[Tutor] new on the list

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Thu Feb 28 13:39:28 CET 2008

tonytraductor at linguasos.org wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm Tony.  I'm a translator.
> This is my first post to this list.


> tcl.tk makes
> it easy to build a gui, as easy as writing html, really).

Python has a version of tk also, called Tkinter. You might want to learn 
about it:

> I have made a couple of friends on-line, real
> hackers, who have decided to help teach me.

There are several good Python tutorials for non-programmers available 
on-line, you might want to read one of them:

The book "Python Programming for absolute beginners" is another good 
place to start. It has exercises similar to the ones your friends gave you.


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