[Tutor] reading webpage

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Tue Feb 19 13:46:48 CET 2008

Guess?!? wrote:
> Hi Kent,
> Broken machine gives
> IDLE 1.2.1     
>  >>> import urllib
>  >>> print urllib.getproxies()
> {'http': 'http://proxy-address:port' <http://proxy-address:port'>}
>  >>>
> correct machine gives empty dictionary ... { }

Well that is the problem. Now you have to fix it. The proxy comes either 
from the environment variable HTTP_PROXY or from the Windows registry, I 
think it is the proxyServer value of the key 
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
but I'm not on Windows and this is no longer a Python question so that 
is as far as I will take it.


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