[Tutor] results not quite 100 percent yet

bhaaluu bhaaluu at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 14:13:36 CET 2008

On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 7:32 AM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net> wrote:
>  > Other beginning programers shouldn't have any problems using
>  > these routines.
>  As long as they use the same number of rooms and entrance and exit
>  rooms, or they know the places to make the magic edits...
>  Kent

Well, no one was able to suggest anything that worked 100% of the time
before. No one.  One routine allots the treasure, The other routine
allots the monsters. Each routine does one thing, and does it well (100%).
It's a text adventure game. It has its own framework.

What? You show me what you're talking about, and I'll run it through my
test script. Your 'clarity' solution should be easily dropped in to replace
the two routines that already work 100% of the time already.
Python please.
The reorganization should be for 'clarity' (a Noob should be able to understand
it, and port it easily to other games that have more or less rooms
[will they have
to make any magic edits anywhere]. Oh, and these clarity routines should be
shorter (in length?).

> Good. However they are longer than necessary.

Did I cover all the things needed? Wait!
No duplications... and something about the random numbers and selection
in the same place? I really don't understand that (yet).

The table is directly related to the map of the game. In the old games, the
monsters and treasures are all in the last column. In the new game, there
are two colums, one for monsters, and the other for treasure. In the treasure
column, numbers 4-18 are distributed randomly to 43 rooms, minus the
entrance, exit, and a 'death' room, and not overwriting numbers 1-3 which
are 'hard-wired' to certain rooms. These numbers reference lists of treasure
names. Likewise, the monster column gets numbers 1-15 distributed
randomly, except for the entrance, exit and 'death' room. These numbers
are also references to list elements.

I wrote the new routines for the new 43-room game. They work 100% of the time.
With minor modifications, they dropped right into the old games. If I make
another new game, with different entrance, exit, or other special rooms,
these routines should drop right in and with minor modifications, just work.
This is the 'framework' for these programs. 8^D

Happy Programming!
b h a a l u u at g m a i l dot c o m
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