[Tutor] read from standard input

Tiger12506 keridee at jayco.net
Thu Feb 14 22:06:53 CET 2008

> while 1 < 2:
while 1:
while True:
is more common

>    x = raw_input()
raw_input() always return a string, no matter what you type in.

>    if type(x) != int or x == 11:
type(x) is always <type 'str'>

x can never be 11, but can possibly be '11'.  (Notice quotes indicating 
string instead of integer)

If you want an integer you must say
x = int(raw_input())

>        break
>    else:
>        print x
> [/code]
> but don't work. and i'm interest in a general way to read until it is
> nothing to read.
> to ilustrate that in C:
> [code]
> int x;
> while( scanf("%d",&x) == 1 && x != 11)
>             printf("%d\n", x);
> [/code]
> Thanks!


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