[Tutor] Raw string

Neven Goršić neven.gorsic at gmail.com
Mon Jul 21 14:55:13 CEST 2008

2008/7/21 Martin Walsh <mwalsh at groktech.org>:
> Neven Goršić wrote:
>> I read from one file plenty of parameters and among them one file name
>> of other file.
>> That file name is 'e:\mm tests\1. exp files\5.MOC-1012.exp' and I hold
>> it in variable s.
> As John pointed out, if you're really reading this string from a file
> (with something like file.read or ConfigParser) it should already be
> escaped properly, and you'd get back something like 'e:\\mm tests\\1.
> exp files\\5.MOC-1012.exp' instead. Which would probably work for your
> purposes.
> Can you show us an example of the approach you're using to 'read'
> parameters from a file, including the variable assignment?
> Marty
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I reconfigured file my parameter file. I left only one parameter in that line
(path) and write path without ''. Then f.readline() get correct raw string
and I can get path and file name properly by means of os.path.split(line).

Thank you for your good will

Neven Gorsic

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