[Tutor] Programming Ideas, need some focus

Michael Langford mlangford.cs03 at gtalumni.org
Fri Jan 18 23:25:31 CET 2008

For those of you interested in hacking on the OLPC, IBM is putting up
a tutorial that goes through all the stuff with Qemu etc:


On 1/16/08, Fiyawerx <fiyawerx at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been over google for hours now, and I'm sort of at a lull in my
> learning, as I don't really have a current "goal". I know I could set some
> easy goal like to learn a specific function or feature, but I still have a
> hard time with that approach also. I was wondering if anyone knows of any
> sites where people might request "projects" almost like rentacoder, but for
> free stuff and/or just for fun. Almost an 'It would be nice if I had a
> program that did this.. " type of thing to give me some direction. Or does
> anyone else have any ideas for some types of programs that might actually
> prove useful to people for beginners to work on?
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Michael Langford
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Consulting: http://www.RowdyLabs.com

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