[Tutor] Repply

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Dec 27 10:42:42 CET 2008

"prasad rao" <prasadaraon50 at gmail.com> wrote

> http://svn.python.org/view/python/trunk/Objects/listobject.c?rev=67498&view=markup
> Kent ! This is grek and latin to me.From the presence of header 
> files it
> looks C++.But headerfiles are not between '<'  and  '>' .

Its C rather than C++.
The <> in include statements are a variation on the "" which can also 
be used.
The differences are subtle and have to do with the search path I 
think. But its
been so long since I did serious C/++ I can't recall exactly!

> Alan Gauld! Basic exercises in C++ are to find min , malimum and 
> sorting.So
> I
> am just trying it in python.

Thats OK, I just wondered if you had some special algorithm you
needed to use or something.

Alan G. 

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