[Tutor] To print docstrings

A.T.Hofkamp a.t.hofkamp at tue.nl
Thu Dec 4 16:10:45 CET 2008

prasad rao wrote:
> Hello  friends.
>  I am new to programing.I am learning Python.
> I failed in my attempts to retrive doc strings of methods in
> a module.
> """
> for x in dir(logging):
>  print x,x.__doc__
>  =============
> for x in dir(collections):
>  print x,collections.x.__doc__
> ==================

I am not sure what you are aiming for. If you just want to collect them for 
reading, http://docs.python.org/library/ is much easier.

If you want to produce documentation of your own modules, you may want to take 
a look at pydoc or epydoc.

If you want to collect the doc strings just for the sake of it, add them in a 
list instead of printing:

docs = []
for x in dir(collections):

or in one line:  docs = [x.__doc__ for x in dir(collections)]

if you want to make a single (possibly long string of text from that list, 
join the strings together as in

text = "\n".join(docs)

or all in one line (with a generator to suppress creation of the intermediate 

text = "\n".join(x.__doc__ for x in dir(collections))

>>>> def dd(o):
>  zx=dir (o)
>  for x in zx:
>   ax=o+x
>   print ax.__doc__

I have no idea what you are doing with 'ax' here.
You seem to be adding a module and one of its functions and assign the result 
to ax, an operation I don't understand.

If it is important for you, could you please provide some explanation of what 
you trying to do here?


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