[Tutor] Silly question: Modifying code while the script is running

Michael Langford mlangford.cs03 at gtalumni.org
Tue Feb 19 01:01:47 CET 2008

import sys
code = """import datetime
print 'This is a pile of arbitrary code to execute'
print sys.argv
print datetime.datetime.now()"""

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    print "Fooless"


On Feb 18, 2008 5:17 PM, Scott Wolcott <scottwolcott at gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay, I've got this ircbot that i wrote in python, and while we were all
> making Terminator jokes, it occurred to me that it would actually be
> reletively easy to have redqueen (that's the bot) write code into another
> file. Then you just have to specify the file and import the code and run it.
> It sounds possible, but there are a couple of things i'm not sure how to do.
> The biggest problem is I'm not sure how to run the external code. Does
> anyone know of good way to do this, or can someone just point me in the
> right direction?
> -Scott
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Michael Langford
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