[Tutor] Using SAPI 5 Voices and Methods

FT chester_lab at fltg.net
Wed Jun 18 14:36:58 CEST 2008

    As a note to this message post: 
    the error I was getting for both the spell and the isfilename was traced down to simple factors. One problem is finding clear explanations and then checking the erroor codes. I found both on the issues mentioned about the SAPI 5 issues. The test I was running and encountered an error with the spell command came from using 2 different type voice packages as one. What I am saying is that I had the 3 Microsoft voices Sam, Mike, and Mary loaded in with 6 eSpeak voices and the error came when I did a test using the eSpeak voice. Once I used the Microsoft voice the error went away. 
The error I traced to being a unsupported operator type in the ctypes error list:
"Condition operator not supported for specified type."

Error List:

    The other error came from the open file command, which when using XML commands it is an Internet, Navigator error. When trying to understand the commands and the formats I could not truely understand what was being said, so I thought it could read a text.txt file but it does not. The isfilename comand is for reading a .wav file only. So I got rid of an flags except the isfilename flag, or 4 on the list and it worked. It will also work for sync or async, but you have to understand what each flat means and what it blocks. So this is the error description when using a wrong file type in the sapi XML ISFILENAME flag:

List Of Error Codes:

NavigateError Event Status Codes
This page lists the possible values for the StatusCode parameter of the

 (0x800C000DL or -2146697203)

    There a lot of error codes on both lists and you just have to search the code number you wish to find. I am posting this for anyone that may encounter such errors when using SAPI 5 commands.

Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 11:40 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Using SAPI 5 Voices and Methods!

    I guess in some cases the email message gets messed up so I attached the
SAPI 5 test for voices along with an HTML version using Java Script. It also
has the methods and a voice by name assignment since the voices are an array
list by element. So I use the description to find the name. It also lists
the voice names in the console field.

    I guess you could also use the pyTTS version as well. I did have one
problem and that was the isfilename flag seems to get an error. But, also my
spell tag did not work on my tower computer, but did work on my Lap Top. Do
not know why, but it could be a version issue. Yet the isfilename also does
not work on the Lap Top, so who knows.

    Anyway, have fun and install if for either your games or web pages...

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