[Tutor] TOT: what does the "@" operator mean?

Gregor Lingl gregor.lingl at aon.at
Tue Dec 16 19:19:43 CET 2008

Marc Tompkins schrieb:
> By the way, (totally off-topic, of course, my apologies): what do all
> y'all call the "@" operator?  Here in the States, we call it the
> "at-sign", which I find boring; I believe "sleepycat" is a
> Scandinavian thing (I picked it up in some long-forgotten article);
> some Russians refer to it as собака ("sobaka", dog) - again because it
> looks like an animal with its tail curled up.
In German we call it 'Klammeraffe' - which means 'spider monkey':
Don't know why, perhaps also because of it's long tail

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