[Tutor] sqlite3 Python25 parameter binding problem with UPDATEplease help
aivars868 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 19:33:20 CET 2008
Interestingly, when simply testing like this:
import sqlite3, sys
oCon.execute("""UPDATE rezerve SET latusaldo = ? WHERE gads = ?
it works. Therefore I am stuck since it looks like there is something
wrong in below function.
2008/12/2 aivars <aivars868 at gmail.com>:
> Alan,
> Thanks.
> Ok I should have been more precise and give more code
> There is what I do:
> def starpiba(year, month, day):
> datumsno=str(year+'-01-01') #beginning of year date
> datumsuz=str(year+'-'+month+'-'+day) #period end date
> result = (atlikumiBeiguKurss(year, month, day)-
> atlikumiDienasKurss(year, month, day))
> ##print result
> oCon=sqlite3.connect(sPATH)
> if result<=0:
> print abs(result)
> oCon.execute("UPDATE rezerve SET latusaldo =? where gads
> =?;",(result, [year]))
> oCon.commit()
> else:
> ##print 'aivars'
> oCon.execute("UPDATE rezerve SET latusaldo =? where gads
> =?;",(result, [year]))
> Please bear in mind I am a noob in Python and I write spaggeti code.
> There is a table in my sqlite database called rezerve which shows the
> breakdown of a consolidated reserves item in a consolidated balance
> sheet report (if that says anything to you) by years. For the previous
> years the numbers does not change since they are already reported but
> for the current year it may change month by month until reported.
> Therefore, I wanted to update the numbers for the current year.
> The above python function works OK.
> Thanks
> Aivars
> 2008/12/2 Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com>:
>> "aivars" <aivars868 at gmail.com> wrote
>>> oCon.execute("UPDATE rezerve SET latusaldo =? where gads =?;",(result,
>>> [year]))
>>> oCon.commit()
>>> it throws me the error:
>>> sqlite3.InterfaceError: error binding parameter 1 probably unsupported
>>> type
>> I assume its the [year] value it objects to.
>> I'm not sure what you expect SQLite to do with a list as a value, it does
>> not support a list type field.
>>> All works OK when using INSERT with the same parameters.
>> Are you sure? You can insert a list into a field?
>>> Maybe I should as this question on sqlite list?
>> Perhaps but I think it is the list parameter that it doesn't like.
>> Unless I misunderstand the syntax.
>> --
>> Alan Gauld
>> Author of the Learn to Program web site
>> http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/alan.gauld
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