[Tutor] Import error in UNO

muhamed niyas cmniyas at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 13:00:34 CET 2008

Dear All,

I have a problem while importing UNO module in my windows vista. Openoffice
and its uno module is installed in D:\ drive and my application is running
in C:\ drive. i can import uno in interactive mode while moving to
'D:\Program Files\OpenOffice 2.0\program' location.
I am getting an error 'No module named uno' while running my application.
In my application i am moving to the location through os.chdir

    os.chdir("C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 2.0\program")
    import uno
    import unohelper

Also i set 'C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 2.0\program' in PATH evvironment

Thanks in advance.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Muhamed Niyas C
(GM, Core Solutions India)
Mobile: +91 9447 468825
URL: www.coresolutionsindia.com
Email: niyas at coresolutionsindia.com
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