[Tutor] good reference book recommendations

tyler tyler.smith at mail.mcgill.ca
Tue Feb 5 00:54:44 CET 2008


At the risk of beating a well-dead horse, I'm looking for book
suggestions. I've already got Core Python Programming, but I find it
doesn't quite suit my needs. I'd like a comprehensive and *concise*
reference to the core language and standard libraries. It looks like
Beazely's Essential Reference and the Martelli's Nutshell book are
both aimed to fill this role - any reason to choose one over the
other? The free library reference would almost do for me, except that
I want a hardcopy and it's a big document to print out.



I never loan my books, for people never return them. The only books remaining in
my library are those I’ve borrowed from others.

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