[Tutor] Hello and newbie question about "self"

Patrick python-list at puzzled.xs4all.nl
Mon Feb 4 01:34:05 CET 2008

Hi Michael,

Michael Langford wrote:
> In C, you may have "objectorientedesque" code like the following;
> struct net {
>     int foo;
>     int bar;
>     int baz;
> };
> void populate_net( struct net* mynet, int fooval, int barval)
> {
>       mynet->foo = fooval;
>       mynet->bar = barval;
>       mynet ->baz = fooval * 5;
> }
> int connect_to_net(struct net* mynet)
> {
>      return  open_internet_connection(mynet->foo);
> }
> int main (void)
> {
>       struct net inet;
>       populate_net(&inet,2,2);
>       int returncode = connect_to_net(&inet);
>       printf("%d\n",returncode);
> }

Heh I had to grab my C book and browse up on structs and pointers to get 
  an idea what this was all about :)

> In that batch of C code, you manipulate the struct without fiddling
> with its fields in the user code. You let the functions change its
> values so that they are done correctly.

Ok that makes sense.

> In python, you are doing something similar. However, they make some
> syntactic sugar to make it so you don't have to pass the object in
> explicily. That is what self is.

Got it.

> So the analgous python code is:
> class net(object):
>        def __init__(self,fooval,barbal):
>                self.foo = fooval
>                self.bar = barval
>                self.baz = fooval*5
>         def connect_to(self):
>                return open_internet_connection(self.foo)
> inet = net(2,2)
> returncode = inet.connect_to()
> print returncode
> See how you don't have to pass in the inet object in? Instead you call
> it with the inet.connect_to() function, and the object itself is
> passed in explicitly as self?

Aaah starting to understand now.

> That's all it is.
> Btw, make sure to always include "self". Otherwise you'll be writing a
> class method and it doesn't work the same way.

Thanks for the elaborate explanation!


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