[Tutor] Bad time to get into Python?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 17:36:50 CET 2008

The little programming that I need I have been able to get away with
silly php and bash scripts. However, my needs are getting bigger and I
see Python as an ideal language for my console apps, and the
occasional GUI that I might write for the wife. However, with the
coming of Python3 and the new syntax, is this a bad time to start
learning Python? I don't want to learn 2.x if 3.x will replace it, and
not be compatible, in one year. I know that I can continue using 2.x,
but maybe I should wait until 3.x is released to start learning? What
does the community think?

That asked, I've heard that 2.6 can be configured to warn when using
code that will not run in 3.x. Is this correct? How is this done? I'd
like to do it on a per-file basis, so that I will only need to run one
version of python on this machine. I want my own apps to throw errors,
but not other python apps on this system. Is there some error-level
code that I can run?

Thanks in advance.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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