: every weakness,
every vice, has found its defenders, its rhetoric, its ennoblement and
exaltation, but stupidity hasn't. - Primo Levi

To be considered stupid and to be told so is more painful than being called
gluttonous, mendacious, violent, lascivious, lazy, cowardly: every weakness,
every vice, has found its defenders, its rhetoric, its ennoblement and
exaltation, but stupidity hasn't. - Primo Levi
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