[Tutor] MP3Info class usage

Todd Zullinger tmz at pobox.com
Sat Dec 20 19:49:31 CET 2008

Terry Carroll wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Dec 2008, Terry Carroll wrote:
>> It would be nice if Eyed3, which is not OS-specific, did not have
>> such an OS-specific install process.

Perhaps.  But someone who cares about windows support would have to
submit patches.  I don't know if Travis uses windows or not.  I have
submitted a number of patches to eyeD3, but I don't use windows at all
myself.  I can't see spending any time to support a proprietary OS. :)

And, to be fair, the install process isn't really OS-specific.  It
works on a large number of operating systems -- just not on Windows.

> You know, I just reinstalled Eyed3, and compared the installed
> result to the six files distributed in the zipped tarfile, and
> they're identical except that one file is named __init__.py.in
> instead of __init__.py, and has two doc variables defined with
> templates.
> If you want to avoid having to install a Unix-like environment,
> I suggest you just
> 1) unzip and untar the zipped tarfile,
> 2) copy the eyeD3 directory from  eyeD3-0.6.16/src/ to Python's
> Lib/site-packages/ directory
> 3) rename __init__.py.in to  __init__.py
> 4) (probably cosmetic) in __init__.py, edit the lines:
>   eyeD3Version = "@PACKAGE_VERSION@";
>   eyeD3Maintainer = "@PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@";
> to:
>   eyeD3Version = "0.6.16";
>   eyeD3Maintainer = "Travis Shirk <travis at pobox.com>";
> Someone else will now explain why this is a terrible idea.

I don't think it is a bad idea at all.  I was going to suggest
something similar.  If you do that, you should be able to copy the
src/eyeD3 directory somewhere in your PYTHONPATH and use it just fine.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
I like this 'God'; he's so deliciously evil.
    -- Stewie Griffin

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