[Tutor] Question on multithreading

Thomas Pani thomas.pani at gmail.com
Sun Feb 24 12:15:56 CET 2008


Here are some thoughts:

 From the Python Library Reference: "If the subclass overrides the 
constructor, it must make sure to invoke the base class constructor 
(Thread.__init__()) before doing anything else to the thread." You'll 
have to do that for your GuiScript class.

You can't just stop a thread, you can only wait for it to finish using 
join(). Or you can set its deamon flag, so it will exit when no 
non-daemon threads are left.

Is there any reason for starting the GUI code in a separate thread? You 
could just leave it in the main thread.

For some general notes on this topic this might be helpful:

Thomas Pani

Varsha Purohit wrote:
> Hello,
>     i have a gui program in wxpython where i am spawning two threads. 
> one for the mainloop of gui and other for some background tasks. I have 
> to stop the background running thread once its work is done. I am trying 
> to use the join method but it is giving me an error saying threads 
> cannot be joined as the thread has just been created... whereas at that 
> point the thread is done with its job. So i am confused whether i am 
> putting it correctly or not. also, is there any method called stop() to 
> stop the threads....Also, i want to see if the thread is alive or not.. 
> but i donno where should i put the isAlive() method associated with the 
> thread.. i tried putting it in the code where thread does execution but 
> apparently it is not the correct place.........
> Here is the code...
> class GuiScript(threading.Thread):
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.run()
>     def run(self):
>         app = wx.PySimpleApp()
>         MainWindow().Show()
>         app.MainLoop()
> class RunScript(threading.Thread):
>     def run(self):
>         imFile=test()
> and when the stop button is pressed the two threads should stop 
> executing... so i have written code like this...
> def OnCloseWindow(self,event):
>         GuiScript().Stop()
>         RunScript().Stop()
>         self.Destroy()
> but seems stop() method is not existing... can anybody guide me plzzzz
> thanks,
> -- 
> Varsha Purohit,
> Graduate Student
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