[Tutor] Tree Ctrl Data Structure - Help, please!

lauren at protopc.com lauren at protopc.com
Thu Jul 17 02:45:20 CEST 2008

Thanks also for your help!

So taking into account that tree data structures can be created as a
nested tuples...

Do you have any pointers on how to get from here

continent = ["australia", "europe", "america", "asia"]
country = [["spain", "germany", "belgium"], ["united states", "canada"]]
state = ["california", "oregon", "arizona"]

To here:

    ("australia", []),
    ("north america",
        [("united states",[
        ("canada", []),
    ("asia", [])


Thanks Again!

> I think the normal way of representing a tree in python would be as
> (value, children) tuples.
> In this case, you would have:
> geo = [('australia', []), ('europe', [('spain', []), ('germany', []),
> ('belgium', [])]),
>            ('america', [('california', [('los angeles', []), ('san
> francisco', [])]),
>                              ('texas', [('detroit', [])])]),
>            # etc
>           ]
> This lets you avoid messy isinstance testing to figure out if you've
> got a value or a list of children.
> (admittedly, it can be hard to keep track of the brackets, but good
> indentation and a monospaced font should help out)
> --
> John.

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