From rdm at  Sat Mar  1 00:13:34 2008
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 15:13:34 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] How to open IE7 to a certain URL?
In-Reply-To: <OFF6D3AA76.B280804F-ONC12573FE.007855BD-C12573FE.0079AD6C@>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 02:09 PM 2/29/2008, J?nos Juh?sz wrote:
> > > I've got this so far:
> > >
> > > #!/usr/bin/env python
> > > #coding=utf-8
> > > import time
> > > b = '20:00:00'
> > > while True:
> > >      a = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
> > >      time.sleep(0.5)
> > >      if a == b:
> > >          print "TIME!"
> > >          break
> > >
>It needn't to make this comparison in every 0.5 seconds.
>Calculate how long to sleep and ask that from the pc.
>import time
>b = '20:00:00'
>(bhour, bmin, bsec) = b.split(':')
>bsec = int(bsec) + int(bmin)*60 + int(bhour)*360
>while True:
>     act = time.localtime()
>     actsec = act.tm_sec + act.tm_min*60 + act.tm_hour*360
>     wait = bsec - actsec
>     if wait < 0:
>         wait += 360*24 # it will be tomorrow
>     time.sleep(wait)
>     print 'I am doing!'
>     break

Ah, very nice! (But all the '360's should be '3600', of course.)

Thanks, Janos.


From alan.gauld at  Sat Mar  1 00:29:02 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 23:29:02 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Need help with encoder & decryption keys
References: <>
Message-ID: <fqa4g0$muf$>

"Trey Keown" <trey at> wrote

> from being isolated, and messages being intercepted. So... is it
> possible to decompile things within a .pyc file?

Yes its definitely possible and in fact not even difficult - the tools
come with Python.

Do not do that if you want real security. Use a separate data file
and put the encryption there.

Alan G 

From kent37 at  Sat Mar  1 00:54:42 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 18:54:42 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Need help with encoder & decryption keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Trey Keown wrote:
> is it
> possible to decompile things within a .pyc file?

Yes, it is possible. There is a commercial service that will do this, 
for older versions of Python at least.

To figure out a secret key kept in a .pyc file it might be enough to 
disassemble functions in the module; that can be done with the standard 
dis module.

And of course if you stored the secrets as module globals all you have 
to do is import the module and print the value...


From rdm at  Sat Mar  1 01:15:07 2008
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 16:15:07 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] How to open IE7 to a certain URL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

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From keridee at  Sat Mar  1 01:25:40 2008
From: keridee at (Tiger12506)
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 19:25:40 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] How to open IE7 to a certain URL?
References: <><>
Message-ID: <003401c87b32$cb1fa890$a8fce004@jslaptop>

time.sleep is not exactly accurate, so I would suggest that you use this 
method, short 5 minutes or so and then do a sleep(10) or so in a loop to get 
closer to the time.

>>import time
>>b = '20:00:00'
>>(bhour, bmin, bsec) = b.split(':')
>>bsec = int(bsec) + int(bmin)*60 + int(bhour)*360
>>while True:
>>     act = time.localtime()
>>     actsec = act.tm_sec + act.tm_min*60 + act.tm_hour*360
>>     wait = bsec - actsec
>>     if wait < 0:
>>         wait += 360*24 # it will be tomorrow
>>     time.sleep(wait)
>>     print 'I am doing!'
>>     break
> Ah, very nice! (But all the '360's should be '3600', of course.)
> Thanks, Janos.
> Dick
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From cfuller084 at  Sat Mar  1 01:48:02 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 18:48:02 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] How to open IE7 to a certain URL?
In-Reply-To: <003401c87b32$cb1fa890$a8fce004@jslaptop>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Friday 29 February 2008 18:25, Tiger12506 wrote:
> time.sleep is not exactly accurate, so I would suggest that you use this
> method, short 5 minutes or so and then do a sleep(10) or so in a loop to
> get closer to the time.

Another advantage to shorter sleeps is it reduces the latency of anything else 
your program needs to do, such as exit gracefully, reschedule the event, or 
whatever.  Not too short, because that uses more CPU time.

It also makes a difference if the clock gets reset :)


From cfuller084 at  Sat Mar  1 01:33:22 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 18:33:22 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] How to open IE7 to a certain URL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I left out the daily increment. there should be a event_time += 86400  end of 
the inner loop.

while True:
   while time()<event_time and not quit():

   if quit():

   event_time += 86400

From cfuller at  Sat Mar  1 01:11:14 2008
From: cfuller at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 18:11:14 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] How to open IE7 to a certain URL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Friday 29 February 2008 12:24, Dick Moores wrote:
> .

Try this to start, then turn into a service with FireDaemon,  You'll need to fill in the quit() function, and 
the particulars for your media player.

from time import mktime, strftime, strptime, localtime, time, sleep

# return true if the program should exit
def quit():

import subprocess
def launch():
   args = ( 'c:\\pathto\\cmd', '' )

# get the seconds since epoch of midnight, add the desired time of day,
# and convert back into seconds since epoch. We'll wake up just a bit
# early, so we can use a coarser timer.

event_time = mktime(strptime(strftime('%Y%m%d',

while True:
   while time()<event_time and not quit():

   if quit():



From govindgoyal at  Sat Mar  1 06:23:21 2008
From: govindgoyal at (govind goyal)
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 10:53:21 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] serial -->file tranfer
Message-ID: <>


I have a modem connect to my Windows XP PC through a serial cable.
I Want to transfer the file(e.g '.TXT' format) from XP PC to serial modem
and also
from Serial modem to winXP PC.

Can anybody help me out how to do it in Python and provide some sample code
or useful links
so that I can proceed further in my project??

All help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Sat Mar  1 14:01:14 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2008 08:01:14 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] serial -->file tranfer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

govind goyal wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a modem connect to my Windows XP PC through a serial cable.
> I Want to transfer the file(e.g '.TXT' format) from XP PC to serial 
> modem and also
> from Serial modem to winXP PC.
> Can anybody help me out how to do it in Python and provide some sample 
> code or useful links
> so that I can proceed further in my project??

The enhancedserial example looks pretty close to what you need:


From ricaraoz at  Sat Mar  1 17:15:23 2008
From: ricaraoz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Ricardo_Ar=E1oz?=)
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2008 13:15:23 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] comparison bug in python  (or do I not get it?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Hans Fangohr wrote:
> Hi Kent,
>> Hans Fangohr wrote:
>>> In [2]: 2 in [1,2,3] == True
>>> Out[2]: False
>>> Why does [2] return False? Would people agree that this is a bug?
>> No, not a bug. Don't be too quick to blame your tools!
> That's good news. I'd be worried if this wasn't the desired behaviour
> -- I just hadn't understood the logic.
>> The equivalent expression is
>> In [1]: (2 in [1,2,3]) and ([1,2,3]==False)
>> Out[1]: False
> Ah -- that's the way to read it!
>> 'in' is considered a comparison operator and can be chained with other
>> comparisons. For a clearer example, consider
>> In [2]: 2 < 3 < 4
>> Out[2]: True
>> which is not the same as
>> In [3]: 2 < (3 < 4)
>> Out[3]: False
>> or
>> In [4]: (2 < 3) < 4
>> Out[4]: True
>> It is equivalent to
>> In [5]: (2 < 3) and (3 < 4)
>> Out[5]: True
> Well explained -- makes perfect sense now.

Just one further question :

 >>> 1 == True
 >>> 5 == True

and yet

 >>> if 5 : print 'True'

I thought a non-zero or non-empty was evaluated as True. Now in the 5 == 
True line I'm not saying "5 is True", shouldn't it evaluate just like 
the "if" statement?

From kent37 at  Sat Mar  1 16:39:41 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2008 10:39:41 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] comparison bug in python  (or do I not get it?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Ricardo Ar?oz wrote:
>  >>> 1 == True
> True

Yes, True is an integer with value 1. Actually True is a bool but bool 
is a subclass of int:
In [3]: type(True)
Out[3]: <type 'bool'>
In [4]: isinstance(True, int)
Out[4]: True
In [5]: int(True)
Out[5]: 1

>  >>> 5 == True
> False

Right, because 5 != 1

> and yet
>  >>> if 5 : print 'True'
> True
> I thought a non-zero or non-empty was evaluated as True.

Yes, in a boolean context 5 is evaluated as True:
In [7]: bool(5)
Out[7]: True

 From the docs:
In the context of Boolean operations, and also when expressions are used 
by control flow statements, the following values are interpreted as 
false: False, None, numeric zero of all types, and empty strings and 
containers (including strings, tuples, lists, dictionaries, sets and 
frozensets). All other values are interpreted as true.

  Now in the 5 ==
> True line I'm not saying "5 is True", shouldn't it evaluate just like 
> the "if" statement?

No. When you say
   if 5:
you are implicitly converting 5 to a boolean and the 'non-zero evaluates 
to True' rule applies. When you say
   if 5 == True:
you are explicitly comparing the two values and 5 is not converted to 

 From the docs:
The operators <, >, ==, >=, <=, and != compare the values of two 
objects. The objects need not have the same type. If both are numbers, 
they are converted to a common type.

The first one is equivalent to
   if bool(5):
while the second one is
   if 5 == int(True):


From kent37 at  Sat Mar  1 16:41:29 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2008 10:41:29 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Need help with encoder & decryption keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Trey Keown wrote:

> mmm... So, what would be an effective way to hide the data's key?
> I'm kind of new to the whole encryption scene, although I've had some
> experience with it whilst working on homebrew software on gaming
> platforms.

I don't know, I'm not a crypto expert. I guess it depends partly on what 
you are trying to do.

I do have a little experience with SSH, it stores keys in files in the 
filesystem and relies on the OS to protect them from unauthorized access.


PS Please use Reply All to reply to the list.

From cfuller084 at  Sat Mar  1 18:13:08 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 11:13:08 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Need help with encoder & decryption keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Friday 29 February 2008 16:30, Trey Keown wrote:
> Hey all,
>   Been away for a while. So, I'm in the process of making a program for
> encrypting and decrypting strings of text. And I was wondering how it
> would be possible to perhaps keep keys in a .pyc file, and keep them
> from being isolated, and messages being intercepted. So... is it
> possible to decompile things within a .pyc file?
>   This isn't for any serius project, just me attempting to make something
> to prove that I can do it.
> Thanks for any help.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

The best you can do is to make it tricky to reverse engineer. ?Same goes for 
compiled code or assembly, only those are admittedly closer to the "bare 
metal". ?Java and C# Care also "byte-compiled" languages, and I think Java 
has some security features, although I don't know what they are.

Don't use a fixed constant. ?Compute the key, and spread the dependencies 
around. ?You could mix in a deterministic random number generator.

Of course, this is all useless if your program can be inspected while its 
running. ?It's impossible, in principle, really, when the recipient of the 
secret message and the eavesdropper are the same entity.

Still, unless you have determined adversaries, it won't be worth the trouble. ?
Plenty good enough for casual use, but don't bet national security on it or 


From bgailer at  Sat Mar  1 19:27:00 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2008 13:27:00 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] comparison bug in python  (or do I not get it?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Ricardo Ar?oz wrote:
> Just one further question :
>  >>> 1 == True
> True
>  >>> 5 == True
> False
> and yet
>  >>> if 5 : print 'True'
> True
> I thought a non-zero or non-empty was evaluated as True. Now in the 5 == 
> True line I'm not saying "5 is True", shouldn't it evaluate just like 
> the "if" statement?
Python Library Reference: 3.1 Truth Value Testing:

Any object can be tested for truth value, for use in an if or while 
condition or as operand of the Boolean operations below. The following 
values are considered false:

zero of any numeric type, for example, 0, 0L, 0.0, 0j.
any empty sequence, for example, '', (), [].
any empty mapping, for example, {}.
instances of user-defined classes, if the class defines a __nonzero__() 
or __len__() method, when that method returns the integer zero or bool 
value False.3.1

All other values are considered true -- so objects of many types are 
always true.

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From varsha.purohit at  Sun Mar  2 17:12:02 2008
From: varsha.purohit at (Varsha Purohit)
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2008 08:12:02 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] Finding image statistics
Message-ID: <>

Hello All,
      i have an application where i am comparing two images and highlighting
the difference part in a separate image. I am using ImageChops subtract
method. Here is the code:"./pics/original.jpg")
        diff = ImageChops.subtract(file1,file2,0.3)"./pics/diff"+".jpg")

I found ImageStat module of pil but i am not sure how to use the methods of
this module in this application.

I want to find other image statistics such as finding number of pixels which
exist after taking difference between two images, getting sum of all pixels
and area of pixels that are in that image etc.

please guide me regarding this...


Varsha Purohit,
Graduate Student
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Sun Mar  2 18:02:26 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2008 12:02:26 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] Finding image statistics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Varsha Purohit wrote:
> of this module in this application.
> I want to find other image statistics such as finding number of pixels 
> which exist after taking difference between two images, getting sum of 
> all pixels and area of pixels that are in that image etc.

I don't think you can get all of that out of ImageStat, it is pretty basic.

In [18]: import Image, ImageStat
In [19]:'kent.jpg')
In [21]: s=ImageStat.Stat(i)
In [23]: s.extrema
Out[23]: [(0, 255), (0, 255), (0, 251)]
In [24]: s.count
Out[24]: [43200, 43200, 43200]
In [25]: s.mean
Out[25]: [116.61453703703704, 103.23967592592592, 97.624606481481479]



From varsha.purohit at  Sun Mar  2 18:48:24 2008
From: varsha.purohit at (Varsha Purohit)
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2008 09:48:24 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] Finding image statistics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yes i am getting this but i was confused why i am getting 3 values for
count, extrema.. and dats y i couldn't figure out how to find area of those

On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 9:02 AM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Varsha Purohit wrote:
> > of this module in this application.
> >
> > I want to find other image statistics such as finding number of pixels
> > which exist after taking difference between two images, getting sum of
> > all pixels and area of pixels that are in that image etc.
> I don't think you can get all of that out of ImageStat, it is pretty
> basic.
> In [18]: import Image, ImageStat
> In [19]:'kent.jpg')
> In [21]: s=ImageStat.Stat(i)
> In [23]: s.extrema
> Out[23]: [(0, 255), (0, 255), (0, 251)]
> In [24]: s.count
> Out[24]: [43200, 43200, 43200]
> In [25]: s.mean
> Out[25]: [116.61453703703704, 103.23967592592592, 97.624606481481479]
> etc.
> Kent

Varsha Purohit,
Graduate Student
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Sun Mar  2 23:01:02 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2008 17:01:02 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] Finding image statistics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Varsha Purohit wrote:
> Yes i am getting this but i was confused why i am getting 3 values for 
> count, extrema.. and dats y i couldn't figure out how to find area of 
> those pixels......

 From the docs: "The following attributes contain a sequence with one 
element for each layer in the image. " So the three values are for the 
red, green and blue components (assuming you have an RGB image).

What pixels do you want the area of? Wouldn't that just be the pixel 
count times the pixel size (which you would have to know independently 
from the geometry of the camera and scene)?


From varsha.purohit at  Mon Mar  3 01:09:15 2008
From: varsha.purohit at (Varsha Purohit)
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2008 16:09:15 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] Finding image statistics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I am getting this list as an output

[268541.0, 264014.0, 324155.0]

Actually in my code i am finding difference between two images and i need to
count the number of pixels which appear as a difference of these two images.
These values i m getting as output are little large.

i m pasting my code again...."./pics/original.jpg")
        diff = ImageChops.subtract(file1,file2,0.3)
        stat1 = ImageStat.Stat(diff)

        print count1"./pics/diff"+".jpg")

AS you can see i am finding difference of two images which are nearly
identical. But they have some pixels that are different and i can see that
in the output image diff.jpg. So i am trying to put this difference image in
the imagestat and trying to see if i can get to count the number of pixels


On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 9:48 AM, Varsha Purohit <varsha.purohit at>

> Yes i am getting this but i was confused why i am getting 3 values for
> count, extrema.. and dats y i couldn't figure out how to find area of those
> pixels......
> On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 9:02 AM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> > Varsha Purohit wrote:
> > > of this module in this application.
> > >
> > > I want to find other image statistics such as finding number of pixels
> > > which exist after taking difference between two images, getting sum of
> > > all pixels and area of pixels that are in that image etc.
> >
> > I don't think you can get all of that out of ImageStat, it is pretty
> > basic.
> >
> > In [18]: import Image, ImageStat
> > In [19]:'kent.jpg')
> > In [21]: s=ImageStat.Stat(i)
> > In [23]: s.extrema
> > Out[23]: [(0, 255), (0, 255), (0, 251)]
> > In [24]: s.count
> > Out[24]: [43200, 43200, 43200]
> > In [25]: s.mean
> > Out[25]: [116.61453703703704, 103.23967592592592, 97.624606481481479]
> >
> > etc.
> >
> > Kent
> >
> --
> Varsha Purohit,
> Graduate Student

Varsha Purohit,
Graduate Student
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Mon Mar  3 01:45:33 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2008 19:45:33 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] Finding image statistics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Varsha Purohit wrote:
> I am getting this list as an output
> [268541.0, 264014.0, 324155.0]

This is the sum of the values of the red pixels, etc. They are not 
counts, but sums. So if you have an image with the two pixels
(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6) you would get a sum of (5, 7, 9).
> Actually in my code i am finding difference between two images and i 
> need to count the number of pixels which appear as a difference of these 
> two images. These values i m getting as output are little large.

So you want a count of the number of pixels that differ between the two 
images? Maybe this:

diff = ImageChops.difference(file1, file2)

# Convert to grayscale so differences are counted just once per pixel
diff = ImageOps.grayscale(diff)

# Convert each difference to 0 or 1 so we can count them
# Clipping function
def clip(x):
   return 1 if x >= 1 else 0

# Apply the clipping function
diff = Image.eval(diff, clip)

print ImageStat.Stat(diff).sum


> i m pasting my code again....
>         diff = ImageChops.subtract(file1,file2,0.3)
>         stat1 = ImageStat.Stat(diff)
>         count1=stat1.sum
>         print count1
> AS you can see i am finding difference of two images which are nearly 
> identical. But they have some pixels that are different and i can see 
> that in the output image diff.jpg. So i am trying to put this difference 
> image in the imagestat and trying to see if i can get to count the 
> number of pixels .......

From andreas at  Mon Mar  3 14:28:11 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 14:28:11 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Need help with encoder & decryption keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

And if it's a string constant, in many cases running strings (Unix 
program) on the pyc file will reveal it too.

All this basically turns down to the problem, that it's hard to embed an 
encryption key in a program, so that it's not possible to extract it.

Notice the the current crop of HDDVD/Blueray decrypters, that tend to 
derive their copy of the key by extracting it from legal software players.

(Hint: it's a basically unsolvable problem, notice how the industry 
"solved" it by making that kind of analysis illegal, DMCA is the hint here.)

If you want to have "typical" C program security for embedded key data, 
the only thing that you can do is to make a Pyrex module (Which gets 
compiled to C, and is loaded as an .so shared library).

As pointed out above, this is not really safe, it just makes it slightly 
harder to extract the data.

Some thoughts:

1.) the data cannot be made accessible to Python, or else you can read 
it out. That means decryption/encryption needs to be done in Pyrex/C. 
PLUS Pyrex should not use any Python functions/modules to achieve the 
goal. (import secretmodule ; print secretmodule.value. OR: import md5 ; 
md5.md5 = myLoggingMd5Replacement )

2.) the stuff done in your C module cannot be to trivial, or an attacker 
that is determinated can easily remove references to the module.

So to summarize: Your idea usually makes no sense. It clearly falls into 
the "know what you are doing and why" ** n category, with n > 1 ;)
There might be technical or legal reasons to do that, BUT they are 
really, really seldom.

And this category question is usually not really appropriate for a 
tutoring mailing list :)

The only way to make sure something is not compromised is to avoid 
giving it out completely, and put it on your own servers. Again, the 
above thoughts apply. Plus consider that your program is running in an 
environment that you do not control: E.g. even if you communicate via 
SSL and check certificates, and embed the CA certificate into your app 
so that it cannot be easily replaced. Consider loading a small wrapper 
for SSL_read/SSL_write via LD_PRELOAD. Oops, the user just learned the 
complete clear text of your communication. Worse if it's to simple he 
can just replace the data, worst case by loading a wrapper around 
openssl that mimics the server.

It's no fun, and the easiest way is to give your users the access (e.g. 
the source code). This stops the crowd that has to prove itself for the 
fun of breaking a security system. (And yes, there are people that do 
that). Then put your rules into the LICENSE. That lays out the rules 
what is allowed. And in some cases, add some lines that check 
"licenses", so a customer cannot claim that he ran your program 
unauthorized by mistake. Not much more you can do here, sorry.

Making it hard to remove the license check means just that the fun crowd 
might get motivated into breaking it. Leaving out at least some checks 
means that users can claim that they ran a copy of your program by 
mistake. That might have legal ramifications, and worse, in many cases 
(if you are not a member of BSA), you wouldn't want to sue a customer 
anyway, right? (Nothing surer to piss off a customer than to sue him.)


Kent Johnson wrote:
> Trey Keown wrote:
>> is it
>> possible to decompile things within a .pyc file?
> Yes, it is possible. There is a commercial service that will do this, 
> for older versions of Python at least.
> To figure out a secret key kept in a .pyc file it might be enough to 
> disassemble functions in the module; that can be done with the standard 
> dis module.
> And of course if you stored the secrets as module globals all you have 
> to do is import the module and print the value...
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From andreas at  Mon Mar  3 14:31:35 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 14:31:35 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Need help with encoder & decryption keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Well, actually, ssh can also protect private keys with a cryptographic 
pass phrase. But this is often not what is wanted as it implies that the 
user needs to provide the pass phrase every time it is used. (Well, 
that's not the complete truth, man ssh-agent, but that's completely 
different thing ;) )


Kent Johnson wrote:
> Trey Keown wrote:
>> mmm... So, what would be an effective way to hide the data's key?
>> I'm kind of new to the whole encryption scene, although I've had some
>> experience with it whilst working on homebrew software on gaming
>> platforms.
> I don't know, I'm not a crypto expert. I guess it depends partly on what 
> you are trying to do.
> I do have a little experience with SSH, it stores keys in files in the 
> filesystem and relies on the OS to protect them from unauthorized access.
> Kent
> PS Please use Reply All to reply to the list.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From eric at  Mon Mar  3 15:19:42 2008
From: eric at (Eric Abrahamsen)
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 22:19:42 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] sorting objects on two attributes
Message-ID: <>

I have a grisly little sorting problem to which I've hacked together a  
solution, but I'm hoping someone here might have a better suggestion.

I have a list of objects, each of which has two attributes, object_id  
and submit_date. What I want is to sort them by content_type, then by  
submit_date within content_type, and then sort each content_type block  
according to which block has the newest object by submit_date. (This  
sequence of sorting might not be optimal, I'm not sure). I'm actually  
creating a list of recent comments on blog entries for a python-based  
web framework, and want to arrange the comments according to blog  
entry (content_type), by submit_date within that entry, with the  
entries with the newest comments showing up on top.

I don't believe a single cmp function fed to list.sort() can do this,  
because you can't know how two objects should be compared until you  
know all the values for all the objects. I'd be happy to be proven  
wrong here.

After some false starts with dictionaries, here's what I've got.  
Queryset is the original list of comments (I'm doing this in django),  
and it returns a list of lists, though I might flatten it afterwards.  
It works, but it's ghastly unreadable and if there were a more  
graceful solution I'd feel better about life in general:

def make_com_list(queryset):
    ids = set([com.object_id for com in queryset])
    xlist = [[com for com in queryset if com.object_id == i] for i in  
    for ls in xlist:
        ls.sort(key=lambda x: x.submit_date)
    xlist.sort(key=lambda x: max([com.submit_date for com in x]),  
    return xlist

I'd appreciate any hints!


From andreas at  Mon Mar  3 15:42:43 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 15:42:43 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] sorting objects on two attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1204555363.9927.13.camel@localhost>

Well, this assumes that all named attributes do exist. If not, you need
to replace x.attr with getattr(x, "attr", defaultvalue) ;)

l.sort(key=lambda x: (x.content_type, x.submit_date))

Now, you can construct a sorted list "t":

t = []
for key, item_iterator in itertools.groupby(l, key=lambda x: (x.content_type, x.submit_date)):
    sorted_part = sorted(item_iterator, key=lambda x: x.submit_date)
    t.append((sorted_part[-1].submit_date, key, sorted_part))


t = sum([x[2] for x in t], [])

Totally untested, as written in the MTA :)


Am Montag, den 03.03.2008, 22:19 +0800 schrieb Eric Abrahamsen:
> I have a grisly little sorting problem to which I've hacked together a  
> solution, but I'm hoping someone here might have a better suggestion.
> I have a list of objects, each of which has two attributes, object_id  
> and submit_date. What I want is to sort them by content_type, then by  
> submit_date within content_type, and then sort each content_type block  
> according to which block has the newest object by submit_date. (This  
> sequence of sorting might not be optimal, I'm not sure). I'm actually  
> creating a list of recent comments on blog entries for a python-based  
> web framework, and want to arrange the comments according to blog  
> entry (content_type), by submit_date within that entry, with the  
> entries with the newest comments showing up on top.
> I don't believe a single cmp function fed to list.sort() can do this,  
> because you can't know how two objects should be compared until you  
> know all the values for all the objects. I'd be happy to be proven  
> wrong here.
> After some false starts with dictionaries, here's what I've got.  
> Queryset is the original list of comments (I'm doing this in django),  
> and it returns a list of lists, though I might flatten it afterwards.  
> It works, but it's ghastly unreadable and if there were a more  
> graceful solution I'd feel better about life in general:
> def make_com_list(queryset):
>     ids = set([com.object_id for com in queryset])
>     xlist = [[com for com in queryset if com.object_id == i] for i in  
> ids]
>     for ls in xlist:
>         ls.sort(key=lambda x: x.submit_date)
>     xlist.sort(key=lambda x: max([com.submit_date for com in x]),  
> reverse=True)
>     return xlist
> I'd appreciate any hints!
> Thanks,
> Eric
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Mon Mar  3 17:00:20 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 11:00:20 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] sorting objects on two attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Eric Abrahamsen wrote:

> I have a list of objects, each of which has two attributes, object_id  
> and submit_date. What I want is to sort them by content_type, then by  
> submit_date within content_type, and then sort each content_type block  
> according to which block has the newest object by submit_date. (This  
> sequence of sorting might not be optimal, I'm not sure). I'm actually  
> creating a list of recent comments on blog entries for a python-based  
> web framework, and want to arrange the comments according to blog  
> entry (content_type), by submit_date within that entry, with the  
> entries with the newest comments showing up on top.

This description doesn't match your code. There is no content_type in 
the code.

I think what you want to do is group the comments by object_id, sort 
within each object_id group by submit_date, then sort the groups by most 
recent submit date.

> I don't believe a single cmp function fed to list.sort() can do this,  
> because you can't know how two objects should be compared until you  
> know all the values for all the objects. I'd be happy to be proven  
> wrong here.

Django's SortedDict might help. Perhaps this:

from operator import attrgetter
from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict

sd = SortedDict()
for com in sorted(queryset, key=attrgetter.submit_date, reverse=True):
   sd.setdefault(, []).append(com)

Now sd.keys() is a list of object_ids in descending order by most recent 
comment, and sd[object_id] is a list of comments for object_id, also in 
descending order by submit_date. If you want the comments in increasing 
date order (which I think your code below does) then you have to reverse 
the lists of comments, e.g.
   for l in sd.values():

or just reverse at the point of use with the reversed() iterator.

> def make_com_list(queryset):
>     ids = set([com.object_id for com in queryset])
>     xlist = [[com for com in queryset if com.object_id == i] for i in  
> ids]
>     for ls in xlist:
>         ls.sort(key=lambda x: x.submit_date)
>     xlist.sort(key=lambda x: max([com.submit_date for com in x]),  
> reverse=True)

No need for max() since the list is sorted; use
   key=lambda x: x[-1].submit_date


From kent37 at  Mon Mar  3 17:06:08 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 11:06:08 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] sorting objects on two attributes
In-Reply-To: <1204555363.9927.13.camel@localhost>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Andreas Kostyrka wrote:

> l.sort(key=lambda x: (x.content_type, x.submit_date))
> Now, you can construct a sorted list "t":
> t = []
> for key, item_iterator in itertools.groupby(l, key=lambda x: (x.content_type, x.submit_date)):
>     sorted_part = sorted(item_iterator, key=lambda x: x.submit_date)
>     t.append((sorted_part[-1].submit_date, key, sorted_part))

I think you mean

for key, item_iterator in itertools.groupby(l, key=lambda x: 
(x.content_type)): # Group by content type only
     sorted_part = list(item_iterator) # No need to sort again
     t.append((sorted_part[-1].submit_date, key, sorted_part))


From cfuller084 at  Mon Mar  3 17:11:12 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 10:11:12 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] sorting objects on two attributes
In-Reply-To: <1204555363.9927.13.camel@localhost>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Almost.  And better than my original idea.  You could have a hierarchical sort 

def hiersort(a,b):
   if a.attr1 != b.attr1:
      return cmp(a.attr1, b.attr1)
      if a.attr2 != b.attr2:
         return cmp(a.attr2, b.attr2)
         return cmp(a.attr3, b.att3)


You can keep nesting for more than three attributes, or you could make it 
arbitrary by setting it up recursively and setting the attribute hierarchy as 
a parameter somewhere.  But that's probably unnecessarily fancy.


On Monday 03 March 2008 08:42, Andreas Kostyrka wrote:
> Well, this assumes that all named attributes do exist. If not, you need
> to replace x.attr with getattr(x, "attr", defaultvalue) ;)
> l.sort(key=lambda x: (x.content_type, x.submit_date))
> Now, you can construct a sorted list "t":
> t = []
> for key, item_iterator in itertools.groupby(l, key=lambda x:
> (x.content_type, x.submit_date)): sorted_part = sorted(item_iterator,
> key=lambda x: x.submit_date) t.append((sorted_part[-1].submit_date, key,
> sorted_part))
> t.sort()
> t = sum([x[2] for x in t], [])
> Totally untested, as written in the MTA :)
> Andreas
> Am Montag, den 03.03.2008, 22:19 +0800 schrieb Eric Abrahamsen:
> > I have a grisly little sorting problem to which I've hacked together a
> > solution, but I'm hoping someone here might have a better suggestion.
> >
> > I have a list of objects, each of which has two attributes, object_id
> > and submit_date. What I want is to sort them by content_type, then by
> > submit_date within content_type, and then sort each content_type block
> > according to which block has the newest object by submit_date. (This
> > sequence of sorting might not be optimal, I'm not sure). I'm actually
> > creating a list of recent comments on blog entries for a python-based
> > web framework, and want to arrange the comments according to blog
> > entry (content_type), by submit_date within that entry, with the
> > entries with the newest comments showing up on top.
> >
> > I don't believe a single cmp function fed to list.sort() can do this,
> > because you can't know how two objects should be compared until you
> > know all the values for all the objects. I'd be happy to be proven
> > wrong here.
> >
> > After some false starts with dictionaries, here's what I've got.
> > Queryset is the original list of comments (I'm doing this in django),
> > and it returns a list of lists, though I might flatten it afterwards.
> > It works, but it's ghastly unreadable and if there were a more
> > graceful solution I'd feel better about life in general:
> >
> >
> > def make_com_list(queryset):
> >     ids = set([com.object_id for com in queryset])
> >     xlist = [[com for com in queryset if com.object_id == i] for i in
> > ids]
> >     for ls in xlist:
> >         ls.sort(key=lambda x: x.submit_date)
> >     xlist.sort(key=lambda x: max([com.submit_date for com in x]),
> > reverse=True)
> >     return xlist
> >
> > I'd appreciate any hints!
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Eric
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >

From kent37 at  Mon Mar  3 17:34:35 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 11:34:35 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] sorting objects on two attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<1204555363.9927.13.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

Chris Fuller wrote:
> You could have a hierarchical sort 
> function:
> def hiersort(a,b):
>    if a.attr1 != b.attr1:
>       return cmp(a.attr1, b.attr1)
>    else:
>       if a.attr2 != b.attr2:
>          return cmp(a.attr2, b.attr2)
>       else:
>          return cmp(a.attr3, b.att3)
> l.sort(hiersort)

That is exactly what l.sort(key=lambda x: (x.attr1, x.attr2, x.attr3)) 
does, except the key= version is simpler and most likely faster.

You can also use
   l.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('attr1', 'attr2', 'attr3'))

> You can keep nesting for more than three attributes, or you could make it 
> arbitrary by setting it up recursively and setting the attribute hierarchy as 
> a parameter somewhere.  But that's probably unnecessarily fancy.

should work...


From goldwamh at  Mon Mar  3 17:56:54 2008
From: goldwamh at (Michael H. Goldwasser)
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 10:56:54 -0600
Subject: [Tutor]  sorting objects on two attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <18380.11734.27255.896563@Michael-Goldwassers-Computer.local>

Hello Eric,

  Your basic outlook is fine, but you can do it much more efficiently
  with a single sort.   Here's the way I'd approach the task (untested):

  # --------------------------------------------------
  # first compute the latest date for each id group; uses O(n) time
  newest = {}
  for q in queryset:
      id,date = q.object_id, q.submit_date
      if id not in newest or date > newest[id]:
          newest[id] = date

  # now sort based on the following decorator as a key
  data.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: (newest[x.object_id], x.object_id, x.submit_date))
  # --------------------------------------------------

  In essence, you compute the max date within each group, but your
  approach (i.e., building explicit sublists and then repeatedly
  calling max on those sublists) is far more time-consuming than the
  above dictionary based approach.

  Note well that using a tuple as a decorator key is more efficient
  than calling sort separately for each subgroup.   The
  lexicographical order of the following

    (newest[x.object_id], x.object_id, x.submit_date)

  should produce the order that you desire. The reason for the middle
  entry is to ensure that items groups by object_id in the case that
  two different groups achieve the same maximum date.  It wasn't clear
  to me whether you wanted elements within groups from oldest to
  newest or newest to oldest. I believe that the code I give produces
  the ordering that you intend, but you may adjust the sign of the
  decorate elements if necessary.

With regard,

       | Michael Goldwasser
       | Associate Professor
       | Dept. Mathematics and Computer Science
       | Saint Louis University
       | 220 North Grand Blvd.
       | St. Louis, MO 63103-2007

On Monday March 3, 2008, Eric Abrahamsen wrote: 

>    I have a grisly little sorting problem to which I've hacked together a  
>    solution, but I'm hoping someone here might have a better suggestion.
>    I have a list of objects, each of which has two attributes, object_id  
>    and submit_date. What I want is to sort them by content_type, then by  
>    submit_date within content_type, and then sort each content_type block  
>    according to which block has the newest object by submit_date. (This  
>    sequence of sorting might not be optimal, I'm not sure). I'm actually  
>    creating a list of recent comments on blog entries for a python-based  
>    web framework, and want to arrange the comments according to blog  
>    entry (content_type), by submit_date within that entry, with the  
>    entries with the newest comments showing up on top.
>    I don't believe a single cmp function fed to list.sort() can do this,  
>    because you can't know how two objects should be compared until you  
>    know all the values for all the objects. I'd be happy to be proven  
>    wrong here.
>    After some false starts with dictionaries, here's what I've got.  
>    Queryset is the original list of comments (I'm doing this in django),  
>    and it returns a list of lists, though I might flatten it afterwards.  
>    It works, but it's ghastly unreadable and if there were a more  
>    graceful solution I'd feel better about life in general:
>    def make_com_list(queryset):
>        ids = set([com.object_id for com in queryset])
>        xlist = [[com for com in queryset if com.object_id == i] for i in  
>    ids]
>        for ls in xlist:
>            ls.sort(key=lambda x: x.submit_date)
>        xlist.sort(key=lambda x: max([com.submit_date for com in x]),  
>    reverse=True)
>        return xlist
>    I'd appreciate any hints!
>    Thanks,
>    Eric

From varsha.purohit at  Mon Mar  3 18:46:48 2008
From: varsha.purohit at (Varsha Purohit)
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 09:46:48 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] Finding image statistics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yeahh so by doing this i am counting only the difference part since we have
grayscaled the image and assuming it will count only the pixels that evolve
as difference.... if i use sum2 instead of sum i think  it will give squared
sum which is area... and if i just use count it would count the number of
pixels developed like that... sounds interesting .. thanks for throwing
light for me in right direction....

On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 4:45 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Varsha Purohit wrote:
> > I am getting this list as an output
> >
> > [268541.0, 264014.0, 324155.0]
> This is the sum of the values of the red pixels, etc. They are not
> counts, but sums. So if you have an image with the two pixels
> (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6) you would get a sum of (5, 7, 9).
> >
> > Actually in my code i am finding difference between two images and i
> > need to count the number of pixels which appear as a difference of these
> > two images. These values i m getting as output are little large.
> So you want a count of the number of pixels that differ between the two
> images? Maybe this:
> diff = ImageChops.difference(file1, file2)
> # Convert to grayscale so differences are counted just once per pixel
> diff = ImageOps.grayscale(diff)
> # Convert each difference to 0 or 1 so we can count them
> # Clipping function
> def clip(x):
>   return 1 if x >= 1 else 0
> # Apply the clipping function
> diff = Image.eval(diff, clip)
> print ImageStat.Stat(diff).sum
> Kent
> >
> > i m pasting my code again....
> >
> >"./pics/original.jpg")
> >
> >         diff = ImageChops.subtract(file1,file2,0.3)
> >         stat1 = ImageStat.Stat(diff)
> >
> >         count1=stat1.sum
> >         print count1
> >"./pics/diff"+".jpg")
> >
> >
> >
> > AS you can see i am finding difference of two images which are nearly
> > identical. But they have some pixels that are different and i can see
> > that in the output image diff.jpg. So i am trying to put this difference
> > image in the imagestat and trying to see if i can get to count the
> > number of pixels .......

Varsha Purohit,
Graduate Student
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Mon Mar  3 20:55:58 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 14:55:58 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] Finding image statistics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Varsha Purohit wrote:
> Yeahh so by doing this i am counting only the difference part since we 
> have grayscaled the image and assuming it will count only the pixels 
> that evolve as difference.... 


> if i use sum2 instead of sum i think  it 
> will give squared sum which is area... and if i just use count it would 
> count the number of pixels developed like that... sounds interesting .. 
> thanks for throwing light for me in right direction....

No. First, pixels are already a measure of area. Second, if each pixel 
value is 0 or 1, squaring the values won't make any difference.


From marshall.jiang at  Tue Mar  4 03:07:35 2008
From: marshall.jiang at (Shuai Jiang (Runiteking1))
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 21:07:35 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Python and displaying mathematical equations?
Message-ID: <>

Hello, I'm trying to create an application that retrieves and displays
(probably in HTML or PDF format) math problems from a database.
The problem is that I need some sort of mechanism to display mathematical

I'm trying to not use Latex as it would cause the users to install Latex
(and most likely dvipng) on their own computers.

Is there a lighter version of Latex for Python or do I have to just use


Marshall Jiang

Visit my blog at
-------------- next part --------------
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From john at  Tue Mar  4 03:15:32 2008
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 15:15:32 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] Python and displaying mathematical equations?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 04/03/2008, Shuai Jiang (Runiteking1) <marshall.jiang at> wrote:
> Hello, I'm trying to create an application that retrieves and displays
> (probably in HTML or PDF format) math problems from a database.
> The problem is that I need some sort of mechanism to display mathematical
> equations.

If you can describe your equations in MathML then there may be options
for you -- a quick google for "python mathml" turned up a few hits --
e.g. or (if you accept SVG as an output).


From eric at  Tue Mar  4 03:50:25 2008
From: eric at (Eric Abrahamsen)
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 10:50:25 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] sorting objects on two attributes
In-Reply-To: <18380.11734.27255.896563@Michael-Goldwassers-Computer.local>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Well I expected to learn a thing or two, but I didn't expect not to  
understand the suggestions at all! :) Thanks to everyone who  
responded, and sorry for the typo (it was meant to be object_id  
throughout, not content_type).

So far Michael's solution works and is most comprehensible to me ? ie  
I stand a fighting chance of figuring it out.

I didn't realize you could make direct use of SortedDicts in django,  
so that's worth a try, too.

Itertools.groupby is totally impenetrable to me, but works as well! Is  
there any consensus about which might go faster? I will go right now  
and google until my brain is full.

Thanks again,


On Mar 4, 2008, at 12:56 AM, Michael H. Goldwasser wrote:

> Hello Eric,
>  Your basic outlook is fine, but you can do it much more efficiently
>  with a single sort.   Here's the way I'd approach the task  
> (untested):
>  # --------------------------------------------------
>  # first compute the latest date for each id group; uses O(n) time
>  newest = {}
>  for q in queryset:
>      id,date = q.object_id, q.submit_date
>      if id not in newest or date > newest[id]:
>          newest[id] = date
>  # now sort based on the following decorator as a key
>  data.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: (newest[x.object_id],  
> x.object_id, x.submit_date))
>  # --------------------------------------------------
>  In essence, you compute the max date within each group, but your
>  approach (i.e., building explicit sublists and then repeatedly
>  calling max on those sublists) is far more time-consuming than the
>  above dictionary based approach.
>  Note well that using a tuple as a decorator key is more efficient
>  than calling sort separately for each subgroup.   The
>  lexicographical order of the following
>    (newest[x.object_id], x.object_id, x.submit_date)
>  should produce the order that you desire. The reason for the middle
>  entry is to ensure that items groups by object_id in the case that
>  two different groups achieve the same maximum date.  It wasn't clear
>  to me whether you wanted elements within groups from oldest to
>  newest or newest to oldest. I believe that the code I give produces
>  the ordering that you intend, but you may adjust the sign of the
>  decorate elements if necessary.
> With regard,
> Michael
>       +-----------------------------------------------
>       | Michael Goldwasser
>       | Associate Professor
>       | Dept. Mathematics and Computer Science
>       | Saint Louis University
>       | 220 North Grand Blvd.
>       | St. Louis, MO 63103-2007
> On Monday March 3, 2008, Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
>>   I have a grisly little sorting problem to which I've hacked  
>> together a
>>   solution, but I'm hoping someone here might have a better  
>> suggestion.
>>   I have a list of objects, each of which has two attributes,  
>> object_id
>>   and submit_date. What I want is to sort them by content_type,  
>> then by
>>   submit_date within content_type, and then sort each content_type  
>> block
>>   according to which block has the newest object by submit_date.  
>> (This
>>   sequence of sorting might not be optimal, I'm not sure). I'm  
>> actually
>>   creating a list of recent comments on blog entries for a python- 
>> based
>>   web framework, and want to arrange the comments according to blog
>>   entry (content_type), by submit_date within that entry, with the
>>   entries with the newest comments showing up on top.
>>   I don't believe a single cmp function fed to list.sort() can do  
>> this,
>>   because you can't know how two objects should be compared until you
>>   know all the values for all the objects. I'd be happy to be proven
>>   wrong here.
>>   After some false starts with dictionaries, here's what I've got.
>>   Queryset is the original list of comments (I'm doing this in  
>> django),
>>   and it returns a list of lists, though I might flatten it  
>> afterwards.
>>   It works, but it's ghastly unreadable and if there were a more
>>   graceful solution I'd feel better about life in general:
>>   def make_com_list(queryset):
>>       ids = set([com.object_id for com in queryset])
>>       xlist = [[com for com in queryset if com.object_id == i] for  
>> i in
>>   ids]
>>       for ls in xlist:
>>           ls.sort(key=lambda x: x.submit_date)
>>       xlist.sort(key=lambda x: max([com.submit_date for com in x]),
>>   reverse=True)
>>       return xlist
>>   I'd appreciate any hints!
>>   Thanks,
>>   Eric

From kent37 at  Tue Mar  4 04:04:32 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 22:04:32 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] sorting objects on two attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<18380.11734.27255.896563@Michael-Goldwassers-Computer.local>
Message-ID: <>

Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
> Itertools.groupby is totally impenetrable to me

Maybe this will help:


From eric at  Tue Mar  4 04:44:32 2008
From: eric at (Eric Abrahamsen)
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 11:44:32 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] sorting objects on two attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<18380.11734.27255.896563@Michael-Goldwassers-Computer.local>
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 4, 2008, at 11:04 AM, Kent Johnson wrote:

> Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
>> Itertools.groupby is totally impenetrable to me
> Maybe this will help:
> Kent

It did! Thanks very much. I think I understand now what's going on in  
the groupby line. And then this line:

t.append((sorted_part[-1].submit_date, key, sorted_part))

is basically a Decorate-Sort-Undecorate operation, sorting on  
sorted_part[-1].submit_date because that's guaranteed to be the latest  
date in each group?

It's starting to come clear...

From kent37 at  Tue Mar  4 13:27:26 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 07:27:26 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] sorting objects on two attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<1204555363.9927.13.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

Here is a version based on Andreas' solution using groupby() that avoids 
the decorate-undecorate by using the key= parameter for the second sort:

l.sort(key=lambda x: (x.content_type, x.submit_date))
t = [ list(items) for key, items in itertools.groupby(l, key=lambda x:
(x.content_type)) ]
t.sort(key=lambda x: x[-1].submit_date, x[-1].object_id)


From rdm at  Tue Mar  4 14:05:48 2008
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 05:05:48 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Translate this VB.NET code into Python for me?
Message-ID: <>

I thought I'd dip into .NET by downloading the free Microsoft Visual 
Basic 2005 Express Edition, and start working through _Beginning 
Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition_, by Peter Wright (Apress).

By the second chapter I've begun to suspect that GUIs aside, Python 
is a lot simpler to write. Could someone prove that to me by 
translating the code I've pasted at 
<> (from pp. 51-54 of the 
book), which prints

Butch barks
Mac yips
Butch snarls at you in a menacing fashion.
Mac licks you all over, then drools on you.

in the console?

I'd sure appreciate it, and it might be another bit of good PR for 
Python. Please use classes in your translation.


Dick Moores

From malaclypse2 at  Tue Mar  4 16:10:50 2008
From: malaclypse2 at (Jerry Hill)
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 10:10:50 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Translate this VB.NET code into Python for me?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 8:05 AM, Dick Moores <rdm at> wrote:
>  By the second chapter I've begun to suspect that GUIs aside, Python
>  is a lot simpler to write. Could someone prove that to me by
>  translating the code I've pasted at
>  <> (from pp. 51-54 of the
>  book), which prints

This code is pretty straightforward to translate into python.  It's
pretty short so, I've pasted it inline:

import sys

class Dog(object):
    def __init__(self, name, sound="barks"): = name
        self.sound = sound
    def bark(self):
        print "%s %s" % (, self.sound)
    def do_your_thing(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

class Rottweiler(Dog):
    def do_your_thing(self):
        print "%s snarls at you in a menacing fashion." %

class Spaniel(Dog):
    def do_your_thing(self):
        print "%s licks you all over, then drools on you." %

if __name__ == "__main__":
    butch = Rottweiler("Butch")
    mac = Spaniel("Mac", "yips")



It's probably more pythonic to not define the Dog.do_your_thing()
method at all than to raise the NotImplementedError, but I think that
this way mirrors the VB code a bit better.  I don't think there's a
good way to mark the entire Dog class as abstract in python, which I
think is what the VB code does with the "MustInherit Class Dog" line.


From alan.gauld at  Tue Mar  4 19:05:08 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 18:05:08 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Translate this VB.NET code into Python for me?
References: <>
Message-ID: <fqk30p$sus$>

"Dick Moores" <rdm at> wrote in message 
news:20080304130635.D16391E400E at
>I thought I'd dip into .NET by downloading the free Microsoft Visual
> Basic 2005 Express Edition, and start working through _Beginning
> Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition_, by Peter Wright (Apress).
> By the second chapter I've begun to suspect that GUIs aside, Python
> is a lot simpler to write.

It depends, there are other areas where VB is at least comparable
to Python, especially in manipulating the Windows OS and using
COM features etc.

> Could someone prove that to me by translating the code I've pasted

Jerry has done a fine job of that but it doesn't really prove much 
as he says VB has a few features that Python doesn't directly
support (and vice versa). But also console level apps are exactly
where Python is strong and VB weak so this kind of example
proves that Python is better for simple OOP code using a CLI.

You could do a GUI example and use IronPython to show how
it copes with GUI code. Since IP can access the same GUI
library as VB.NET they should be very similar in code structure.

I would expect VB.NET to always be at least a bit more
verbose than Python because of its heritage, but in basic
concepts, as your example shows, it can do pretty much the
same kinds of things as Python (but with a much smaller
standard library!).


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at

From washakie at  Tue Mar  4 23:03:18 2008
From: washakie at (washakie)
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 14:03:18 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Tutor]  help with slice
Message-ID: <>

Could someone please explain 'slices' also for dictionaries?

basically, I'd like to know how you would call every 3rd element in a list
of lists... 

My logic says: ThirdElems=List[:][2]

Which to me reads, for every item in List (which are lists), return the
third item.
but this doesn't work.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - tutor mailing list archive at

From allen.fowler at  Tue Mar  4 23:10:57 2008
From: allen.fowler at (Allen Fowler)
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 14:10:57 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Tutor] Video file metadata? (MP4/WMV)
Message-ID: <>


 I have several hundred WMV video files with bad embedded author/title/date information. 
However, the correct information is correctly encoded in the file name.. i.e. "title-author-date.wmv" 
Seems like the a great job for Python. :)

Also, I am about to convert these fiiles to MP4 for use on an iPod. The video software I am using will, I think, transfer the metadata from the WMV to the new MP4 files. 
So, two questions: 
1) Does these exist a python module I can use to programatically edit the metadata in MP4 
2) Failing that, is there a python module I can use to edit the 
 metadata in the WMV files? (hopeing the data makes it through the 
-- Thank you 

Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 

From andreas at  Tue Mar  4 23:26:56 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 23:26:56 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Video file metadata? (MP4/WMV)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1204669616.14387.5.camel@localhost>

Don't think so. Do you have any cmdline tool to update the meta data?

Alternativly you can naturally embed Win32 components and control them
with Python, but I'm not a Windows guy.


Am Dienstag, den 04.03.2008, 14:10 -0800 schrieb Allen Fowler:
> Hello,
>  I have several hundred WMV video files with bad embedded author/title/date information. 
> However, the correct information is correctly encoded in the file name.. i.e. "title-author-date.wmv" 
> Seems like the a great job for Python. :)
> Also, I am about to convert these fiiles to MP4 for use on an iPod. The video software I am using will, I think, transfer the metadata from the WMV to the new MP4 files. 
> So, two questions: 
> 1) Does these exist a python module I can use to programatically edit the metadata in MP4 
>  files? 
> 2) Failing that, is there a python module I can use to edit the 
>  metadata in the WMV files? (hopeing the data makes it through the 
>  conversion..)
> -- Thank you 
>       ____________________________________________________________________________________
> Be a better friend, newshound, and 
> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From andreas at  Tue Mar  4 23:28:53 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 23:28:53 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] help with slice
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1204669733.14387.8.camel@localhost>

What you probably want is:

[elem_list[2] for elem_list in List]

If you are not sure that the list have at least three elements, you can
use something like this:

[(elem_list + [None, None, None])[2] for elem_list in List]

Which will use None as a default value.


Am Dienstag, den 04.03.2008, 14:03 -0800 schrieb washakie:
> Could someone please explain 'slices' also for dictionaries?
> basically, I'd like to know how you would call every 3rd element in a list
> of lists... 
> My logic says: ThirdElems=List[:][2]
> Which to me reads, for every item in List (which are lists), return the
> third item.
> but this doesn't work.
> Thanks!
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From tjampman at  Wed Mar  5 00:24:12 2008
From: tjampman at (Ole Henning Jensen)
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 00:24:12 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] help with slice
In-Reply-To: <1204669733.14387.8.camel@localhost>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Could someone please explain 'slices' also for dictionaries?
> basically, I'd like to know how you would call every 3rd element in a list
> of lists... 
> My logic says: ThirdElems=List[:][2]
What this does is, just assign the 3 value of List to the variable.
look at this way, step by step.

 >>> lst = range(10) # Generate a list
 >>> print lst[:]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
 >>> lst == lst[:]

## So lst[:] is really (sort of) just the same list

 >>> lst[:][2]

# So lst[:][ is basically the same as lst[2]

> Which to me reads, for every item in List (which are lists), return the
> third item.
> but this doesn't work.

What you need to do is loop all the way through your list and then only 
do something to every third element in the list

This is an example of a for loop, that prints out every 3 element:

 >>> lst = ["hello", "sweet", "world", "goodbye", "sweet", "world"]
 >>> for index in lst:
	if index % 3 == 0:
		print lst[index]

Best Regards
Ole H. Jensen

From bgailer at  Wed Mar  5 01:13:44 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 19:13:44 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] help with slice
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

washakie wrote:
> Could someone please explain 'slices' also for dictionaries?
> basically, I'd like to know how you would call every 3rd element in a list
> of lists... 
> My logic says: ThirdElems=List[:][2]
> Which to me reads, for every item in List (which are lists), return the
> third item.
That is wishful reading. No basis in reality. List[:] gives you a 
shallow copy of List. [2] then refers to the 3rd element of that copy.

Try: [sublist[2] for sublist in List]

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From bgailer at  Wed Mar  5 01:20:31 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 19:20:31 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] help with slice
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

bob gailer wrote:
> washakie wrote:
>> Could someone please explain 'slices' also for dictionaries?
>> basically, I'd like to know how you would call every 3rd element in a list
>> of lists... 
Call? Do you mean that these elements are callable objects (e.g. 
functions) which you want to "call", or are you just trying to get a 
list of the elements? My answer below addresses the 2nd meaning.

>> My logic says: ThirdElems=List[:][2]
>> Which to me reads, for every item in List (which are lists), return the
>> third item.
> That is wishful reading. No basis in reality. List[:] gives you a 
> shallow copy of List. [2] then refers to the 3rd element of that copy.
> Try: [sublist[2] for sublist in List]

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From alan.gauld at  Wed Mar  5 01:24:45 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 00:24:45 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] help with slice
References: <>
Message-ID: <fqkp8j$hs4$>

"washakie" <washakie at> wrote

> Could someone please explain 'slices' also for dictionaries?

So far as I know slices don;t work for dictionaries directly - 
don't have the concept of order. However you could get a list of
keys and apply a slice to that, although I'm not sure how it
would ever be useful.

> basically, I'd like to know how you would call every 3rd element in 
> a list
> of lists...
> My logic says: ThirdElems=List[:][2]
> Which to me reads, for every item in List (which are lists), return 
> the
> third item.but this doesn't work.

This actually says take a copy of the list and give me
the 3rd element of that copy.

You need to use a list comprehension:

thirds = [sublist[2] for sublist in myList]


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at

From alan.gauld at  Wed Mar  5 01:29:31 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 00:29:31 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] help with slice
References: <><1204669733.14387.8.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <fqkphh$il7$>

"Ole Henning Jensen" <tjampman at> wrote

> What you need to do is loop all the way through your list and then 
> only
> do something to every third element in the list

That's not quite what the OP asked for, he wanted the third
element from every sublist in the master list

> This is an example of a for loop, that prints out every 3 element:

You can do this using slicing, no need for a for loop

L = range(10)
print L{2::3]

the 2 is the start position - the 3rd element, then the
final 3 is the step size, giving every third element up
to the end of the list.

Interesting maybe, but not what the OP asked for.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at

From alan.gauld at  Wed Mar  5 01:32:01 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 00:32:01 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Video file metadata? (MP4/WMV)
References: <>
Message-ID: <fqkpm6$j6m$>

"Allen Fowler" <allen.fowler at> wrote in 

> 1) Does these exist a python module I can use to 
> programatically edit the metadata in MP4 
> files? 

I don;t know of one but if you can find the spec it might 
be easy enough to just edit the files using normal (binary) 
file handling methods. I've certainly done that for MIDI files.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at

From rdm at  Wed Mar  5 02:23:27 2008
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 17:23:27 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Translate this VB.NET code into Python for me?
In-Reply-To: <
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 07:10 AM 3/4/2008, Jerry Hill wrote:
>On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 8:05 AM, Dick Moores <rdm at> wrote:
> >  By the second chapter I've begun to suspect that GUIs aside, Python
> >  is a lot simpler to write. Could someone prove that to me by
> >  translating the code I've pasted at
> >  <> (from pp. 51-54 of the
> >  book), which prints
>This code is pretty straightforward to translate into python.  It's
>pretty short so, I've pasted it inline:
>import sys
>class Dog(object):
>     def __init__(self, name, sound="barks"):
> = name
>         self.sound = sound
>     def bark(self):
>         print "%s %s" % (, self.sound)
>     def do_your_thing(self):
>         raise NotImplementedError
>class Rottweiler(Dog):
>     def do_your_thing(self):
>         print "%s snarls at you in a menacing fashion." %
>class Spaniel(Dog):
>     def do_your_thing(self):
>         print "%s licks you all over, then drools on you." %
>if __name__ == "__main__":
>     butch = Rottweiler("Butch")
>     mac = Spaniel("Mac", "yips")
>     butch.bark()
>     mac.bark()
>     butch.do_your_thing()
>     mac.do_your_thing()
>     sys.stdin.readline()
>It's probably more pythonic to not define the Dog.do_your_thing()
>method at all than to raise the NotImplementedError, but I think that
>this way mirrors the VB code a bit better.  I don't think there's a
>good way to mark the entire Dog class as abstract in python, which I
>think is what the VB code does with the "MustInherit Class Dog" line.

Thanks VERY much, Jerry


From rdm at  Wed Mar  5 02:58:20 2008
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 17:58:20 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Translate this VB.NET code into Python for me?
In-Reply-To: <fqk30p$sus$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 10:05 AM 3/4/2008, Alan Gauld wrote:
>"Dick Moores" <rdm at> wrote in message
>news:20080304130635.D16391E400E at
> >I thought I'd dip into .NET by downloading the free Microsoft Visual
> > Basic 2005 Express Edition, and start working through _Beginning
> > Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition_, by Peter Wright (Apress).
> >
> > By the second chapter I've begun to suspect that GUIs aside, Python
> > is a lot simpler to write.
>It depends, there are other areas where VB is at least comparable
>to Python, especially in manipulating the Windows OS and using
>COM features etc.
> > Could someone prove that to me by translating the code I've pasted
>Jerry has done a fine job of that but it doesn't really prove much
>as he says VB has a few features that Python doesn't directly
>support (and vice versa). But also console level apps are exactly
>where Python is strong and VB weak so this kind of example
>proves that Python is better for simple OOP code using a CLI.
>You could do a GUI example and use IronPython to show how
>it copes with GUI code.

You surely don't mean that I could. :-)  But could someone on the 
Tutor list, the IPython-user list, or the python-win32 list? Good 
idea. I'll give it a try after a bit.

>Since IP can access the same GUI
>library as VB.NET they should be very similar in code structure.

I dug up this paragraph from the new book on IPython due out in Sept. '08:
"IronPython uses .NET classes natively and seamlessly, and there are 
a lot of them.  Two of the gems in the collection are Windows Forms 
and the Windows Presentation Foundation, which are excellent 
libraries for building attractive and native looking user 
interfaces.  As a Python programmer, you may be surprised by how 
straightforward the programmers interface 
to  these  libraries  feels.  Whatever  programming  task you are 
approaching, it is likely that there is some 
.NET  assembly  available to  tackle  it.  This 
includes  third  party libraries for sophisticated GUI components, 
like data grids, where there is nothing comparable available for 
CPython. Table 1.1 shows a small selection of the libraries available 
to you in the .NET framework."
(The last paragraph on p.12 of the the free chapter 1 in PDF form: 

>I would expect VB.NET to always be at least a bit more
>verbose than Python because of its heritage, but in basic
>concepts, as your example shows, it can do pretty much the
>same kinds of things as Python (but with a much smaller
>standard library!).

Sure does! Thanks, Alan.


From marshall.jiang at  Wed Mar  5 02:59:18 2008
From: marshall.jiang at (Shuai Jiang (Runiteking1))
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 20:59:18 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Python and displaying mathematical equations?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Never even knew about MathML... stupid me. My Firefox browser can't handle
the MathML test page quite well, can't show the
root sign. Thank you very much!

On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 9:15 PM, John Fouhy <john at> wrote:

> On 04/03/2008, Shuai Jiang (Runiteking1) <marshall.jiang at> wrote:
> > Hello, I'm trying to create an application that retrieves and displays
> > (probably in HTML or PDF format) math problems from a database.
> > The problem is that I need some sort of mechanism to display
> mathematical
> > equations.
> If you can describe your equations in MathML then there may be options
> for you -- a quick google for "python mathml" turned up a few hits --
> e.g. or
> (if you accept SVG as an output).
> --
> John.

Visit my blog at
-------------- next part --------------
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From allen.fowler at  Wed Mar  5 04:04:13 2008
From: allen.fowler at (Allen Fowler)
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 19:04:13 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Tutor] Video file metadata? (MP4/WMV)
Message-ID: <>

I can't seem to find a simple description of the MP4 sepc... it might be because there is not one. :)

That being said, what is the correct way to parse binary files in Python?

----- Original Message ----
> From: Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
> To: tutor at
> Sent: Tuesday, March 4, 2008 7:32:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Video file metadata? (MP4/WMV)
> "Allen Fowler"  wrote in 
> > 1) Does these exist a python module I can use to 
> > programatically edit the metadata in MP4 
> > files? 
> I don;t know of one but if you can find the spec it might 
> be easy enough to just edit the files using normal (binary) 
> file handling methods. I've certainly done that for MIDI files.
> -- 
> Alan Gauld
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> Temorarily at:
> at
> Normally:
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 

From alan.gauld at  Wed Mar  5 09:48:02 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 08:48:02 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Video file metadata? (MP4/WMV)
References: <>
Message-ID: <fqlmo8$rm3$>

"Allen Fowler" <allen.fowler at> wrote

> That being said, what is the correct way to parse binary files in 
> Python?

The safest way is to open in binary mode and use read() to get the 
then use the struct module to decode the data into python objects.
There is a very basic intro to this at the end of my file handling 
in my tutorial.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at

From ian at  Wed Mar  5 10:15:08 2008
From: ian at (Ian Ozsvald)
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 09:15:08 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Video file metadata? (MP4/WMV)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Allen.  I don't know of a Python module but I believe that ffmpeg will do what you want.  Inside ShowMeDo I start it using os.spawnv and I use Python to do some processing on ffmpeg's output.  We use it to transcode incoming AVI/MOVs to .FLV files.  This would be more involved than just using a module.

I've never looked at ffmpeg's handling of metadata but looking at the help I see:
ian at ian-desktop:~$ ffmpeg
-title string       set the title
-timestamp time     set the timestamp
-author string      set the author
-copyright string   set the copyright
-comment string     set the comment
-album string       set the album
which might be what you're after?

You should also be able to use ffmpeg for automated conversion to MP4.  The only drawback is that ffmpeg might not understand the most recent WMV formats (WMV9 if memory serves) as Microsoft won't open the spec.


Allen Fowler wrote:
> Hello,
>  I have several hundred WMV video files with bad embedded author/title/date information. 
> However, the correct information is correctly encoded in the file name.. i.e. "title-author-date.wmv" 
> Seems like the a great job for Python. :)
> Also, I am about to convert these fiiles to MP4 for use on an iPod. The video software I am using will, I think, transfer the metadata from the WMV to the new MP4 files. 
> So, two questions: 
> 1) Does these exist a python module I can use to programatically edit the metadata in MP4 
>  files? 
> 2) Failing that, is there a python module I can use to edit the 
>  metadata in the WMV files? (hopeing the data makes it through the 
>  conversion..)
> -- Thank you 
>       ____________________________________________________________________________________
> Be a better friend, newshound, and 
> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Ian at

From kent37 at  Wed Mar  5 19:11:28 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 13:11:28 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Video file metadata? (MP4/WMV)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Allen Fowler wrote:

> what is the correct way to parse binary files in Python?
and perhaps


From kent37 at  Wed Mar  5 19:22:53 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 13:22:53 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Translate this VB.NET code into Python for me?
In-Reply-To: <fqk30p$sus$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
  You could do a GUI example and use IronPython to show how
> it copes with GUI code. Since IP can access the same GUI
> library as VB.NET they should be very similar in code structure.

Here is a blog post I came across recently that shows a number of ways 
to construct a GUI in Python on Windows. One of the examples is 
IronPython with .NET.


From carroll at  Wed Mar  5 21:28:12 2008
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 12:28:12 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Tutor] Video file metadata? (MP4/WMV)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 4 Mar 2008, Allen Fowler wrote:

> I can't seem to find a simple description of the MP4 sepc... it might be
> because there is not one. :)

Does this help?

I think, though, that using Python to drive an already-written utility 
that understands the file format (like ffmpeg, as siggested by Ian) will 
probably be your best bet.

I was going to suggest looking into Pymedia, , but 
don't see anything suggesting MP4 support on

I don't know if it's being developed any longer either.  Its last release 
was in 2005.

From cmarlett at  Wed Mar  5 23:15:46 2008
From: cmarlett at (Christopher Marlett)
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 16:15:46 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] hello can you help me solve this problem
Message-ID: <>

This may be a very broad question but whatever help you could give me would be great.

Exercise * Make a program creating a scene with the graphics methods. You are likely to need to adjust the positions of objects by trial and error until you get the positions you want. Make sure you have in the same directory as your program.

Exercise * Elaborate your scene program so it becomes, and changes one or more times when you click the mouse (and use win.getMouse()). You may use the position of the mouse click to affect the result, or it may just indicate you are ready to go on to the next view. 

Also, I don't quite understand how this works. Do you e mail me with your response or is there a website I need to visit to see my question and your response posted?

From bgailer at  Thu Mar  6 00:12:29 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 18:12:29 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] hello can you help me solve this problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Christopher Marlett wrote:
> This may be a very broad question but whatever help you could give me would be great.
> Exercise * Make a program creating a scene with the graphics methods. You are likely to need to adjust the positions of objects by trial and error until you get the positions you want. Make sure you have in the same directory as your program.
> Exercise * Elaborate your scene program so it becomes, and changes one or more times when you click the mouse (and use win.getMouse()). You may use the position of the mouse click to affect the result, or it may just indicate you are ready to go on to the next view. 
We don't offer solutions to homework for many reasons. I assume this is 

However if you show us a program (or even a program design) you've 
written and tell us where you are stuck we are glad to help.
> Also, I don't quite understand how this works. Do you e mail me with your response or is there a website I need to visit to see my question and your response posted?
We email you and the tutor list. Please reply to the list not just to 
the author.

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From katcipis at  Thu Mar  6 01:07:49 2008
From: katcipis at (Tiago Katcipis)
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 21:07:49 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
Message-ID: <>

Its a simple question but i have found some trouble to find a good 
answer to it, maybe i just dont searched enough but it wont cost 
anything to ask here, and it will not cost to much to answer :-). I have 
started do develop on python and i really liked it, but im still 
learning. Im used to develop on c++ and java and i wanted to know if 
there is any way to create a final or const member, a member that after 
assigned cant be reassigned. Thanks to anyone who tries to help me and 
sorry to bother with a so silly question. i hope someday i can be able 
to help :-)

best regards


From alan.gauld at  Thu Mar  6 01:13:06 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 00:13:06 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] hello can you help me solve this problem
References: <>
Message-ID: <fqncug$29r$>

"Christopher Marlett" <cmarlett at> wrote

> Exercise * Make a program creating a scene
> with the graphics methods. You are likely to need to adjust the
> positions of objects by trial and error until you get the positions
> you want. Make sure you have in the same directory
> as your program.

Is this by any chance from the LiveWires tutorial?
If so they tend to use a lot of mod8ules that are specific
to their course so only folks with LiveWires experience
are likely to be able to help.

You need to give us some context as to where these come from
and where the mentioned is found. Its not part of
the standard Python library.

Also it woyuld be good to tell us what part of the problem you
don't understand! The more specific the question the greater
the chance of an effective answer.

> Also, I don't quite understand how this works. Do you
> email me with your response or is there a website
> I need to visit to see my question and your response posted?

You mail themailing list and the server forwards it to everyone
on the list. We "Reply All" and the list server will forward the
reply to you and the list.

There are at least 3 web sites where you can read the messages
too, but a mail client is usually more powerful and faster.

Finally gmane do a news (nntp) feed that you can subscribe to
and receivecon your favoured news reader. In my view the best
of both worlds! :-)


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at

From john at  Thu Mar  6 01:30:23 2008
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 13:30:23 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 06/03/2008, Tiago Katcipis <katcipis at> wrote:
>  learning. Im used to develop on c++ and java and i wanted to know if
>  there is any way to create a final or const member, a member that after
>  assigned cant be reassigned. Thanks to anyone who tries to help me and
>  sorry to bother with a so silly question. i hope someday i can be able
>  to help :-)

The short answer is: "Not really".

Actually, with recent versions of python, you could do something with
properties.  e.g.:

>>> class MyClass(object):
...     def fget_FOO(self):
...         return 'foo'
...     FOO = property(fget=fget_FOO)
>>> x = MyClass()
>>> x.FOO
>>> x.FOO = 'bar'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: can't set attribute

property() takes up to three arguments: get, set, and docstring.  In
this case, I omitted the setter.  Thus python doesn't allow me to set
that attribute.  You could also mess around with getattr() to achieve
a similar effect.

Generally, though, python takes the attitude that programmers are
adults capable of thinking for themselves, and if you're silly enough
to reassign a constant, you deserve whatever you get.  Best just to
make your variable names ALL_CAPS and write documentation saying
they're constant :-)

See also this recipe:
for another take on the issue.


From katcipis at  Thu Mar  6 01:54:59 2008
From: katcipis at (Tiago Katcipis)
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 21:54:59 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for the help John. I agree with you that the programmer is 
already a grow person and should know when he can modify a attribute 
:-). Instead when other people will be able to continue to develop on 
the code i writed the const would give confidence that someone would not 
mess with my constants... i dont think its really necessary the const, 
but if it exists i would use...if dont exists....ok. Looking forward to 
go on developing on python and have more questions, hope that they will 
be better than this one :-).

Again thanks for the help

best regards


John Fouhy escreveu:
> On 06/03/2008, Tiago Katcipis <katcipis at> wrote:
>>  learning. Im used to develop on c++ and java and i wanted to know if
>>  there is any way to create a final or const member, a member that after
>>  assigned cant be reassigned. Thanks to anyone who tries to help me and
>>  sorry to bother with a so silly question. i hope someday i can be able
>>  to help :-)
> The short answer is: "Not really".
> Actually, with recent versions of python, you could do something with
> properties.  e.g.:
>>>> class MyClass(object):
> ...     def fget_FOO(self):
> ...         return 'foo'
> ...     FOO = property(fget=fget_FOO)
> ...
>>>> x = MyClass()
>>>> x.FOO
> 'foo'
>>>> x.FOO = 'bar'
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> AttributeError: can't set attribute
> property() takes up to three arguments: get, set, and docstring.  In
> this case, I omitted the setter.  Thus python doesn't allow me to set
> that attribute.  You could also mess around with getattr() to achieve
> a similar effect.
> Generally, though, python takes the attitude that programmers are
> adults capable of thinking for themselves, and if you're silly enough
> to reassign a constant, you deserve whatever you get.  Best just to
> make your variable names ALL_CAPS and write documentation saying
> they're constant :-)
> See also this recipe:
> for another take on the issue.

From bgailer at  Thu Mar  6 04:34:45 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 22:34:45 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tiago Katcipis wrote:
> Its a simple question but i have found some trouble to find a good 
> answer to it, maybe i just dont searched enough but it wont cost 
> anything to ask here, and it will not cost to much to answer :-). 

Well there is a cost (at least to me) to read all the extra words that 
have nothing to do with the question.

I'd rather see:

"Is there a way to create a constant member, one that after 
assignment can't be reassigned?



> I have 
> started do develop on python and i really liked it, but im still 
> learning. Im used to develop on c++ and java and i wanted to know if 
> there is any way to create a final or const member, a member that after 
> assigned cant be reassigned. Thanks to anyone who tries to help me and 
> sorry to bother with a so silly question. i hope someday i can be able 
> to help :-)
> best regards
> katcipis
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From rdm at  Thu Mar  6 07:29:33 2008
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 22:29:33 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Translate this VB.NET code into Python for me?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<fqk30p$sus$> <>
Message-ID: <>

At 10:22 AM 3/5/2008, Kent Johnson wrote:
>Alan Gauld wrote:
>   You could do a GUI example and use IronPython to show how
> > it copes with GUI code. Since IP can access the same GUI
> > library as VB.NET they should be very similar in code structure.
>Here is a blog post I came across recently that shows a number of ways
>to construct a GUI in Python on Windows. One of the examples is
>IronPython with .NET.

Thanks, Kent!

Dick Moores

From andreas at  Thu Mar  6 10:39:58 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 10:39:58 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost>

The answer is slightly more complex.

1.) objects are either mutable or immutable. E.g. tuples and strings are
per definition immutable and "constant". Lists and dictionaries are an
example of the mutable kind.

2.) "variables", "instance members" are all only references to objects.


# lists are mutable
a = [1, 2]
b = a
assert a == [1, 2, 3]

Now coming back to your question, that you want a non-changeable name,
well, one can create such a beast, e.g.:

def constant(value):
    def _get(*_dummy):
        return value
    return property(_get)

class Test(object):
    const_a = constant(123)

This creates a member that can only be fetched, but not set or deleted.

But in practice, I personally never have seen a need for something like
this. You can always overcome the above constant. Btw, you can do that
in C++ privates too, worst case by casting around and ending up with a
pointer that points to the private element ;)


Am Mittwoch, den 05.03.2008, 21:07 -0300 schrieb Tiago Katcipis:
> Its a simple question but i have found some trouble to find a good 
> answer to it, maybe i just dont searched enough but it wont cost 
> anything to ask here, and it will not cost to much to answer :-). I have 
> started do develop on python and i really liked it, but im still 
> learning. Im used to develop on c++ and java and i wanted to know if 
> there is any way to create a final or const member, a member that after 
> assigned cant be reassigned. Thanks to anyone who tries to help me and 
> sorry to bother with a so silly question. i hope someday i can be able 
> to help :-)
> best regards
> katcipis
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From katcipis at  Thu Mar  6 14:08:27 2008
From: katcipis at (Tiago Katcipis)
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 10:08:27 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

thanks for the help Andreas, i dont really need that much a const so i wont
do anything like that to have a const like data. I am very used to java and
c++, thats why i always used acess modifier, but i think i can live without
it now i know that it dont exist in python :P.

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 6:39 AM, Andreas Kostyrka <andreas at>

> The answer is slightly more complex.
> 1.) objects are either mutable or immutable. E.g. tuples and strings are
> per definition immutable and "constant". Lists and dictionaries are an
> example of the mutable kind.
> 2.) "variables", "instance members" are all only references to objects.
> Examples:
> # lists are mutable
> a = [1, 2]
> b = a
> b.append(3)
> assert a == [1, 2, 3]
> Now coming back to your question, that you want a non-changeable name,
> well, one can create such a beast, e.g.:
> def constant(value):
>    def _get(*_dummy):
>        return value
>    return property(_get)
> class Test(object):
>    const_a = constant(123)
> This creates a member that can only be fetched, but not set or deleted.
> But in practice, I personally never have seen a need for something like
> this. You can always overcome the above constant. Btw, you can do that
> in C++ privates too, worst case by casting around and ending up with a
> pointer that points to the private element ;)
> Andreas
> Am Mittwoch, den 05.03.2008, 21:07 -0300 schrieb Tiago Katcipis:
> > Its a simple question but i have found some trouble to find a good
> > answer to it, maybe i just dont searched enough but it wont cost
> > anything to ask here, and it will not cost to much to answer :-). I have
> > started do develop on python and i really liked it, but im still
> > learning. Im used to develop on c++ and java and i wanted to know if
> > there is any way to create a final or const member, a member that after
> > assigned cant be reassigned. Thanks to anyone who tries to help me and
> > sorry to bother with a so silly question. i hope someday i can be able
> > to help :-)
> >
> > best regards
> >
> > katcipis
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Thu Mar  6 14:35:51 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 08:35:51 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

Tiago Katcipis wrote:
> thanks for the help Andreas, i dont really need that much a const so i 
> wont do anything like that to have a const like data. I am very used to 
> java and c++, thats why i always used acess modifier, but i think i can 
> live without it now i know that it dont exist in python :P.

My experience, moving from C++ to Java to Python as the language I use 
every day at work:

C++ is extremely complex. The good side of this is it gives you 
tremendous control - final, const, pass by reference or value, memory 
allocation, etc, etc. The bad side is that it is a lot to think about - 
should this parameter be const? who is going to deallocate this object? 
and there is a lot of room for error, whole books have been written on 
the topic (e.g. Effective C++ which even has a sequel).

Java is less complex and flexible than C++. At first I missed the 
control of C++, then I realized that it wasn't really buying me much and 
that the cost was too high - coding Java is much less work than coding C++.

Then Python. Python takes away even more low-level control. And I don't 
miss it at all. My Python programs work just fine without static typing, 
constants, etc.

Python is simple and flexible and just does what I want with no fuss. 
Java is a heavy straightjacket. C++ is inconceivably complex.

So relax and enjoy it, the only risk is that you will never want to 
touch Java and C++ again.



From andreas at  Thu Mar  6 14:47:38 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 14:47:38 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1204811258.13045.23.camel@localhost>

Well, as a philosophical argument, the public/private classification is
broken by design.


Assuming that one considers the "protection" part as useful (which
experience with dynamic languages like Python suggest is not axiomatic),
because it forces you to map all roles of a given class to a fixed
number of roles (public, protected, private in C++).

Consider for example a buffered data stream. Now I can envision the
following usage cases:

1.) just a simple "I want to write something" customer.
2.) "I need more control about the buffering" customer.
3.) "I want to implement the lowlevel IO" subclass.
4.) "I want to change/implement the buffering" subclass.

Now a good language (in the static language world) should allow me
specify this in a way, so that I can see for example what user classes
need updates if I change say the buffering implementation.

As an example for such an implementation, see the Modula 3 language. ;)

But that was only a visit into the reasoning that "static language"
advocates might find relevant. OTOH, the dynamic camp usually don't care
much for that kinds of access restrictions. (Well, Smalltalk does
disallow member variable access from outside of an object, BUT that's
just to force people to use methods. There is again no access control
system for methods.)


Am Donnerstag, den 06.03.2008, 10:08 -0300 schrieb Tiago Katcipis:
> thanks for the help Andreas, i dont really need that much a const so i
> wont do anything like that to have a const like data. I am very used
> to java and c++, thats why i always used acess modifier, but i think i
> can live without it now i know that it dont exist in python :P.
> On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 6:39 AM, Andreas Kostyrka
> <andreas at> wrote:
>         The answer is slightly more complex.
>         1.) objects are either mutable or immutable. E.g. tuples and
>         strings are
>         per definition immutable and "constant". Lists and
>         dictionaries are an
>         example of the mutable kind.
>         2.) "variables", "instance members" are all only references to
>         objects.
>         Examples:
>         # lists are mutable
>         a = [1, 2]
>         b = a
>         b.append(3)
>         assert a == [1, 2, 3]
>         Now coming back to your question, that you want a
>         non-changeable name,
>         well, one can create such a beast, e.g.:
>         def constant(value):
>            def _get(*_dummy):
>                return value
>            return property(_get)
>         class Test(object):
>            const_a = constant(123)
>         This creates a member that can only be fetched, but not set or
>         deleted.
>         But in practice, I personally never have seen a need for
>         something like
>         this. You can always overcome the above constant. Btw, you can
>         do that
>         in C++ privates too, worst case by casting around and ending
>         up with a
>         pointer that points to the private element ;)
>         Andreas
>         Am Mittwoch, den 05.03.2008, 21:07 -0300 schrieb Tiago
>         Katcipis:
>         > Its a simple question but i have found some trouble to find
>         a good
>         > answer to it, maybe i just dont searched enough but it wont
>         cost
>         > anything to ask here, and it will not cost to much to
>         answer :-). I have
>         > started do develop on python and i really liked it, but im
>         still
>         > learning. Im used to develop on c++ and java and i wanted to
>         know if
>         > there is any way to create a final or const member, a member
>         that after
>         > assigned cant be reassigned. Thanks to anyone who tries to
>         help me and
>         > sorry to bother with a so silly question. i hope someday i
>         can be able
>         > to help :-)
>         >
>         > best regards
>         >
>         > katcipis
>         > _______________________________________________
>         > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>         >
-------------- next part --------------
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From andreas at  Thu Mar  6 15:18:11 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 15:18:11 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1204813091.13045.54.camel@localhost>

Am Donnerstag, den 06.03.2008, 08:35 -0500 schrieb Kent Johnson:
> C++ is extremely complex. The good side of this is it gives you 
> tremendous control - final, const, pass by reference or value, memory 
> allocation, etc, etc. The bad side is that it is a lot to think about - 
> should this parameter be const? who is going to deallocate this object? 
> and there is a lot of room for error, whole books have been written on 
> the topic (e.g. Effective C++ which even has a sequel).

Concur. What is worse, it's to complicated for the average "commercial"
developer. And the claim that you can program C++ effectively without
knowing the whole language does not work in practice. (Hint: Yes, you
can program without understanding the whole language. And no, you have
no chance of debugging your program if you don't understand what that
complicated library is doing. So in practice you end with senior
developers doing the debugging, while the newbies try to understand what
you are doing.)

As a saving grace to C++ I must note that there are a number of
"features" in Python that can produce something comparativly
newbie-unfriendly as C++. But you will notice that most Python
developers shrink away from using these features, so in effect this is
not a burning issue. Somehow these "advanced" topics don't deter newbies
from writing and debugging Python programs. (E.g. you can program for
years Python without learning the fact that it's not the class that does
the self bounding, instead it's function.__get__ that does it ;) )

> Java is less complex and flexible than C++. At first I missed the 
> control of C++, then I realized that it wasn't really buying me much and 
> that the cost was too high - coding Java is much less work than coding C++.

Java has automatic memory management, is safe (meaning that typically
the worst thing that happens is traceback), and has an object model that
nearer to a dynamic language like Python or Smalltalk than to C++.
Basically, while it looks much like C++ on a first glance, the
underpinnings come from more dynamic/runtime oriented languages.

And because it does all these irrelevant details for the developer
automatically, the IT industry can get enough souls to program it. ;)

> Then Python. Python takes away even more low-level control. And I don't 
> miss it at all. My Python programs work just fine without static typing, 
> constants, etc.

Worse, something that one likes to forget. Practically in any software
system the amount of code that is heavily exercised, the "inner loop" is
tiny. Meaning that after having written your Python code (usually in a
fraction of the time planned for the C++ implementation), you can
improve the algorithms and speed up these critical sections. (By redoing
them in Python, Pyrex, C/C++.)

That's the underlying truth to "Python faster than C++" message. Not
because Python is faster than C++ (in execution speed). Of the primitive
operations around 98-98% are slower in Python than in C/C++. But it
allows you to implement your application faster than in C++. The initial
implementation will be slower than a C++ implementation. But it might be
already "fast enough". But the point is, that in most cases, your
friendly C++ coder in the next room is still implementing his initial
implementation while the Python coder is already benchmarking/tuning his
app. Or spends time thinking about the algorithms.

So the following stands, usually, and you can usually even replace the
languages with Perl, Ruby, PHP, Smalltalk, Lisp, Java, ...:

C++ is faster than Python (if the resources in money and time are
unlimited: that's why many C++ gurus in academy have a strong different

Python is faster than C++ (in time to market, if resources are limited)
Python is faster than C++ (in execution time, if resources are limited
enough so that the C++ version is an unoptimized first try, while the
Python version is usually a 2nd or 3rd generation implementation).

In commercial practice sometimes "political" considerations make for
crazy decisions, e.g. witnessed by me:

1.) a new web service needs to be developed.
2.) the policy of the company is that all developers need to know C
3.) the project lead calls in the next free developer to his office, and
as it happens it's one of the local C++ gurus.
4.) The C++ guru, being slightly bored, tells the project lead that in
his own estimation, it would be faster to do the service in Python, even
with him learning Python first. It would make even more sense
technically to do the webservice in Erlang, as it has to interface with
an Erlang server. He'd be happy to learn more Erlang too ;)
5.) The project lead makes him to do it in C++ anyway. Would make the
scheduling of the group way to complicated if you could not assign any
developer to every ticket coming in.

That's the moment where you start scratching your head.

> Python is simple and flexible and just does what I want with no fuss. 
> Java is a heavy straightjacket. C++ is inconceivably complex.

Concur. It's just that most people in the IT industry don't grasp it. Or
the fact that especially C++ comes like an iceberg with the worst under
the waterline: Debugging that stuff. (Even with the nicest coolest
debugging tools, debugging C++ still takes an experienced developer with

> So relax and enjoy it, the only risk is that you will never want to 
> touch Java and C++ again.

Well, at least not without getting an premium for all the pain ;)

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From katcipis at  Thu Mar  6 16:51:56 2008
From: katcipis at (Tiago Katcipis)
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 12:51:56 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <1204813091.13045.54.camel@localhost>
References: <>
	<> <1204813091.13045.54.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

so far im starting to feel all what you have said. Im using python to
implement some works on university and im felling that everything is high
level, easy to use, and far easier than c++ and even java. java is less
complicated than c++ but cant be compared with the simplicity of python
code. And the code gets pleasant to read...thanks to indentation and no
braces...i just lerned to hate the damn braces :P. Saddly the lab where i
work only develops on c++ for now... but everything that i can choose i will
develop with python, im still green on developing but so far it is the more
pleasant language to actually fun to develop on python..all the c++...sometimes is fun....the most part of the time is debugging
suffering =/, and mistic compile errors that sometimes gets a lot of time to
understand what REALLY is the problem. Its amazing how the compiler can
trick you in c++, almost all the times it only points in the wrong
direction..the only thing that can help you is experience or someone with
experience at your side :P. Python runtime errors always helped me to debug
fast and easy, really a joy :D.

thanks everyone for helping me

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Andreas Kostyrka <andreas at>

> Am Donnerstag, den 06.03.2008, 08:35 -0500 schrieb Kent Johnson:
> > C++ is extremely complex. The good side of this is it gives you
> > tremendous control - final, const, pass by reference or value, memory
> > allocation, etc, etc. The bad side is that it is a lot to think about -
> > should this parameter be const? who is going to deallocate this object?
> > and there is a lot of room for error, whole books have been written on
> > the topic (e.g. Effective C++ which even has a sequel).
> Concur. What is worse, it's to complicated for the average "commercial"
> developer. And the claim that you can program C++ effectively without
> knowing the whole language does not work in practice. (Hint: Yes, you
> can program without understanding the whole language. And no, you have
> no chance of debugging your program if you don't understand what that
> complicated library is doing. So in practice you end with senior
> developers doing the debugging, while the newbies try to understand what
> you are doing.)
> As a saving grace to C++ I must note that there are a number of
> "features" in Python that can produce something comparativly
> newbie-unfriendly as C++. But you will notice that most Python
> developers shrink away from using these features, so in effect this is
> not a burning issue. Somehow these "advanced" topics don't deter newbies
> from writing and debugging Python programs. (E.g. you can program for
> years Python without learning the fact that it's not the class that does
> the self bounding, instead it's function.__get__ that does it ;) )
> >
> > Java is less complex and flexible than C++. At first I missed the
> > control of C++, then I realized that it wasn't really buying me much and
> > that the cost was too high - coding Java is much less work than coding
> C++.
> Java has automatic memory management, is safe (meaning that typically
> the worst thing that happens is traceback), and has an object model that
> nearer to a dynamic language like Python or Smalltalk than to C++.
> Basically, while it looks much like C++ on a first glance, the
> underpinnings come from more dynamic/runtime oriented languages.
> And because it does all these irrelevant details for the developer
> automatically, the IT industry can get enough souls to program it. ;)
> >
> > Then Python. Python takes away even more low-level control. And I don't
> > miss it at all. My Python programs work just fine without static typing,
> > constants, etc.
> Worse, something that one likes to forget. Practically in any software
> system the amount of code that is heavily exercised, the "inner loop" is
> tiny. Meaning that after having written your Python code (usually in a
> fraction of the time planned for the C++ implementation), you can
> improve the algorithms and speed up these critical sections. (By redoing
> them in Python, Pyrex, C/C++.)
> That's the underlying truth to "Python faster than C++" message. Not
> because Python is faster than C++ (in execution speed). Of the primitive
> operations around 98-98% are slower in Python than in C/C++. But it
> allows you to implement your application faster than in C++. The initial
> implementation will be slower than a C++ implementation. But it might be
> already "fast enough". But the point is, that in most cases, your
> friendly C++ coder in the next room is still implementing his initial
> implementation while the Python coder is already benchmarking/tuning his
> app. Or spends time thinking about the algorithms.
> So the following stands, usually, and you can usually even replace the
> languages with Perl, Ruby, PHP, Smalltalk, Lisp, Java, ...:
> C++ is faster than Python (if the resources in money and time are
> unlimited: that's why many C++ gurus in academy have a strong different
> feeling).
> Python is faster than C++ (in time to market, if resources are limited)
> Python is faster than C++ (in execution time, if resources are limited
> enough so that the C++ version is an unoptimized first try, while the
> Python version is usually a 2nd or 3rd generation implementation).
> In commercial practice sometimes "political" considerations make for
> crazy decisions, e.g. witnessed by me:
> 1.) a new web service needs to be developed.
> 2.) the policy of the company is that all developers need to know C
> ++/Java.
> 3.) the project lead calls in the next free developer to his office, and
> as it happens it's one of the local C++ gurus.
> 4.) The C++ guru, being slightly bored, tells the project lead that in
> his own estimation, it would be faster to do the service in Python, even
> with him learning Python first. It would make even more sense
> technically to do the webservice in Erlang, as it has to interface with
> an Erlang server. He'd be happy to learn more Erlang too ;)
> 5.) The project lead makes him to do it in C++ anyway. Would make the
> scheduling of the group way to complicated if you could not assign any
> developer to every ticket coming in.
> That's the moment where you start scratching your head.
> > Python is simple and flexible and just does what I want with no fuss.
> > Java is a heavy straightjacket. C++ is inconceivably complex.
> Concur. It's just that most people in the IT industry don't grasp it. Or
> the fact that especially C++ comes like an iceberg with the worst under
> the waterline: Debugging that stuff. (Even with the nicest coolest
> debugging tools, debugging C++ still takes an experienced developer with
> intuition.)
> > So relax and enjoy it, the only risk is that you will never want to
> > touch Java and C++ again.
> Well, at least not without getting an premium for all the pain ;)
> Andreas
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From mlangford.cs03 at  Thu Mar  6 17:08:25 2008
From: mlangford.cs03 at (Michael Langford)
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 11:08:25 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <1204813091.13045.54.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 10:51 AM, Tiago Katcipis <katcipis at> wrote:
> Saddly the lab where i
> work only develops on c++ for now... but everything that i can choose i will
> develop with python,

This is not an insurmountable problem. There are various technologies
which allow you to use C++ code quite easily from python.

The easiest of which is weave:
The more difficult, yet still often eminently worth it one is SWIG:

It also smashes the argument you'll hear in a C++ shop: You can never
make it fast enough in the inner loop.

That said, there are very few times I've *ever* seen the speed
differential between a python and C++ program ever recoup the vastly
increased development and maintenance time of a C++ program. (And I'm
an embedded software developer by practice, supposedly the area that
really matters in).


Michael Langford
Phone: 404-386-0495

From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar  7 00:42:39 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 23:42:39 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <fqpvdm$lak$>

> Now coming back to your question, that you want a non-changeable 
> name,
> well, one can create such a beast, e.g.:
> def constant(value):
> ...
>class Test(object):
>     const_a = constant(123)
> This creates a member that can only be fetched, but not set or 
> deleted.

Only within constant. the member const_a can be changed
via simple assignment.

> But in practice, I personally never have seen a need for something 
> like
> this. You can always overcome the above constant. Btw, you can do 
> that
> in C++ privates too, worst case by casting around and ending up with 
> a
> pointer that points to the private element ;)

I've seen an even more mundane trick to bypass private(rather than 

#define private public
#define protected public
#include "someclass.h"

SomeClass c = new SomeClass;

c->someVar = 42;


I suppose you could avoid that by prefixing every classs definition 

#define private private
#define protected protected
class SomeClass{....};

But it illustrates the relative fragility of C++ apparently tight 
of names and visibility. And with a pointr to the right memory
location and a cast you can do just about anything...

In that respect I prefer the blatant openness of Python to the
perceived protection of C++

Alan G. 

From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar  7 00:54:35 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 23:54:35 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
References: <><1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost><><>
Message-ID: <fqq042$ne2$>

> In commercial practice sometimes "political" considerations make for
> crazy decisions, e.g. witnessed by me:

> 1.) a new web service needs to be developed.
> 2.) the policy of the company is that all developers need to know C
> snipped... desire to use Python/Erlang
> 5.) The project lead makes him to do it in C++ anyway. Would make 
> the
> scheduling of the group way to complicated if you could not assign 
> any
> developer to every ticket coming in.
> That's the moment where you start scratching your head.

Actually I'm with the lead here.

The cost of developing a new feature is a tiny proportion of total
life cost of code - often only 5-10%. If Erlang is already being
used that might make some sense, but of the developers all know
Java/C++ then one of those makers more sense. If every
modification needs to wait for a Python/Erlang developer to
come free that would push the lifetime costs up dramatically.

Its not a matter of politics but of business and TCO.

I routinely build prototypes in Python, a few of which have been
"good enough" for the users, but nonetheless we have had
them rewritten in Java because thats what we use in house.
Nobody upgrades the Python version on the servers, only a
handfull of developers know Python. So it makes commecial
sense to rewrite the app in Java where anyone can fix/modify
it than have an app in Python than only a select few can
work on and costs a fortune in upgrades over the 10 years
or more the app may exist for.

Alan G 

From ravikondamuru at  Fri Mar  7 00:55:52 2008
From: ravikondamuru at (Ravi Kondamuru)
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 15:55:52 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Processing unix style timestamp
Message-ID: <>


I have a log file that prints the date and time in the following format:
Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008
I am expecting multiple timezone entries (eg: PST, PDT and GMT) on the
system running in America/Los Angeles time zone.
I am looking for a way to internally store all the different timezone
entries in GMT.
I looked at datetime, but it seems slightly complex to work with non GMT

Any pointers?

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From wescpy at  Fri Mar  7 01:07:18 2008
From: wescpy at (wesley chun)
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 16:07:18 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Processing unix style timestamp
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I looked at datetime, but it seems slightly complex to work with non GMT
> timestamps.
> Any pointers?

you may also want to take a look at dateutil
i think the online docs has a section devoted to just timestamp parsing.

hope this helps!
-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001

wesley.j.chun ::
python training and technical consulting : silicon valley, ca

From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar  7 01:10:37 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 00:10:37 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
References: <>	<1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost><>
Message-ID: <fqq124$q96$>

"Kent Johnson" <kent37 at> wrote

> My experience, moving from C++ to Java to Python as the language I 
> use
> every day at work:

I did much the same journey but decided I hated Java so much
I kind of bypassed it and only once used it on a real project. Instead
I became an architect/designer(;-), learned Python, and now hand
prototypes over to the development teams to build in Java...

> C++ is extremely complex.

It was relatively straightforward in v1 and even in v2. But once
they started the ANSI standardisation process they started
throwing every feature under the sun into it! At that point I
lost interest.

> Java is less complex and flexible than C++. At first I missed the
> control of C++, then I realized that it wasn't really buying me much 
> and
> that the cost was too high - coding Java is much less work than 
> coding C++.

I didn't find that, in the few real tests I did I often found the C++
code shorter and never significantly longer(10% ?). This is because
Java removed so many of the features that can really reduce C++
code size - like multiple inheritance and operator overloading and
templates. (although the latest Java has a kind of templates with
generics). When you add to that the fundamentally broken type
system in Java (mix of primitive and object) you often wind up
with code that effectively does:

if x is primitive type


if y is primitive
    y += z

And of course interfaces as an alternative to MI simply
mean cut n paste code in every sub class or a complex
delegation/dispatch scheme being devised by the developer

> Then Python. Python takes away even more low-level control. And I 
> don't
> miss it at all. My Python programs work just fine without static 
> typing,
> constants, etc.

And all the missing featires of Java are fixed - all objects are
true objects, MI is allowed, and duck typing plus generic containers
removes the need for most templates

> Python is simple and flexible and just does what I want with no 
> fuss.
> Java is a heavy straightjacket. C++ is inconceivably complex.

I agree. Although I do still dabble in Delphi, SmallTalk, Haskell
and Lisp from time to time :-)

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar  7 01:13:52 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 00:13:52 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Processing unix style timestamp
References: <>
Message-ID: <fqq187$qsn$>

"Ravi Kondamuru" <ravikondamuru at> wrote

> I have a log file that prints the date and time in the following 
> format:
> Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008

> I looked at datetime, but it seems slightly complex to work with non 
> timestamps.

Try the basic time module.
It has gmttime functions...

Alan G 

From john at  Fri Mar  7 01:20:36 2008
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 13:20:36 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] Processing unix style timestamp
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07/03/2008, Ravi Kondamuru <ravikondamuru at> wrote:
> I have a log file that prints the date and time in the following format:
> Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008
> I am expecting multiple timezone entries (eg: PST, PDT and GMT) on the
> system running in America/Los Angeles time zone.
>  I am looking for a way to internally store all the different timezone
> entries in GMT.
> I looked at datetime, but it seems slightly complex to work with non GMT
> timestamps.

Maybe you could split out the information.. e.g.:

>>> s = 'Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008'
>>> s[4:19] + s[23:], s[20:23]
('Feb 11 01:34:52 2008', 'CST')

You should be able to parse the former with strptime().  You could
then build a dictionary mapping timezones to offsets which you could
add to the parsed time to produce a time in GMT.


From andreas at  Fri Mar  7 02:42:21 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 02:42:21 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <fqq042$ne2$>
References: <>
	<> <1204813091.13045.54.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <1204854143.7994.43.camel@localhost>

Yes, the problem is, that these guys are anyway forced to have
Python/Erlang developers on board, because of external opensource
components they need to maintain.

Am Donnerstag, den 06.03.2008, 23:54 +0000 schrieb Alan Gauld:
> Actually I'm with the lead here.
> The cost of developing a new feature is a tiny proportion of total
> life cost of code - often only 5-10%. If Erlang is already being
> used that might make some sense, but of the developers all know
> Java/C++ then one of those makers more sense. If every
> modification needs to wait for a Python/Erlang developer to
> come free that would push the lifetime costs up dramatically.
> Its not a matter of politics but of business and TCO.
> I routinely build prototypes in Python, a few of which have been
> "good enough" for the users, but nonetheless we have had
> them rewritten in Java because thats what we use in house.
> Nobody upgrades the Python version on the servers, only a
> handfull of developers know Python. So it makes commecial
> sense to rewrite the app in Java where anyone can fix/modify
> it than have an app in Python than only a select few can
> work on and costs a fortune in upgrades over the 10 years
> or more the app may exist for.

The problem here is that C++ is a strong mismatch for the job at hand.

With strong mismatch I mean hear at least a magnitude more costs. During
initial development and during maintenance.

Combined with the fact that the group cannot avoid learning Python and
Erlang, because external OSS projects used by them that they need to
maintain and customize are written in Python & Erlang.

So there is no point in avoiding using languages that they are forced to
support anyway. (Even if they should decide to redo the OSS components
from scratch and even if they decide to do it in the official languages
that are not really a good match to the problem domain, they still need
to support the current component for at least a year till such
replacement could be developed. So they need to do Python and Erlang.)

But basically, your argument misses one important aspect:

While most languages are equivalent in a theoretical sense (Turing
complete), not all languages are created equal. Some languages can and
do provide at least a magnitude of improvement compared to other

Now add to the fact that software developement does not scale linearly,
and the developer efficiency point becomes even more important.

If, by using some higher language a problem becomes so "easy" to solve
that a single developer can deal with it, instead of say a 4 man team,
than this is a critical aspect.

It's kind like having a policy that all invoices must be in USD and are
payed only in USD. Now two companies bid. Both companies offerings are
more than good enough to meet your demands. Company A asks for USD
100000, and Company B asks for EUR10000. Both a track record of
delivering, and both are good enough. In theory, product A might have
some benefits, but that's not sure, for the moment it's mostly a
theorized minor improvement over product B.

To paraphrase now your argument, it makes sense to buy product A, it's
not just buying the product, you know, it's also all the other stuff
like accounting, exchange rates, and so on.

(Philosophically, that's not even that bad a comparison, as learning
Python is a rather minor thing for a reasonable good developer.
Unlearning bad design habits takes some time, but Python programs do run
even if you add some kilobytes of superflous get_ and set_ to the source
code :-P)

So no, I do not concur with you. I understand why it has some value, but
you wouldn't argue that your company should use passenger cars to
transport 100 tons of goods, just because all employee have a license to
drive such, while truck drivers are slightly harder to come by, would


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From ravikondamuru at  Fri Mar  7 04:14:45 2008
From: ravikondamuru at (Ravi Kondamuru)
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 19:14:45 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Processing unix style timestamp
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for the replies.

time.strptime() is able to parse the string if the timezone is local or GMT
or UTC. Is there a file of timezones and corresponding time offsets that I
can use to build the dictionary?


>>> import time
>>> time.strptime("Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008", "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 293, in strptime
    raise ValueError("time data did not match format:  data=%s  fmt=%s" %
ValueError: time data did not match format:  data=Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST
2008  fmt=%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y
>>> time.tzname
('EST', 'EDT')
>>> time.strptime("Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 EST 2008", "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y")
(2008, 2, 11, 1, 34, 52, 0, 42, 0)
>>> time.strptime("Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 UTC 2008", "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y")
(2008, 2, 11, 1, 34, 52, 0, 42, 0)

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 4:20 PM, John Fouhy <john at> wrote:

> On 07/03/2008, Ravi Kondamuru <ravikondamuru at> wrote:
> > I have a log file that prints the date and time in the following format:
> > Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008
> > I am expecting multiple timezone entries (eg: PST, PDT and GMT) on the
> > system running in America/Los Angeles time zone.
> >  I am looking for a way to internally store all the different timezone
> > entries in GMT.
> > I looked at datetime, but it seems slightly complex to work with non GMT
> > timestamps.
> Maybe you could split out the information.. e.g.:
> >>> s = 'Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008'
> >>> s[4:19] + s[23:], s[20:23]
> ('Feb 11 01:34:52 2008', 'CST')
> You should be able to parse the former with strptime().  You could
> then build a dictionary mapping timezones to offsets which you could
> add to the parsed time to produce a time in GMT.
> --
> John.

???????? ????????
(Ravi Kondamuru)
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From mwalsh at  Fri Mar  7 10:09:14 2008
From: mwalsh at (Martin Walsh)
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 03:09:14 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Processing unix style timestamp
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ravi Kondamuru wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a log file that prints the date and time in the following format:
> Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008
> I am expecting multiple timezone entries (eg: PST, PDT and GMT) on the
> system running in America/Los Angeles time zone.
> I am looking for a way to internally store all the different timezone
> entries in GMT.
> I looked at datetime, but it seems slightly complex to work with non GMT
> timestamps.
> Any pointers?

If you are not offended by a 3rd-party module, then the string parser
included in the egenix mxDateTime module[1] is hard to beat. You may
even have it installed already, as it appears to be a popular dependency
of other 3rd-party modules, especially db adapters.

In [1]: import mx.DateTime

In [2]: d = mx.DateTime.DateFrom('Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008')

In [3]: d
Out[3]: <mx.DateTime.DateTime object for '2008-02-11 07:34:52.00' at

In [4]: d.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
Out[4]: 'Mon Feb 11 07:34:52 2008'

In [5]: d = mx.DateTime.DateFrom('Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 EST 2008')

In [6]: d.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
Out[6]: 'Mon Feb 11 06:34:52 2008'

In [7]: d = mx.DateTime.DateFrom('Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 UTC 2008')

In [8]: d.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
Out[8]: 'Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 2008'



> thanks,
> Ravi.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar  7 10:36:43 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 09:36:43 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
References: <><1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost><><>
Message-ID: <fqr27i$g48$>

"Andreas Kostyrka" <andreas at> wrote
> Yes, the problem is, that these guys are anyway forced to have
> Python/Erlang developers on board, because of external opensource
> components they need to maintain.

And that one fact completely changes the economics and
thereby renders the lead position non viable.

> The problem here is that C++ is a strong mismatch for
> the job at hand.
> With strong mismatch I mean hear at least a magnitude
> more costs. During initial development and during maintenance.

I would be amazed at anuy project where a language made
an order of magnitude difference. The difference in moving
from assembler to VB is only about double (Thats the only
case wehere I have hard experrience). The problem is as
Fred Brooks stated in his essay "No Silver Bullet" that the
real costs in development are the intengibles - the time
spent thinking about theproblem/solution and dealing with people.
They far outweigh the time actually writing code. The average
project delivers around 20-100 lines of working code per
day. But you can type that in mechanically in half an hour
or less. The rest of the day is doing the stuff that really costs.

> Combined with the fact that the group cannot avoid
> learning Python andErlang, because external
> OSS projects used by them that they need to
> maintain and customize are written in Python & Erlang.

But this is the critical bt that was missing from the original
problem statement. If they use these languages anyway
then it makes sense to expand their code base. If these
were niche languages on a dying legacy then it makes
no sense to increase their use.

> But basically, your argument misses one important aspect:
> While most languages are equivalent in a theoretical sense ...
> Some languages can and do provide at least a magnitude
> of improvement compared to other languages.

I do dispute that and would be interested in any objective
figures that you have. All of the figures I've seen suggest the
total project cost impact of lanmguage choice is rarely
more than 10-20% of TCO

> Now add to the fact that software developement does
> not scale linearly, and the developer efficiency point
> becomes even more important.

But as projects get bigger language choice becomes
vanishingly small in the equation. Total developer cost in
any large projerct rarely exceeds 10% and of that the language
might make up 20% at most, so total impact of language
reduces to around 1-2% of TCO.

> If, by using some higher language a problem becomes
> so "easy" to solve that a single developer can deal with
> it, instead of say a 4 man team,than this is a critical aspect.

In that case I agree and at that small scale of project
then language choice is still a valid argument. And for
the kind of maintenance type feature fix we were discussing
the project is quite small. (Different if the language choice
requires a rewrite of the existing app of course!)

> It's kind like having a policy that all invoices must be in
> USD and are payed only in USD. Now two companies bid.

I'm sorry, I think I missed the connection in the analogy.

> (Philosophically, that's not even that bad a comparison, as learning
> Python is a rather minor thing for a reasonable good developer.

I totally agree, but unfortunately in the corporate world where
I work there are relatively few "good developers" - typically one
or two per team(around 6-10 people). Indeed only about half of
our developers are formally trained to University Engineering/Computer
Science type level. Many have craft certificvates from a trade school
and (even if just psychologicalluy) learning a new language is a
huge hurdle for them. They will insist on going ona weeks
training course etc. So yes, most "good" developers can pick up
Python in a couple of days from the web site, many corporate
programmers balk at such an idea. (This is one area where a
hobbyist turned pro is better than a journeyman programmer,
the hobbyist is much more likely to learn new skills out of
interests sake!)

> So no, I do not concur with you. I understand why it has
> some value, but you wouldn't argue that your company
> should use passenger cars to transport 100 tons of goods,
> just because all employee have a license to drive such,
> while truck drivers are slightly harder to come by, would
> you?

No, but I might suggest hiring some trailers or using an
external haulage company. It all depends on wheher its a
one-off job or a new line of work that we need to build skills.
So in this analogy we may need to buy a truck and start
training a number of staff to drive it, but thats expensive
so before doing so I'd look to see if it was one-off and at
the other options.

If in your example they need Python/Erlang anyway
that completely changes the economics.

Alan G. 

From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar  7 10:43:41 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 09:43:41 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Processing unix style timestamp
References: <>
Message-ID: <fqr2kk$hd3$>

"John Fouhy" <john at> wrote

> You should be able to parse the former with strptime().  You could
> then build a dictionary mapping timezones to offsets which you could
> add to the parsed time to produce a time in GMT.

Just to point out that to do this accurately is incredibly difficult.

There are places which change timezone over the year. Places
where the timezone differences vary over the year (from whole
hours to fractions of an hour etc) and the dates of DST vary from
country to country and in some cases from region to region within
countries (The former USSR for example). And in small
countries it can vary on a whim of the government (I was once
on a skiing holiday in Andorra where they delayed the DST
change by a week to help preserve the snow cover!! It was
announced on local radio and a statutory nortice posted in
all hotels and public buildings!)

Managing tracking of times across multiple timezones around
the world was one of the hardest design challenges I ever faced!

Alan G. 

From kent37 at  Fri Mar  7 13:36:01 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 07:36:01 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Processing unix style timestamp
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ravi Kondamuru wrote:
> I looked at datetime, but it seems slightly complex to work with non GMT 
> timestamps.

Mark Pilgrim's Universal Feed Parser includes a robust date parser that 
works with your sample:
In [1]: import feedparser as fp
In [2]: fp._parse_date('Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008')
Out[2]: (2008, 2, 11, 7, 34, 52, 0, 42, 0)

This appears to be an RFC 2822-format date:

feedparser uses these functions to parse the date string:
In [4]: import rfc822
In [5]: rfc822.parsedate_tz('Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008')
Out[5]: (2008, 2, 11, 1, 34, 52, 0, 1, 0, -21600)
In [7]: rfc822.mktime_tz(_5)
Out[7]: 1202715292.0
In [8]: import time
In [9]: time.gmtime(_7)
Out[9]: (2008, 2, 11, 7, 34, 52, 0, 42, 0)

The rfc822 module is deprecated; the same functions are now found in 


From tetsuo2k6 at  Fri Mar  7 14:16:26 2008
From: tetsuo2k6 at (tetsuo2k6 at
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 14:16:26 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] identifying the calling module/function
Message-ID: <>

Hello Tutor!

I am building a couple of scripts to manage a database for our company. 
The projects name is 'dgf'. As a lot of the functionality is used in 
more than one of these scripts, I moved this functionality to a module 
( It has several functions now.

Question: Is there an easy way to determine inside where the 
function call came from?

def yetanotherfunction():
	"""Edit Me!"""
	if <function call came from>:

Something like that?


From kent37 at  Fri Mar  7 14:16:04 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 08:16:04 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <fqr27i$g48$>
References: <><1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost><><>	<1204813091.13045.54.camel@localhost><fqq042$ne2$>	<1204854143.7994.43.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
> The problem is as
> Fred Brooks stated in his essay "No Silver Bullet" that the
> real costs in development are the intengibles - the time
> spent thinking about theproblem/solution and dealing with people.
> They far outweigh the time actually writing code. The average
> project delivers around 20-100 lines of working code per
> day. But you can type that in mechanically in half an hour
> or less. The rest of the day is doing the stuff that really costs.

(Jumping in against my better judgment :-)

Hmm...sure, programming is not about typing, it is about figuring out 
what to type. With Python the conceptual activity takes place at a 
higher level because
- Python provides easy-to-use, high-level constructs like lists, dicts 
and first-order functions
- Python doesn't require you to think about low-level details like 
const, private, getters and setters, braces, etc.

So Python speeds up the thinking part.

As far as the code, those 20-100 lines will do more if they are in 
Python than they will if they are in Java or C++.

I don't see an order of magnitude difference between Python and Java but 
I have no doubt that I am dramatically more productive in Python. When I 
have compared code samples, I have found Python code to be 20-60% the 
size of equivalent Java code. Googling 'python productivity' finds more 
specific examples.


From kent37 at  Fri Mar  7 14:37:45 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 08:37:45 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] identifying the calling module/function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

tetsuo2k6 at wrote:
> Hello Tutor!
> I am building a couple of scripts to manage a database for our company. 
> The projects name is 'dgf'. As a lot of the functionality is used in 
> more than one of these scripts, I moved this functionality to a module 
> ( It has several functions now.
> Question: Is there an easy way to determine inside where the 
> function call came from?

Why do you need to do this? It sounds like a design change is needed. 
Anyway the answer to your question is yes. This recipe should point you 
in the right direction:


From andreas at  Fri Mar  7 15:02:49 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 15:02:49 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] identifying the calling module/function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1204898569.7994.53.camel@localhost>

There are basically a number of things you might want:

1.) sys.argv[0]
2.) __main__.__file__
3.) sys._getframe

The first two will tell which script is the main program. The last one
will tell you which function has called you.

But as Kent has pointed out, this is rarely a good idea. Actually, it's
almost never a good idea, and in most cases it's a really bad idea,


Am Freitag, den 07.03.2008, 14:16 +0100 schrieb tetsuo2k6 at
> Hello Tutor!
> I am building a couple of scripts to manage a database for our company. 
> The projects name is 'dgf'. As a lot of the functionality is used in 
> more than one of these scripts, I moved this functionality to a module 
> ( It has several functions now.
> Question: Is there an easy way to determine inside where the 
> function call came from?
> def yetanotherfunction():
> 	"""Edit Me!"""
> 	if <function call came from>:
> 		...
> Something like that?
> Regards
> -paul
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From tetsuo2k6 at  Fri Mar  7 15:04:19 2008
From: tetsuo2k6 at (tetsuo2k6 at
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 15:04:19 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] identifying the calling module/function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson schrieb:
> tetsuo2k6 at wrote:
>> Hello Tutor!
>> I am building a couple of scripts to manage a database for our 
>> company. The projects name is 'dgf'. As a lot of the functionality is 
>> used in more than one of these scripts, I moved this functionality to 
>> a module ( It has several functions now.
>> Question: Is there an easy way to determine inside where the 
>> function call came from?
> Why do you need to do this? It sounds like a design change is needed. 
> Anyway the answer to your question is yes. This recipe should point you 
> in the right direction:
> Kent

First, thanks for the link. I want this functionality mainly because it 
seems like a quick way to accomplish my goals for the project (I'm in a 
hurry to get this finished). As I advance more in Python, a design 
change might happen :)

From jeff at  Fri Mar  7 20:32:40 2008
From: jeff at (Jeff Younker)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 11:32:40 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] identifying the calling module/function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 7, 2008, at 6:04 AM, tetsuo2k6 at wrote:

> Kent Johnson schrieb:
>> Why do you need to do this? It sounds like a design change is needed.
>> Anyway the answer to your question is yes. This recipe should point  
>> you
>> in the right direction:
>> Kent
> First, thanks for the link. I want this functionality mainly because  
> it
> seems like a quick way to accomplish my goals for the project (I'm  
> in a
> hurry to get this finished). As I advance more in Python, a design
> change might happen :)

Telling us your goal might allow us to recommend a better
and faster way of accomplishing it.

- Jeff Younker - jeff at -

From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar  7 22:13:07 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 21:13:07 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
References: <><1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost><><>	<1204813091.13045.54.camel@localhost><fqq042$ne2$>	<1204854143.7994.43.camel@localhost><fqr27i$g48$>
Message-ID: <fqsb1a$mv4$>

"Kent Johnson" <kent37 at> wrote in

> (Jumping in against my better judgment :-)


> Hmm...sure, programming is not about typing, it is about figuring 
> out
> what to type. With Python the conceptual activity takes place at a
> higher level because - Python provides easy-to-use, high-level
> constructs like lists, dicts and first-order functions
> - Python doesn't require you to think about low-level details like
> const, private, getters and setters, braces, etc.

Yes but thats not the bit that takes time in my experience its
trying to understand the problem. What exactly am I trying to
do here? Is it a suimulation exercise, a database problem?
A real-time or networking issue? Should my solution include
security protection? If so how much? Can I use a standard
sort or do i need a custom algorithm? And if so what is it?

Designing an algorithm takes far longer than converting it to
code in any language.

> So Python speeds up the thinking part.

It speeds up the thinking abouit code bit, it doesn't help much
in the thining about the problem part.

> As far as the code, those 20-100 lines will do more if they are in
> Python than they will if they are in Java or C++.

Absolutely, thats why I write in Python and let the developers
do the Java stuff - life is too short! And thats why I am on a
Python mailing list not a Java one :-)

> I don't see an order of magnitude difference between
> Python and Java

And thats my point, particularly for bigger projects where
the problem complexity completely dominates the code
complexity. The coding time will derinitely improve and I
suspect you could get as high as 4 or 5 times but I doubt
if you'd ever really achieve an order of magnitude.

> have compared code samples, I have found Python code
> to be 20-60% the size of equivalent Java code.

In the few cases I've measured its been about 30% less
which nearly falls into your range. But the examples were very
small - all less than 1000 lines of Java - about as much
Java as I can bring myself to type!

Alan G. 

From ravikondamuru at  Fri Mar  7 22:18:49 2008
From: ravikondamuru at (Ravi Kondamuru)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 13:18:49 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Processing unix style timestamp
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you all for your insights.
mx.DateTime and feedparser seem to be the easiest to work with.

On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 4:36 AM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Ravi Kondamuru wrote:
> > I looked at datetime, but it seems slightly complex to work with non GMT
> > timestamps.
> Mark Pilgrim's Universal Feed Parser includes a robust date parser that
> works with your sample:
> In [1]: import feedparser as fp
> In [2]: fp._parse_date('Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008')
> Out[2]: (2008, 2, 11, 7, 34, 52, 0, 42, 0)
> This appears to be an RFC 2822-format date:
> feedparser uses these functions to parse the date string:
> In [4]: import rfc822
> In [5]: rfc822.parsedate_tz('Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008')
> Out[5]: (2008, 2, 11, 1, 34, 52, 0, 1, 0, -21600)
> In [7]: rfc822.mktime_tz(_5)
> Out[7]: 1202715292.0
> In [8]: import time
> In [9]: time.gmtime(_7)
> Out[9]: (2008, 2, 11, 7, 34, 52, 0, 42, 0)
> The rfc822 module is deprecated; the same functions are now found in
> email.util.
> Kent

???????? ????????
(Ravi Kondamuru)
-------------- next part --------------
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From technorapture at  Fri Mar  7 22:52:53 2008
From: technorapture at (Shrutarshi Basu)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 16:52:53 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Creating a Python module to drive a robot
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,
I'd like to create a library of functions that would allow writing
Python scripts that would control a Hemisson robots via a serial
interface. I'll be using the pyserial module heavily, but I'm
wondering what would be the best way to approach this . Should I
create a "Robot" class and define everything as functions of the
class, such as a function for setting wheel speed, turning, reading
from sensors etc. Or is there some other way that would be easier for
a user? The project is meant for students who would be using
programming the robot as an Intro to programming, so it would be best
if users don't need to understand the details of OOP (or similar
concepts) to use the code quickly and reliably.

From ricaraoz at  Fri Mar  7 14:36:59 2008
From: ricaraoz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Ricardo_Ar=E1oz?=)
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 10:36:59 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <fqq042$ne2$>
References: <><1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost><><>	<1204813091.13045.54.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
>> In commercial practice sometimes "political" considerations make for
>> crazy decisions, e.g. witnessed by me:
>> 1.) a new web service needs to be developed.
>> 2.) the policy of the company is that all developers need to know C
> ++/Java.
>> snipped... desire to use Python/Erlang
>> 5.) The project lead makes him to do it in C++ anyway. Would make 
>> the
>> scheduling of the group way to complicated if you could not assign 
>> any
>> developer to every ticket coming in.
>> That's the moment where you start scratching your head.
> Actually I'm with the lead here.
> The cost of developing a new feature is a tiny proportion of total
> life cost of code - often only 5-10%. If Erlang is already being
> used that might make some sense, but of the developers all know
> Java/C++ then one of those makers more sense. If every
> modification needs to wait for a Python/Erlang developer to
> come free that would push the lifetime costs up dramatically.
> Its not a matter of politics but of business and TCO.
> I routinely build prototypes in Python, a few of which have been
> "good enough" for the users, but nonetheless we have had
> them rewritten in Java because thats what we use in house.
> Nobody upgrades the Python version on the servers, only a
> handfull of developers know Python. So it makes commecial
> sense to rewrite the app in Java where anyone can fix/modify
> it than have an app in Python than only a select few can
> work on and costs a fortune in upgrades over the 10 years
> or more the app may exist for.

That would be true if you assume that your business practices are 
established and should remain unchanged. But the essence of business is 
change, if developers all know Java/C++ you could gradually retrain them 
to learn Python. Then development costs would go down, you would have 
Python people for maintenance, and you might keep a core of your more 
experienced Java/C++ programmers available for optimizations in which 
you would need to interface Python with C++ functions. Now that would 
make business sense, if you accept that development practices don't 
necessarily have to be frozen. Of course all this would depend on the 
particulars of the business at hand.

From ricaraoz at  Fri Mar  7 14:54:49 2008
From: ricaraoz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Ricardo_Ar=E1oz?=)
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 10:54:49 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

Tiago Katcipis wrote:
> thanks for the help Andreas, i dont really need that much a const so i 
> wont do anything like that to have a const like data. I am very used to 
> java and c++, thats why i always used acess modifier, but i think i can 
> live without it now i know that it dont exist in python :P.
> On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 6:39 AM, Andreas Kostyrka <andreas at 
> <mailto:andreas at>> wrote:
>     Am Mittwoch, den 05.03.2008, 21:07 -0300 schrieb Tiago Katcipis:
>      > Its a simple question but i have found some trouble to find a good
>      > answer to it, maybe i just dont searched enough but it wont cost
>      > anything to ask here, and it will not cost to much to answer :-).
>     I have
>      > started do develop on python and i really liked it, but im still
>      > learning. Im used to develop on c++ and java and i wanted to know if
>      > there is any way to create a final or const member, a member that
>     after
>      > assigned cant be reassigned. Thanks to anyone who tries to help
>     me and
>      > sorry to bother with a so silly question. i hope someday i can be
>     able
>      > to help :-)
>      >
>      > best regards
>      >
>      > katcipis

In adition to all this I'd like to quote PEP 8
     In addition, the following special forms using leading or trailing
     underscores are recognized (these can generally be combined with 
any case

     - _single_leading_underscore: weak "internal use" indicator.  E.g. 
"from M
       import *" does not import objects whose name starts with an 

     - single_trailing_underscore_: used by convention to avoid 
conflicts with
       Python keyword, e.g.

       Tkinter.Toplevel(master, class_='ClassName')

     - __double_leading_underscore: when naming a class attribute, 
invokes name
       mangling (inside class FooBar, __boo becomes _FooBar__boo; see 

     - __double_leading_and_trailing_underscore__: "magic" objects or
       attributes that live in user-controlled namespaces.  E.g. __init__,
       __import__ or __file__.  Never invent such names; only use them
       as documented.

As far as I can understand it if I want a class attribute that I'd 
rather not have touched (weak internal use indicator, I just extend it's 
use from modules to classes) I'd name it _attribute, if I want an 
attribute that I forbid to touch (strong internal use indicator, modify 
at your own risk) then I name it __attribute. That should be enough for 
any grown up use.

PEP 8 :

From lauren at  Fri Mar  7 23:23:29 2008
From: lauren at (lauren at
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 15:23:29 -0700 (MST)
Subject: [Tutor] Automating the windows GUI for testing purposes
Message-ID: <>


I will be automating the windows gui for the purposes of writing automated
test scripts. I have worked with Ruby before using the watir test library
for testing web applications (more or less similar to PAMIE, I believe) -
but now I am required to automate some applications running on windows.

I've looked into using pywinauto and also WATSUP. Both are possible
libraries I could use...but they lack the documentation I was hoping to
hook into.

Has anyone on this list done this sucessfully before? What tools/libraries
did you use?

Which python libraries are best suited for this type of work?

Thank you in advance,

From alan.gauld at  Sat Mar  8 00:30:43 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 23:30:43 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
References: <><1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost><><>	<1204813091.13045.54.camel@localhost><fqq042$ne2$>
Message-ID: <fqsj3b$hia$>

"Ricardo Ar?oz" <ricaraoz at> wrote

> That would be true if you assume that your business practices are
> established and should remain unchanged. But the essence of business 
> is
> change, if developers all know Java/C++ you could gradually retrain 
> them
> to learn Python.

Thats true and if it weren'#t we'd still all be programming in octal 

But in kost businesses I've seen that kind of change is instigated by
starting a completely new project using the chosen language (usually
chosen after several small trials and evaluations) rather than by
introducing a new language into an existing system which was
the original scenario.

> Python people for maintenance, and you might keep a core of your 
> more
> experienced Java/C++ programmers available for optimizations in 
> which
> you would need to interface Python with C++ functions. Now that 
> would
> make business sense

Absolutely. I totally agree that moving an organization to Python
or similar modern language is a sensible move for many applications.
Only where very high performance or scaleability are required would
Python (or similar) be inappropriate and even in the largest
organisations that is a minority case. And of course web services
provide a glue that any language can utilise to remove most
issues of integration between apps in different languages
(which used to be a very valid concern).

My only dispute is the wisdom of introducing foreign code
into an existing app. Andreas has already said in fact the
new languages are already supported so that makes the
scenario valid also.

Alan G 

From alan.gauld at  Sat Mar  8 00:37:10 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 23:37:10 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Automating the windows GUI for testing purposes
References: <>
Message-ID: <fqsjfd$ilv$>

<lauren at> wrote

> I've looked into using pywinauto and also WATSUP. Both are possible
> libraries I could use...but they lack the documentation I was hoping 
> to
> hook into.
> Has anyone on this list done this sucessfully before? What 
> tools/libraries
> did you use?

I haven't done it from Python but I have done similar things from
Delphi using the Win32 API call postmessage() to send Windows
events to another application (the one under test). Much more
tricky is extracting the data changes from the target app. Its
OK if you know the Windows handle of the widgets but otherwise
its a painful process of using WinSpy to monitor events in the app
and deduce the handles required...

If you can find a module that helps do any of that then I'd try it.
Maybe use the >>> prompt to send a few test messages and
monitor results using something relatively simple like Notepad...

Alan G 

From andreas at  Sat Mar  8 03:16:40 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 03:16:40 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <fqsb1a$mv4$>
References: <>
	<>	<1204813091.13045.54.camel@localhost>
	<fqq042$ne2$>	<1204854143.7994.43.camel@localhost>
	<fqr27i$g48$> <>
Message-ID: <1204942600.7994.100.camel@localhost>

Am Freitag, den 07.03.2008, 21:13 +0000 schrieb Alan Gauld:
> Yes but thats not the bit that takes time in my experience its
> trying to understand the problem. What exactly am I trying to
> do here? Is it a suimulation exercise, a database problem?
> A real-time or networking issue? Should my solution include
> security protection? If so how much? Can I use a standard
> sort or do i need a custom algorithm? And if so what is it?
> Designing an algorithm takes far longer than converting it to
> code in any language.

Right, but I've encountered it more than once in my professional life,
that the C++ guys where still trying to implement a simple algorithm,
while I was already finetuning a 2nd or 3rd generation of code.

And while it's not always a magnitude, and it's hard to measure, the few
times where I had to ability to compare (either because I was working
parallel or was replacing a failed C++ project), a magnitude seems to
describe the difference in development efficiency.

And this incremental improvements is the usual way, because without a
working prototype it's hard (and partially foolish) to decide which
parts of the design need improvements. (Remember, "Good-Enough" is the
relevant criteria when it comes to performance, so designing and
implementating the best algorithm from scratch does not make sense
(because often vastly simpler algorithms can provide the needed
performance, and again, it's really hard to guess which parts will be
critical for the performance)

> > So Python speeds up the thinking part.
> It speeds up the thinking abouit code bit, it doesn't help much
> in the thining about the problem part.

You are forgetting a critical part. When speaking about coding, I'm
talking about writing the code, and getting it reasonable
bugfree/usable. And that's where Python shines. 

> > As far as the code, those 20-100 lines will do more if they are in
> > Python than they will if they are in Java or C++.
> Absolutely, thats why I write in Python and let the developers
> do the Java stuff - life is too short! And thats why I am on a
> Python mailing list not a Java one :-)
> > I don't see an order of magnitude difference between
> > Python and Java
> And thats my point, particularly for bigger projects where
> the problem complexity completely dominates the code
> complexity. The coding time will derinitely improve and I
> suspect you could get as high as 4 or 5 times but I doubt
> if you'd ever really achieve an order of magnitude.

Actually, the project where I achieved over a magnitude speedup was
highly complicated, involved partial reverse-engineering of binary
formats, embedding Python in a C++ app, refactoring the C++ app to
support multiple input handlers, doing a framework, optimizing,
portability to all kind of old UNIX boxes (the app had designed minimum
life cycle of 30 years), ...

The C++ guys gave up in disgust after more than 9 months into the
project. I had overtaken all their tries after one month. OTOH, if I'd
compare me with the designed time for the project (which was 12 months),
I have been only 2-3 times as fast as management had planned. In
practice, the C++ guys had massive problems, and if their progress had
been any measure, they would have taken at least 24-30 months getting
the project going. I know it's unnice, because the project had not
complete specifications (well, management claimed that it had all specs
needed, as it happens the more important half of the specs needed to be
reverse engineered. With data files in the MB range, manual decoding was
not an workable solution. But the experimenting wasn't that bad with for
me, while the C++ guy never reached the point where deciphering the
semantic meaning of the data was relevant to them.)

So I stand by the "magnitude" of developer efficiency difference. It's
not there for every project, but OTOH there are other projects where you
can get even more speedup. (Don't you have ever listened in on projects
that are infrastructure building that is just, well, a nonissue in

And btw, it's not just Python, it just happens to me my default
language. Highlevel languages do "pay", and it's starting to show slowly
in the industry. (Well, 1-2 years ago, my CV was "optimized" to for
non-Python experience. The last year, I've been usually able to pick
Python contracts without much of troubles, so Python is growing in
commercial settings.)

> > have compared code samples, I have found Python code
> > to be 20-60% the size of equivalent Java code.
> In the few cases I've measured its been about 30% less
> which nearly falls into your range. But the examples were very
> small - all less than 1000 lines of Java - about as much
> Java as I can bring myself to type!

Well, Java is already a relative "high-level" language, it's basically
safe, which helps debugging greatly, and is being made into something
even more highlevel by all kinds of IDE wizards. I wouldn't expect a
magnitude between Java/Python, just because Java is way nearer to Python
than that it is to C++. (Despite the syntax.)

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From ricaraoz at  Sat Mar  8 04:48:07 2008
From: ricaraoz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Ricardo_Ar=E1oz?=)
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 00:48:07 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <fqsj3b$hia$>
References: <><1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost><><>	<1204813091.13045.54.camel@localhost><fqq042$ne2$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

> Absolutely. I totally agree that moving an organization to Python
> or similar modern language is a sensible move for many applications.
> Only where very high performance or scaleability are required would
> Python (or similar) be inappropriate and even in the largest
> organisations that is a minority case. And of course web services
> provide a glue that any language can utilise to remove most
> issues of integration between apps in different languages
> (which used to be a very valid concern).
> My only dispute is the wisdom of introducing foreign code
> into an existing app. Andreas has already said in fact the
> new languages are already supported so that makes the
> scenario valid also.

Well, I guess it's about what you think a programmer is. I think if you 
are a "true" programmer you'll be good in ANY language (though you may 
have your preferences) and you'll be able to do 80% of your work in any 
language (and learn 80% of any language in a short time). So there would 
not really be such a problem with "foreign code", the only issues I 
foresee are establishing proper "coding rules" for the company, that 
might take some time and produce some flaky code. As for integration 
between apps, if the languages are python and C/C++ it seems not to be a 
problem (never done it), there is :


From jeff at  Sat Mar  8 05:13:24 2008
From: jeff at (Jeff Younker)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 20:13:24 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <><1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost><><>	<1204813091.13045.54.camel@localhost><fqq042$ne2$>	<>
	<fqsj3b$hia$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 7, 2008, at 7:48 PM, Ricardo Ar?oz wrote:

> Alan Gauld wrote:
> Well, I guess it's about what you think a programmer is. I think if  
> you
> are a "true" programmer you'll be good in ANY language (though you may
> have your preferences) and you'll be able to do 80% of your work in  
> any
> language (and learn 80% of any language in a short time). So there  
> would
> not really be such a problem with "foreign code", the only issues I
> foresee are establishing proper "coding rules" for the company, that
> might take some time and produce some flaky code. As for integration
> between apps, if the languages are python and C/C++ it seems not to  
> be a
> problem (never done it), there is :

It's easy to learn the basic features of a language and to use those,  
developing fluency is much harder, and it takes a much longer time.

- Jeff Younker - jeff at -

From tetsuo2k6 at  Sat Mar  8 13:57:28 2008
From: tetsuo2k6 at (tetsuo2k6 at
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 13:57:28 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] identifying the calling module/function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jeff Younker schrieb:
> Telling us your goal might allow us to recommend a better
> and faster way of accomplishing it.
> - Jeff Younker - jeff at -

in (hope the formatting gets good for you, t-bird breaks the 
lines badly on my machine...)

def csvwriter(*column_definitions):
         """Edit Me!"""
         if sys.argv[0] == /usr/local/bin/ # sorry, I am not 
allowed to give you guys here, or the real name of the script - 
my boss is a bit paranoid o.O
		output_csv_filename = "xyz.csv"
		output_csv_filename = raw_input("Name of the file to produce? 
         first_row = ";".join(*column_definitions)
                 file = open(output_csv_filename, "w")
                 print("Couldn't open %s for writing." % 
         return csv.writer(open(output_csv_filename, "ab"), 
delimiter=";", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)

Well, I am starting to realize that the whole thing might be a bit 
unnecessary... Just keeps me from creating csv.writer objects everywhere 
when the dialect is always the same.

Also, I don't know if I understood the *argument_list thing correctly...

From ricaraoz at  Sat Mar  8 15:51:43 2008
From: ricaraoz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Ricardo_Ar=E1oz?=)
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 11:51:43 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Const on Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <><1204796398.13045.10.camel@localhost><><>	<1204813091.13045.54.camel@localhost><fqq042$ne2$>	<>	<fqsj3b$hia$>
Message-ID: <>

Jeff Younker wrote:
> On Mar 7, 2008, at 7:48 PM, Ricardo Ar?oz wrote:
>> Alan Gauld wrote:
>> Well, I guess it's about what you think a programmer is. I think if  
>> you
>> are a "true" programmer you'll be good in ANY language (though you may
>> have your preferences) and you'll be able to do 80% of your work in  
>> any
>> language (and learn 80% of any language in a short time). So there  
>> would
>> not really be such a problem with "foreign code", the only issues I
>> foresee are establishing proper "coding rules" for the company, that
>> might take some time and produce some flaky code. As for integration
>> between apps, if the languages are python and C/C++ it seems not to  
>> be a
>> problem (never done it), there is :
> It's easy to learn the basic features of a language and to use those,  
> but
> developing fluency is much harder, and it takes a much longer time.

Absolutely true, but we are talking about a knowledgeable programmer 
coding the app and a newbie to the language (not to coding) has to do 
some maintenance. The fluency is already coded and can be aped (if what 
you have to do is maintenance and not a complete rebuild), and if a few 
un-elegant lines are added, you can live with it.

From dave6502 at  Sat Mar  8 17:46:27 2008
From: dave6502 at (dave selby)
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 16:46:27 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with ConfigParser set method
Message-ID: <>

Hi All,

I am using the ConfigParser module, I can 'get' from a config file
fine, when I try to set it, it silently fails. the code.

        parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()'./daemon.rc')
        print parser.get('feeds', 'number')
        parser.set('feeds', 'number',  '99')
        print parser.get('feeds', 'number')

there is a section [feeds], and option number, it is set to 1. If I
execute the script I get ...

dave at dev-machine:/var/lib/kmotion/daemons$ ./
dave at dev-machine:/var/lib/kmotion/daemons$ ./
dave at dev-machine:/var/lib/kmotion/daemons$

The first call returns as expected, the second should return 99, 99
not 1, 99. On opening daemons.rc the 'number' option is not changed.

Any ideas ?




Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

From alan.gauld at  Sat Mar  8 19:29:01 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 18:29:01 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with ConfigParser set method
References: <>
Message-ID: <fqulpm$t2v$>

"dave selby" <dave6502 at> wrote in message 
news:f52017b60803080846j6ee098dp955403011c1548d2 at
> Hi All,
> I am using the ConfigParser module, I can 'get' from a config file
> fine, when I try to set it, it silently fails. the code.
>        parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
>        print parser.get('feeds', 'number')
>        parser.set('feeds', 'number',  '99')
>        print parser.get('feeds', 'number')

I've  not used this module but since you have a read at the start
shouldn't you use a write at the end? Otherwise it will only be
set in memory I presume?

Alan G 

From bryan.fodness at  Sat Mar  8 20:31:24 2008
From: bryan.fodness at (Bryan Fodness)
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 14:31:24 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] identifying and parsing string in text file
Message-ID: <>

I have a large file that has many lines like this,

<element tag="300a,0014" vr="CS" vm="1" len="4"
I would like to identify the line by the tag (300a,0014) and then grab the
name (DoseReferenceStructureType) and value (SITE).

I would like to create a file that would have the structure,

     DoseReferenceStructureType = Site

Also, there is a possibility that there are multiple lines with the same
tag, but different values.  These all need to be recorded.

So far, I have a little bit of code to look at everything that is available,

     for line in open(str(sys.argv[1])):
          i_line = line.split()
          if i_line:
               if i_line[0] == "<element":
                    a = i_line[1]
                    b = i_line[5]
                    print "%s     |     %s" %(a, b)

but do not see a clever way of doing what I would like.

Any help or guidance would be appreciated.


"The game of science can accurately be described as a never-ending insult to
human intelligence." - Jo?o Magueijo
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Sat Mar  8 21:53:30 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 15:53:30 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Creating a Python module to drive a robot
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Shrutarshi Basu wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to create a library of functions that would allow writing
> Python scripts that would control a Hemisson robots via a serial
> interface. 

Do you know about Pyro? It supports Hemisson robots:

I'll be using the pyserial module heavily, but I'm
> wondering what would be the best way to approach this . Should I
> create a "Robot" class and define everything as functions of the
> class, such as a function for setting wheel speed, turning, reading
> from sensors etc. Or is there some other way that would be easier for
> a user? The project is meant for students who would be using
> programming the robot as an Intro to programming, so it would be best
> if users don't need to understand the details of OOP (or similar
> concepts) to use the code quickly and reliably.

The simplest way to control a single robot is probably to use 
module-level functions to control the robot.

You can still have a robot class; the module functions can delegate to a 
single instance of Robot. The turtle module does this, too; it has a 
global instance of Pen which is used by the global functions.


From kent37 at  Sat Mar  8 22:04:03 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 16:04:03 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] identifying the calling module/function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

tetsuo2k6 at wrote:

> in (hope the formatting gets good for you, t-bird breaks the 
> lines badly on my machine...)
> def csvwriter(*column_definitions):
>          """Edit Me!"""
>          if sys.argv[0] == /usr/local/bin/
> 		output_csv_filename = "xyz.csv"
> 	else:
> 		output_csv_filename = raw_input("Name of the file to produce? 

If you can change you can avoid this by adding an optional 
filename parameter to the function.

>          first_row = ";".join(*column_definitions)
>          try:
>                  file = open(output_csv_filename, "w")
>                  file.write(first_row)
>                  file.close()
>          except:
>                  print("Couldn't open %s for writing." % 

It's not such a good idea to hide the exception like this; you might at 
least want to print the actual exception. Or just let it propagate.

>                  sys.exit(1)

You can use the csv module to write the header row, too.

I would write this as

def csvwriter(*column_definitions, filename=None):
	if filename is none:
		filename = raw_input("Name of the file to produce?

         	out = csv.writer(open(filename, "ab"),
delimiter=";", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
	except Exception, e
		print("Couldn't open %s for writing." %
		print e
	return out


From spanfax at  Sat Mar  8 21:03:42 2008
From: spanfax at (Enrique Nieves, Jr.)
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 15:03:42 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
Message-ID: <000001c88157$9689cbd0$6501a8c0@NETVISTAUSER>

I'm not a programmer, but would like to learn to program.  I'm considering
self-learning python on my spare time.  Can you recommend the best books,
online training, or other resources?  I know nothing about programming.



-------------- next part --------------
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From marc.tompkins at  Sat Mar  8 22:21:52 2008
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 13:21:52 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] identifying and parsing string in text file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sure sounds like XML to me...  I'm just snatching a moment from Saturday
chores to type this, but there are a bunch of modules available for XML
manipulation - elementtree is built-in; I personally prefer Amara - and I'll
bet that a few minutes spent with the docs for either module will tell you
what you need to know.

On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 11:31 AM, Bryan Fodness <bryan.fodness at>

> I have a large file that has many lines like this,
> <element tag="300a,0014" vr="CS" vm="1" len="4"
> name="DoseReferenceStructureType">SITE</element>
> I would like to identify the line by the tag (300a,0014) and then grab the
> name (DoseReferenceStructureType) and value (SITE).
> I would like to create a file that would have the structure,
>      DoseReferenceStructureType = Site
>      ...
>      ...
> Also, there is a possibility that there are multiple lines with the same
> tag, but different values.  These all need to be recorded.
> So far, I have a little bit of code to look at everything that is
> available,
>      for line in open(str(sys.argv[1])):
>           i_line = line.split()
>           if i_line:
>                if i_line[0] == "<element":
>                     a = i_line[1]
>                     b = i_line[5]
>                     print "%s     |     %s" %(a, b)
> but do not see a clever way of doing what I would like.
> Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
> Bryan
> --
> "The game of science can accurately be described as a never-ending insult
> to human intelligence." - Jo?o Magueijo
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

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From jim at  Sat Mar  8 22:23:32 2008
From: jim at (jim stockford)
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 13:23:32 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
In-Reply-To: <000001c88157$9689cbd0$6501a8c0@NETVISTAUSER>
References: <000001c88157$9689cbd0$6501a8c0@NETVISTAUSER>
Message-ID: <>

    i'm working (gratefully) with a small python study group
and preparing an intro to python class.
    if you like, i'll send you my lessons and hope for your
questions and feedback.    mine is certainly not the best
python material (i think it's not bad), but it comes with the
ability for you to ask questions and provide feedback.
    it seems that some colleges and universities are starting
to use python for their introductory courses. python is well
designed and many people find it particularly fun to use.

jim at

On Mar 8, 2008, at 12:03 PM, Enrique Nieves, Jr. wrote:

> I?m not a programmer, but would like to learn to program.? I?m 
> considering self-learning python on my spare time.? Can you recommend 
> the best books, online training, or other resources?? I know nothing 
> about programming.
> ?
> enrique
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From kent37 at  Sat Mar  8 22:35:28 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 16:35:28 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] identifying and parsing string in text file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bryan Fodness wrote:
> I have a large file that has many lines like this,
> <element tag="300a,0014" vr="CS" vm="1" len="4" 
> name="DoseReferenceStructureType">SITE</element>
> I would like to identify the line by the tag (300a,0014) and then grab 
> the name (DoseReferenceStructureType) and value (SITE).
> I would like to create a file that would have the structure,
>      DoseReferenceStructureType = Site

Presuming that your source file is XML, I think I would use 
ElementTree.iterparse() to process this.

Something like this (untested):

from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse

source = open('mydata.xml').read()
out = open('myoutput.txt', 'w')

for event, elem in iterparse(source):
     if elem.tag == "element":
         name = elem['name']
	text = elem.text
	out.write('%s = %s\n' % (name, text)


From kent37 at  Sat Mar  8 22:39:16 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 16:39:16 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
In-Reply-To: <000001c88157$9689cbd0$6501a8c0@NETVISTAUSER>
References: <000001c88157$9689cbd0$6501a8c0@NETVISTAUSER>
Message-ID: <>

Enrique Nieves, Jr. wrote:
> I?m not a programmer, but would like to learn to program.  I?m 
> considering self-learning python on my spare time.  Can you recommend 
> the best books, online training, or other resources?  I know nothing 
> about programming.

There are several good on-line tutorials for beginners:

I think the best book for the absolute beginner is "Python Programming 
for the absolute beginner" by Michael Dawson.

You can ask questions here when you get stuck.


From alan.gauld at  Sun Mar  9 00:35:07 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 23:35:07 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
References: <000001c88157$9689cbd0$6501a8c0@NETVISTAUSER>
Message-ID: <fqv7nj$j7u$>

"Enrique Nieves, Jr." <spanfax at> wrote

> I'm not a programmer, but would like to learn to program.  I'm 
> considering
> self-learning python on my spare time.  Can you recommend the best 
> books,
> online training, or other resources?  I know nothing about 
> programming.

Yes, you can learn to program Python by teaching yourself
using any of several tutorials on the Python web site. When
you get stuck ask for help on this mailing list.

You will find a list of tutorials here:

Note that my site is still dead so use the link below if you weant
to check it out rather than the one on the Python site...

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at

From andreas at  Sun Mar  9 00:52:13 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 00:52:13 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with ConfigParser set method
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1205020333.2230.0.camel@localhost>

As I thought, it does not fail silently.

You need something like:

if not parser.has_section("feeds"):


Am Samstag, den 08.03.2008, 16:46 +0000 schrieb dave selby:
> Hi All,
> I am using the ConfigParser module, I can 'get' from a config file
> fine, when I try to set it, it silently fails. the code.
>         parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
>         print parser.get('feeds', 'number')
>         parser.set('feeds', 'number',  '99')
>         print parser.get('feeds', 'number')
> there is a section [feeds], and option number, it is set to 1. If I
> execute the script I get ...
> dave at dev-machine:/var/lib/kmotion/daemons$ ./
> 1
> 99
> dave at dev-machine:/var/lib/kmotion/daemons$ ./
> 1
> 99
> dave at dev-machine:/var/lib/kmotion/daemons$
> The first call returns as expected, the second should return 99, 99
> not 1, 99. On opening daemons.rc the 'number' option is not changed.
> Any ideas ?
> Cheers
> Dave
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Name: not available
Type: application/pgp-signature
Size: 189 bytes
Desc: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil
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From midnightjulia at  Sun Mar  9 13:16:59 2008
From: midnightjulia at (Julia)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 13:16:59 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
Message-ID: <>

> Message: 3
> Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 16:39:16 -0500
> From: Kent Johnson <kent37 at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] self-learning Python
> To: "Enrique Nieves, Jr." <spanfax at>
> Cc: tutor at
> Message-ID: <47D30784.3090506 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> Enrique Nieves, Jr. wrote:
> > I?m not a programmer, but would like to learn to program.  I?m
> > considering self-learning python on my spare time.  Can you recommend
> > the best books, online training, or other resources?  I know nothing
> > about programming.
> There are several good on-line tutorials for beginners:
> I think the best book for the absolute beginner is "Python Programming
> for the absolute beginner" by Michael Dawson.
> You can ask questions here when you get stuck.
> Kent

To be honest I truly dislike the Dawson book. I wouldn't recommend it to
anyone. It's lacks technical clarity, examples and has a messy index. I'm
going to sell my example asap.

I currently use multiple books for reference and because I haven't found one
really good book yet. In the end I'd say is the best resource for
learning Python :)
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From emadnawfal at  Sun Mar  9 13:28:48 2008
From: emadnawfal at (Emad Nawfal)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 08:28:48 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 8:16 AM, Julia <midnightjulia at> wrote:

> Message: 3
> > Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 16:39:16 -0500
> > From: Kent Johnson <kent37 at>
> > Subject: Re: [Tutor] self-learning Python
> > To: "Enrique Nieves, Jr." <spanfax at>
> > Cc: tutor at
> > Message-ID: <47D30784.3090506 at>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> >
> > Enrique Nieves, Jr. wrote:
> > > I?m not a programmer, but would like to learn to program.  I?m
> > > considering self-learning python on my spare time.  Can you recommend
> > > the best books, online training, or other resources?  I know nothing
> > > about programming.
> >
> > There are several good on-line tutorials for beginners:
> >
> >
> > I think the best book for the absolute beginner is "Python Programming
> > for the absolute beginner" by Michael Dawson.
> >
> > You can ask questions here when you get stuck.
> >
> > Kent
> To be honest I truly dislike the Dawson book. I wouldn't recommend it to
> anyone. It's lacks technical clarity, examples and has a messy index. I'm
> going to sell my example asap.
> I currently use multiple books for reference and because I haven't found
> one really good book yet. In the end I'd say is the best
> resource for learning Python :)
> /J
When I started learning Python, I had had no programming background
whatsoever. It was Michael Dawson's book that got me off the ground. I then
read another book "Python programming: an introduction to computer science",
and things began to make sense to me. Non-programmers have a hard time
grasping things programmers take for granted. That's why Dawson's book may
not be good for experienced people. I definitely recommend it to true

> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

?? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ????????.....????
"No victim has ever been more repressed and alienated than the truth"

Emad Soliman Nawfal
Indiana University, Bloomington
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From kent37 at  Sun Mar  9 13:54:12 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 08:54:12 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Emad Nawfal wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 8:16 AM, Julia <midnightjulia at 
> <mailto:midnightjulia at>> wrote:
>     To be honest I truly dislike the Dawson book. I wouldn't recommend
>     it to anyone. It's lacks technical clarity, examples and has a messy
>     index. I'm going to sell my example asap.

I'm not sure what kind of clarity you want. To be sure Dawson is not 
nearly as precise and comprehensive as Learning Python, for example, but 
I think the more casual approach is better for a complete beginner.

ISTM Dawson is written almost entirely as a series of extended examples, 
I'm really surprised that you say it lacks examples.

> When I started learning Python, I had had no programming background 
> whatsoever. It was Michael Dawson's book that got me off the ground. I 
> then read another book "Python programming: an introduction to computer 
> science", and things began to make sense to me.

I almost mentioned that one too. Python for Dummies might also be a good 
choice but I haven't seen that.

O'Reilly is coming out with a book Head First Programming that uses 
Python but it isn't scheduled to be published until May.


From wesbrooks at  Sun Mar  9 14:57:36 2008
From: wesbrooks at (Wesley Brooks)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 13:57:36 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Make sound with python? Cross platform?
Message-ID: <>

Dear Users,

I've been digging around to try and find a way to make python make
sound. I would either like to sound out a string of musical notes
including rests or simply have something that I set the frequency and
duration then sound and repeat for the number of notes.

If possible I would prefer a solution that is cross platform, and
standard library but would settle for Linux only solutions that can be
downloaded - which preferably don't need compiling.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Yours Faithfully,

Wesley Brooks

From luciano at  Sun Mar  9 15:05:32 2008
From: luciano at (Luciano Ramalho)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 11:05:32 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Make sound with python? Cross platform?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Wesley Brooks <wesbrooks at> wrote:
>  I've been digging around to try and find a way to make python make
>  sound. I would either like to sound out a string of musical notes [...]

Wesley, take a look at PyGame [1]. PyGame is a Python wrapper on top
of SDL [2], a multi-platform multimedia library.




On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Wesley Brooks <wesbrooks at> wrote:
> Dear Users,
>  I've been digging around to try and find a way to make python make
>  sound. I would either like to sound out a string of musical notes
>  including rests or simply have something that I set the frequency and
>  duration then sound and repeat for the number of notes.
>  If possible I would prefer a solution that is cross platform, and
>  standard library but would settle for Linux only solutions that can be
>  downloaded - which preferably don't need compiling.
>  Thanks for any suggestions.
>  Yours Faithfully,
>  Wesley Brooks
>  _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From kent37 at  Sun Mar  9 15:17:11 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 10:17:11 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Make sound with python? Cross platform?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Wesley Brooks wrote:
> Dear Users,
> I've been digging around to try and find a way to make python make
> sound. I would either like to sound out a string of musical notes
> including rests or simply have something that I set the frequency and
> duration then sound and repeat for the number of notes.
> If possible I would prefer a solution that is cross platform, and
> standard library but would settle for Linux only solutions that can be
> downloaded - which preferably don't need compiling.

pygame and pyglet+avbin both play sounds, are cross-platform and have 
binaries available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

The "Playing and creating sound" section of this page looks promising:


From luciano at  Sun Mar  9 15:23:00 2008
From: luciano at (Luciano Ramalho)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 11:23:00 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

My recommendation for a book to learn to program, using Python is "How
to think like a Computer Scientist: learning with Python (2nd
edition)" [1]. It's a free online book, but a printed version of the
first edition is also available.


Don't let the "Computer Scientist" in the title scare you: it is a
very accessible text which assumes no background in programming, and
explains all of the basic concepts and jargon very well. Includes a
useful glossary at the end of each chapter. The 2nd edition also has



From wesbrooks at  Sun Mar  9 15:29:51 2008
From: wesbrooks at (Wesley Brooks)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 14:29:51 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Make sound with python? Cross platform?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks very much. Not quite sure why I didn't find those earlier! I'll
have a look now.



On 09/03/2008, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> Wesley Brooks wrote:
>  > Dear Users,
>  >
>  > I've been digging around to try and find a way to make python make
>  > sound. I would either like to sound out a string of musical notes
>  > including rests or simply have something that I set the frequency and
>  > duration then sound and repeat for the number of notes.
>  >
>  > If possible I would prefer a solution that is cross platform, and
>  > standard library but would settle for Linux only solutions that can be
>  > downloaded - which preferably don't need compiling.
> pygame and pyglet+avbin both play sounds, are cross-platform and have
>  binaries available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
>  The "Playing and creating sound" section of this page looks promising:
>  Kent

From bhaaluu at  Sun Mar  9 15:30:16 2008
From: bhaaluu at (bhaaluu)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 10:30:16 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 8:54 AM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
>  > On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 8:16 AM, Julia <midnightjulia at wrote:
>  >     To be honest I truly dislike the Dawson book. I wouldn't recommend
>  >     it to anyone. It's lacks technical clarity, examples and has a messy
>  >     index. I'm going to sell my example asap.
>  I'm not sure what kind of clarity you want. To be sure Dawson is not
>  nearly as precise and comprehensive as Learning Python, for example, but
>  I think the more casual approach is better for a complete beginner.
>  ISTM Dawson is written almost entirely as a series of extended examples,
>  I'm really surprised that you say it lacks examples.

I found Dawson's book very approachable for people who are Absolute
Beginners to programming. As Kent says, each chapter is a series of
extended examples that cover fundamental concepts. The premise of
the book is that Game Programming is a FUN way to learn programming.

Most of the book uses text-based games as examples. Each chapter
ends with a set of Challenges that encourage you to test the skills you've
learned up to that point. The Challenges are appropriate for Absolute
Beginners (ie. none of them ask you to do anything that hasn't been
taught yet). Most of the Challenges require a little thought to complete.
Some of the Challenges ask that you modify an example in the chapter
to make it do something different, or to add a new feature.

Chapter 1 starts out with the "Game Over Program" which is the equivalent
of the "Hello, world!" program in most other books. This chapter talks you
through getting Python setup and running on your computer, and all sorts
of other essential beginning steps that need to be done in order to use
Python as your programming language.

Chapter 2 uses "The Useless Trivia Program" to cover Types, Variables, and
simple Input/Output.

Chapter 3 covers Branching (making decisions), 'while' loops, and program
planning. The "Guess My Number Game" is used as the main example. All
the examples build up to writing the Guessing game.

Chapter 4 has "The Word Jumble Game". It covers 'for' loops, Strings, Slicing
Strings, and Tuples.

Chapter 5 introduces Lists and Dictionaries. Here is "The Hangman Game".

Chapter 6 covers functions, and "The Tic-Tac-Toe Game".

Chapter 7 has "The Trivia Challenge Game" and covers Files and Exceptions.

Chapter 8 begins the Object Oriented Programming (classes, methods, etc.)
and has "The Critter Caretaker Program" (a Tamagotchi-type game).

Chapter 9 continues the Object Oriented Programming with "The Blackjack
Game". Inheritance, Polymorphism, and other OOP concepts are introduced.

Chapter 10 starts to get into GUI development with Tkinter. "The Mad Lib
Program" is the main game.

The Final two chapters use a modified version of the LiveWires package to
run the games. You'll need to have PyGame and LiveWires installed for these
games to work.  LiveWires is a "wrapper" for PyGame which supposedly makes
PyGame easier to lear and use. PyGame is a "wrapper" for the SDL library,
written in the C programming language.

Chapter 11 gets into Graphics, and the examples build up to "The Pizza Panic
Game". Backgrounds, Sprites, Collisions, and other basic graphic gaming
concepts are covered here.

Chapter 12 is a full-blown graphic 2-D arcade-style game called "The Astrocrash
Game" (similar to 'Asteroids'). Sound, Animation, and Program Development
are covered.

Appendix A is a LiveWires reference.

Games are a really fun way to learn programming, and Dawson's book makes
learning programming a lot of fun! I think the book is meant to be read from
cover to cover, since each chapter is built on the concepts introduced in
previous chapters. Everything is explained clearly without the use of confusing
'jargon'. Terminology is clearly explained, and examples are explained

If you can finish Dawson's book, you'll be well prepared to take on just about
any other Python tutorial out there (except maybe the ones that delve into
advanced Computer Science theory).

>  > When I started learning Python, I had had no programming background
>  > whatsoever. It was Michael Dawson's book that got me off the ground. I
>  > then read another book "Python programming: an introduction to computer
>  > science", and things began to make sense to me.
>  I almost mentioned that one too. Python for Dummies might also be a good
>  choice but I haven't seen that.
>  O'Reilly is coming out with a book Head First Programming that uses
>  Python but it isn't scheduled to be published until May.
>  Kent
> _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

If you finish Dawson's book and are interested in continuing with
Python/PyGame programming (without LiveWires) then you might
want to look into obtaining a copy of Andy Harris' book: Game Programming
published by Wiley (2007). It covers 2-D arcade games with PyGame, and
is a good PyGame tutorial.

Another PyGame programing book is: Beginning Game Development with
Python and Pygame: From Novice to Professional, by Will McGugan. I haven't
seen this book yet, but it covers 3-D game programming.

Happy Programming!
b h a a l u u at g m a i l dot c o m
"You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its
orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such
allegiance.  Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil.
A good person will resist an evil system with his or her
whole soul." [Mahatma Gandhi]

From midnightjulia at  Sun Mar  9 16:37:04 2008
From: midnightjulia at (Julia)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 16:37:04 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
Message-ID: <>

> Emad Nawfal wrote:
> > On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 8:16 AM, Julia <midnightjulia at
> > <mailto:midnightjulia at>> wrote:
> >     To be honest I truly dislike the Dawson book. I wouldn't recommend
> >     it to anyone. It's lacks technical clarity, examples and has a messy
> >     index. I'm going to sell my example asap.
> I'm not sure what kind of clarity you want. To be sure Dawson is not
> nearly as precise and comprehensive as Learning Python, for example, but
> I think the more casual approach is better for a complete beginner.
> ISTM Dawson is written almost entirely as a series of extended examples,
> I'm really surprised that you say it lacks examples.
 Yes, Dawson uses few examples. His examples might be extensive but there
are still few examples. Compare the number of examples in Dawson book to the
(in my opinion better) Beginning Python by Norton (Wrox).

The problem is that if you want to know how to use one specific technique
then Dawsons great big examples are of limited use. In a book like Beginning
Python I can find the same technique isolated and therefore better
understand it.

 When I was a complete beginner I preferred Beginning Python over Dawson and
I still do (I'm still a beginner). But that might just me be me :)

-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Sun Mar  9 17:03:44 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 16:03:44 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <fr11l9$hoj$>

"Julia" <midnightjulia at> wrote

> When I was a complete beginner I preferred Beginning Python over 
> Dawson and
> I still do (I'm still a beginner). But that might just me be me :)

Book (and tutorial) choices are very subjective.
I know the styles of book I like and dislike.
I hate "chatty, informal" style text books, I like precision.
I hate books that try to teach by example, I prefer direct instruction
followed by short pointed examples - I can invent long examples by

But I know plenty people who prefer the exact opposite.
My own book follows my taste, which is almost exactly opposite
to Dawson's. Each will suit a different audience.

But contrarily I should like the Dietel's "How to Program" and
don't and I should dislike Lutz' Programming Python but don't! :-)

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at

From lowelltackett at  Sun Mar  9 17:00:16 2008
From: lowelltackett at (Lowell Tackett)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 09:00:16 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Julia <midnightjulia at> wrote: Emad Nawfal wrote:
 > On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 8:16 AM, Julia <midnightjulia at
 > <mailto:midnightjulia at>> wrote:
 >     To be honest I truly dislike the Dawson book. I wouldn't recommend
 >     it to anyone. It's lacks technical clarity, examples and has a messy
 >     index. I'm going to sell my example asap.
 I'm not sure what kind of clarity you want. To be sure Dawson is not
 nearly as precise and comprehensive as Learning Python, for example, but
 I think the more casual approach is better for a complete beginner.
 ISTM Dawson is written almost entirely as a series of extended examples,
 I'm really surprised that you say it lacks examples.
Yes, Dawson uses few examples. His examples might be extensive but there are still few examples. Compare the number of examples in Dawson book to the (in my opinion better) Beginning Python by Norton (Wrox). 
  The problem is that if you want to know how to use one specific technique then Dawsons great big examples are of limited use. In a book like Beginning Python I can find the same technique isolated and therefore better understand it.

   When I was a complete beginner I preferred Beginning Python over Dawson and I still do (I'm still a beginner). But that might just me be me :)

There's an essential (in my opinion) principle of learning programming that doesn't seem to have made its' way into this conversation.  I'll preface my thoughts by saying that in-again, my opinion- Michael Dawson's book, Python Programming for the absolute beginner is more than a's a hallowed tome.  A lot of learning is not only absorbing stuff, but what I call (and I'm certain it didn't originate with me) "finger time".  That's simply spending time at the keyboard and vicariously interacting.  Things will come to you, but it needs hours and hours of fairly productive interaction.  Mr. Dawson's book provides that cycle of, ', yea!' like nothing else available.

Of course, a person is gonna need to jump away and do independent stuff.  But this book provides concrete milestones from which to jump and apply concepts to independently thought up projects.

That, after having used Mr. Dawson's book, and appreciating the solid grounding it provided me, is my humble opinion.

Lowell T.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

>From the virtual desk of Lowell Tackett  

Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
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From midnightjulia at  Sun Mar  9 19:03:14 2008
From: midnightjulia at (Julia)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 19:03:14 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 5:00 PM, Lowell Tackett <lowelltackett at>

> There's an essential (in my opinion) principle of learning programming
> that doesn't seem to have made its' way into this conversation.  I'll
> preface my thoughts by saying that in-again, my opinion- Michael Dawson's
> book, Python Programming for the absolute beginner is more than a
>'s a hallowed tome.  A lot of learning is not only absorbing stuff,
> but what I call (and I'm certain it didn't originate with me) "finger
> time".  That's simply spending time at the keyboard and vicariously
> interacting.  Things will come to you, but it needs hours and hours of
> fairly productive interaction.  Mr. Dawson's book provides that cycle of,
> ', yea!' like nothing else available.
> Of course, a person is gonna need to jump away and do independent stuff.
> But this book provides concrete milestones from which to jump and apply
> concepts to independently thought up projects.
> That, after having used Mr. Dawson's book, and appreciating the solid
> grounding it provided me, is my humble opinion.
> Lowell T.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist - Tutor at
> That was a really interesting post Lowell. Great feedback! I've thought
about something like this but I haven't been sure how to express it (English
isn't my mother tongue). You also set a better tone then I used in my first
reply. I apologize for it.

What you are talking about is very important. Succeeding and making
something work is a thrill and it will motivate one try even harder the next

For me "Beginning Python" provided a better ground for this learning
experience because I got to try many variations of the many important parts
of Python. I wrote the code from the examples and I saw it work. With Dawson
there where some really extensive examples but I didn't really understand
how the isolated parts worked. There where many more "oh, this is cool"
thoughts with "Beginning Python". I also believe that by using a more
technical book I gained an experience with the programming methology (e.g.
coding and debugging code).

What I am claiming is that the productive experience is greater with
Beginning Python than with Dawson. Don't be afraid of the big and more
technical books. They are big, but big means there's more fun inside.

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From lowelltackett at  Sun Mar  9 19:43:35 2008
From: lowelltackett at (Lowell Tackett)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 11:43:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Julia <midnightjulia at> wrote: On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 5:00 PM, Lowell Tackett <lowelltackett at> wrote:

There's an essential (in my opinion) principle of learning programming...learning is not only absorbing stuff, but what I call (and I'm certain it didn't originate with me) "finger time".    Mr. Dawson's book provides that cycle of, ', yea!' like nothing else available.
Of course, a person is gonna need to jump away...this book provides concrete milestones from which to jump...

Lowell T.

Tutor maillist  -   Tutor at 
  That was a really interesting post Lowell. Great feedback! I've thought about something like this but I haven't been sure how to express it (English isn't my mother tongue). You also set a better tone then I used in my first reply. I apologize for it.
   What you are talking about is very important. Succeeding and making something work is a thrill and it will motivate one try even harder the next time. 
   For me "Beginning Python" provided a better ground for this learning experience because I got to try many variations of the many important parts of Python. I wrote the code from the examples and I saw it work. With Dawson there where some really extensive examples but I didn't really understand how the isolated parts worked. There where many more "oh, this is cool" thoughts with "Beginning Python". I also believe that by using a more technical book I gained an experience with the programming methology (e.g. coding and debugging code). 
   What I am claiming is that the productive experience is greater with Beginning Python than with Dawson. Don't be afraid of the big and more technical books. They are big, but big means there's more fun inside. 

Ya know what?...if we all had the same opinions and perspective, this forum wouldn't exist!  We wouldn't need it (well, yea, I am kinda overlooking the pedagogical value).  Actually it was [in part] your provocative comments that inspired my response (but also, I harbor very strong loyalty to Mr. Dawson's book).  Please!! no apologies necessary.  I am in fact inspired to look at your arguments more closely and see what valuable slant I may have boxed myself out of (sometimes, tunnel-vision tends to creep in.)


>From the virtual desk of Lowell Tackett  

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.
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From emadnawfal at  Sun Mar  9 16:06:58 2008
From: emadnawfal at (Emad Nawfal)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 10:06:58 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Word List
Message-ID: <>

Dear Tutors,
I'm trying to get the most frequent words in an Arabic text. I wrote the
following code and tried it on English and it works fine, but when I try it
on Arabic, all I get is the slashes and x's. I'm not familiar with Unicode.
Could somebody please tell me what's wrong here, and how I can get the
actual Arabic words?
Thank you in anticipation

import codecs
infile ='C:\Documents and Settings\Emad\Desktop\milal.txt',
'r', 'utf-8').read().split()
num = {}
for word in infile:
    if word not in num:
        num[word] = 1
    num[word] +=1
new = zip(num.values(), num.keys())
outfile ='C:\Documents and
Settings\Emad\Desktop\milalwanihal.txt', 'w', 'utf-8')
for word in new:
        print >> out, word

?? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ????????.....????
"No victim has ever been more repressed and alienated than the truth"

Emad Soliman Nawfal
Indiana University, Bloomington
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From kent37 at  Sun Mar  9 21:35:10 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 16:35:10 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Word List
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Emad Nawfal wrote:
> Dear Tutors,
> I'm trying to get the most frequent words in an Arabic text. I wrote the 
> following code and tried it on English and it works fine, but when I try 
> it on Arabic, all I get is the slashes and x's.

> import codecs
> infile ='C:\Documents and 
> Settings\Emad\Desktop\milal.txt', 'r', 'utf-8').read().split()
> num = {}
> for word in infile:
>     if word not in num:
>         num[word] = 1
>     num[word] +=1
> new = zip(num.values(), num.keys())

Note that new is a list of pairs of (count, word), *not* a list of words.

> new.sort()
> new.reverse()
> outfile ='C:\Documents and 
> Settings\Emad\Desktop\milalwanihal.txt', 'w', 'utf-8')
> for word in new:
>         print >> out, word

So here 'word' is a tuple, not a string.

When you print a tuple, the output is the repr() of the elements of a 
tuple, not the str() of the elements. For strings, this means that 
non-ascii characters are always printed using backslash escapes.

For example:
In [19]: s='?'
In [21]: print s
In [25]: t=(s,s)
In [26]: print t
('\xc3\xa9', '\xc3\xa9')

I suggest you format the output yourself. If you want the tuple 
formatting, try this:

for count, word in new: # unpack the tuple to two values
   out.write('(%s, %s)\n' % (count, word))


From emadnawfal at  Sun Mar  9 18:09:58 2008
From: emadnawfal at (Emad Nawfal)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 12:09:58 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Word List
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dear Tutors,
> I'm trying to get the most frequent words in an Arabic text. I wrote the
> following code and tried it on English and it works fine, but when I try it
> on Arabic, all I get is the slashes and x's. I'm not familiar with Unicode.
> Could somebody please tell me what's wrong here, and how I can get the
> actual Arabic words?
> Thank you in anticipation
> import codecs
> infile ='C:\Documents and Settings\Emad\Desktop\milal.txt',
> 'r', 'utf-8').read().split()
> num = {}
> for word in infile:
>     if word not in num:
>         num[word] = 1
>     num[word] +=1
> new = zip(num.values(), num.keys())
> new.sort()
> new.reverse()
> outfile ='C:\Documents and
> Settings\Emad\Desktop\milalwanihal.txt', 'w', 'utf-8')
> for word in new:
>         print >> out, word
> out.close()
> --
> ?? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ????????.....????
> ???????
> "No victim has ever been more repressed and alienated than the truth"
> Emad Soliman Nawfal
> Indiana University, Bloomington
> --------------------------------------------------------

?? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ????????.....????
"No victim has ever been more repressed and alienated than the truth"

Emad Soliman Nawfal
Indiana University, Bloomington
-------------- next part --------------
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From emadnawfal at  Sun Mar  9 22:59:35 2008
From: emadnawfal at (Emad Nawfal)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 17:59:35 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Word List
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2008/3/9 Kent Johnson <kent37 at>:

> Emad Nawfal wrote:
> > Dear Tutors,
> > I'm trying to get the most frequent words in an Arabic text. I wrote the
> > following code and tried it on English and it works fine, but when I try
> > it on Arabic, all I get is the slashes and x's.
> > import codecs
> > infile ='C:\Documents and
> > Settings\Emad\Desktop\milal.txt', 'r', 'utf-8').read().split()
> > num = {}
> > for word in infile:
> >     if word not in num:
> >         num[word] = 1
> >     num[word] +=1
> > new = zip(num.values(), num.keys())
> Note that new is a list of pairs of (count, word), *not* a list of words.
> > new.sort()
> > new.reverse()
> > outfile ='C:\Documents and
> > Settings\Emad\Desktop\milalwanihal.txt', 'w', 'utf-8')
> > for word in new:
> >         print >> out, word
> So here 'word' is a tuple, not a string.
> When you print a tuple, the output is the repr() of the elements of a
> tuple, not the str() of the elements. For strings, this means that
> non-ascii characters are always printed using backslash escapes.
> For example:
> In [19]: s='?'
> In [21]: print s
> ?
> In [25]: t=(s,s)
> In [26]: print t
> ('\xc3\xa9', '\xc3\xa9')
> I suggest you format the output yourself. If you want the tuple
> formatting, try this:
> for count, word in new: # unpack the tuple to two values
>   out.write('(%s, %s)\n' % (count, word))
> Kent

Thank you so much Kent. It works. I have now realized the bad things about

?? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ????????.....????
"No victim has ever been more repressed and alienated than the truth"

Emad Soliman Nawfal
Indiana University, Bloomington
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From dineshbvadhia at  Sun Mar  9 23:11:50 2008
From: dineshbvadhia at (Dinesh B Vadhia)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 15:11:50 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Bag of Words and libbow
Message-ID: <BAY109-DAV19FFA6D83F3871223F69C3A30D0@phx.gbl>

Has anyone come across Python modules/libraries to perform "Bag of Words" text analysis or an interface to the libbow C library?  Thank-you!

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From marc.tompkins at  Sun Mar  9 23:38:20 2008
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 15:38:20 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Word List
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2008/3/9 Emad Nawfal <emadnawfal at>:

> Thank you so much Kent. It works. I have now realized the bad things about
> self-learning.

There are bad things?  Nobody told me...

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From emadnawfal at  Sun Mar  9 23:59:59 2008
From: emadnawfal at (Emad Nawfal)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 18:59:59 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Word List
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 6:38 PM, Marc Tompkins <marc.tompkins at>

> 2008/3/9 Emad Nawfal <emadnawfal at>:
> > Thank you so much Kent. It works. I have now realized the bad things
> > about self-learning.
> >
> There are bad things?  Nobody told me...
> --

Well, there are times when you need somebody to tell you something, even if
it is so obvious. When I wanted to learn Unix, I got a book and started
reading. What drove me crazy is that  some commands have -1, but those never
worked for me. It was only when a friend told me that it is -l (minus EL)
not -1 (minus one) that things went right. You see, sometimes self-learning
is not enough. (I have to say that I have a problem in my vision. This could
be a key factor). Different people learn in different ways.

?? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ????????.....????
"No victim has ever been more repressed and alienated than the truth"

Emad Soliman Nawfal
Indiana University, Bloomington
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From alan.gauld at  Mon Mar 10 00:02:45 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 23:02:45 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Word List
References: <><><>
Message-ID: <fr1q6u$ntu$>

"Marc Tompkins" <marc.tompkins at> wrote 
>... I have now realized the bad things about
>> self-learning.
> There are bad things?  Nobody told me...

I appreciate the humor but seriously, yes there are bad things.

There are a lot of good things too of course, but it is easy 
when self learning to learn something that seems to work but is 
actually bad practice and will lead to problems or complex code
later on. 

As an example self learners often learn one loop style and 
then try to apply it in every situation. Another common case 
is that the potential of dictionaries is often not understood 
and many strange data structures are invented when a 
simple dictionary could solve the problem.

A good teacher will spot and correct those kinds of things.

Alan G.

From marc.tompkins at  Mon Mar 10 00:52:50 2008
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 16:52:50 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Word List
In-Reply-To: <fr1q6u$ntu$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 4:02 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>

> "Marc Tompkins" <marc.tompkins at> wrote
> >... I have now realized the bad things about
> >> self-learning.
> >
> > There are bad things?  Nobody told me...
> I appreciate the humor but seriously, yes there are bad things.

It was meant merely as a joke.  If I didn't see the benefit of seeking help,
I would never have joined this list.

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From varsha.purohit at  Mon Mar 10 01:53:37 2008
From: varsha.purohit at (Varsha Purohit)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 17:53:37 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] Finding image statistics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hello All,
        I had posted this question in this community. I have a trouble.
Actually in my application i need to multiply the resultant value i am
getting with a cellsize. I am getting this cellsize by reading an ascii
file's header. But when i am trying to multiply it with the result of
imagestat i am getting an error.

this is my code.

def ImageStatistics(file1,file2,inFile):

    # find the pixels that are different in two images
    diff = ImageChops.difference(file1,file2)
    #shows the resultant image
    #convert the different pixels into grayscale so that they are counted
once for each pixel
    diff = ImageOps.grayscale(diff)

 # read the ascii file
    hdr = read_ascii.header(inFile)
    temp= hdr[4].strip().split() # temp is a list which is ['cellsize',
    cellsize = temp[1]

    def clip(x):
        if x>=1:
            return 1
            return 0
        # apply the clipping function to eval
    diff = Image.eval(diff,clip)

    #return the resultant area
    val = ImageStat.Stat(diff).sum
    area = val * cellsize
    print "area is ",area
    return area

i am getting an error that i cannot combine imagestat with cellsize and i
cannot multiply it like that. But in my application i need to multiply
cellsize with the value i am getting in the image.eval....

i tried to multiply cellsize with 1 in the clip function where i am writing
return 1*cellsize.

but even it is not working .... can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong
here ???
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 12:55 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Varsha Purohit wrote:
> > Yeahh so by doing this i am counting only the difference part since we
> > have grayscaled the image and assuming it will count only the pixels
> > that evolve as difference....
> Yes
> > if i use sum2 instead of sum i think  it
> > will give squared sum which is area... and if i just use count it would
> > count the number of pixels developed like that... sounds interesting ..
> > thanks for throwing light for me in right direction....
> No. First, pixels are already a measure of area. Second, if each pixel
> value is 0 or 1, squaring the values won't make any difference.
> Kent

Varsha Purohit,
Graduate Student
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From eike.welk at  Mon Mar 10 02:40:26 2008
From: eike.welk at (Eike Welk)
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 02:40:26 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] Finding image statistics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Monday 10 March 2008 01:53, Varsha Purohit wrote:
> ?# read the ascii file
> ? ? hdr = read_ascii.header(inFile)
> ? ? temp= hdr[4].strip().split() # temp is a list which is
> ['cellsize', '127']
> ? ? cellsize = temp[1]

"cellsize" is a character string I think! You must convert it to a 
number to use it in a multiplication:

     cellsize = float(temp[1])


     cellsize = int(temp[1])

Regards, Eike.

From kent37 at  Mon Mar 10 02:41:17 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 21:41:17 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] Finding image statistics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Varsha Purohit wrote:
> Hello All,
>         I had posted this question in this community. I have a trouble. 
> Actually in my application i need to multiply the resultant value i am 
> getting with a cellsize. I am getting this cellsize by reading an ascii 
> file's header. But when i am trying to multiply it with the result of 
> imagestat i am getting an error.

>     temp= hdr[4].strip().split() # temp is a list which is ['cellsize', 
> '127']
>     cellsize = temp[1]

Here cellsize is a string, not an integer. Try
   cellsize = int(temp[1])

> i am getting an error that i cannot combine imagestat with cellsize and 
> i cannot multiply it like that.

It's very helpful if you show us the exact error, including the 
traceback. Just copy the entire error message and paste it into your email.


From varsha.purohit at  Mon Mar 10 03:19:49 2008
From: varsha.purohit at (Varsha Purohit)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 19:19:49 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] Finding image statistics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You both were right... i type casted it to int and it works with
this..Thanks for catching the error !!!. but i had a question.. i want to
find area of all the cells which i obtained by using
imagechops.difference.... so should i multiply each cell with cellsize or
should i add all the cells and multiply it will the cellsize...

accd to me if i have a square of 2X2 then area is 4.
if i need to find area of 10such squares then i can just find area for one
and multiply it with 10.

I donno which approach i should follow.....
should i multiply each pixel with cellsize or first i add up all of them and
multiply the cumulative result with cellsize............

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 6:41 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Varsha Purohit wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >         I had posted this question in this community. I have a trouble.
> > Actually in my application i need to multiply the resultant value i am
> > getting with a cellsize. I am getting this cellsize by reading an ascii
> > file's header. But when i am trying to multiply it with the result of
> > imagestat i am getting an error.
> >     temp= hdr[4].strip().split() # temp is a list which is ['cellsize',
> > '127']
> >     cellsize = temp[1]
> Here cellsize is a string, not an integer. Try
>   cellsize = int(temp[1])
> > i am getting an error that i cannot combine imagestat with cellsize and
> > i cannot multiply it like that.
> It's very helpful if you show us the exact error, including the
> traceback. Just copy the entire error message and paste it into your
> email.
> Kent

Varsha Purohit,
Graduate Student
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From halama at  Mon Mar 10 08:24:23 2008
From: halama at (Andre Halama)
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 08:24:23 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Bag of Words and libbow
In-Reply-To: <BAY109-DAV19FFA6D83F3871223F69C3A30D0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY109-DAV19FFA6D83F3871223F69C3A30D0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Dinesh B Vadhia schrieb:


| Has anyone come across Python modules/libraries to perform "Bag of
| Words" text analysis or an interface to the libbow C library?  Thank-you!

did you already have a look at NLTK


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From kent37 at  Mon Mar 10 12:13:26 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 07:13:26 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] Finding image statistics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Varsha Purohit wrote:
> I donno which approach i should follow.....
> should i multiply each pixel with cellsize or first i add up all of them 
> and multiply the cumulative result with cellsize............

If you 'multiply' by assigning a different value in clip() then it 
probably doesn't matter. I wouldn't multiply the whole image in a 
separate operation.


From tetsuo2k6 at  Mon Mar 10 12:43:54 2008
From: tetsuo2k6 at (tetsuo2k6 at
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 12:43:54 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] identifying the calling module/function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson schrieb:
> tetsuo2k6 at wrote:
>> in (hope the formatting gets good for you, t-bird breaks the 
>> lines badly on my machine...)
>> def csvwriter(*column_definitions):
>>          """Edit Me!"""
>>          if sys.argv[0] == /usr/local/bin/
>>         output_csv_filename = "xyz.csv"
>>     else:
>>         output_csv_filename = raw_input("Name of the file to produce? 
> If you can change you can avoid this by adding an optional 
> filename parameter to the function.
>>          first_row = ";".join(*column_definitions)
>>          try:
>>                  file = open(output_csv_filename, "w")
>>                  file.write(first_row)
>>                  file.close()
>>          except:
>>                  print("Couldn't open %s for writing." % 
> output_csv_filename)
> It's not such a good idea to hide the exception like this; you might at 
> least want to print the actual exception. Or just let it propagate.
>>                  sys.exit(1)
> You can use the csv module to write the header row, too.
> I would write this as
> def csvwriter(*column_definitions, filename=None):
>     if filename is none:
>         filename = raw_input("Name of the file to produce?
>     try:
>             out = csv.writer(open(filename, "ab"),
> delimiter=";", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
>         out.writerow(column_definitions)
>     except Exception, e
>         print("Couldn't open %s for writing." %
> output_csv_filename)
>         print e
>     return out
> Kent

Yeah, I think I get it, thanks!

From tetsuo2k6 at  Mon Mar 10 15:18:35 2008
From: tetsuo2k6 at (tetsuo2k6 at
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 15:18:35 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] passing arguments to functions - problem with argument order
Message-ID: <>

I don't get this - what is the clean way of the order of passing 
arguments to functions?

The called function goes like this:

def csvwriter(output_csv_filename=None, *coloumn_definitions):
         """Edit Me!"""
         if output_csv_filename == None:
                 output_csv_filename = raw_input("Name der zu 
erzeugenden Datei (vollst?ndiger Pfad)? (ACHTUNG: WIRD ?BERSCHRIEBEN, 
         first_row = ";".join(coloumn_definitions)
                 file = open(output_csv_filename, "w")
         except Exception, e:
                 print("Konnte %s nicht zum Schreiben ?ffnen.")
         return csv.writer(open(output_csv_filename, "ab"), 
delimiter=";", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)

The call to the function seems impossible to do. When I say:

                 writer = dgf.csvwriter(output_csv_filename=None, 
"kundennummer", "anrede", "vorname", "nachname", "plz", "ort", 
"adresse", "kontoinhaber", "blz", "kto", "bankname", "status", 
"spielbeginn", "letzte_aenderung", "importdatum", "briefdatum", 
"buchungsdatum", "stornodatum")

I get:

SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg

-> So I guess I have to put keyword arg at the end...

When I put output_csv_writer at the end:

                 writer = dgf.csvwriter("kundennummer", "anrede", 
"vorname", "nachname", "plz", "ort", "adresse", "kontoinhaber", "blz", 
"kto", "bankname", "status", "spielbeginn", "letzte_aenderung", 
"importdatum", "briefdatum", "buchungsdatum", "stornodatum", 

I get:

TypeError: csvwriter() got multiple values for keyword argument 

-> Am I right that output_csv_filename now becomes "kundennummer" at first?

Also, changing the function definition gives me syntax error:

     def csvwriter(*coloumn_definitions, output_csv_filename=None):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

What's going on here? I'm confused...


From dineshbvadhia at  Mon Mar 10 15:39:30 2008
From: dineshbvadhia at (Dinesh B Vadhia)
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 07:39:30 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Bag of Words and libbow
References: <>
Message-ID: <BAY109-DAV4419D5F406BAF4F6AADC5A30E0@phx.gbl>


I had a quick look at NLTK which is an NLP library suite whereas libbow is for statistical text analysis.  Cheers


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 08:24:23 +0100
From: Andre Halama <halama at>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Bag of Words and libbow
To: tutor at
Message-ID: <47D4E227.5000807 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hash: SHA1

Dinesh B Vadhia schrieb:


| Has anyone come across Python modules/libraries to perform "Bag of
| Words" text analysis or an interface to the libbow C library?  Thank-you!

did you already have a look at NLTK


-------------- next part --------------
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From GGraham at  Mon Mar 10 16:09:16 2008
From: GGraham at (Greg Graham)
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 10:09:16 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] passing arguments to functions - problem with argument
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Python does not allow mixing variable length arguments and keyword arguments in that way. To accomplish what you want, you must add an argument preceded by a "**" which will be a dict containing all of the keyword arguments as key, value pairs. You then have to retrieve the arguments from the dict by name. When called, the keyword arguments must be last.

Here is a little example:

def test(*column_definitions, **options):
    print "Column Definitions:" + ", ".join(column_definitions)
    output_csv_filename = options.get('output_csv_filename', None)
    print "Output csv filename: " + str(output_csv_filename)

>>> test("kundennummer", "anrede", "vorname", "nachname", "plz", "ort", "adresse", "kontoinhaber", "blz", "kto", "bankname", "status", "spielbeginn", "letzte_aenderung", "importdatum", "briefdatum", "buchungsdatum", "stornodatum", output_csv_filename=None)
Column Definitions:kundennummer, anrede, vorname, nachname, plz, ort, adresse, kontoinhaber, blz, kto, bankname, status, spielbeginn, letzte_aenderung, importdatum, briefdatum, buchungsdatum, stornodatum
Output csv filename: None


-----Original Message-----
From: tutor-bounces at [mailto:tutor-bounces at] On Behalf Of tetsuo2k6 at
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 9:19 AM
To: python tutor
Subject: [Tutor] passing arguments to functions - problem with argument order

I don't get this - what is the clean way of the order of passing 
arguments to functions?

The called function goes like this:

def csvwriter(output_csv_filename=None, *coloumn_definitions):
         """Edit Me!"""
         if output_csv_filename == None:
                 output_csv_filename = raw_input("Name der zu 
erzeugenden Datei (vollst?ndiger Pfad)? (ACHTUNG: WIRD ?BERSCHRIEBEN, 
         first_row = ";".join(coloumn_definitions)
                 file = open(output_csv_filename, "w")
         except Exception, e:
                 print("Konnte %s nicht zum Schreiben ?ffnen.")
         return csv.writer(open(output_csv_filename, "ab"), 
delimiter=";", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)

The call to the function seems impossible to do. When I say:

                 writer = dgf.csvwriter(output_csv_filename=None, 
"kundennummer", "anrede", "vorname", "nachname", "plz", "ort", 
"adresse", "kontoinhaber", "blz", "kto", "bankname", "status", 
"spielbeginn", "letzte_aenderung", "importdatum", "briefdatum", 
"buchungsdatum", "stornodatum")

I get:

SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg

-> So I guess I have to put keyword arg at the end...

When I put output_csv_writer at the end:

                 writer = dgf.csvwriter("kundennummer", "anrede", 
"vorname", "nachname", "plz", "ort", "adresse", "kontoinhaber", "blz", 
"kto", "bankname", "status", "spielbeginn", "letzte_aenderung", 
"importdatum", "briefdatum", "buchungsdatum", "stornodatum", 

I get:

TypeError: csvwriter() got multiple values for keyword argument 

-> Am I right that output_csv_filename now becomes "kundennummer" at first?

Also, changing the function definition gives me syntax error:

     def csvwriter(*coloumn_definitions, output_csv_filename=None):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

What's going on here? I'm confused...

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From tetsuo2k6 at  Mon Mar 10 16:28:23 2008
From: tetsuo2k6 at (tetsuo2k6 at
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 16:28:23 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] passing arguments to functions - problem with argument
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

And I thought I might get away without using dicts...

Thanks, Greg

Greg Graham schrieb:
> Paul,
> Python does not allow mixing variable length arguments and keyword arguments in that way. To accomplish what you want, you must add an argument preceded by a "**" which will be a dict containing all of the keyword arguments as key, value pairs. You then have to retrieve the arguments from the dict by name. When called, the keyword arguments must be last.
> Here is a little example:
> def test(*column_definitions, **options):
>     print "Column Definitions:" + ", ".join(column_definitions)
>     output_csv_filename = options.get('output_csv_filename', None)
>     print "Output csv filename: " + str(output_csv_filename)
>>>> test("kundennummer", "anrede", "vorname", "nachname", "plz", "ort", "adresse", "kontoinhaber", "blz", "kto", "bankname", "status", "spielbeginn", "letzte_aenderung", "importdatum", "briefdatum", "buchungsdatum", "stornodatum", output_csv_filename=None)
> Column Definitions:kundennummer, anrede, vorname, nachname, plz, ort, adresse, kontoinhaber, blz, kto, bankname, status, spielbeginn, letzte_aenderung, importdatum, briefdatum, buchungsdatum, stornodatum
> Output csv filename: None
> Greg

From andreas at  Mon Mar 10 17:17:28 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 17:17:28 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] passing arguments to functions - problem with
	argument	order
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1205165848.2230.21.camel@localhost>

What you probably want is to pass:

writer(None, "field1", "field2")


Am Montag, den 10.03.2008, 16:28 +0100 schrieb tetsuo2k6 at
> And I thought I might get away without using dicts...
> Thanks, Greg
> Greg Graham schrieb:
> > Paul,
> > 
> > Python does not allow mixing variable length arguments and keyword arguments in that way. To accomplish what you want, you must add an argument preceded by a "**" which will be a dict containing all of the keyword arguments as key, value pairs. You then have to retrieve the arguments from the dict by name. When called, the keyword arguments must be last.
> > 
> > Here is a little example:
> > 
> > def test(*column_definitions, **options):
> >     print "Column Definitions:" + ", ".join(column_definitions)
> >     output_csv_filename = options.get('output_csv_filename', None)
> >     print "Output csv filename: " + str(output_csv_filename)
> > 
> > 
> >>>> test("kundennummer", "anrede", "vorname", "nachname", "plz", "ort", "adresse", "kontoinhaber", "blz", "kto", "bankname", "status", "spielbeginn", "letzte_aenderung", "importdatum", "briefdatum", "buchungsdatum", "stornodatum", output_csv_filename=None)
> > Column Definitions:kundennummer, anrede, vorname, nachname, plz, ort, adresse, kontoinhaber, blz, kto, bankname, status, spielbeginn, letzte_aenderung, importdatum, briefdatum, buchungsdatum, stornodatum
> > Output csv filename: None
> > 
> > Greg
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From tetsuo2k6 at  Mon Mar 10 19:02:15 2008
From: tetsuo2k6 at (tetsuo2k6 at
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 19:02:15 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] passing arguments to functions - problem with argument
In-Reply-To: <1205165848.2230.21.camel@localhost>
References: <>	
	<> <1205165848.2230.21.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

That's it!


Andreas Kostyrka schrieb:
> What you probably want is to pass:
> writer(None, "field1", "field2")
> Andreas
> Am Montag, den 10.03.2008, 16:28 +0100 schrieb tetsuo2k6 at
>> And I thought I might get away without using dicts...
>> Thanks, Greg
>> Greg Graham schrieb:
>>> Paul,
>>> Python does not allow mixing variable length arguments and keyword arguments in that way. To accomplish what you want, you must add an argument preceded by a "**" which will be a dict containing all of the keyword arguments as key, value pairs. You then have to retrieve the arguments from the dict by name. When called, the keyword arguments must be last.
>>> Here is a little example:
>>> def test(*column_definitions, **options):
>>>     print "Column Definitions:" + ", ".join(column_definitions)
>>>     output_csv_filename = options.get('output_csv_filename', None)
>>>     print "Output csv filename: " + str(output_csv_filename)
>>>>>> test("kundennummer", "anrede", "vorname", "nachname", "plz", "ort", "adresse", "kontoinhaber", "blz", "kto", "bankname", "status", "spielbeginn", "letzte_aenderung", "importdatum", "briefdatum", "buchungsdatum", "stornodatum", output_csv_filename=None)
>>> Column Definitions:kundennummer, anrede, vorname, nachname, plz, ort, adresse, kontoinhaber, blz, kto, bankname, status, spielbeginn, letzte_aenderung, importdatum, briefdatum, buchungsdatum, stornodatum
>>> Output csv filename: None
>>> Greg
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From alan.gauld at  Mon Mar 10 19:47:52 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 18:47:52 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] passing arguments to functions - problem with argument
References: <><>
Message-ID: <fr3vl2$85v$>

<tetsuo2k6 at> wrote 

> And I thought I might get away without using dicts...

Why would you want to? Dicts are one of the most 
powerful data structures around.

And besides Python is built from dicts so you can 
never truly get away without using them. Every time 
you access a feature from a module or class
you are using a dict! :-)

Alan G

From ian at  Mon Mar 10 20:41:11 2008
From: ian at (Ian Ozsvald)
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 19:41:11 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
In-Reply-To: <000001c88157$9689cbd0$6501a8c0@NETVISTAUSER>
References: <000001c88157$9689cbd0$6501a8c0@NETVISTAUSER>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Enrique.  I'll suggest my ShowMeDo for video tutorials - our 'beginner' subsection for Python has 101 videos:

Most of the videos are free (3 series - in yellow - require a subscription, everything else is free).  Topics covered include learning Python, watching Python modules in action, an online tour of Python web-resources, cool modules like RUR-PLE, Crunchy, pyGame, wxPython and lots of other stuff. 
There are even more tutorials in the main Python section:

Hope that helps,

Enrique Nieves, Jr. wrote:
> I?m not a programmer, but would like to learn to program.  I?m 
> considering self-learning python on my spare time.  Can you recommend 
> the best books, online training, or other resources?  I know nothing 
> about programming.
> enrique
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Ian at

From cappy2112 at  Tue Mar 11 01:54:53 2008
From: cappy2112 at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 17:54:53 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Make sound with python? Cross platform?
Message-ID: <>

>  Thanks very much. Not quite sure why I didn't find those earlier! I'll
>  have a look now.

I think this cuts more to the chase than using a game framework

From Hua.Zhang at Sun.COM  Tue Mar 11 07:35:55 2008
From: Hua.Zhang at Sun.COM (Henry Zhang)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 14:35:55 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] How to get MAC address using Python at Solaris
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

I am curious if there is any way in Python to get MAC address at
Solaris? I searched from google, didn't find a good idea.

So could anyone give some comment?


From mail at  Tue Mar 11 11:56:59 2008
From: mail at (Tim Golden)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:56:59 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] How to get MAC address using Python at Solaris
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Henry Zhang wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am curious if there is any way in Python to get MAC address at
> Solaris? I searched from google, didn't find a good idea.

Not tried it, but this looks hopeful at least:


From andreas at  Tue Mar 11 12:13:48 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 12:13:48 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to get MAC address using Python at Solaris
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>  <>
Message-ID: <1205234028.2230.27.camel@localhost>

Alternatively, follow the recipe at

You can either just copy&paste the script and use that with popen, or
you can reimplement it mostly in Python, calling the seperate programs.

The basica gist of this seems to be, figure out your IP address, dump
the ARP table and look for the IP address.


Am Dienstag, den 11.03.2008, 10:56 +0000 schrieb Tim Golden:
> Henry Zhang wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > 
> > I am curious if there is any way in Python to get MAC address at
> > Solaris? I searched from google, didn't find a good idea.
> Not tried it, but this looks hopeful at least:
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From tetsuo2k6 at  Tue Mar 11 13:26:20 2008
From: tetsuo2k6 at (tetsuo2k6 at
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 13:26:20 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] passing arguments to functions - problem with argument
In-Reply-To: <fr3vl2$85v$>
References: <><>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld schrieb:
> <tetsuo2k6 at> wrote 
>> And I thought I might get away without using dicts...
> Why would you want to? Dicts are one of the most 
> powerful data structures around.
> And besides Python is built from dicts so you can 
> never truly get away without using them. Every time 
> you access a feature from a module or class
> you are using a dict! :-)
> Alan G

Well, I know about dicts, however I want to go forward step by step in 
learning - once I feel really comfortable with functions, 
object-orientation aso., I'll certainly look into them again. Besides, I 
_do_ use them sometimes :)


From alan.gauld at  Tue Mar 11 15:49:17 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 14:49:17 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] passing arguments to functions - problem with argument
References: <><>	<><fr3vl2$85v$>
Message-ID: <fr661o$bdk$>

<tetsuo2k6 at> wrote

>>> And I thought I might get away without using dicts...
>> Why would you want to? Dicts are one of the most
>> powerful data structures around.

> Well, I know about dicts, however I want to go forward step by step 
> in
> learning - once I feel really comfortable with functions,
> object-orientation aso., I'll certainly look into them again. 
> Besides, I
> _do_ use them sometimes :)

Fine, but I would seriously consider learning dicts as a prioritry.
Certainly way higher that learning OOP. In fact being comfortable
with dictionaries will make understanding OOP much easier
since a class is really just a special type of dictionary!.

Alan G. 

From alan.gauld at  Tue Mar 11 16:00:34 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 15:00:34 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] How to get MAC address using Python at Solaris
References: <>
Message-ID: <fr66mt$e15$>

"Henry Zhang" <Hua.Zhang at Sun.COM> wrote

> I am curious if there is any way in Python to get MAC address at
> Solaris? I searched from google, didn't find a good idea.

The recipe from Andreas is probably rthe best solution but 
you might be able you grep it out of the dmesg log file (or even 
using Popen on dmesg)

quick n dirty...

Just a thought.

Alan G.

From tetsuo2k6 at  Tue Mar 11 19:58:39 2008
From: tetsuo2k6 at (tetsuo2k6 at
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 19:58:39 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] passing arguments to functions - problem with argument
In-Reply-To: <fr661o$bdk$>
References: <><>	<><fr3vl2$85v$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld schrieb:
> Fine, but I would seriously consider learning dicts as a prioritry.
> Certainly way higher that learning OOP. In fact being comfortable
> with dictionaries will make understanding OOP much easier
> since a class is really just a special type of dictionary!.
> Alan G. 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Well then I guess I will. I appreciate this kind of advice - thanks a lot :)


From tayeb.meftah at  Tue Mar 11 20:41:52 2008
From: tayeb.meftah at (Meftah Tayeb)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 20:41:52 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Begining Python
Message-ID: <001e01c883af$fb7ae5b0$0201a8c0@server>

hi my friends, 
please i want to begin developing with python.
1. do you know a tutorial for this ?
2. do you know a Free IDE for Python (for windows) ?

-------------- next part --------------
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From katcipis at  Tue Mar 11 20:46:45 2008
From: katcipis at (Tiago Katcipis)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 16:46:45 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Begining Python
In-Reply-To: <001e01c883af$fb7ae5b0$0201a8c0@server>
References: <001e01c883af$fb7ae5b0$0201a8c0@server>
Message-ID: <>

tutorial i liked this one when i was starting

free IDE that i use is Eclipse with PyDev plugin.

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 4:41 PM, Meftah Tayeb <tayeb.meftah at>

>  hi my friends,
> please i want to begin developing with python.
> 1. do you know a tutorial for this ?
> 2. do you know a Free IDE for Python (for windows) ?
> Thanks
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Tue Mar 11 20:57:32 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 15:57:32 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Begining Python
In-Reply-To: <001e01c883af$fb7ae5b0$0201a8c0@server>
References: <001e01c883af$fb7ae5b0$0201a8c0@server>
Message-ID: <>

Meftah Tayeb wrote:
> hi my friends,
> please i want to begin developing with python.
> 1. do you know a tutorial for this ?

> 2. do you know a Free IDE for Python (for windows) ?

There are many:

Some of the popular ones are
Eclipse + PyDev


From bgailer at  Tue Mar 11 21:01:47 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 16:01:47 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Begining Python
In-Reply-To: <001e01c883af$fb7ae5b0$0201a8c0@server>
References: <001e01c883af$fb7ae5b0$0201a8c0@server>
Message-ID: <>

Meftah Tayeb wrote:
> 1. do you know a tutorial for this ?

This tutor list is also a good place to ask questions.

> 2. do you know a Free IDE for Python (for windows) ?

Many of us really like

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From carroll at  Wed Mar 12 00:52:06 2008
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 16:52:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Begining Python
In-Reply-To: <001e01c883af$fb7ae5b0$0201a8c0@server>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Meftah Tayeb wrote:

> 2. do you know a Free IDE for Python (for windows) ?

Meftah, I'd suggest you install Activestate's distribution of Python, 
which includes the PythonWin environment (not quite an IDE, in that 
there is no GUI designer, for example) and many Windows-specific python 

From rdm at  Wed Mar 12 05:40:35 2008
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 21:40:35 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Translate this VB.NET code into Python for me?
In-Reply-To: <
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Forwarding to the list.

At 12:13 PM 3/11/2008, Tony Cappellini wrote:
>I'm weeks behind on reading my digests, so this may have already been
>pointed out.
>Message: 6
>Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 17:58:20 -0800
>From: Dick Moores <rdm at>
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] Translate this VB.NET code into Python for me?
>To: tutor at
>Message-ID: <20080305015832.727D71E4007 at>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
> >Since IP can access the same GUI
> >library as VB.NET they should be very similar in code structure.
> >>I dug up this paragraph from the new book on IPython due out in Sept. '08:
> >>"IronPython uses .NET classes natively and seamlessly, and there are
>I suppose this was just a typo
>The book due out in Sept 08 is on Iron Python, not IPython.
>These are two completley different things.

From halama at  Wed Mar 12 09:09:00 2008
From: halama at (Andre Halama)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 09:09:00 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Bag of Words and libbow
In-Reply-To: <BAY109-DAV4419D5F406BAF4F6AADC5A30E0@phx.gbl>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:

Hi Dinesh,

| I had a quick look at NLTK which is an NLP library suite whereas libbow
| is for statistical text analysis.  Cheers

what exactly are you trying to achieve that the statistical modules
included in NLTK don't give you?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From tayeb.meftah at  Wed Mar 12 09:39:46 2008
From: tayeb.meftah at (Meftah Tayeb)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 09:39:46 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Begining Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <002601c8841c$a22566d0$0201a8c0@server>

hi my friend,
i have active python installed and the python-Win is Ready
but i have a Very Small problem:
i am blind, and i am using a Screen reader
this screen reader use the Microsoft Active Accessibiliti (MSAA) to find 
informations about actual object in the screen cursor
for Java Based applications, this screen Reader use the Java Access Bridj 
if it is no installed, java application is no accessible

but in python:
no accessibiliti layer is found for python !
I'd suggest you:
do not develope a new Accessibiliti layer
please, develope only a MSAA Server for represanting all python UI object to 
MSAA based application
and for JAVA / Python integration, please develope a JAVA Access Bridj (JAB) 
server to represanting python UI object to existing JAB Based application

Thank you,
Meftah Tayeb
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Terry Carroll" <carroll at>
To: "python tutor" <tutor at>
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Begining Python

> On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Meftah Tayeb wrote:
>> 2. do you know a Free IDE for Python (for windows) ?
> Meftah, I'd suggest you install Activestate's distribution of Python,
> which includes the PythonWin environment (not quite an IDE, in that
> there is no GUI designer, for example) and many Windows-specific python
> modules.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From macsareback at  Wed Mar 12 15:24:09 2008
From: macsareback at (Daniel kavic)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 10:24:09 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd:  Begining Python
References: <002601c8841c$a22566d0$0201a8c0@server>
Message-ID: <>

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Meftah Tayeb <tayeb.meftah at>
> Date: March 12, 2008 4:39:46 AM EDT
> To: Terry Carroll <carroll at>, python tutor <tutor at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Begining Python
> hi my friend,
> i have active python installed and the python-Win is Ready
> but i have a Very Small problem:
> i am blind, and i am using a Screen reader
> this screen reader use the Microsoft Active Accessibiliti (MSAA) to  
> find
> informations about actual object in the screen cursor
> for Java Based applications, this screen Reader use the Java Access  
> Bridj
> (JAB)
> if it is no installed, java application is no accessible
> but in python:
> no accessibiliti layer is found for python !
> I'd suggest you:
> do not develope a new Accessibiliti layer
> please, develope only a MSAA Server for represanting all python UI  
> object to
> MSAA based application
> and for JAVA / Python integration, please develope a JAVA Access  
> Bridj (JAB)
> server to represanting python UI object to existing JAB Based  
> application
> Thank you,
> Meftah Tayeb
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Terry Carroll" <carroll at>
> To: "python tutor" <tutor at>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 12:52 AM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Begining Python
>> On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Meftah Tayeb wrote:
>>> 2. do you know a Free IDE for Python (for windows) ?
>> Meftah, I'd suggest you install Activestate's distribution of Python,
>> which includes the PythonWin environment (not quite an IDE, in that
>> there is no GUI designer, for example) and many Windows-specific  
>> python
>> modules.
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

-------------- next part --------------
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From kaushalshriyan at  Wed Mar 12 16:14:38 2008
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 20:44:38 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001c88157$9689cbd0$6501a8c0@NETVISTAUSER>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 1:11 AM, Ian Ozsvald <ian at> wrote:
> Hi Enrique.  I'll suggest my ShowMeDo for video tutorials - our 'beginner' subsection for Python has 101 videos:
>  Most of the videos are free (3 series - in yellow - require a subscription, everything else is free).  Topics covered include learning Python, watching Python modules in action, an online tour of Python web-resources, cool modules like RUR-PLE, Crunchy, pyGame, wxPython and lots of other stuff.
>  There are even more tutorials in the main Python section:
>  Hope that helps,
>  Ian.
>  Enrique Nieves, Jr. wrote:
>  > I'm not a programmer, but would like to learn to program.  I'm
>  > considering self-learning python on my spare time.  Can you recommend
>  > the best books, online training, or other resources?  I know nothing
>  > about programming.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > enrique
>  >
>  >
>  > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
>  > _______________________________________________
>  > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>  >
>  --
>  Ian at
> _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Hi all,

I am a newbie with no programming experience. As Kent Johnson has
already pointed here about the book "Python Programming for the
absolute beginner" by Michael Dawson,I checked both in
and website. Both this website say "Unavailable" or "Out
of  Stock"

where can i get this book. I am eagerly awaiting to buy this book

Thanks and Regards


From kaushalshriyan at  Wed Mar 12 17:00:04 2008
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 21:30:04 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001c88157$9689cbd0$6501a8c0@NETVISTAUSER>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 9:00 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
>  > I am a newbie with no programming experience. As Kent Johnson has
>  > already pointed here about the book "Python Programming for the
>  > absolute beginner" by Michael Dawson,I checked both in
>  > and website. Both this website say "Unavailable" or "Out
>  > of  Stock"
>  >
>  > where can i get this book. I am eagerly awaiting to buy this book
>  Today it is in stock at
>  Also it is available direct from the publisher:
>  Incidentally I am amazed to see how many new Python books are in the
>  works - more than 12 are scheduled for release in the next year!
>  Kent

Thanks Kent :-)
I placed a ordered for this book

Thanks again

Thanks and Regards


From kent37 at  Wed Mar 12 16:30:39 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:30:39 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] self-learning Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001c88157$9689cbd0$6501a8c0@NETVISTAUSER>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
> I am a newbie with no programming experience. As Kent Johnson has
> already pointed here about the book "Python Programming for the
> absolute beginner" by Michael Dawson,I checked both in
> and website. Both this website say "Unavailable" or "Out
> of  Stock"
> where can i get this book. I am eagerly awaiting to buy this book

Today it is in stock at

Also it is available direct from the publisher:

Incidentally I am amazed to see how many new Python books are in the 
works - more than 12 are scheduled for release in the next year!


From python.mail1 at  Wed Mar 12 21:58:41 2008
From: python.mail1 at (Norm All)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 16:58:41 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Hard time understanding classes
Message-ID: <>


I am learning python and so far have done pretty well, until I got to the
subject of classes which I have been struggling to understand for a while. I
have not found any easy to understand tutorial on the web or looking in some
books for a clear step by step example. Would  appreciate any help or links
to read.

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

From tjampman at  Wed Mar 12 22:12:24 2008
From: tjampman at (Ole Henning Jensen)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 22:12:24 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Hard time understanding classes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Norm All wrote:
> I am learning python and so far have done pretty well, until I got to 
> the subject of classes which I have been struggling to understand for a 
> while. I have not found any easy to understand tutorial on the web or 
> looking in some books for a clear step by step example. Would  
> appreciate any help or links to read.

While this is a very long discussion thread, I found it extremly helpful 
in my understanding of classes and how they should be built/designed.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Mar 13 00:52:43 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 23:52:43 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Hard time understanding classes
References: <>
Message-ID: <fr9q8n$722$>

"Norm All" <python.mail1 at> wrote

> I am learning python and so far have done pretty well, until I got 
> to the
> subject of classes which I have been struggling to understand for a 
> while.

First, you are not alone.
Some people find the idea of objects easy to grasp but the majority
of programmers struggle because it is a different way of thinking
about programs and problems. Once you "get it" you will wonder
what all the fuss was about :-)

Second, while classes are very useful for some things you don't
*need* to use classes to program even quite complex programs.

So don't panic.

> have not found any easy to understand tutorial on the web or looking 
> in some
> books for a clear step by step example. Would  appreciate any help 
> or links
> to read.

It might help if we know what you have read so far and if you can give
some specific things that you find hard to grasp. That gives us a
direction to head down.

Obligatory plug, you can try the OOP topic in my tutor if you
haven't already...


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at

From rdm at  Thu Mar 13 02:07:52 2008
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 18:07:52 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Hard time understanding classes
In-Reply-To: <
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 01:58 PM 3/12/2008, Norm All wrote:
>I am learning python and so far have done pretty well, until I got 
>to the subject of classes which I have been struggling to understand 
>for a while. I have not found any easy to understand tutorial on the 
>web or looking in some books for a clear step by step example. 
>Would  appreciate any help or links to read.

I suggest the new book, _Object-Oriented Programming in Python_, by 
Goldwasser and Letscher:

Dick Moores

From allen.fowler at  Thu Mar 13 03:59:58 2008
From: allen.fowler at (Allen Fowler)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 19:59:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Simple reg-ex syntax?
Message-ID: <>


I have code that looks something like:

self.aString = "abc123xyz"
self.theNumber = int('(\d+)',self.aString).group())

Is there a more Pythonic way of doing this? (Both the reg-ex and the Int coercion.)  How about when I will need to extract more than one substring?

Thank you,

Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

From allen.fowler at  Thu Mar 13 04:06:00 2008
From: allen.fowler at (Allen Fowler)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 20:06:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Correct way to call an outside program?
Message-ID: <>


I need to call an external command line .exe utility from my Python script.

What is the best way to capture the output (if any) and (optionally) direct it to my normal standard output?

There seem to be many options...

Thank you,

Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 

From alan.gauld at  Thu Mar 13 05:57:46 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 04:57:46 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Correct way to call an outside program?
References: <>
Message-ID: <frac6t$hi6$>

"Allen Fowler" <allen.fowler at> wrote

> I need to call an external command line .exe utility from my Python 
> script.
> What is the best way to capture the output (if any) and (optionally)
> direct it to my normal standard output?
> There seem to be many options...

Historically there have been lots of methods introduced howeever
the most recent and officially correct way is now tyo use the
subprocess module. There are examples on the web pages
to show what you want.

Or read the Using the OS topic in my tutorial for the basics.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at

From cfuller084 at  Thu Mar 13 10:10:43 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 04:10:43 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Simple reg-ex syntax?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

How I would improve this:

compile the regular expression.  This is more efficient.
self.digit_extractor = re.compile('(\d+)')

then, use the findall method:
self.allNumbers = self.digit_extractor.findall(self.aString)
which will even work with multiline strings, but doesn't convert to integers.

To convert, use a list comprehension:
self.allNumbers = [int(i) for i in self.digit_extractor.findall(self.aString)]


On Wednesday 12 March 2008 21:59, Allen Fowler wrote:
> Hello,
> I have code that looks something like:
> self.aString = "abc123xyz"
> self.theNumber = int('(\d+)',self.aString).group())
> Is there a more Pythonic way of doing this? (Both the reg-ex and the Int
> coercion.)  How about when I will need to extract more than one substring?
> Thank you,
> :)
> ___________________________________________________________________________
>_________ Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From kent37 at  Thu Mar 13 11:43:01 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 06:43:01 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Begining Python
In-Reply-To: <002601c8841c$a22566d0$0201a8c0@server>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Meftah Tayeb wrote:
> hi my friend,
> i have active python installed and the python-Win is Ready
> but i have a Very Small problem:
> i am blind, and i am using a Screen reader
> this screen reader use the Microsoft Active Accessibiliti (MSAA) to find 
> informations about actual object in the screen cursor

You can develop Python programs using any text editor so you should be 
able to find a way to write programs that works with MSAA.


From ian at  Thu Mar 13 12:40:26 2008
From: ian at (Ian Ozsvald)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 11:40:26 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Begining Python
In-Reply-To: <001e01c883af$fb7ae5b0$0201a8c0@server>
References: <001e01c883af$fb7ae5b0$0201a8c0@server>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Meftah.  Under the 'beginner programming' section of Python we have a lot of free video examples of Python coding:
and if you look under 'all' for Python:
you'll find IDE videos on PyDev, SPE, VIM, IPython as well as 2 series on the commercial Wing IDE.

Hope that helps,

Meftah Tayeb wrote:
> hi my friends,
> please i want to begin developing with python.
> 1. do you know a tutorial for this ?
> 2. do you know a Free IDE for Python (for windows) ?
> Thanks
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Ian at

From kent37 at  Thu Mar 13 13:05:54 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:05:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Correct way to call an outside program?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Allen Fowler wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to call an external command line .exe utility from my Python script.
> What is the best way to capture the output (if any) and (optionally) direct it to my normal standard output?

subprocess.Popen().communicate() will do it:

In [1]: import subprocess
In [7]: x=subprocess.Popen('ls', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 
In [10]: print x[0]

If you just want stdout and stderr of the subprocess to go to stdout and 
stderr of the calling process you can omit those arguments to Popen().


From pylinuxian at  Thu Mar 13 13:31:32 2008
From: pylinuxian at (linuxian iandsd)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:31:32 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Correct way to call an outside program?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

simplest way to run external commands !

import os
cmd="/usr/bin/ssh uptime"

my cmd is just an example, use any cmd you want & its output will be
displayed to you.
hope this helps

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 12:05 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Allen Fowler wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I need to call an external command line .exe utility from my Python
> script.
> >
> > What is the best way to capture the output (if any) and (optionally)
> direct it to my normal standard output?
> subprocess.Popen().communicate() will do it:
> In [1]: import subprocess
> In [7]: x=subprocess.Popen('ls', stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
> stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
> In [10]: print x[0]
> ...
> If you just want stdout and stderr of the subprocess to go to stdout and
> stderr of the calling process you can omit those arguments to Popen().
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From andreas at  Thu Mar 13 14:05:31 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 14:05:31 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Begining Python
In-Reply-To: <002601c8841c$a22566d0$0201a8c0@server>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1205413531.7844.57.camel@localhost>

Am Mittwoch, den 12.03.2008, 09:39 +0100 schrieb Meftah Tayeb:
> hi my friend,
> i have active python installed and the python-Win is Ready
> but i have a Very Small problem:
> i am blind, and i am using a Screen reader
> this screen reader use the Microsoft Active Accessibiliti (MSAA) to find 
> informations about actual object in the screen cursor
> for Java Based applications, this screen Reader use the Java Access Bridj 
> (JAB)
> if it is no installed, java application is no accessible
> but in python:
> no accessibiliti layer is found for python !

Well, the problem here is, Python is just a language, so by default it
has only a minimal UI. OTOH, the good thing from your point of view
might be that it is text based.

I don't know about the technologies you mentioned, but you might
consider using IronPython, which is implemented inside the .NET world,
which might have better support (or not) for your tools


> I'd suggest you:
> do not develope a new Accessibiliti layer
> please, develope only a MSAA Server for represanting all python UI object to 
> MSAA based application
> and for JAVA / Python integration, please develope a JAVA Access Bridj (JAB) 
> server to represanting python UI object to existing JAB Based application
> Thank you,
> Meftah Tayeb
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Terry Carroll" <carroll at>
> To: "python tutor" <tutor at>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 12:52 AM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Begining Python
> > On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Meftah Tayeb wrote:
> >
> >> 2. do you know a Free IDE for Python (for windows) ?
> >
> > Meftah, I'd suggest you install Activestate's distribution of Python,
> > which includes the PythonWin environment (not quite an IDE, in that
> > there is no GUI designer, for example) and many Windows-specific python
> > modules.
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> > 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From python.mail1 at  Thu Mar 13 16:15:16 2008
From: python.mail1 at (Norm All)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 11:15:16 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Hard time understanding classes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you for all the suggestions regarding my struggle to understand
classes, I will follow up on all  the links provided and continue to search.

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Ole Henning Jensen <tjampman at>

> Norm All wrote:
> > I am learning python and so far have done pretty well, until I got to
> > the subject of classes which I have been struggling to understand for a
> > while. I have not found any easy to understand tutorial on the web or
> > looking in some books for a clear step by step example. Would
> > appreciate any help or links to read.
> >
> While this is a very long discussion thread, I found it extremly helpful
> in my understanding of classes and how they should be built/designed.
-------------- next part --------------
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From cmarlett at  Thu Mar 13 15:54:51 2008
From: cmarlett at (Christopher Marlett)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:54:51 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Hello
Message-ID: <>

Hi, I'm in a Python class and we were given the assignment to create our own graphic and my idea was to have a program that asks the user to click six points and then create a circle using the six points they clicked. Once they've done that I want eyes and a mouth to appear in the circle. I was wondering if that was possible or if I need to have them also click the points where the two eyes and nose should appear as well. I have the face written, it looks like this...
def main():
    winWidth = 200  # give a name to the window width
    winHeight = 150 #    and height
    win = GraphWin('Face', winWidth, winHeight) # give title and dimensions
    win.setCoords(0, 0, winWidth, winHeight) # make right side up coordinates!

    head = Circle(Point(40,100), 25) # set center and radius

    eye1 = Circle(Point(30, 105), 5)

    eye2 = Line(Point(45, 105), Point(55, 105)) # set endpoints

    mouth = Oval(Point(30, 90), Point(50, 85)) # set corners of bounding box

    message = Text(Point(winWidth/2, 20), 'Click anywhere to quit.')


I'm struggling with the Circle, however. This is what I have so far, but it won't work.

def main():
    winWidth = 300
    winHeight = 300
    win = GraphWin('Draw a Circle', winWidth, winHeight)
    win.setCoords(0, 0, winWidth, winHeight)
    message = Text(Point(winWidth/2, 20), 'Click on six points')

    # Get and draw six points of circle
    p1 = win.getMouse()
    p2 = win.getMouse()
    p3 = win.getMouse()
    p4 = win.getMouse()
    p5 = win.getMouse()
    p6 = win.getMouse()
    points = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6]

    # Use Oval object to draw the circle
    Circle = Oval(points)
    Circle.setWidth(4) # width of boundary line

    # Wait for another click to exit
    message.setText('Click anywhere to quit.')
Any advice you have would help out a lot. Thank you for your time. 

From GGraham at  Thu Mar 13 17:17:57 2008
From: GGraham at (Greg Graham)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 11:17:57 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Hello
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

It appears to me that the following line would not work:
>    Circle = Oval(points)

The variable "points" is a list of six points, and I don't know how one
would define a circle or oval with 6 points. At the top part of your
program, an oval is defined using two points, which makes sense. 

Maybe you should use two of the points for the outline of the face, one
point for each eye, and two for the mouth, which amounts to 6 points


-----Original Message-----
From: tutor-bounces at [mailto:tutor-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Christopher Marlett
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 9:55 AM
To: tutor at
Subject: [Tutor] Hello

Hi, I'm in a Python class and we were given the assignment to create our
own graphic and my idea was to have a program that asks the user to
click six points and then create a circle using the six points they
clicked. Once they've done that I want eyes and a mouth to appear in the
circle. I was wondering if that was possible or if I need to have them
also click the points where the two eyes and nose should appear as well.
I have the face written, it looks like this...
def main():
    winWidth = 200  # give a name to the window width
    winHeight = 150 #    and height
    win = GraphWin('Face', winWidth, winHeight) # give title and
    win.setCoords(0, 0, winWidth, winHeight) # make right side up

    head = Circle(Point(40,100), 25) # set center and radius

    eye1 = Circle(Point(30, 105), 5)

    eye2 = Line(Point(45, 105), Point(55, 105)) # set endpoints

    mouth = Oval(Point(30, 90), Point(50, 85)) # set corners of bounding

    message = Text(Point(winWidth/2, 20), 'Click anywhere to quit.')


I'm struggling with the Circle, however. This is what I have so far, but
it won't work.

def main():
    winWidth = 300
    winHeight = 300
    win = GraphWin('Draw a Circle', winWidth, winHeight)
    win.setCoords(0, 0, winWidth, winHeight)
    message = Text(Point(winWidth/2, 20), 'Click on six points')

    # Get and draw six points of circle
    p1 = win.getMouse()
    p2 = win.getMouse()
    p3 = win.getMouse()
    p4 = win.getMouse()
    p5 = win.getMouse()
    p6 = win.getMouse()
    points = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6]

    # Use Oval object to draw the circle
    Circle = Oval(points)
    Circle.setWidth(4) # width of boundary line

    # Wait for another click to exit
    message.setText('Click anywhere to quit.')
Any advice you have would help out a lot. Thank you for your time. 
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From ian at  Thu Mar 13 18:35:00 2008
From: ian at (Ian Ozsvald)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 17:35:00 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Hard time understanding classes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Norm.  Jerol created a 3-part video series on Python Objects, he uses IPython to talk about how and why they work:

If you find his videos useful do please leave him a comment - authors love to know that their work is appreciated.


Norm All wrote:
> Hello,
> I am learning python and so far have done pretty well, until I got to 
> the subject of classes which I have been struggling to understand for a 
> while. I have not found any easy to understand tutorial on the web or 
> looking in some books for a clear step by step example. Would  
> appreciate any help or links to read.
> Regards.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Ian at

From allen.fowler at  Thu Mar 13 19:39:49 2008
From: allen.fowler at (Allen Fowler)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 11:39:49 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Correct way to call an outside program?
Message-ID: <>

Thank you for the help.  :)

----- Original Message ----

simplest way to run external commands ! 

import os 
cmd="/usr/bin/ssh uptime"

my cmd is just an example, use any cmd you want & its output will be displayed to you.
hope this helps


subprocess.Popen().communicate() will do it:

In [1]: import subprocess
In [7]: x=subprocess.Popen('ls', stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
In [10]: print x[0]

If you just want stdout and stderr of the subprocess to go to stdout and
stderr of the calling process you can omit those arguments to Popen().

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Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
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From allen.fowler at  Thu Mar 13 19:43:52 2008
From: allen.fowler at (Allen Fowler)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 11:43:52 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Simple reg-ex syntax?
Message-ID: <>

findall is great.  Thank you. :)

----- Original Message ----
> From: Chris Fuller <cfuller084 at>
> To: tutor at
> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 5:10:43 AM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Simple reg-ex syntax?
> How I would improve this:
> compile the regular expression.  This is more efficient.
> self.digit_extractor = re.compile('(\d+)')
> then, use the findall method:
> self.allNumbers = self.digit_extractor.findall(self.aString)
> which will even work with multiline strings, but doesn't convert to integers.
> To convert, use a list comprehension:
> self.allNumbers = [int(i) for i in self.digit_extractor.findall(self.aString)]
> Cheers
> On Wednesday 12 March 2008 21:59, Allen Fowler wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have code that looks something like:
> >
> > self.aString = "abc123xyz"
> > self.theNumber = int('(\d+)',self.aString).group())
> >
> > Is there a more Pythonic way of doing this? (Both the reg-ex and the Int
> > coercion.)  How about when I will need to extract more than one substring?
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > :)
> >
> >      
> > ___________________________________________________________________________
> >_________ Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Looking for last minute shopping deals?  
Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

From rabidpoobear at  Thu Mar 13 23:03:16 2008
From: rabidpoobear at (Luke Paireepinart)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 16:03:16 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Correct way to call an outside program?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Allen Fowler wrote:
> Thank you for the help.  :)
> ----- Original Message ----
> simplest way to run external commands !
> import os
> cmd="/usr/bin/ssh <> uptime"
> os.popen(cmd)
This is deprecated in python 2.5+.  Use subrpocess instead of os.popen 
to make sure your code continues to work in the future.

From rbtchilders at  Fri Mar 14 02:02:16 2008
From: rbtchilders at (Robert Childers)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 18:02:16 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] hypotenuse
Message-ID: <>

I am in an early lesson in "A Byte of Python."  Instead of writing a program
to find the area of a rectangle I thought it would be useful to write a
program to determine the length of the diagonal of a "golden rectangle",
which would of course equal the sq root of the sum of the squares of
the width and height.  Here is my program:
>>> height = input ("Height:")
>>> width = input ("Width:")
>>> int = ((height**2) + (width**2))
>>> print int
>>> hypotenuse * hypotenuse = int
SyntaxError: can't assign to operator

I looked ahead in the lesson and could find no mention of square roots.  How
do I find the square root of an integer?
-------------- next part --------------
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From rabidpoobear at  Fri Mar 14 03:09:20 2008
From: rabidpoobear at (Luke Paireepinart)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 20:09:20 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] hypotenuse
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Robert Childers wrote:
> I am in an early lesson in "A Byte of Python."  Instead of writing a 
> program to find the area of a rectangle I thought it would be useful 
> to write a program to determine the length of the diagonal of a 
> "golden rectangle", which would of course equal the sq root of the sum 
> of the squares of the width and height.  Here is my program:
> >>> height = input ("Height:")
> Height:1
> >>> width = input ("Width:")
> Width:1.618
> >>> int = ((height**2) + (width**2))
> >>> print int
> 3.617924
> >>> hypotenuse * hypotenuse = int
> SyntaxError: can't assign to operator
> I looked ahead in the lesson and could find no mention of square 
> roots.  How do I find the square root of an integer?
There is a library called 'math' with a 'sqrt' function.
To import modules, you use the 'import' command, as:
import math
To import a specific function from a module, you use a different syntax:
from math import sqrt
If you used the first style of import, you'd call the function like this:
x = math.sqrt(2)
With the second style, you'd call the function like this:
x = sqrt(2)

One other note: You named your variable 'int'.
You should avoid naming your variables after keywords, because you will 
run into problems later.
So you shouldn't use the names int, char, for, while, lambda, def, is, 
and, and names like that.
For example:
 >>> int('12345')
 >>> int = 3 * 3
 >>> int('12345')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

As you can see, naming the variable 'int' kept us from being able to 
call the 'int' function to convert the string into an integer.

From john at  Fri Mar 14 02:13:32 2008
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:13:32 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] hypotenuse
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/03/2008, Robert Childers <rbtchilders at> wrote:
> I am in an early lesson in "A Byte of Python."  Instead of writing a program
> to find the area of a rectangle I thought it would be useful to write a
> program to determine the length of the diagonal of a "golden rectangle",
> which would of course equal the sq root of the sum of the squares of the
> width and height.  Here is my program:
> >>> height = input ("Height:")
> Height:1
> >>> width = input ("Width:")
> Width:1.618
> >>> int = ((height**2) + (width**2))
> >>> print int
> 3.617924
>  >>> hypotenuse * hypotenuse = int
> SyntaxError: can't assign to operator
> I looked ahead in the lesson and could find no mention of square roots.  How
> do I find the square root of an integer?

Hi Robert,

This kind of thing:

 >>> hypotenuse * hypotenuse = int

will never work.  The thing on the left side of an equals sign must
always be a single name.
(there is an exception to this -- "unpacking" -- but I won't explain
it now.  You should come to it in time)

Python provides a square root function, but it's not available by
default.  You need to import the math module first -- your tutorial
should cover importing.  Basically, the code will look something like

>>> import math
>>> hyp_squared = height**2 + width**2
>>> hypotenuse = math.sqrt(hyp_squared)

Finally, "int" is a built-in type, so it's bad programming style to
use it as a variable name. (the same goes for "list", "str", and a few
others)  That's why, in my example, I used "hyp_squared" as the name
for the hypotenuse squared.


From andreas at  Fri Mar 14 02:27:12 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 02:27:12 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hypotenuse
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1205458033.6167.4.camel@localhost>

assert 4**0.5 == 2

More generally: nth root of x: x ** (1.0/n)

Or even more generally, take the 3rd root of the square of x:

x ** (2.0/3.0)

And when we are already extending the scope of the mailing list to math

1.0/(x**2) == x**-2

(negating the power gives the inverse.)


Am Donnerstag, den 13.03.2008, 18:02 -0700 schrieb Robert Childers:
> I am in an early lesson in "A Byte of Python."  Instead of writing a
> program to find the area of a rectangle I thought it would be useful
> to write a program to determine the length of the diagonal of a
> "golden rectangle", which would of course equal the sq root of the sum
> of the squares of the width and height.  Here is my program:
> >>> height = input ("Height:")
> Height:1
> >>> width = input ("Width:")
> Width:1.618
> >>> int = ((height**2) + (width**2))
> >>> print int
> 3.617924
> >>> hypotenuse * hypotenuse = int
> SyntaxError: can't assign to operator
> I looked ahead in the lesson and could find no mention of square
> roots.  How do I find the square root of an integer?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From john at  Fri Mar 14 02:45:40 2008
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:45:40 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] hypotenuse
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/03/2008, Scott Kerr <uwskerr at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am also new to python and programming.  Since two have already posted that
> you need to import math modules to do square roots, I am curious.
> Why can you not use something like:
> >>>hypotenuse = hyp_squared**1/2
> or
> >>>hypotenuse = hyp_squared**.5

Hmm, good question :-)

I suppose there is no strong reason.  The best I can offer is that for
many people, the concept of a square root is more accessible through
the name "sqrt", whereas fractional exponentiation requires a brief
brain pause while they remember what it means.

Hence Luke and I, who are familiar with the math module, more easily
think "math.sqrt" than "x**0.5".  And the same benefit might apply to
a hypothetical reader of the code.

Interestingly, using x**0.5 seems faster too:

Morpork:~ repton$ python -m timeit -s "x = 2" "y = x**0.5"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.298 usec per loop
Morpork:~ repton$ python -m timeit -s "import math" -s "x = 2" "y =
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.487 usec per loop
Morpork:~ repton$ python -m timeit -s "import math" -s "m = math.sqrt"
-s "x = 2" "y = m(x)"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.371 usec per loop

though the advantage vanishes if you need a function:

Morpork:~ repton$ python -m timeit -s "m = lambda x: x**0.5" -s "x =
2" "y = m(x)"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.526 usec per loop

(if you've never seen the timeit module before, it's a good way to
benchmark short snippets of code.  The -s option is used for
non-benchmarked startup code.  So, for example, ' python -m timeit -s
"import math" -s "x = 2" "y = math.sqrt(x)"' means "import math, set x
to 2, then run y=math.sqrt(x) many many times to estimate its
performance".  From the interpreter, type 'import timeit;
help(timeit)' for more information)


From lupin at  Fri Mar 14 02:10:05 2008
From: lupin at (Brett Wilkins)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:10:05 +1300 (NZDT)
Subject: [Tutor] hypotenuse
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

import math



> I am in an early lesson in "A Byte of Python."  Instead of writing a
> program
> to find the area of a rectangle I thought it would be useful to write a
> program to determine the length of the diagonal of a "golden rectangle",
> which would of course equal the sq root of the sum of the squares of
> the width and height.  Here is my program:
>>>> height = input ("Height:")
> Height:1
>>>> width = input ("Width:")
> Width:1.618
>>>> int = ((height**2) + (width**2))
>>>> print int
> 3.617924
>>>> hypotenuse * hypotenuse = int
> SyntaxError: can't assign to operator
> I looked ahead in the lesson and could find no mention of square roots.
> How
> do I find the square root of an integer?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar 14 09:40:44 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:40:44 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] hypotenuse
References: <><><>
Message-ID: <frddij$7vb$>

>> Why can you not use something like:
>> >>>hypotenuse = hyp_squared**1/2

And for completeness that could also be written:

hypotenuse = pow(hyp_squared,1/2)

Again, without the need to import math.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at

From wolfram.kraus at  Fri Mar 14 10:59:23 2008
From: wolfram.kraus at (Wolfram Kraus)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:59:23 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hypotenuse
In-Reply-To: <frddij$7vb$>
References: <><><>	<>
Message-ID: <frdiev$m4u$>

Am 14.03.2008 09:40, Alan Gauld schrieb:
>>> Why can you not use something like:
>>>>>> hypotenuse = hyp_squared**1/2
> And for completeness that could also be written:
> hypotenuse = pow(hyp_squared,1/2)
> Again, without the need to import math.
But beware of the integer divison in Python:

 >>> pow(2,1/2)
 >>> pow(2,.5)
 >>> pow(2,1.0/2)

From cmarlett at  Fri Mar 14 01:44:25 2008
From: cmarlett at (Christopher Marlett)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 19:44:25 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Idle
Message-ID: <>

Hi, I'm trying to write a program that uses the range function to
produce and then print [1, 2, 3, 4]. then prompt the user for an integer
n and print the list [1, 2, 3, ... , n] ? including n. Then use a simple
repeat loop to print five randomly chosen numbers from the range [1, 2,
3, ... , n]

This is what I have done so far
print [1,2,3,4]
nstring = raw_input("Enter any number: ")
n = int(nstring)
print range(1,n+1)
y = random.randrange(1,n)
print y

It all works up until I need to print five randomly chosen numbers from
the range [1,n]. It tells me that random is not defined.

Thank you for your time.

From connorsml at  Fri Mar 14 11:41:56 2008
From: connorsml at (Michael Connors)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 11:41:56 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Idle
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> It all works up until I need to print five randomly chosen numbers from
> the range [1,n]. It tells me that random is not defined.

You need to put :
import random

in your program before doing: y = random.randrange(1,n)

or alternatively use:
from random import *

and call the function as follows:
y = randrange(1,n)


Michael Connors
-------------- next part --------------
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From Pamela.J.Bartruff at  Fri Mar 14 13:16:08 2008
From: Pamela.J.Bartruff at (Bartruff, Pamela J.)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 07:16:08 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Idle
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm very new to Python, but it seems like I just learned in a class for
a random number, you would need the :
import random

-----Original Message-----
From: tutor-bounces at [mailto:tutor-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Christopher Marlett
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 7:44 PM
To: tutor at
Subject: [Tutor] Idle

Hi, I'm trying to write a program that uses the range function to
produce and then print [1, 2, 3, 4]. then prompt the user for an integer
n and print the list [1, 2, 3, ... , n] - including n. Then use a simple
repeat loop to print five randomly chosen numbers from the range [1, 2,
3, ... , n]

This is what I have done so far
print [1,2,3,4]
nstring = raw_input("Enter any number: ")
n = int(nstring)
print range(1,n+1)
y = random.randrange(1,n)
print y

It all works up until I need to print five randomly chosen numbers from
the range [1,n]. It tells me that random is not defined.

Thank you for your time.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar 14 14:01:47 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 13:01:47 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Idle
References: <>
Message-ID: <frdss3$r7a$>

"Michael Connors" <connorsml at> wrote 

> You need to put :
> import random
> or alternatively use:
> from random import *

Or better still use 

from random import randrange

import * style is not recommended because of the dangers 
of polluting the namespace

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at

From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar 14 14:03:00 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 13:03:00 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] hypotenuse
References: <><><>	<><frddij$7vb$>
Message-ID: <frdsuc$rl9$>

"Wolfram Kraus" <wolfram.kraus at> wrote in message 
news:frdiev$m4u$1 at
> Am 14.03.2008 09:40, Alan Gauld schrieb:
>>>> Why can you not use something like:
>>>>>>> hypotenuse = hyp_squared**1/2
>> And for completeness that could also be written:
>> hypotenuse = pow(hyp_squared,1/2)
>> Again, without the need to import math.
> But beware of the integer divison in Python:
> >>> pow(2,1/2)
> 1

Good catch. Applies to the ** style too.

Alan G 

From rbtchilders at  Fri Mar 14 17:52:26 2008
From: rbtchilders at (Robert Childers)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 09:52:26 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] hypotenuse
In-Reply-To: <frdsuc$rl9$>
References: <>
	<frddij$7vb$> <frdiev$m4u$>
Message-ID: <>

I have rewritten my "hypotenuse" program as follows:>>> #This program
calculates the width and diagonal of a golden rectangle
>>> print "Calculate the width and diagonal of a golden rectangle."
Calculate the width and diagonal of a golden rectangle.
>>> height = input ("Input height:")
Input height:1
>>> width = height*1.618
>>> print "Width:", width
Width: 1.618
>>> import math
>>> hyp_squared = height**2 + width**2
>>> hypotenuse = math.sqrt(hyp_squared)
>>> print "Diagonal:", hypotenuse
Diagonal: 1.90208412012

When I save the program then try to run the module I get an error message
that it is invalid.
I have been assuming that if no "invalid syntax" error occurs in the shell
the program should run.  Could this problem be associated with the import
math instruction?

On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 6:03 AM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>

> "Wolfram Kraus" <wolfram.kraus at> wrote in message
> news:frdiev$m4u$1 at
> > Am 14.03.2008 09:40, Alan Gauld schrieb:
> >>>> Why can you not use something like:
> >>>>
> >>>>>>> hypotenuse = hyp_squared**1/2
> >>
> >> And for completeness that could also be written:
> >>
> >> hypotenuse = pow(hyp_squared,1/2)
> >>
> >> Again, without the need to import math.
> >>
> > But beware of the integer divison in Python:
> >
> > >>> pow(2,1/2)
> > 1
> Good catch. Applies to the ** style too.
> Alan G
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From dineshbvadhia at  Fri Mar 14 18:37:13 2008
From: dineshbvadhia at (Dinesh B Vadhia)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:37:13 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Working with Python Objects
Message-ID: <BAY109-DAV408EEE58295488A3A2935A30A0@phx.gbl>

I've avoided it as long as possible but I've reached a stage where I have to start using Python objects!  The primary reason is that the web framework uses objects and the second is to eliminate a few globals.  Here is example pseudo code followed by the question (one of many I suspect!):

class A:
    constantA = 9
    def OneOfA:
            <do something>
            a = <do something else>

class B:
    variableB = "quick brown fox"
    def OneOfB:
            <do something>
            b = <do something more>
            c = b * a        # the 'a' from def OneOfA in class A

1) how do I access the 'a' from function (method) OneOfA in class A so that it can be used by functions (methods) in class B?



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From neal at  Fri Mar 14 18:43:08 2008
From: neal at (Neal McBurnett)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:43:08 -0700 (MST)
Subject: [Tutor] pydoc introspecting info via OptionParser?
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to do nice clean documentation for a python script I run
from the command-line, and I'd like pydoc or a similar program to
document it well.  But I don't want to duplicate option information by
putting it both in my docstring and in optparse.

I would think that pydoc might notice an OptionParser instance at the
module level and show the options defined there, but it doesn't seem
to.  Would it be hard to add to pydoc?  Do any other documentation
programs do that?

I know that on aspn there is a library to parse a docstring and pass
options to optparse:

But it has limitations (doesn't support all of optparse, won't work
with -OO) and is a bit uglier.


Neal McBurnett       

From bgailer at  Fri Mar 14 19:20:21 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:20:21 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] hypotenuse
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<frddij$7vb$>
	<frdiev$m4u$>	<frdsuc$rl9$>
Message-ID: <>

Robert Childers wrote:
> I have rewritten my "hypotenuse" program as follows:>>> #This program 
> calculates the width and diagonal of a golden rectangle
> >>> print "Calculate the width and diagonal of a golden rectangle."
> Calculate the width and diagonal of a golden rectangle.
> >>> height = input ("Input height:")
> Input height:1
> >>> width = height*1.618
> >>> print "Width:", width
> Width: 1.618
> >>> import math
> >>> hyp_squared = height**2 + width**2
> >>> hypotenuse = math.sqrt(hyp_squared)
> >>> print "Diagonal:", hypotenuse
> Diagonal: 1.90208412012
> When I save the program then try to run the module I get an error 
> message that it is invalid.

Please ALWAYS post the code and the traceback. Otherwise we have no way 
to easily help you.

But I will take a guess that you saved the contents of the interactive 
session and tried to run that. That will not work, as  the interactive 
session is full of >>> and results of print statements.

So I suggest you edit the module to see if this is the case; if it is 
then remove all the junk so you just have pure Python. Run that. If you 
still get errors post the code and traceback.

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From GGraham at  Fri Mar 14 21:57:58 2008
From: GGraham at (Greg Graham)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:57:58 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Working with Python Objects
In-Reply-To: <BAY109-DAV408EEE58295488A3A2935A30A0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY109-DAV408EEE58295488A3A2935A30A0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

Dinesh wrote:
> I've avoided it as long as possible but I've reached a stage where I
have to
> start using Python objects!  The primary reason is that the web
framework uses
> objects and the second is to eliminate a few globals.  Here is example
> code followed by the question (one of many I suspect!):
> class A:
>     constantA = 9
>     def OneOfA:
>             <do something>
>             a = <do something else>
> class B:
>     variableB = "quick brown fox"
>     def OneOfB:
>             <do something>
>             b = <do something more>
>             c = b * a        # the 'a' from def OneOfA in class A
> Question:
> 1) how do I access the 'a' from function (method) OneOfA in class A so
> it can be used by functions (methods) in class B?

I wrote the following classes as an example that might be what you want.

 1  class A(object):
 2       def one_of_a(self):  # self is required for a method
 3           self.a = 3
 4           print self.a
 6   class B(object):
 7       def one_of_b(self, a_obj):
 8           b = 10
 9           self.c = b * a_obj.a
10           print self.c

First of all, note that the method definitions have a "self" argument.
is how the method has access to the object for which they are called. If
you look on line 3, I put "self.a" so that the 3 is stored in the "a"
field of the object.

Since you wanted to access the a field of an A object in your one_of_b
it will need access to an A object, so I added a parameter that you can
to pass in an A object (line 7). Assuming an A object is passed in, then
a field of it can be accessed as in line 9, "a_obj.a".

Here is how I ran the code (using IPython):

In [17]: v1 = A()

In [18]: v1.one_of_a()

In [19]: v2 = B()

In [20]: v2.one_of_b(v1)

At [17], I create an instance of A and assign it to variable v1.
At [18] I call the one_of_a method on my newly created object, which
out a 3, the value stored in the "a" field of v1 object.
At [19], I create an instance of B and assign it to variable v2.
At [20], I call the one_of_b method on my new object, passing in the A
object assigned to v1. It prints out 30, which is 10 times the value
in the "a" field of v1.

The class, variable, and method names are pretty abstract and similar,
so I
hope that doesn't cause undue confusion. It might be easier to
with a more concrete example.


From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar 14 23:00:53 2008
From: alan.gauld at (ALAN GAULD)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 22:00:53 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [Tutor] My tutor is back
Message-ID: <>

I have no idea why it took my ISP so long but after 4 weeks 
my Tutorial is finally back up on its original address...


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar 14 23:39:15 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 22:39:15 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Working with Python Objects
References: <BAY109-DAV408EEE58295488A3A2935A30A0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <freumr$pit$>

"Dinesh B Vadhia" <dineshbvadhia at> wrote
class A:
    constantA = 9
    def OneOfA:
            <do something>
            a = <do something else>

class B:
    variableB = "quick brown fox"
    def OneOfB:
            <do something>
            b = <do something more>
            c = b * a        # the 'a' from def OneOfA in class A
> Question:
> 1) how do I access the 'a' from function (method) OneOfA in
> class A so that it can be used by functions (methods) in class B?

You don't and shouldn't try to. In this case because the attriute
only exists inside the method, it is local, so dies when the
method completes. So first of all you need to make it part
of the class A. We do that by tagging it as an attribute of
self, which should be the fitrst attribute of every method.

But one of the concepts of OOP is to think in terms of the
objects not the attributes inside them So your question
should probably be: How do I access objects of class A
inside methods of class B?

The answer is by passing an instance into the method as a
parameter. You can then manipulate the instance of A by
sending messages to it. In Python you can access the
instance values of an object by sending a message with
the same name as the attribute - in other OOP languages
you would need to provide an accessor method.

But it is very important conceptually that you try to get away
from thinking about accessing attributes of another object
inside methods. Access the objects. Metthods should only
be manipulating the attributes of their own class. To do
otherwise is to break the reusability of your classes.

So re writing your pseudo code:

class A:
    constantA = 9
    def OneOfA(self):   # add self as first parameter
            <do something>
            self.a = <do something else>   # use 'self' to tag 'a' as 
an attribute

class B:
    variableB = "quick brown fox"
    def OneOfB(self, anA):    # add self and the instance of A
            <do something>
            b = <do something more>
            c = b * anA.a        # the 'a' from the instance anA

This way OneOfB() only works with attributes local to it
or defined as instance variables or passed in as arguments.
Which is as it should be!

Real OOP purists don't like direct attribute access but
in Python its an accepted idiom and frankly there is little
value in writing an accessor method that simply returns
the value if you can access it directly. The thing you
really should try to avoid though is modifying the attributes
directly from another class. Normally you can write a
more meaningful method that will do that for you.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at

From listsdl04 at  Sat Mar 15 05:43:06 2008
From: listsdl04 at (Guba)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 12:43:06 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
Message-ID: <>

Hello everybody,

I want to create a simple multiplication trainer which quizzes me on the
multiplication table. All multiplication combinations should be asked
once, without repetition.

Here my pseudo code:


A = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
B = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

asked_questions = ()
false_answers = ()

#block 1
While tuple "asked_questions" contains less than 81 items:
	Take one random item from A and one random item from B
	If the question is NOT in "asked_questions":
		Add question to tuple "asked_questions"	
	Calculate the question and wait for user-input	
	print the question # e.g.: 3x6=
	If answer is false:
		add question to the tuple "false_answers"
	print: "You have answered all questions!"	


I would very much appreciate if you could comment on/criticise my pseudo
code. In particular: is my approach correct, or would it be more
sensible to first generate (or supply?) all possible questions and then
select the ready questions randomly?

So far I am not concerned about what to do with the tuple
"false_answers". This I worry about later.

Thanks for your help!


From marc.tompkins at  Sat Mar 15 10:15:49 2008
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 02:15:49 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd:  my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Forgot to Reply All...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marc Tompkins <marc.tompkins at>
Date: Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 2:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
To: Guba <listsdl04 at>

On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 9:43 PM, Guba <listsdl04 at> wrote:

> I want to create a simple multiplication trainer which quizzes me on the
> multiplication table. All multiplication combinations should be asked
> once, without repetition.
> ...

I would very much appreciate if you could comment on/criticise my pseudo
> code. In particular: is my approach correct, or would it be more
> sensible to first generate (or supply?) all possible questions and then
> select the ready questions randomly?

Your pseudo code doesn't guarantee that all questions will be asked.  I
think the only way to guarantee that is to generate the list of possibles

Myself, I have a horrible time writing pseudocode  without slipping into
real-code syntax, so please bear with me:

import random    # need this for the randrange() function

possibleQuestions = [(x,y) for x in range(1,10) for y in range(1,10)]
            # list comprehension - creates a list of tuples from (1,1)
through (9,9)
while len(possibleQuestions) > 0:
    question = possibleQuestions.pop(random.randrange
            # pop() returns the given item and deletes it from list
    (do the rest of your stuff here)

Hope that helps.


-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Sat Mar 15 10:26:17 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 09:26:17 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
References: <>
Message-ID: <frg4k2$hi4$>

"Guba" <listsdl04 at> wrote

> I want to create a simple multiplication trainer which quizzes me on 
> the
> multiplication table. All multiplication combinations should be 
> asked
> once, without repetition.
> Here my pseudo code:

> I would very much appreciate if you could comment on/criticise my 
> pseudo
> code. In particular: is my approach correct, or would it be more
> sensible to first generate (or supply?) all possible questions and 
> then
> select the ready questions randomly?

Personally I'd go for the second approach as being much simpler.
Once you have a list tthere are tools to get random selections
from that or, even easier, to shuffle them into random order before
selection. That will make the code much easier to write I think.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

From cfuller084 at  Sat Mar 15 11:17:24 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 05:17:24 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The basic approach I use in these sorts of problems is to generate the 
choices, remove them from a list as they are asked, and then stop when this 
list is empty.

If you don't need the list of questions afterwards, this will work:

from random import choice

questions = [ [i,j] for i in range(1,10) for j in range(1,10) ]
false_answers = []

while questions:
   q = choice(questions)
   del questions[questions.index(q)]

   # stuff

If you'd like to keep the original question list, make a proxy list, and 
choose from that:

questions = [ [i,j] for i in range(1,10) for j in range(1,10) ]
false_answers = []

choices = range(len(questions))

while choices:
   proxyq = choice(choics)
   del choices[choices.index(proxyq)]

   q = questions[proxyq]

   # stuff


From ricaraoz at  Sat Mar 15 13:17:35 2008
From: ricaraoz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Ricardo_Ar=E1oz?=)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 09:17:35 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Chris Fuller wrote:
> The basic approach I use in these sorts of problems is to generate the 
> choices, remove them from a list as they are asked, and then stop when this 
> list is empty.
> If you don't need the list of questions afterwards, this will work:
> from random import choice
> questions = [ [i,j] for i in range(1,10) for j in range(1,10) ]
> false_answers = []
> while questions:
>    q = choice(questions)
>    del questions[questions.index(q)]
>    # stuff
> If you'd like to keep the original question list, make a proxy list, and 
> choose from that:
> questions = [ [i,j] for i in range(1,10) for j in range(1,10) ]
> false_answers = []
> choices = range(len(questions))
> while choices:
>    proxyq = choice(choics)
>    del choices[choices.index(proxyq)]
>    q = questions[proxyq]
>    # stuff

Considering the fact that choices[x] == x, shouldn't it be :
     del choices[proxyq]

From kent37 at  Sat Mar 15 13:51:50 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 08:51:50 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guba wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I want to create a simple multiplication trainer which quizzes me on the
> multiplication table. All multiplication combinations should be asked
> once, without repetition.

I would
- create the list of questions
- random.shuffle the list
- iterate over the questions in the list with a for loop


From kent37 at  Sat Mar 15 13:53:28 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 08:53:28 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd:  my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Marc Tompkins wrote:

> Myself, I have a horrible time writing pseudocode  without slipping into 
> real-code syntax

Me too - often Python is more concise, precise and expressive than 
English for expressing an algorithm.

> while len(possibleQuestions) > 0:

could be simply
   while possibleQuestions:


From kent37 at  Sat Mar 15 13:56:18 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 08:56:18 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Ricardo Ar?oz wrote:
> Considering the fact that choices[x] == x,

Only until the first delete (that is not at the end).

> shouldn't it be :
>      del choices[proxyq]



From keridee at  Sun Mar 16 17:16:13 2008
From: keridee at (tiger12506)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:16:13 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
References: <><>
Message-ID: <002d01c88781$0e87c950$0702a8c0@home>

> Considering the fact that choices[x] == x, shouldn't it be :
>     del choices[proxyq]

choices = [9,2,1,3,6,4,7,8,5,0]
for idx, x in enumerate(choices):
  print idx == x


Not always.

From swartmumba at  Sat Mar 15 17:07:26 2008
From: swartmumba at (SwartMumba snake)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 09:07:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] login
Message-ID: <>

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From ricaraoz at  Sat Mar 15 18:16:02 2008
From: ricaraoz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Ricardo_Ar=E1oz?=)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 14:16:02 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Ricardo Ar?oz wrote:
>> Considering the fact that choices[x] == x,
> Only until the first delete (that is not at the end).
>> shouldn't it be :
>>      del choices[proxyq]
> No.
> Kent

Ooops! Missed that one, sorry.

From kent37 at  Sat Mar 15 17:44:34 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 12:44:34 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] login
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

SwartMumba snake wrote:
> I am trying to get the cookies from the site when I login, though 
> The problem is that when I check the source ( ) 
> it shows that it does not recognize me as logged in. Also, if I chech 
>, the cookies that I am suppose to receive, if I logged in 
> successfully, are not there. What am I doing wrong?

urllib2 does not support cookies by default, you have to configure it 
with a CookieJar:

import cookielib, urllib2

cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))

Then use this opener as below. I think you will have to look at the 
CookieJar to see the cookies.


> opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 
> 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/'),
>                      ('Referer', '')
>                      ]
> values = urllib.urlencode({'user_name': 'MyUsername', 'user_pass': 
> 'MyPass^^', 'login' : 'Login'})
> req = urllib2.Request('', values)
> html =

From swartmumba at  Sat Mar 15 17:57:04 2008
From: swartmumba at (SwartMumba snake)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 09:57:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] login
Message-ID: <>

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From tjampman at  Sat Mar 15 20:02:08 2008
From: tjampman at (Ole Henning Jensen)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 20:02:08 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hypotenuse
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<frddij$7vb$>	<frdiev$m4u$>	<frdsuc$rl9$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

bob gailer wrote:
> Robert Childers wrote:
>> I have rewritten my "hypotenuse" program as follows:>>> #This program 
>> calculates the width and diagonal of a golden rectangle
>>>>> print "Calculate the width and diagonal of a golden rectangle."
>> Calculate the width and diagonal of a golden rectangle.
>>>>> height = input ("Input height:")
>> Input height:1
>>>>> width = height*1.618
>>>>> print "Width:", width
>> Width: 1.618
>>>>> import math
>>>>> hyp_squared = height**2 + width**2
>>>>> hypotenuse = math.sqrt(hyp_squared)
>>>>> print "Diagonal:", hypotenuse
>> Diagonal: 1.90208412012
>> When I save the program then try to run the module I get an error 
>> message that it is invalid.
> Please ALWAYS post the code and the traceback. Otherwise we have no way 
> to easily help you.
> But I will take a guess that you saved the contents of the interactive 
> session and tried to run that. That will not work, as  the interactive 
> session is full of >>> and results of print statements.
> So I suggest you edit the module to see if this is the case; if it is 
> then remove all the junk so you just have pure Python. Run that. If you 
> still get errors post the code and traceback.

Yes like Bob says you most likly saved the interactive session.

What you should do is open IDLE as usual, and *before* you start typing 
you program, you should open a "new wind" from the file menu.
This should open a blank sheet, into which you can type your program, 
just as you did before (but without the >>>).

When you have done that, save the file and *remember* to add ".py" to 
the filename (without the quotes),  then press the F5 key to run the 

Happy programming.

Ole Jensen

From kent37 at  Sat Mar 15 22:17:35 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 17:17:35 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] login
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

SwartMumba snake wrote:
> Using the cookie jar is not going to solve my problem. I don't want to 
> use the cookie jar. I just want to send the right request so that I will 
> be sent back the right header, which will contain the information that I 
> want. Apparently I am not sending the right request because the header 
> that I am receieving does not have the "Set-Cookie"s that I want. i.e. I 
> am being recognized as not logged in (non member etc).

How do you normally log on with a browser? There are two common methods
- basic authentication - this is where the browser pops up a window 
where you enter your user name and password. This type of authentication 
is part of the HTTP protocol. It is supported in urllib2 with the 
- forms-based auth - this is where the web site puts up a form. In this 
case you have to post your credentials to the form.

In either case, if you want to make subsequent requests to the site with 
urllib2, as an authenticated user, you should use the CookieJar as I 
showed you. The cookie jar remembers the cookie and subsequent requests 
with the same opener will send the cookie for you. You don't have to be 
concerned with the headers at all.


From bryan.fodness at  Sat Mar 15 23:13:35 2008
From: bryan.fodness at (Bryan Fodness)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 18:13:35 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Parsing DICOMRT file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Haven't had a chance to look at this in a while.

On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 6:57 PM, John Fouhy <john at> wrote:

> On 13/12/2007, Bryan Fodness <bryan.fodness at> wrote:
> > I am new to doing anything like this.  I have looked at
> > and am
> > not sure how to proceed.
> I haven't much experience here, but this is how I'd proceed, I think:
> 1. Start by reading the file.  It's binary data (I guess) so there's
> no point in reading lines.:
>  rawData = open('file.dcm', 'rb').read()
> 2. Write a function to parse the preamble:
>  def parsePreamble(data):
>    preamble = data[:128]
>    dicm = data[128:132]
>    # you might need to read up on encodings and things to make sure
> this test is valid
>    if dicm == 'DICM':
>      return preamble, 132
>    else:
>      raise NotAPreambleException

This satisfies the if statement.

> 3. Write functions to parse data elements.  The functions are going to
> try to parse a data element starting at a particular position, and if
> successful, return the position of the end of the element.
>  def parseDataelement(data, start):
>    # do stuff -- the web page you linked didn't have enough information
> here
>    return element, pos

I would like to extract 10-20 values from the file.

Starting at byte 132, the data elements are specified in the Explicit VR
little endian transfer syntax with a group number of 0002.  The data element
(0002, 0010) contains the Transfer Syntax UID, which specifies how the data
elements following the file meta information are encoded.  For this one, it
is 1.2.840.10008.1.2 which is equal  to LittleEndianImplicit.

where there is the 2-byte group number, a 2-byte element number,  a 4-byte
value length (VL) field, and a value field containing VL bytes.

Could someone help me get started.

I did an xml dump with another program and got,

     <element tag="300a,00c6" vr="CS" vm="1" len="6"

as an output example.

> 4. Parse the whole thing;
>  def parseDICOM(data):
>    elements = []
>    try:
>      preamble, next = parsePreamble(data)
>    except NotAPreambleException:
>      preamble, next = None, 0
>    while True:
>      element, next = parseDataElement(data, next)
>      elements.append(element)
>      # you will need some way of breaking out of this loop, either by
> checking the structure of
>      # element for an end condition, or by parseDataElement raising
> an exception.
>    return elements # and maybe preamble too if you want it
> HTH!

"The game of science can accurately be described as a never-ending insult to
human intelligence." - Jo?o Magueijo
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From dave6502 at  Sun Mar 16 00:15:18 2008
From: dave6502 at (dave selby)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 23:15:18 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] signal trapping in a class instance
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I have a series of class instances saved in an array. I need the
instances to respond to a SIGKILL by writing to a file and

Am I right in codeing it as below ? ... does the sys.exit() kill the
instance or the instance & the instance holding array definition above
it ?



  def signal_kill(self, signum, frame):
        On SIGKILL update journal_snap with a special #<START
SECONDS>$86400 'no snapshot' string
        now_secs =  time.strftime('%H') * 60 * 60
        now_secs =  time.strftime('%M') * 60 + now_secs
        now_secs =  time.strftime('%S') + now_secs
        update_journal(self,  time.strftime('%Y%m%d'), self.feed,
now_secs, 86400)


Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

From cfuller084 at  Sun Mar 16 01:17:09 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 19:17:09 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] signal trapping in a class instance
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

SIGKILL is not trappable.  You probably want SIGTERM.  Furthermore, this 
signal will be sent to the process, not some thread or class instance within 
a process.

Maybe you need some other mechanism?  Is the signal going to be from the same 
python process?  If so, just call it directly.  Otherwise, there are a great 
deal of other interprocess communications options.  Sockets are probably the 
most cross platform nd widely understood.  Check out the UDPServer class in 
the standard library.

You'd need to write a client script to send the commands, but this is trivial 
once you have the server set up.


From cfuller084 at  Sun Mar 16 01:41:23 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 19:41:23 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] signal trapping in a class instance
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I read your post again, and it looks as though you might want to use the 
atexit module. ?Another idea would be to trap the SIGTERM signal and to keep 
a registry of instances, and then to invoke a cleanup method of each 

Another important note: trapping signals will have no effect if your process 
terminates itself.


From tyler.smith at  Sun Mar 16 03:35:28 2008
From: tyler.smith at (Tyler Smith)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 02:35:28 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] noob python cgi
Message-ID: <slrnftp1rg.3o8.tyler.smith@blackbart.sedgenet>


I'm writing a webpage as a learning exercise. My first objective is to
allow myself to upload files to directories in /images/, and have cgi
scripts automatically generate the pages that will allow users to
navigate through the images.

I have a very basic prototype that does what I want, at least for a
website served by Apache on my laptop (not web-accessible). Any
comments or feedback on the sanity of this approach, or ways to
improve it generally would be appreciated! I understand what I've
done, but I have no idea what other approaches there might be. I'd
like to avoid a complicated CMS at this point, as I want to learn
about the basics of serving up webpages.

Three files follow. First, the html index page, followed by the
gallery picker, followed by the thumbnail displayer.



<title>My home page</title>
<p>Only one thing to do - visit the <a href="http://localhost/tycgi-bin/">galleries</a>.


gallery picker:
#! /usr/bin/python

import cgitb; 

import cgi, os

print """Content-type: text/html

<H1>Select a gallery:</H1>
<form action="./" method="post">
<select name=gallery>
for gal in os.listdir("../images/"):
   print '<option>%s' % gal

print """<p><input type=submit value="Go">

#! /usr/bin/python

import cgitb; 

import cgi, os

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
gal = form["gallery"].value

print """Content-type: text/html


print '<TITLE>%s</TITLE>' % gal
<H1>%s gallery:</H1>""" % gal

for file in os.listdir("".join(("../images/", gal))):
   print '<p><img src="http://localhost/~tyler/images/%s/%s">' % (gal, file)

print """</BODY></HTML>"""

From rabidpoobear at  Sun Mar 16 04:54:28 2008
From: rabidpoobear at (Luke Paireepinart)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 21:54:28 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] noob python cgi
In-Reply-To: <slrnftp1rg.3o8.tyler.smith@blackbart.sedgenet>
References: <slrnftp1rg.3o8.tyler.smith@blackbart.sedgenet>
Message-ID: <>

Tyler Smith wrote:
> Hi,
> [snip explanation]
> Three files follow. First, the html index page, followed by the
> gallery picker, followed by the thumbnail displayer.
> Thanks!
> Tyler
> [snip code]
In the future please include your code as attachments, to avoid e-mail 
programs mangling the code, unless it's just a few lines.

From neal at  Sun Mar 16 04:32:35 2008
From: neal at (Neal McBurnett)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 20:32:35 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] pydoc introspecting info via OptionParser?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20080316033235.GT27177@feynman>

On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 10:43:08AM -0700, Neal McBurnett wrote:
> I'm trying to do nice clean documentation for a python script I run
> from the command-line, and I'd like pydoc or a similar program to
> document it well.  But I don't want to duplicate option information by
> putting it both in my docstring and in optparse.
> I would think that pydoc might notice an OptionParser instance at the
> module level and show the options defined there, but it doesn't seem
> to.  Would it be hard to add to pydoc?  Do any other documentation
> programs do that?

For now I've instead put this quasi-template-tag in my docstring in
an appropriate place: %InsertOptionParserUsage%

and added this code to the module to incorporate the usage into the
docstring after it is defined:

# incorporate OptionParser usage documentation in our docstring
__doc__ = __doc__.replace("%InsertOptionParserUsage%\n", parser.format_help())

That gets me pretty close.  The biggest problem is that when pydoc
prints it, the usage statement starts with "Usage: pydoc [options]"
rather than "Usage: myprogram [options]".  I could set the
OptionParser "prog" option to override that, but I prefer that in real
life the program provide usage referencing sys.argv[0] rather than
hard-coding it, in case it gets deployed under a different name.


Neal McBurnett       

From dineshbvadhia at  Sun Mar 16 04:33:39 2008
From: dineshbvadhia at (Dinesh B Vadhia)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 20:33:39 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Working with Python Objects
Message-ID: <BAY109-DAV76191998975D4ED1AF929A3040@phx.gbl>


I've combined your code fragments and added a function call too, to determine how 'a' is passed between objects and classes:

def addNumbers(i, j):
    k = i + j
    return k

class A:
    def oneA(self):
        z = 2
        self.a = self.a * z

class B:
    def oneB(self):
        inA = A()                 # instance of class A
        y = 5
        b = y * inA.a
        c = addNumbers(y, b)

Is this correct?


class A:
    constantA = 9
    def OneOfA:
            <do something>
            a = <do something else>

class B:
    variableB = "quick brown fox"
    def OneOfB:
            <do something>
            b = <do something more>
            c = b * a        # the 'a' from def OneOfA in class A
> Question:
> 1) how do I access the 'a' from function (method) OneOfA in
> class A so that it can be used by functions (methods) in class B?

You don't and shouldn't try to. In this case because the attriute
only exists inside the method, it is local, so dies when the
method completes. So first of all you need to make it part
of the class A. We do that by tagging it as an attribute of
self, which should be the fitrst attribute of every method.

But one of the concepts of OOP is to think in terms of the
objects not the attributes inside them So your question
should probably be: How do I access objects of class A
inside methods of class B?

The answer is by passing an instance into the method as a
parameter. You can then manipulate the instance of A by
sending messages to it. In Python you can access the
instance values of an object by sending a message with
the same name as the attribute - in other OOP languages
you would need to provide an accessor method.

But it is very important conceptually that you try to get away
from thinking about accessing attributes of another object
inside methods. Access the objects. Metthods should only
be manipulating the attributes of their own class. To do
otherwise is to break the reusability of your classes.

So re writing your pseudo code:

class A:
    constantA = 9
    def OneOfA(self):   # add self as first parameter
            <do something>
            self.a = <do something else>   # use 'self' to tag 'a' as 
an attribute

class B:
    variableB = "quick brown fox"
    def OneOfB(self, anA):    # add self and the instance of A
            <do something>
            b = <do something more>
            c = b * anA.a        # the 'a' from the instance anA

This way OneOfB() only works with attributes local to it
or defined as instance variables or passed in as arguments.
Which is as it should be!

Real OOP purists don't like direct attribute access but
in Python its an accepted idiom and frankly there is little
value in writing an accessor method that simply returns
the value if you can access it directly. The thing you
really should try to avoid though is modifying the attributes
directly from another class. Normally you can write a
more meaningful method that will do that for you.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Temorarily at: at
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From varsha.purohit at  Sun Mar 16 07:43:13 2008
From: varsha.purohit at (Varsha Purohit)
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 23:43:13 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] PyGame tutorials
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,
        I have learnt python and wxPython. Now i want to learn making games
using pygame engine. Can anyone tellme from where i can learn pygame and
start making basic games using this module. Which version i should download
and is there any user group like this one for pyGame ??

Varsha Purohit
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From alan.gauld at  Sun Mar 16 09:48:43 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 08:48:43 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Working with Python Objects
References: <BAY109-DAV76191998975D4ED1AF929A3040@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <frimpk$vr0$>

"Dinesh B Vadhia" <dineshbvadhia at> wrote

> I've combined your code fragments and added a function 
> call too, to determine how 'a' is passed between objects 
> and classes:

class A:
    def oneA(self):
        z = 2
        self.a = self.a * z

class B:
    def oneB(self):
        inA = A()                 # instance of class A
        y = 5
        b = y * inA.a
        c = addNumbers(y, b)

> Is this correct?

Not really.
First the line in oneA that assigns to self.a won't work 
because self.a doesn't exist at that point. So you can't 
multiply it by z. You might want to introduce an __init__ 
method to initialize self.a to some value:

Secondly by creating an instance of A inside oneB you 
create a new instance of A each time. That instance will 
always have the same value. You would be better creating 
an instance of A outside of B and passing that into B's 
methods. Like this:

class A:
    def __init__(self, aValue = 0) # initialize witrh a default value
       self.a = aValue                 # create self.a

    def oneA(self):
        z = 2
        self.a = self.a * z             # this now works

class B:
    def oneB(self, anA):      # pass in an instance of A
        y = 5
        b = y * anA.a
        print b

def addNumbers(anA,aB):
     theA = A(42)
     theB = B()
     theA.oneA()      # sets theA.a to 84
     theB.oneB(theA)   # pass theA to B.oneB


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From tayeb.meftah at  Sun Mar 16 10:34:16 2008
From: tayeb.meftah at (Meftah Tayeb)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 10:34:16 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] What is the benefi of Embedding Python in my application ?
Message-ID: <003c01c88748$e99ffaf0$0201a8c0@server>

hi my friends, 
please :
1. What is the benefi of Embedding Python in my application ?

2. if python is embedded in my application: is require a Library to by redistributed ?

Thanks !!!!!


Meftah Tayeb

Software Developer, Database Administrator, Business Manager and Network Administrator
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From tayeb.meftah at  Sun Mar 16 10:34:16 2008
From: tayeb.meftah at (Meftah Tayeb)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 10:34:16 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] What is the benefi of Embedding Python in my application ?
Message-ID: <003c01c88748$e99ffaf0$0201a8c0@server>

hi my friends, 
please :
1. What is the benefi of Embedding Python in my application ?

2. if python is embedded in my application: is require a Library to by redistributed ?

Thanks !!!!!


Meftah Tayeb

Software Developer, Database Administrator, Business Manager and Network Administrator
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From tayeb.meftah at  Sun Mar 16 10:34:16 2008
From: tayeb.meftah at (Meftah Tayeb)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 10:34:16 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] What is the benefi of Embedding Python in my application ?
Message-ID: <003c01c88748$e99ffaf0$0201a8c0@server>

hi my friends, 
please :
1. What is the benefi of Embedding Python in my application ?

2. if python is embedded in my application: is require a Library to by redistributed ?

Thanks !!!!!


Meftah Tayeb

Software Developer, Database Administrator, Business Manager and Network Administrator
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From michael.lim at  Sun Mar 16 10:17:42 2008
From: michael.lim at (Michael Lim)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 19:17:42 +1000 (EST)
Subject: [Tutor] [TUTOR] Stupid Pythony Newbie Question: Basic Operators;
Message-ID: <>

Sorry guys, this is a newbie question... can someone please help me with what the following 2 basic operators do in like simple english:





From rabidpoobear at  Sun Mar 16 12:33:12 2008
From: rabidpoobear at (Luke Paireepinart)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 05:33:12 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Stupid Pythony Newbie Question: Basic Operators;
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Lim wrote:
> Sorry guys, this is a newbie question... can someone please help me with what the following 2 basic operators do in like simple english:
Well, it depends on the situation you use the operation in.
I'll give you some examples.
> 1.
> ^
This is a bitwise exclusive-or.  If you don't know what that's used for, 
you probably don't need it.
Basically it goes bit-by-bit and performs an exclusive-or on each bit pair.
For example:
2 ^ 4 is 6,  because
0010  (2)
0100  (4)
0110  (6)
I won't go into more detail about xor, that should be enough to go on if 
you know what an exlusive-or is supposed to do.
> 2.
> %
This performs a few functions.
Firstly, just as a normal arithmetic operator, it's called the "mod" or 
"modulus" operator.
It gives you the remainder after an integer division.
you know that 6 can go into 19 three whole times, but there will be some 
left over.  Mod gives you the leftover.
 >>> 19 / 6
 >>> 19 % 6

Because when you divide 19 by 6 you get 3 and 1/6th.

Another thing % is used for is string substitution.
print "Hello, %s!" % "world"
is a basic substitution.
Then there are more complex, multi-valued substitutions:
import math
print "pi: %1.6f, cos(0): %.0f" % (math.pi, math.cos(0))
Note that the collection of values on the right needs to be a tuple (the 
comma denotes a tuple)
Then there's dictionary string substitution:
students = {'number' : 2, 'names' : ['joe','bob'] }
print "There are %(number)i students in your class.  The students are 
%(names)s." % students

There may be other uses for these operators.
You really should give us a specific case where you don't understand, 
cause then we could explain it better.

By the way, don't put [TUTOR]  in the subject.  The mailing list 
automatically adds [Tutor] so if you manually add it, it just makes your 
subject harder to read because there are then two tags.
Hope that helps,

From gregor.lingl at  Sun Mar 16 11:45:40 2008
From: gregor.lingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:45:40 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Stupid Pythony Newbie Question: Basic Operators;
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Lim schrieb:
> Sorry guys, this is a newbie question... can someone please help me 
> with what the following 2 basic operators do in like simple english:
> 1.
> ^
This operator performs a logical operation, the exclusive or, also xor, 
for the binary digits af two integer numbers. The operation will be 
performed bitwise. You will understand this only if you know what the 
binary  representation of a integer is. It goes like this:

xor of two digits 0 or 1 returns 1 if these are different and 0 else.

12    --->    '1100'        (which means 12 = 8 + 4)
9     --->    '1001'        (which means 9 = 8 + 1)
      xor:    '0101'        so the result is 4 + 1 = 5

 >>> 12 ^ 9

> 2.
> %
This is simpler: % returns the remainder you get if you perform an 
integer division. Example 17 divided by 5 results in the quotient 3 and 
the remainder 2.

 >>> 17 % 5

If you want to know both, quotient and remainder, you can use the divmod 

 >>> divmod(17,5)
(3, 2)

With best regards,

> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From listsdl04 at  Sun Mar 16 14:03:25 2008
From: listsdl04 at (Guba)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 21:03:25 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I like the idea of retaining my original questions by creating a proxy
list, but I wasn't able to understand (find) the proxy list:

Chris Fuller wrote:

> from random import choice

> questions = [ [i,j] for i in range(1,10) for j in range(1,10) ]
> false_answers = []
> choices = range(len(questions))

This I don't understand: len(questions) simply gives 81;
range(len(questions)) counts them all up: 0,1,2...80.

> while choices:
>    proxyq = choice(choices)
here choice(choices) picks ONE item  out of choices (e.g. 56) and
assigns it to proxyq
>    del choices[choices.index(proxyq)]
here the item (56) just assigned to proxyq gets removed from choices
(question: why not use pop() for these last two steps?)
>    q = questions[proxyq]
here q is assigned to item 56, i.e. [7, 3], out of questions (which
contains all 81 possible questions).

Now, because we are operating in a while loop, 81 item are generated and
 81 items are accordingly picked out of the questions list, all this
without repetition of items..

If I am right (am I?) with my interpretation, then I still don't
understand how/where we generated a proxy list... I think we are just
running a while loop without having generated a list out of its ouput!??

Cheers for a short comment!


From kent37 at  Sun Mar 16 16:14:05 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:14:05 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] [tutor] PyGame tutorials
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Varsha Purohit wrote:
> Hello all,
>         I have learnt python and wxPython. Now i want to learn making 
> games using pygame engine. Can anyone tellme from where i can learn 
> pygame and start making basic games using this module. Which version i 
> should download and is there any user group like this one for pyGame ??

There are numerous tutorials on the PyGame web site:

Downloads are here, the correct one depends on what platform you are 

There is a pygame-users mailing list.


From cfuller084 at  Sun Mar 16 16:34:31 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 10:34:31 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sunday 16 March 2008 08:03, Guba wrote:
> Hello!
> I like the idea of retaining my original questions by creating a proxy
> list, but I wasn't able to understand (find) the proxy list:
> Chris Fuller wrote:
> > from random import choice
> >
> > questions = [ [i,j] for i in range(1,10) for j in range(1,10) ]
> > false_answers = []
> >
> > choices = range(len(questions))
> This I don't understand: len(questions) simply gives 81;
> range(len(questions)) counts them all up: 0,1,2...80.

Each element in the proxy list is the index of a distinct element in the 
original list.

> > while choices:
> >    proxyq = choice(choices)
> here choice(choices) picks ONE item  out of choices (e.g. 56) and
> assigns it to proxyq
> >    del choices[choices.index(proxyq)]
> here the item (56) just assigned to proxyq gets removed from choices
> (question: why not use pop() for these last two steps?)

choice() returns a random element from the list of choices, not its index.  
One could call pop() instead of del, but del is probably a little faster, and 
doesn't return a value that we wouldn't use anyway.  pop() wouldn't give us a 
random element, unless passed a random argument, such as 
pop(choice(range(len(choices)))), but that would be very cumbersome.

> >    q = questions[proxyq]
> here q is assigned to item 56, i.e. [7, 3], out of questions (which
> contains all 81 possible questions).
> Now, because we are operating in a while loop, 81 item are generated and
>  81 items are accordingly picked out of the questions list, all this
> without repetition of items..
> If I am right (am I?) with my interpretation, then I still don't
> understand how/where we generated a proxy list... I think we are just
> running a while loop without having generated a list out of its ouput!??

This isn't like a for loop that iterates through the elements of a list.  It 
is a while loop that repeats until some condition is false.  I used a bit of 
a shortcut when I used "while choices:": this is equivalent to "while 
len(choices)>0", or "stop the loop when the choices list is empty".  The 
deletion is necessary, so that choice() doesn't return the same element again 

It seems to me that a better way to do this would be to use random.shuffle() 
on the choices list, and iterate through that in a for loop.
> Cheers for a short comment!

Ha!  How about a long one?  I have attached some example code.  It is easier 
to see how this works with working code.  The first uses choice(), the 
second, shuffle().
> Guba
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From keridee at  Mon Mar 17 17:50:40 2008
From: keridee at (tiger12506)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:50:40 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
References: <><><>
Message-ID: <001601c8884f$0b83a570$0702a8c0@home>

> choice() returns a random element from the list of choices, not its index.
> One could call pop() instead of del, but del is probably a little faster, 
> and
> doesn't return a value that we wouldn't use anyway.  pop() wouldn't give 
> us a
> random element, unless passed a random argument, such as
> pop(choice(range(len(choices)))), but that would be very cumbersome.

I like the shuffle idea.

n = [1,2,5,1,2,34,2,4,7,3,3,45,1,76,8]
proxy = random.shuffle(xrange(len(n)))
for idx in proxy:

From cfuller084 at  Sun Mar 16 17:00:38 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:00:38 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Oops, I based those examples on my initial solution, not the preferred one 
that preserved the questions.  Here is some better code.  They only use the 
shuffle method, and I've elaborated a bit on the basic solution, to 
illustrate some ideas for improvement.

Some things you might try as an exercise:  provide an escape command, rather 
than having to use ctrl-c; eliminate the symmetrical questions, i.e. only one 
of 3x5 and 5x3 need be presented.

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From nephish at  Sun Mar 16 17:44:02 2008
From: nephish at (shawn bright)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:44:02 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
Message-ID: <>

Lo there all,

 I am needing to get a response back from a system command.
 i can do this:

 os.system('mailq | wc -l")

 if i do this in the terminal  mailq | wc -l   ,   it will spit out a number.
How do i get that number as a python variable ?

OK, thanks.


From kent37 at  Sun Mar 16 18:18:14 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 13:18:14 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <001601c8884f$0b83a570$0702a8c0@home>
References: <><><>	<>
Message-ID: <>

tiger12506 wrote:
> n = [1,2,5,1,2,34,2,4,7,3,3,45,1,76,8]
> proxy = random.shuffle(xrange(len(n)))

shuffle() shuffles in place, it doesn't return the shuffled list.
> for idx in proxy:
>   dowith(n[idx]) 

Why not shuffle n directly?

n = ...
for x in n:


From lord_cooper at  Sun Mar 16 18:59:05 2008
From: lord_cooper at (jake cooper)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 17:59:05 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] newbie needs help with rpg code in python
Message-ID: <BAY120-W55C493EC3357A959ED1353DC040@phx.gbl>

Hey everyone :)
I'm extremely new to programming as python is the first language I have attempted to learn (and I only started yesterday!)
I decided to start learning by attempting to create a short textbased rpg.
My progress so far has been rather haphazard to say the least, but I think I might be finally getting somewhere with this.
Below is my code as it currently exists:
#Character stats (lv 1)
max_c_hp = 180max_c_mp = 30c_strength = 50c_defence = 25c_agility = 50c_fireball = 60c_heal = 100
#Skeleton stats (lv1)
max_e_hp = 230max_e_mp = 30e_strength = 48e_defence = 30e_agility = 50e_fireball = 75
#Battle functions
def battle_start(): #Allows player to choose to fight or run    print 'A skeleton appears from the shadows!'    fight_or_run = int(raw_input ('Do you fight[1] or run[2]?'))    if fight_or_run == 1:        print 'You engage the enemy.'        battle_menu() #Sends player to battle menu    elif fight_or_run == 2:        escape()
def battle_menu(): #Allows player to choose primary action in battle    print 'Attack[1]'    print 'Magic[2]'    print 'Escape[3]'    menu_selection = int(raw_input ('Enter your choice.'))    if menu_selection == 1:        c_attack()    elif menu_selection == 2:        c_m_attack()    elif menu_selection == 3:        escape()
def c_attack(): #Processes damage dealt by a physical attack    damage_to_enemy = c_strength - e_defence     print 'You inflicted', damage_to_enemy, "points of damage to your enemy"  #shows damage dealt    temp_e_hp - damage_to_enemy #!!!attempts to deduct damage_to_enemy from temp_e_hp!!!    print temp_e_hp    if temp_e_hp == 0:        victory()    else:        battle_menu()
def escape(): #Allows player to escape from a battle    print 'You attempt to flee the battle!'    if c_agility > e_agility:        print 'You succssfully escape' #!!!Need to quit battle and return to field!!!    elif c_agility < e_agility:        print 'You fail to escape and miss a battle turn.' #!!!Need to find a way to miss a turn after tb system written!!!        battle_menu()    elif c_agility == e_agility:        print 'You fail to escape and are forced to contine engaging the enemy.'        battle_menu() #Sends player to battle menu
#Battle flowtemp_c_hp = max_c_hp # creates a temporary stat for characters hp, just to be used in this battletemp_e_hp = max_e_hp #creates a temporary stat for enemies hp, just to be used in this battlebattle_start() # launches battle sequence
As you can see, I've annotated it rather thoroughly to display the (simple) processes being performed and there are several issues slowing my progress.  The main one I need help with is in the c_attack function.  For some reason, I cant manage to subtract damage_to_enemy from temp_e_hp.  Any help with my script (especially with this problem) would be highly appreciated.
And for one final question, is there a way to use random percentages of a number.  For example, to subtract 80 - 120 % of damage_to_enemy from temp_e_hp?
Sorry for all the questions, but I'm totally stumped at the moment.
Thanks for your time
Free games, great prizes - get gaming at Gamesbox.
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From sirgnip at  Sun Mar 16 20:01:54 2008
From: sirgnip at (Scott Nelson)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 13:01:54 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] win32gui, SetForegroundWindow() and setting focus
Message-ID: <>

Greetings all...

I'm looking to use the win32api and win32gui modules to do a bit of
Windows tinkering (win2k) and I've hit a snag.

I'd like to programmatically set which window has the focus.  But
win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd) seems to be what I'm looking for,
but, it isn't working quite as I expect meaning I probably have a bad

SetForegroundWindow() works like a charm in simple cases from the
command line.  However, when I enumerate all top level windows and try
to set each one as the foreground window in turn, it gets thru 1-2
windows out of the 8-10 I have open before giving me this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\_code\python\apps\", line 25, in ?
  File "D:\_code\python\apps\", line 20, in cycle_foreground
pywintypes.error: (0, 'SetForegroundWindow', 'No error message is available')

What am I doing wrong in this case?  Can my app "give away" its own
focus but can't force a different app's window with focus to "give
away" its focus?  Is there any other way to accomplish this?  I've
attempted using a mix of SetFocus(), BringWindowToTop(), and
EnableWindow() but couldn't find the magic combo.

I've attached my test script.  Run it as "WinTests cycle" to attempt
to cycle the focus through all top level windows and see the traceback
above.  Run it as "WinTests 12345" to set focus the window with hwnd
of 12345.  Run it as "WinTests" to get a list of all top level windows
and their hwnd's.

I've tried reading the very-sparse win32 docs provided with
ActiveState's PythonWin, I've read a bit on the win32 API on MSDN and
I've googled around a bit, and haven't found much.

Thanks for making this a great list, all...

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From rabidpoobear at  Sun Mar 16 21:06:25 2008
From: rabidpoobear at (Luke Paireepinart)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 14:06:25 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

shawn bright wrote:
> Lo there all,
>  I am needing to get a response back from a system command.
>  i can do this:
>  os.system('mailq | wc -l")
>  if i do this in the terminal  mailq | wc -l   ,   it will spit out a number.
> How do i get that number as a python variable ?
You need to use the subprocess module, specifically subprocess.Popen, to 
open an input pipe from the command so you can read() the data in.

From pylinuxian at  Sun Mar 16 20:12:51 2008
From: pylinuxian at (linuxian iandsd)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 19:12:51 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

use os.popen("your cmd here")

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 8:06 PM, Luke Paireepinart <rabidpoobear at>

> shawn bright wrote:
> > Lo there all,
> >
> >  I am needing to get a response back from a system command.
> >  i can do this:
> >
> >  os.system('mailq | wc -l")
> >
> >  if i do this in the terminal  mailq | wc -l   ,   it will spit out a
> number.
> > How do i get that number as a python variable ?
> You need to use the subprocess module, specifically subprocess.Popen, to
> open an input pipe from the command so you can read() the data in.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From pylinuxian at  Sun Mar 16 20:17:08 2008
From: pylinuxian at (linuxian iandsd)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 19:17:08 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

i guess that was too short tutorial well, here is an example from a live
session on the interpreter.

[root at serv ~]# python
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Nov 23 2007, 16:16:53)
[GCC 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-51)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> cmd='ping -c 1 localhost'
>>> import os
>>> a=os.popen(cmd)
>>> print a
<open file 'ping -c 1 localhost', mode 'r' at 0xb7f1c728>
>>> print
PING serv.kontactel.loc ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from serv.kontactel.loc ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.134ms

--- serv.kontactel.loc ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.134/0.134/0.134/0.000 ms


i hope you can understand that now u have the output in a variable called
"a" that you can parse & use as you wish.

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 7:12 PM, linuxian iandsd <pylinuxian at>

> use os.popen("your cmd here")
> On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 8:06 PM, Luke Paireepinart <rabidpoobear at>
> wrote:
> > shawn bright wrote:
> > > Lo there all,
> > >
> > >  I am needing to get a response back from a system command.
> > >  i can do this:
> > >
> > >  os.system('mailq | wc -l")
> > >
> > >  if i do this in the terminal  mailq | wc -l   ,   it will spit out a
> > number.
> > > How do i get that number as a python variable ?
> > You need to use the subprocess module, specifically subprocess.Popen, to
> > open an input pipe from the command so you can read() the data in.
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> >
-------------- next part --------------
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From nomb85 at  Sun Mar 16 20:29:29 2008
From: nomb85 at (Nathan McBride)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 15:29:29 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
Message-ID: <>

Why don't you just use 'commands.getoutput'?

-----Original Message-----
From: linuxian iandsd <pylinuxian at>
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 3:12 PM
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()

use os.popen("your cmd here")

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 8:06 PM, Luke Paireepinart <rabidpoobear at>

> shawn bright wrote:
> > Lo there all,
> >
> >  I am needing to get a response back from a system command.
> >  i can do this:
> >
> >  os.system('mailq | wc -l")
> >
> >  if i do this in the terminal  mailq | wc -l   ,   it will spit out a
> number.
> > How do i get that number as a python variable ?
> You need to use the subprocess module, specifically subprocess.Popen, to

[The entire original message is not included]

From nomb85 at  Sun Mar 16 20:47:54 2008
From: nomb85 at (Nathan McBride)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 15:47:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
Message-ID: <>

Would you mind perhaps show an example running an interactive command like su and show how to send input to the commands waiting propmts?

-----Original Message-----
From: linuxian iandsd <pylinuxian at>
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 3:17 PM
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()

i guess that was too short tutorial well, here is an example from a live
session on the interpreter.

[root at serv ~]# python
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Nov 23 2007, 16:16:53)
[GCC 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-51)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> cmd='ping -c 1 localhost'
>>> import os
>>> a=os.popen(cmd)
>>> print a
<open file 'ping -c 1 localhost', mode 'r' at 0xb7f1c728>
>>> print
PING serv.kontactel.loc ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from serv.kontactel.loc ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.134ms

[The entire original message is not included]

From marc.tompkins at  Sun Mar 16 20:57:37 2008
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 12:57:37 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] newbie needs help with rpg code in python
In-Reply-To: <BAY120-W55C493EC3357A959ED1353DC040@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY120-W55C493EC3357A959ED1353DC040@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 10:59 AM, jake cooper <lord_cooper at>

>     print 'You inflicted', damage_to_enemy, "points of damage to your
> enemy"  #shows damage dealt
>     temp_e_hp - damage_to_enemy #!!!attempts to deduct damage_to_enemy
> from temp_e_hp!!!
>     print temp_e_hp**
*    if temp_e_hp == 0:***
*         victory()***
For some reason, I cant manage to subtract damage_to_enemy from temp_e_hp.
> Any help with my script (especially with this problem) would be highly
> appreciated.

You're subtracting, but not assigning the result of your subtraction to
anything.  Try this:
temp_e_hp =  temp_e_hp - damage_to_enemy

May I suggest that you change your victory condition from "equals 0" to
"less than or equal to 0"?  As it stands, the player can never win unless he
hits for exactly as much damage as the enemy has remaining - if he goes
over, the enemy becomes immortal.

And for one final question, is there a way to use random percentages of a
> number.  For example, to subtract 80 - 120 % of damage_to_enemy from
> temp_e_hp?

The random module is what you want.
   random.random() returns a number between 0 and 1 - you can use that
directly for percentage calculations.
   random.randint(a,b) returns an integer between a and b inclusive - e.g.,
if a=1 and b=10, possible results include 1 and 10.

Something like this, perhaps:
import random   # this goes at the top of your code
temp_e_hp =  temp_e_hp - random.randint( (damage_to_enemy*0.8),

Of course, you shouldn't hard-code values like 0.8 and 1.2 - but I wanted to
keep it simple.

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From mlangford.cs03 at  Sun Mar 16 21:00:29 2008
From: mlangford.cs03 at (Michael Langford)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 16:00:29 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] newbie needs help with rpg code in python
In-Reply-To: <BAY120-W55C493EC3357A959ED1353DC040@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY120-W55C493EC3357A959ED1353DC040@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

If you'd like to damage_to_enemy from temp_e_hp, you do the following

temp_e_hp -= damage_to_enemy


temp_e_hp = temp_e_hp- damage_to_enemy.

Read the single equals sign as the word "gets" in your head.

To get a random integer between two numbers, you do the folowing:

import random

random.randrange(a, b)

Where it will give you an integer of at least a and less than b.

So in your case, you could do

temp_e_hp -= random.randrange(damage_to_enemy * 0.80 ,damage_to_enemy * 1.2)

Which will do between 80-120% the damage_to_enemy to the enemy.


On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 1:59 PM, jake cooper <lord_cooper at> wrote:
>  Hey everyone :)
>  I'm extremely new to programming as python is the first language I have
> attempted to learn (and I only started yesterday!)
>  I decided to start learning by attempting to create a short textbased rpg.
>  My progress so far has been rather haphazard to say the least, but I think
> I might be finally getting somewhere with this.
>  Below is my code as it currently exists:
>  #Character stats (lv 1)
>  max_c_hp = 180
> max_c_mp = 30
> c_strength = 50
> c_defence = 25
> c_agility = 50
> c_fireball = 60
> c_heal = 100
>  #Skeleton stats (lv1)
>  max_e_hp = 230
> max_e_mp = 30
> e_strength = 48
> e_defence = 30
> e_agility = 50
> e_fireball = 75
>  #Battle functions
>  def battle_start(): #Allows player to choose to fight or run
>     print 'A skeleton appears from the shadows!'
>     fight_or_run = int(raw_input ('Do you fight[1] or run[2]?'))
>     if fight_or_run == 1:
>         print 'You engage the enemy.'
>         battle_menu() #Sends player to battle menu
>     elif fight_or_run == 2:
>         escape()
>  def battle_menu(): #Allows player to choose primary action in battle
>     print 'Attack[1]'
>     print 'Magic[2]'
>     print 'Escape[3]'
>     menu_selection = int(raw_input ('Enter your choice.'))
>     if menu_selection == 1:
>         c_attack()
>     elif menu_selection == 2:
>         c_m_attack()
>     elif menu_selection == 3:
>         escape()
>  def c_attack(): #Processes damage dealt by a physical attack
>     damage_to_enemy = c_strength - e_defence
>     print 'You inflicted', damage_to_enemy, "points of damage to your enemy"
> #shows damage dealt
>     temp_e_hp - damage_to_enemy #!!!attempts to deduct damage_to_enemy from
> temp_e_hp!!!
>     print temp_e_hp
>     if temp_e_hp == 0:
>         victory()
>     else:
>         battle_menu()
>  def escape(): #Allows player to escape from a battle
>     print 'You attempt to flee the battle!'
>     if c_agility > e_agility:
>         print 'You succssfully escape' #!!!Need to quit battle and return to
> field!!!
>     elif c_agility < e_agility:
>         print 'You fail to escape and miss a battle turn.' #!!!Need to find
> a way to miss a turn after tb system written!!!
>         battle_menu()
>     elif c_agility == e_agility:
>         print 'You fail to escape and are forced to contine engaging the
> enemy.'
>         battle_menu() #Sends player to battle menu
>  #Battle flow
> temp_c_hp = max_c_hp # creates a temporary stat for characters hp, just to
> be used in this battle
> temp_e_hp = max_e_hp #creates a temporary stat for enemies hp, just to be
> used in this battle
> battle_start() # launches battle sequence
>  As you can see, I've annotated it rather thoroughly to display the (simple)
> processes being performed and there are several issues slowing my progress.
> The main one I need help with is in the c_attack function.  For some reason,
> I cant manage to subtract damage_to_enemy from temp_e_hp.  Any help with my
> script (especially with this problem) would be highly appreciated.
>  And for one final question, is there a way to use random percentages of a
> number.  For example, to subtract 80 - 120 % of damage_to_enemy from
> temp_e_hp?
>  Sorry for all the questions, but I'm totally stumped at the moment.
>  Thanks for your time
>  -Jake
> ________________________________
> She said what? About who? Shameful celebrity quotes on Search Star!
> _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Michael Langford
Phone: 404-386-0495

From mlangford.cs03 at  Sun Mar 16 21:03:25 2008
From: mlangford.cs03 at (Michael Langford)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 16:03:25 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] newbie needs help with rpg code in python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <BAY120-W55C493EC3357A959ED1353DC040@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

IMO, in programming real applications, you should not hardcode most values.

In programming games, you should often hardcode values, and sometimes
not. (Games are not made to be reusable, and excessive softcoding
makes changing them an exercise in config file tweaking).
> Of course, you shouldn't hard-code values like 0.8 and 1.2 - but I wanted to
> keep it simple.


Michael Langford
Phone: 404-386-0495

From mlangford.cs03 at  Sun Mar 16 21:05:35 2008
From: mlangford.cs03 at (Michael Langford)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 16:05:35 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] login
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Perhaps try mechanize?

On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 12:57 PM, SwartMumba snake <swartmumba at> wrote:
> Using the cookie jar is not going to solve my problem. I don't want to use
> the cookie jar. I just want to send the right request so that I will be sent
> back the right header, which will contain the information that I want.
> Apparently I am not sending the right request because the header that I am
> receieving does not have the "Set-Cookie"s that I want. i.e. I am being
> recognized as not logged in (non member etc).
> --- On Sat, 3/15/08, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
>     From: Kent Johnson <kent37 at>
>     Subject: Re: [Tutor] login
>     To: swartmumba at
>     Cc: Tutor at
>     Date: Saturday, March 15, 2008, 11:44 AM
>     SwartMumba snake wrote:
>     > I am trying to get the cookies from the site when I login, though
>     > The problem is that when I check the source (
> )
>     > it shows that it does not recognize me as logged in. Also, if I chech
>     >, the cookies that I am suppose to receive, if I logged in
>     > successfully, are not there. What am I doing wrong?
>     urllib2 does not support cookies by default, you have to configure it
>     with a CookieJar:
>     import cookielib, urllib2
>     cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
>     opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
>     Then use this opener as below. I think you will have to look at the
>     CookieJar to see the cookies.
>     Kent
>     > opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U;
>     Windows NT
>     > 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/'),
>     >                      ('Referer',
>     '')
>     >                      ]
>     >
>     > values = urllib.urlencode({'user_name': 'MyUsername',
>     'user_pass':
>     > 'MyPass^^', 'login' : 'Login'})
>     > req = urllib2.Request('', values)
>     >
>     > html =
>  ________________________________
> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it
> now.
> _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Michael Langford
Phone: 404-386-0495

From mail at  Sun Mar 16 21:31:58 2008
From: mail at (Tim Golden)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 20:31:58 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] win32gui, SetForegroundWindow() and setting focus
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Scott Nelson wrote:
> Greetings all...
> I'm looking to use the win32api and win32gui modules to do a bit of
> Windows tinkering (win2k) and I've hit a snag.
> I'd like to programmatically set which window has the focus.  But
> win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd) seems to be what I'm looking for,
> but, it isn't working quite as I expect meaning I probably have a bad
> assumption.

Hi, Scott. I never can remember what the incantations
are to get this right, but if you trawl the various
Microsoft-oriented newsgroups (via Google, say) then
you see them littered with the corpses of people on
the same trail.

Assuming no-one on this list comes across with the
answer, check out the question on the wider web:
translating the answer back into Python is going to
be the easiest part ;)


From rabidpoobear at  Sun Mar 16 23:12:08 2008
From: rabidpoobear at (Luke Paireepinart)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 16:12:08 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

linuxian iandsd wrote:
> use os.popen("your cmd here")
This is deprecated in 2.5+, you're supposed to use subprocess module now.

From rabidpoobear at  Sun Mar 16 23:13:05 2008
From: rabidpoobear at (Luke Paireepinart)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 16:13:05 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Nathan McBride wrote:
> Would you mind perhaps show an example running an interactive command like su and show how to send input to the commands waiting propmts?
Using the subprocess module, open a command and save the stdin and 
stdout pipes as variables.  Then write to the stdin to send data to the 
program, and read from stdout to get data from it.

From pylinuxian at  Sun Mar 16 22:37:09 2008
From: pylinuxian at (linuxian iandsd)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 21:37:09 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] login
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

well, you first get to the authenticating page, that is where you put your
username & pass ! & then you post them to be authenticated by server which
then sends you a session id, which is a cookie.

now to make the server think you're loged in to the site you have to send
him back the cookie.

now to send him the cookie you need the cookielib

so lets do it right now :

import urllib, urllib2, cookielib
user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'
values={'username':'python_user', 'passwd':'elephant'}

# let me explain here what values stand for :
#  values will represent every one element of a form that is in the
authentication page.
#  yes you got it what is between the <form> and </form> & there might be
# so you ll have to add them.

headers={'User-Agent' : user_agent}

# install_opener ? ???? what the hell is this ? ???
# well, now every request will take with it the cookie you got from server
# in other words you will be logged-in to this website from now on


# this is where actin starts (login page here)

req=urllib2.Request(url, data, headers)

response2=urllib2.urlopen(url2)   #you can get the page because urlopen manages the
session/cookie for you for free.


well, hope this helps
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

From jeff at  Sun Mar 16 23:59:28 2008
From: jeff at (Jeff Younker)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 15:59:28 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Would you mind perhaps show an example running an interactive  
> command like su and show how to send input to the commands waiting  
> propmts?

If you're doing that then you *really* want to be using the pexpect

cmd = pexpect.spawn('su - SOMEINTERACTIVECOMMAND')
cmd.expect('# ')   # the prompt
cmd.sendline('A COMMAND')
cmd.expect('# ')   # wait for the prompt again
output = cmd.before  # the stuff before the prompt

- Jeff Younker - jeff at -

From nomb85 at  Mon Mar 17 00:10:18 2008
From: nomb85 at (Nathan McBride)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 19:10:18 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
Message-ID: <>

Yup I use the pexpect module for a lot however couldn't get '' to work with mysqldump piping to gzip 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Younker <jeff at>
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 6:59 PM
To: Nathan McBride <nomb85 at>
Cc: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()

> Would you mind perhaps show an example running an interactive  
> command like su and show how to send input to the commands waiting  
> propmts?

If you're doing that then you *really* want to be using the pexpect

cmd = pexpect.spawn('su - SOMEINTERACTIVECOMMAND')
cmd.expect('# ')   # the prompt
cmd.sendline('A COMMAND')
cmd.expect('# ')   # wait for the prompt again
output = cmd.before  # the stuff before the prompt

- Jeff Younker - jeff at -

From nephish at  Mon Mar 17 01:34:25 2008
From: nephish at (shawn bright)
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 19:34:25 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

thanks all, appreciate it much.

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Nathan McBride <nomb85 at> wrote:
> Yup I use the pexpect module for a lot however couldn't get '' to work with mysqldump piping to gzip
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Jeff Younker <jeff at>
>  Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 6:59 PM
>  To: Nathan McBride <nomb85 at>
>  Cc: tutor at
>  Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
> > Would you mind perhaps show an example running an interactive
>  > command like su and show how to send input to the commands waiting
>  > propmts?
>  If you're doing that then you *really* want to be using the pexpect
>  module.
>  cmd = pexpect.spawn('su - SOMEINTERACTIVECOMMAND')
>  cmd.expect('# ')   # the prompt
>  cmd.sendline('A COMMAND')
>  cmd.expect('# ')   # wait for the prompt again
>  output = cmd.before  # the stuff before the prompt
>  cmd.sendline('exit')
>  cmd.close()
>  - Jeff Younker - jeff at -
>  _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From tyler.smith at  Mon Mar 17 02:26:44 2008
From: tyler.smith at (Tyler Smith)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 01:26:44 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] noob python cgi
References: <slrnftp1rg.3o8.tyler.smith@blackbart.sedgenet>
Message-ID: <slrnftri6k.789.tyler.smith@blackbart.sedgenet>

On 2008-03-16, Luke Paireepinart <rabidpoobear at> wrote:
> Tyler Smith wrote:
>> Hi,
>> [snip explanation]
>> Three files follow. First, the html index page, followed by the
>> gallery picker, followed by the thumbnail displayer.
>> Thanks!
>> Tyler
>> [snip code]
> In the future please include your code as attachments, to avoid e-mail 
> programs mangling the code, unless it's just a few lines.

Not to be obtuse, but what did you see? I sent plain ascii text, no
tabs, so I'm not sure what there was that an email program might want
to mangle.


From alan.gauld at  Mon Mar 17 02:32:07 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 01:32:07 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] win32gui, SetForegroundWindow() and setting focus
References: <>
Message-ID: <frkhj0$bcq$>

"Scott Nelson" <sirgnip at> wrote

> I'd like to programmatically set which window has the focus.  But
> win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd) seems to be what I'm looking for,
> but, it isn't working quite as I expect meaning I probably have a 
> bad
> assumption.

Thats pretty common with windows API calls :-(

> SetForegroundWindow() works like a charm in simple cases from the
> command line.  However, when I enumerate all top level windows and 
> try

>    win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(handle)
> pywintypes.error: (0, 'SetForegroundWindow', 'No error message is 
> available')
> What am I doing wrong in this case?

No idea, but it could be that you don;t have security rights to
some of the processes on your machine - maybe something
in the system tray. Or maybe its a service that doesn't have
a GUI and therefore no Window as such to which it can give
focus. There are several scenarios, none esy to debug and
none well explained in the API docs.

My only advice is probably to only set focus to a known window
don't try setting focus to an arbitrary collection of windows.

> I've tried reading the very-sparse win32 docs provided with
> ActiveState's PythonWin, I've read a bit on the win32 API on MSDN 
> and
> I've googled around a bit, and haven't found much.

You are not alone. But thats little comfort I'm sure.

Alan G 

From mwalsh at  Mon Mar 17 14:38:22 2008
From: mwalsh at (Martin Walsh)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 08:38:22 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Nathan,

Nathan McBride wrote:
> Yup I use the pexpect module for a lot however couldn't get '' to work with mysqldump piping to gzip 

Just to hazard a guess -- when you want to pipe commands with pexpect
you have to spawn ('run', it seems, would work the same way) the shell
command as an argument to bash (or similar) since pexpect does not
natively interpret shell operators or wildcards, like redirect, pipe, etc...

Remember that Pexpect does NOT interpret shell meta characters such as
redirect, pipe, or wild cards (>, |, or *). This is a common mistake.
If you want to run a command and pipe it through another command then
you must also start a shell. For example::

child = pexpect.spawn('/bin/bash -c "ls -l | grep LOG > log_list.txt"')


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Younker <jeff at>
> Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 6:59 PM
> To: Nathan McBride <nomb85 at>
> Cc: tutor at
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
>> Would you mind perhaps show an example running an interactive  
>> command like su and show how to send input to the commands waiting  
>> propmts?
> If you're doing that then you *really* want to be using the pexpect
> module.
> cmd = pexpect.spawn('su - SOMEINTERACTIVECOMMAND')
> cmd.expect('# ')   # the prompt
> cmd.sendline('A COMMAND')
> cmd.expect('# ')   # wait for the prompt again
> output = cmd.before  # the stuff before the prompt
> cmd.sendline('exit')
> cmd.close()
> - Jeff Younker - jeff at -

From listsdl04 at  Mon Mar 17 16:14:48 2008
From: listsdl04 at (Guba)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 23:14:48 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Dear Chris, list,

cheers for the great help: very valuable indeed.

Chris Fuller wrote:
for proxyq in choices:
   q = questions[proxyq]
   answer = raw_input('%dx%d = ' % tuple(q))

   if int(answer) == q[0]*q[1]:
      print 'correct'
      print 'incorrect'

I was unable to find information on tuple(). (The Python help function
was rather conservative in its output, Google not helpful).
What exactly is the use of tuple(q) here, and why does not a simple q
instead of tuple(q) do? The latter would have been my intuitive

The other thing I have on my mind is this: how could I have the program
ask the math questions not horizontally but vertically? An example:


instead of


Thank you all,


From nomb85 at  Mon Mar 17 16:29:18 2008
From: nomb85 at (Nathan McBride)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:29:18 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
Message-ID: <>

That's a great tip I'll have to save than.

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Walsh <mwalsh at>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 9:38 AM
To: Nathan McBride <nomb85 at>
Cc: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()

Hi Nathan,

Nathan McBride wrote:
> Yup I use the pexpect module for a lot however couldn't get '' to work with mysqldump piping to gzip 

Just to hazard a guess -- when you want to pipe commands with pexpect
you have to spawn ('run', it seems, would work the same way) the shell
command as an argument to bash (or similar) since pexpect does not
natively interpret shell operators or wildcards, like redirect, pipe, etc..

From cfuller084 at  Mon Mar 17 17:39:49 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:39:49 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You should try some of the Python tutorials out there.  There's a difference 
between tuples and lists, and the parameter list passed to the string 
formatting operator must be a tuple.  String formatting will also solve your 
second problem.

Also, the library reference is your friend.  I particularly like the Beazley 
book, if you want something in hardcopy, but one of the less terse and more 
introductory O'Rielly books might suit you better.

Here's a partial list of (mostly) tutorial resources that I've compiled:


From nomb85 at  Mon Mar 17 18:54:09 2008
From: nomb85 at (Nathan McBride)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:54:09 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
Message-ID: <>

That's a great tip I'll have to save than.

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Walsh <mwalsh at>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 9:38 AM
To: Nathan McBride <nomb85 at>
Cc: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()

Hi Nathan,

Nathan McBride wrote:
> Yup I use the pexpect module for a lot however couldn't get '' to work with mysqldump piping to gzip 

Just to hazard a guess -- when you want to pipe commands with pexpect
you have to spawn ('run', it seems, would work the same way) the shell
command as an argument to bash (or similar) since pexpect does not
natively interpret shell operators or wildcards, like redirect, pipe, etc..

From bmais at  Mon Mar 17 22:10:08 2008
From: bmais at (Bill Mais)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:10:08 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] python, wxpython and postgresql
Message-ID: <>

I'm a newbie to python and would like to build a database app with 
wxpython and postgresql.  Aside from Dabo, I have not found any 
tutorials that cover reading and writing to a database.  Is it so easy 
that examples are not needed or so impossible that no one can do it.  
Can someone point me in the right direction. 

I've got more specific questions but figured this would be a good place 
to start.


From rabidpoobear at  Mon Mar 17 22:35:20 2008
From: rabidpoobear at (Luke Paireepinart)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 15:35:20 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] python, wxpython and postgresql
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bill Mais wrote:
> I'm a newbie to python and would like to build a database app with 
> wxpython and postgresql.  Aside from Dabo, I have not found any 
> tutorials that cover reading and writing to a database.  Is it so easy 
> that examples are not needed or so impossible that no one can do it.  
It's neither.  There are plenty of examples, but it is fairly easy to do.
Ask Google:
Try the first two results from
If you have an issue with a particular tutorial, we can help you with 
that as well.
> Can someone point me in the right direction. 
It's always helpful to do a bit of googling before you ask.  You don't 
want people assuming you're just being lazy ;)
> I've got more specific questions but figured this would be a good place 
> to start.
Sure, ask away.

From nomb85 at  Mon Mar 17 21:36:53 2008
From: nomb85 at (Nathan McBride)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 16:36:53 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
Message-ID: <>

That's a great tip I'll have to save than.

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Walsh <mwalsh at>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 9:38 AM
To: Nathan McBride <nomb85 at>
Cc: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()

Hi Nathan,

Nathan McBride wrote:
> Yup I use the pexpect module for a lot however couldn't get '' to work with mysqldump piping to gzip 

Just to hazard a guess -- when you want to pipe commands with pexpect
you have to spawn ('run', it seems, would work the same way) the shell
command as an argument to bash (or similar) since pexpect does not
natively interpret shell operators or wildcards, like redirect, pipe, etc..

From nomb85 at  Mon Mar 17 22:31:03 2008
From: nomb85 at (Nathan McBride)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 17:31:03 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
Message-ID: <>

That's a great tip I'll have to save than.

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Walsh <mwalsh at>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 9:38 AM
To: Nathan McBride <nomb85 at>
Cc: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()

Hi Nathan,

Nathan McBride wrote:
> Yup I use the pexpect module for a lot however couldn't get '' to work with mysqldump piping to gzip 

Just to hazard a guess -- when you want to pipe commands with pexpect
you have to spawn ('run', it seems, would work the same way) the shell
command as an argument to bash (or similar) since pexpect does not
natively interpret shell operators or wildcards, like redirect, pipe, etc..

From rabidpoobear at  Mon Mar 17 23:35:49 2008
From: rabidpoobear at (Luke Paireepinart)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 16:35:49 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Nathan McBride wrote:
> That's a great tip I'll have to save than.
I'm not sure why you sent this three times, but we've gotten it, if 
you're worried about it.

From eric at  Mon Mar 17 22:49:24 2008
From: eric at (Eric Walstad)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 14:49:24 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] python, wxpython and postgresql
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hey Bill,

Bill Mais wrote:
> I'm a newbie to python and would like to build a database app with 
> wxpython and postgresql.

I would suggest you first write the basic app to work from the command
line.  It's easy to debug that way and enables you to focus on the
critical features of your app without wasting much, if any, of your
time.  Once you are able to do the basics from the command line it is
generally easy to wrap it in wxPython.

As Luke said, there are a lot of examples out there on how to read/write
to a postgresql db.  At some point, probably after you try a code
example or two, you may find the DB API pep helpful:
It defines the interface the db adapters (psycopg, for example) are
supposed to provide you.

We are happy to help when you have specific questions, too.



other keyword pointers include:
optparse (makes handling command line options a breeze)
raw_input (get user input from the command line)
psycopg2 (postgresql database adapter)
doctest (document your code with runnable tests)

From bmais at  Tue Mar 18 00:31:28 2008
From: bmais at (Bill Mais)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 15:31:28 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] python, wxpython and postgresql
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Hey, I thought programming was all about the shortcuts ;-)

I'm sorry to not be clear.  I've done several excellent python + 
postgresql tutorials, but the one I have not found is wxPython + 
postgresql (or any database).

Specifically, how would you take your sql results and set the values of 
your wxTextCtrls and wxListCtrls?  For example if the sql select 
statement returns 20 fields the function would find the wxPython 
controls with the same name and set their values.

And how would you build a sql statement with only the wxPython controls 
that have been modified by the user?  So if only the address field was 
modified the sql would be: UPDATE table1 SET address = '123 Easy Street' 
WHERE rec_id = 1

Thanks again,

From cfuller084 at  Mon Mar 17 22:49:54 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 21:49:54 GMT
Subject: [Tutor] python, wxpython and postgresql
Message-ID: <>

Unless you have a specific reason for choosing postgresql (an excellent 
database, just not the easiest), such as having an existing 
installation, desiring networked access, or nice features such as type 
safety, you might want to consider SQLite instead. Also, if you stick to 
the DB-API spec, you will have a fairly easy time of switching databases 
later, should you wish to.


From cfuller084 at  Tue Mar 18 01:37:49 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 19:37:49 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] python, wxpython and postgresql
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

There are at least a couple of python interfaces to postgresql, but psycopg 
follows the DB-API spec.  You shouldn't have to use the postgresql engine 

The cool bit is that the examples you see that follow DB-API will apply to 
postgresql, except for the initial connection part.


From lavendula6654 at  Tue Mar 18 02:42:34 2008
From: lavendula6654 at (Elaine)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 18:42:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Foothill College Spring Courses
Message-ID: <>

Spring quarter classes start Monday, 7 April, at
Foothill College.
These two may be of interest to you:

1) Introduction to Python Programming - 5 units
Prerequisite: Any programming language experience
CIS 68K - Monday evenings at Middlefield campus in
Palo Alto

2) Application Software Development with Ajax - 5
Prerequisite: Knowledge  of HTML and JavaScript 
COIN 71 - Tuesday evenings at Middlefield campus in
Palo Alto

If you are interested in taking a class, please
register as soon as possible by going to:
If not enough students sign up, a class may be

If you have any questions, please contact the
instructor, Elaine Haight, at
haightElaine at

Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

From technorapture at  Tue Mar 18 04:21:38 2008
From: technorapture at (Shrutarshi Basu)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 23:21:38 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Should config file parser be in module's
Message-ID: <>

I'm working on a module consisting of a number of scripts that handle
communications over a serial connection. I would like someway for the
user to be able to specify which serial port to be used based on a
config file in the same directory as the user's program. Should I
place the parsing system in the module's, considering that the
port will actually be accessed by a different python script in the
same module? How could I then let the other scripts access the port
information obtained by the parser?

From yennes at  Tue Mar 18 07:31:25 2008
From: yennes at (Nirmal Sakthi)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 02:31:25 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Need help with structure unpacking module
Message-ID: <>

I am using module struct.unpack() to decode data from a binary file, so that
I can use the value in a calculation.

I have been able to extract an integer value.

     >>>length = struct.unpack('i', '\x9c\x00\x00\x00')
     >>>length = int(length[0])
     >>>print length

I want to be able to extract a string.

I have tried,

    >>>first = struct.unpack('s', '\x02\x00')
    >>>first = str(first[0])
    >>>print first
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    error: unpack requires a string argument of length 1

    >>>first = struct.unpack('cccc', '\x02\x00')
    >>>first = str(first[0])
    >>>print first
     Traceback (most recent call last):
         return o.unpack(s)
     error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4

My desired result would be the string  '0200'.  Actually, I would like to be
able to invert the bytes to get '0002'.
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Tue Mar 18 11:52:10 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 06:52:10 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Should config file parser be in module's
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Shrutarshi Basu wrote:
> I'm working on a module consisting of a number of scripts that handle
> communications over a serial connection. I would like someway for the
> user to be able to specify which serial port to be used based on a
> config file in the same directory as the user's program. Should I
> place the parsing system in the module's, considering that the
> port will actually be accessed by a different python script in the
> same module? How could I then let the other scripts access the port
> information obtained by the parser?

There are several common ways to do this.
- have a configuration module that parses the settings and contains the 
results. Modules that need access to the configuration import the config 
module and read its values
- create a configuration object that is passed as a parameter to 
functions that need it, or pass individual configuration items to the 
- create a configuration object that is stored as an attribute of a 
class and accessed that way


From rabidpoobear at  Tue Mar 18 16:10:40 2008
From: rabidpoobear at (Luke Paireepinart)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:10:40 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Need help with structure unpacking module
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Nirmal Sakthi wrote:
> I am using module struct.unpack() to decode data from a binary file, 
> so that I can use the value in a calculation.
> I have been able to extract an integer value.
>      >>>length = struct.unpack('i', '\x9c\x00\x00\x00')
>      >>>length = int(length[0])
>      >>>print length
>      156
> I want to be able to extract a string.
> I have tried,
>     >>>first = struct.unpack('s', '\x02\x00')
>     >>>first = str(first[0])
>     >>>print first
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
> ......
>     error: unpack requires a string argument of length 1
I believe you have to provide the string length for this, like 
struct.unpack('2s', '\x02\x00') or something.
> and,
>     >>>first = struct.unpack('cccc', '\x02\x00')
>     >>>first = str(first[0])
>     >>>print first
>      Traceback (most recent call last):
> ......
>          return o.unpack(s)
>      error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4
That's because \x02\x00 is only 2 characters long.  You don't get direct 
access to the hex, just to the characters.
vals = struct.unpack('cc','\x02\x00') #unpack values
> My desired result would be the string  '0200'.  Actually, I would like 
> to be able to invert the bytes to get '0002'.
 >>> x = ['a','b']
 >>> x.reverse()
 >>> x
['b', 'a']

Sorry I don't have more time to explain, I have to run to class.

From alan.gauld at  Tue Mar 18 15:14:26 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 14:14:26 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Need help with structure unpacking module
References: <>
Message-ID: <froikd$jq4$>

"Nirmal Sakthi" <yennes at> wrote

> I want to be able to extract a string.
> I have tried,
>    >>>first = struct.unpack('s', '\x02\x00')
>    >>>first = str(first[0])
>    >>>print first
>    Traceback (most recent call last):
> ......
>    error: unpack requires a string argument of length 1

Which is correct because you asked for a string
of length 1 but fed it 2 bytes

>    >>>first = struct.unpack('cccc', '\x02\x00')
>    >>>first = str(first[0])
>    >>>print first
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
> ......
>         return o.unpack(s)
>     error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4

And here you asked for 54 characters but only gave
it two bytes.  And the two byes were 02 and 00 which
are not printable characters.

> My desired result would be the string  '0200'.

To get that string you would need to feed that string in:

To see what that string looks like we need to use
the ord() function:

>>> for c in '0200': print hex(ord(c))

So your string needs to be:


Now in struct:

>>> struct.unpack('4s','\x30\x32\x30\x30')

> Actually, I would like to be able to invert the bytes to get '0002'.

Well, in that case you ned to feed struct with 0002:

>>> struct.unpack('4s','\x30\x30\x30\x32')

No magic in struct it reads out what you ask it to read
from the data you give it. It makes no attempt to guess
what the data means it asumes you as programmer
know what the data looks like and how to interpret
it properly. This of course means that when using
struct to extract data you need to validate that what
you got out matches what you expected to get!


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From alan.gauld at  Tue Mar 18 16:12:06 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:12:06 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Need help with structure unpacking module
References: <>
Message-ID: <from0h$241$>

"Alan Gauld" <alan.gauld at> wrote 

>>    >>>first = struct.unpack('cccc', '\x02\x00')
>>     error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4
> And here you asked for 54 characters but only gave
> it two bytes.  And the two byes were 02 and 00 which
> are not printable characters.

This should of course have been 4 characters. And 
the printableness is an observation but does not 
have any direct effect on the viability of the operation.

Alan G

From mlangford.cs03 at  Tue Mar 18 16:19:49 2008
From: mlangford.cs03 at (Michael Langford)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 11:19:49 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] python, wxpython and postgresql
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

I don't recall a modified flag on controls in wxPython.

If you only want to update that which has changed, you probably have
to keep a copy of the result of the query you filled the control with,
and determine the change from comparing it to the current state of the

These guys may have something more sophisticated:


On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Bill Mais <bmais at> wrote:
> Hey, I thought programming was all about the shortcuts ;-)
>  I'm sorry to not be clear.  I've done several excellent python +
>  postgresql tutorials, but the one I have not found is wxPython +
>  postgresql (or any database).
>  Specifically, how would you take your sql results and set the values of
>  your wxTextCtrls and wxListCtrls?  For example if the sql select
>  statement returns 20 fields the function would find the wxPython
>  controls with the same name and set their values.
>  And how would you build a sql statement with only the wxPython controls
>  that have been modified by the user?  So if only the address field was
>  modified the sql would be: UPDATE table1 SET address = '123 Easy Street'
>  WHERE rec_id = 1
>  Thanks again,
> Bill
>  _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Michael Langford
Phone: 404-386-0495

From pyprog05 at  Tue Mar 18 16:23:47 2008
From: pyprog05 at (PyProg PyProg)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 16:23:47 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Help with a loop
Message-ID: <>


I have a little problem, I have two lists:

>>> a=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> b=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']

... and I want to obtain:

>>> [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4), ('e', 5), ('f', 6), ('g',
1), ('h', 2), ('i', 3), ('j', 4)]

I want to obtain that with a comprehension-list.

Lists can have dimension completely different.

Can you help me please ?.



From andreas at  Tue Mar 18 17:05:19 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:05:19 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Help with a loop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1205856319.15031.31.camel@localhost>

Assuming that len(b) > len(a):

>>> zip(itertools.cycle(a), b)
[(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c'), (4, 'd'), (5, 'e'), (6, 'f'), (1, 'g'), (2, 'h'), (3, 'i'), (4, 'j')]


Am Dienstag, den 18.03.2008, 16:23 +0100 schrieb PyProg PyProg:
> Hello,
> I have a little problem, I have two lists:
> >>> a=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
> >>> b=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
> ... and I want to obtain:
> >>> [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4), ('e', 5), ('f', 6), ('g',
> 1), ('h', 2), ('i', 3), ('j', 4)]
> I want to obtain that with a comprehension-list.
> Lists can have dimension completely different.
> Can you help me please ?.
> a+
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From kent37 at  Tue Mar 18 17:06:37 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 12:06:37 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Help with a loop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

PyProg PyProg wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a little problem, I have two lists:
>>>> a=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>>> b=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
> ... and I want to obtain:
>>>> [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4), ('e', 5), ('f', 6), ('g',
> 1), ('h', 2), ('i', 3), ('j', 4)]
> I want to obtain that with a comprehension-list.
> Lists can have dimension completely different.

Here is one way using itertools.cycle() to repeat elements of a. This 
will return a list the same length as b, with elements of a repeated as 
In [140]: from itertools import cycle
In [141]: zip(b, cycle(a))
[('a', 1),
  ('b', 2),
  ('c', 3),
  ('d', 4),
  ('e', 5),
  ('f', 6),
  ('g', 1),
  ('h', 2),
  ('i', 3),
  ('j', 4)]

If b might sometimes be the shorter list you will have to work a little 
harder, perhaps cycle both lists and take the first max(len(a), len(b)) 
In [142]: from itertools import cycle, islice, izip
In [143]: list(islice(izip(cycle(b), cycle(a)), max(len(a), len(b))))
[('a', 1),
  ('b', 2),
  ('c', 3),
  ('d', 4),
  ('e', 5),
  ('f', 6),
  ('g', 1),
  ('h', 2),
  ('i', 3),
  ('j', 4)]


From wsmith36 at  Tue Mar 18 21:07:47 2008
From: wsmith36 at (TFIA Consulting, Inc.)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 16:07:47 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python learning curve
Message-ID: <000801c88933$bd552370$0201a8c0@bill1eb684d52d>

Hi.  I am doing some work for a company that uses Python for their application.
I have never used Python before, but I have programmed for over 35 years, maybe 12 languages including 4 assembly level.  
Your site says it should take just a "few days" to learn Python, so I told these folks to give me 12 days in case I was stupider than average.

My question is :  Who is right?  A 'few days', or going thru the docs below? (which seems a bit more complex than that).

Is this REALLY a "few days" task to learn?  Would you agree to guarantee coming up to speed in a few days @ no charge?

Thank you for your advice,
...Bill Smith

Here is their documentation on compiling :

Building Miro Windows ?
This page documents how to build Miro for Windows. We need more brave souls willing to help us conquer this platform. 

Getting started ?
The supported Windows port of Miro is based on Mozilla XUL and found in the source:trunk/tv/platform/windows-xul directory. There's an abandoned "native" Windows port in source:trunk/tv/platform/windows don't mess with it. 

You may be able to find more information here: source:trunk/tv/platform/windows-xul/ source:trunk/tv/platform/windows-xul/README 

Question : Why don't you use XUL for all platforms? ?
Every couple of weeks someone flames us for not using XUL on all platforms. 

The XUL port of Miro is by far the most complicated and ugliest. XUL doesn't really do what we want to do well. It has a lot of "security" restrictions that we have to work around. The OS X Cocoa port is simpler, and the GTK/X11 port is by far the simplest. 

Since we have to embed all sorts of platform specific libraries, XUL's cross platformness doesn't make porting to other platforms easier. For example, embedding OS X's quicktime in XUL would be a very large project. 

>From a UI perspective, we want a native look and feel on all of our platforms, except Windows where we think the platform look sucks. A real native look and feel would require lots of tweaking for GTK, and isn't even possible on XUL/OS X. 

Compilers ?
Visual Studio 2003 ?
Miro makes heavy use of Python extensions. Python extensions compiled with a different compiler than Python itself are not guaranteed to work. Since the official Python distribution for Windows is compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1 (AKA Visual C++ .NET 2003), we only support the MSVC++ 7.1 family of compilers for official builds. Unfortunately, Microsoft has discontinued the no-cost "Visual C++ Toolkit 2003" compiler. 

Miro also depends on Mozilla XULRunner, PyXPCOM, VLC, and other sundries. However, building Mozilla on Win32 platforms, much less applying our patches, is such a time consuming process that we include pre-built binaries for these in source:trunk/dtv-binary-kit.
 Unless you need to debug issues with Miro's use of Mozilla code, it's recommended that you use these binaries. Currently, the binaries included are built using Mozilla 1.8 branch. 

MinGW (GCC) ?
We've putting together instructions on building Miro with free tools. The instructions for doing this are here BuildingMiroWithMinGW. We are working hard on improving these instructions. Email us if you're interested in taking this on. If you're interested in helping but are getting stuck on compiler issues, email us, and we'll do our best to help you. Eventually, we'll merge these instructions into this document. 

Getting dependencies and setting up the build environment ?
As of version 0.9.6, we will be using Python 2.5. The binary kit now contains XULRunner linked against Python 2.5. 

You'll need: 

MSVC++ 7.1 (2003) compiler 
Either install the one from or the one that comes with cygwin. 

The Windows binary release of Python2.5 from 
I use 

PyRex? - 
I use which when untarred is Pyrex- 

Untar the tarball and run python install. 

Psyco - 
I run svn co -r42037 

Be sure to run python install. 

Py2exe - 
I use ( 

Null Soft Installer - 
The latest sqlite3.dll file from SQLite 
I use 

Copy the sqlite3.dll file from the SQLite website over the one in your python directory (Usually C:\Python25\DLLs). If you forget to do this, on certain platforms your build will have this issue. 

The Windows SDK 6.1 (for Vista headers) 
Note: Make sure you use the versions of psyco and pyrex that are recommended. If you don't, you may get weird behavior. If you find other combinations that work, please let us know by listing them on this wiki or sending the working combination to the develop mailing list. 

Install all the requirements. After you do that, set up your PATH, LIB, and INCLUDE environment variables so that Python distutils can compile modules. It's important to pay attention to the order of the paths in these variables. Generally speaking, Windows compilers and tools should be first, followed by third party tools with Cygwin (if you use it) going last. 

You'll need to edit your vsvars32.bat to use the updated SDK's LIB and INCLUDE environment variables. I use the following lines. You may need to modify them to reflect the paths on your system. 

@set INCLUDE=%MSVCDir%\ATLMFC\INCLUDE;%MSVCDir%\INCLUDE;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\Include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include\gl

@set LIB=%MSVCDir%\ATLMFC\LIB;%MSVCDir%\LIB;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\Lib;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Lib
It's good to copy this file into your Miro directory and then add your Python and subversion directories after the @goto end or at the end of the file like this: 

@set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\subversion\bin;C:\Python25
Alternatively, you can add c:\Python25\ to the Path environment variable in Control Panel -> System -> Advanced tab -> Environment Variables. 

Execute vcvars32.bat in the DOS command prompt to pick up the build environment variables. 

Getting the prebuilt dependency kit ?
As mentioned above, these instructions assume that you're using our prebuilt dependency kit. Simply check it out as dtv-binary-kit in the same directory where you checked out DTV and the DTV build script will find the dependency kit automatically. If you want to get the DTV source at the same time, the easiest way is to check out the entire Miro tree, including Miro, the dependency kit, and Broadcast Machine: 

svn co miro
In case your version of svn isn't validating certificates for some reason, our https certificate's fingerprint is 53:db:fa:7d:7f:41:33:cb:c3:c3:05:2b:16:0e:a8:37:60:13:07:30 

Note: As of July 28 2006, the dtv-binary and tv repositories account for 146 MB of the total 186 MB repository. 

Make sure that your path doesn't have any spaces in it. There are bugs in python's spawnl that make setup not work if you're in a directory with a space in it. 

That will create a directory named 'miro' and create tv and dtv-binary-kit (and bmachine for Broadcast Machine) as subdirectories of it. 

On the other hand, if you don't want to use the dependency kit, edit platform\windows-xul\ and change the paths in the top section according to the instructions. You will still need to check out dtv-binary-kit (or browse it online), because it contains patches that will need to be applied to some of the dependencies before building. 

Building and Running ?
To build Miro as quickly as possible and run it out of the development tree, do: This is broken as of 06-06-06. Use bdist_xul_dumb instead for now. 

python runxul
Video playback won't work. VLC doesn't know how to find its plugin directory when DTV is run this way. 

To build a self-contained, redistributable folder with an actual Miro.exe, do: 

python bdist_xul_dumb
This creates a directory dist. 

To build a single-file installer, suitable for distribution to end users: 

python bdist_xul
This will create something like dist/Miro-<version number>.exe. 

See TestingDtv for the options and environment variables supported, and information on the debugging logfile. There is no way to pass command-line options in runxul mode, other than to edit 

Recompiling Mozilla ?
You shouldn't have to do this unless you're debugging Mozilla specific issues. The first time, set aside a few days to figure out how to do it. 

Compile Mozilla according to the instructions found here using Mozilla 1.9. 

BuildingXULRunner has Miro specific instructions 

Recompiling Boost ?
You shouldn't have to do this unless you're debugging Boost specific issues. 

Download the latest Boost source and the Boost jam utility 
Extract bjam.exe into c:\mozilla-build\msys\local\bin\ 
Open a Mozilla build environment terminal (See BuildingXULRunner) 
Run tar xfvj boost_1_33_1.tar.bz2
cd boost_1_33_1
bjam -sTOOLS=vc-7_1 --with-python --with-python-root=C:\\mozilla-build\\python25 --with-python-version=2.5 stage
Troubleshooting ?
Pyrex and psyco ?
You need to have the exact versions we've listed above for psyco and Pyrex. 

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From hunter92383 at  Tue Mar 18 21:42:03 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 13:42:03 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Anyone fancy giving me some tips and an expert opinion??
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

i am not sure if I am still in the mailing list of tutor at so
please use reply all to send me a email directly please!

x = 0
y = 0
for x in xrange (20, 0):
    print x

this doesn't work because it goes from a big number to a small number, which
does nothing

but what if I need the for loop to go from a big number to a small number?
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Tue Mar 18 22:02:10 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:02:10 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python learning curve
In-Reply-To: <000801c88933$bd552370$0201a8c0@bill1eb684d52d>
References: <000801c88933$bd552370$0201a8c0@bill1eb684d52d>
Message-ID: <>

TFIA Consulting, Inc. wrote:
> Hi.  I am doing some work for a company that uses Python for their 
> application.
> I have never used Python before, but I have programmed for over 35 
> years, maybe 12 languages including 4 assembly level. 
> Your site says it should take just a "few days" to learn Python, so I 
> told these folks to give me 12 days in case I was stupider than average.
> My question is :  Who is right?  A 'few days', or going thru the docs 
> below? (which seems a *bit* more complex than that).

The docs you quote have little to do with learning Python the language. 
They are instructions for *building* an application that "makes heavy 
use of Python extensions" and which, apparently, is a bit tricky to 
build correctly under Windows.

> Is this *REALLY* a "few days" task to learn? 

Maybe. I wouldn't count on it.

> Would *you* agree to 
> guarantee coming up to speed in a few days @ no charge?

I might agree to spend a few days learning the *language* at no charge. 
I don't think I would agree to learn how to build their application at 
no charge.

What if it was a language you know, perhaps C, and they wanted you to 
figure out how to build it on your own time? Doesn't seem reasonable to me.

> Here is their documentation on compiling :

 From here:


From kent37 at  Tue Mar 18 22:03:57 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:03:57 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Anyone fancy giving me some tips and an expert opinion??
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris wrote:

> for x in xrange (20, 0):
>     print x

> but what if I need the for loop to go from a big number to a small number?

Just give a step value:
for x in xrange(20, 0, -1):
   print x


From hunter92383 at  Tue Mar 18 22:04:15 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 14:04:15 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] xrange
Message-ID: <>

x = 0
y = 0
for x in xrange (20, 0):
    print x

this doesn't work because it goes from a big number to a small number, which
does nothing

but what if I need the for loop to go from a big number to a small number?
-------------- next part --------------
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From hunter92383 at  Tue Mar 18 22:10:29 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 14:10:29 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] c++::return
Message-ID: <>

what do I do if i want the program/function to end?

in c++ of

int main(){}

I do a return 0;
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From mlangford.cs03 at  Tue Mar 18 22:19:53 2008
From: mlangford.cs03 at (Michael Langford)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:19:53 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python learning curve
In-Reply-To: <000801c88933$bd552370$0201a8c0@bill1eb684d52d>
References: <000801c88933$bd552370$0201a8c0@bill1eb684d52d>
Message-ID: <>

I looked at the Miro gig too. Good luck!

As far as "learn python in 12 days", yes and no.

You can do fantastic things in that time frame with python and the
standard library. I know I had completely written my first code
analysis program in 2004 in that time frame just using this PDF as
reference:  ( I see no reason you can't
do that sort of thing.

However, using all these complicated things at the edge of python is
going to be a little tough to come up to speed on that fast, as some
of the bugs you'll suffer in these edge cases will be very hard to
debug without background which you will not have. If it is a "coming
up to speed enough to ask intelligent questions as to why the build is
failing", that's probably doable, as long as they know your

If its being fully functional in a complex build/library environment,
no way that will happen in that time frame, especially without the
ability to sit down next to someone who gets it (which is the problem
with doing their teleworking arrangement for you).

On fixing that last issue, you could invest in or some time to get tutelage from their more experienced
developers on the arcane warnings and errors that come out of building
the libraries.

If you're going to try, I suggest you do the following:
1. Build a toy program/text processing utility on the command line
2. Try building a graphical utility using a prebuilt library of their
graphic toolkit
3. Then try to work on the actual code base.


And on whether you do it or not for free....I'd say python is the
language that has the most accessible libraries I've ever seen. I
literally can use any C, C++ or Fortran library with it in a couple
minutes often, a couple hours if more complex. If nothing else you're
going to pick up a very versatile tool, even if you don't get the gig.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 4:07 PM, TFIA Consulting, Inc.
<wsmith36 at> wrote:
> Hi.  I am doing some work for a company that uses Python for their
> application.
> I have never used Python before, but I have programmed for over 35 years,
> maybe 12 languages including 4 assembly level.
> Your site says it should take just a "few days" to learn Python, so I told
> these folks to give me 12 days in case I was stupider than average.
> My question is :  Who is right?  A 'few days', or going thru the docs below?
> (which seems a bit more complex than that).
> Is this REALLY a "few days" task to learn?  Would you agree to guarantee
> coming up to speed in a few days @ no charge?
> Thank you for your advice,
> ...Bill Smith
> Here is their documentation on compiling :
> ==============================================================================
> Building Miro Windows ?
> This page documents how to build Miro for Windows. We need more brave souls
> willing to help us conquer this platform.
> Getting started ?
> The supported Windows port of Miro is based on Mozilla XUL and found in the
> source:trunk/tv/platform/windows-xul directory. There's an abandoned
> "native" Windows port in source:trunk/tv/platform/windows don't mess with
> it.
> You may be able to find more information here:
> source:trunk/tv/platform/windows-xul/
> source:trunk/tv/platform/windows-xul/README
> Question : Why don't you use XUL for all platforms? ?
> Every couple of weeks someone flames us for not using XUL on all platforms.
> The XUL port of Miro is by far the most complicated and ugliest. XUL doesn't
> really do what we want to do well. It has a lot of "security" restrictions
> that we have to work around. The OS X Cocoa port is simpler, and the GTK/X11
> port is by far the simplest.
> Since we have to embed all sorts of platform specific libraries, XUL's cross
> platformness doesn't make porting to other platforms easier. For example,
> embedding OS X's quicktime in XUL would be a very large project.
> From a UI perspective, we want a native look and feel on all of our
> platforms, except Windows where we think the platform look sucks. A real
> native look and feel would require lots of tweaking for GTK, and isn't even
> possible on XUL/OS X.
> Compilers ?
> Visual Studio 2003 ?
> Miro makes heavy use of Python extensions. Python extensions compiled with a
> different compiler than Python itself are not guaranteed to work. Since the
> official Python distribution for Windows is compiled with Microsoft Visual
> C++ 7.1 (AKA Visual C++ .NET 2003), we only support the MSVC++ 7.1 family of
> compilers for official builds. Unfortunately, Microsoft has discontinued the
> no-cost "Visual C++ Toolkit 2003" compiler.
> Miro also depends on Mozilla XULRunner, PyXPCOM, VLC, and other sundries.
> However, building Mozilla on Win32 platforms, much less applying our
> patches, is such a time consuming process that we include pre-built binaries
> for these in source:trunk/dtv-binary-kit.
>  Unless you need to debug issues with Miro's use of Mozilla code, it's
> recommended that you use these binaries. Currently, the binaries included
> are built using Mozilla 1.8 branch.
> MinGW (GCC) ?
> We've putting together instructions on building Miro with free tools. The
> instructions for doing this are here BuildingMiroWithMinGW. We are working
> hard on improving these instructions. Email us if you're interested in
> taking this on. If you're interested in helping but are getting stuck on
> compiler issues, email us, and we'll do our best to help you. Eventually,
> we'll merge these instructions into this document.
> Getting dependencies and setting up the build environment ?
> As of version 0.9.6, we will be using Python 2.5. The binary kit now
> contains XULRunner linked against Python 2.5.
> You'll need:
> MSVC++ 7.1 (2003) compiler
> Subversion
> Either install the one from or the one that
> comes with cygwin.
> The Windows binary release of Python2.5 from
> I use
> PyRex? -
> I use
> which when untarred is Pyrex-
> Untar the tarball and run python install.
> Psyco -
> I run svn co -r42037
> Be sure to run python install.
> Py2exe -
> I use
> (
> Null Soft Installer -
> The latest sqlite3.dll file from SQLite
> I use
> Copy the sqlite3.dll file from the SQLite website over the one in your
> python directory (Usually C:\Python25\DLLs). If you forget to do this, on
> certain platforms your build will have this issue.
> The Windows SDK 6.1 (for Vista headers)
> Note: Make sure you use the versions of psyco and pyrex that are
> recommended. If you don't, you may get weird behavior. If you find other
> combinations that work, please let us know by listing them on this wiki or
> sending the working combination to the develop mailing list.
> Install all the requirements. After you do that, set up your PATH, LIB, and
> INCLUDE environment variables so that Python distutils can compile modules.
> It's important to pay attention to the order of the paths in these
> variables. Generally speaking, Windows compilers and tools should be first,
> followed by third party tools with Cygwin (if you use it) going last.
> You'll need to edit your vsvars32.bat to use the updated SDK's LIB and
> INCLUDE environment variables. I use the following lines. You may need to
> modify them to reflect the paths on your system.
> Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\Include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft
> SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft
> SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include\gl
> @set LIB=%MSVCDir%\ATLMFC\LIB;%MSVCDir%\LIB;C:\Program Files\Microsoft
> Visual Studio 9.0\VC\Lib;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Lib
> It's good to copy this file into your Miro directory and then add your
> Python and subversion directories after the @goto end or at the end of the
> file like this:
> @set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\subversion\bin;C:\Python25
> Alternatively, you can add c:\Python25\ to the Path environment variable in
> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced tab -> Environment Variables.
> Execute vcvars32.bat in the DOS command prompt to pick up the build
> environment variables.
> Getting the prebuilt dependency kit ?
> As mentioned above, these instructions assume that you're using our prebuilt
> dependency kit. Simply check it out as dtv-binary-kit in the same directory
> where you checked out DTV and the DTV build script will find the dependency
> kit automatically. If you want to get the DTV source at the same time, the
> easiest way is to check out the entire Miro tree, including Miro, the
> dependency kit, and Broadcast Machine:
> svn co miro
> In case your version of svn isn't validating certificates for some reason,
> our https certificate's fingerprint is
> 53:db:fa:7d:7f:41:33:cb:c3:c3:05:2b:16:0e:a8:37:60:13:07:30
> Note: As of July 28 2006, the dtv-binary and tv repositories account for 146
> MB of the total 186 MB repository.
> Make sure that your path doesn't have any spaces in it. There are bugs in
> python's spawnl that make setup not work if you're in a directory with a
> space in it.
> That will create a directory named 'miro' and create tv and dtv-binary-kit
> (and bmachine for Broadcast Machine) as subdirectories of it.
> On the other hand, if you don't want to use the dependency kit, edit
> platform\windows-xul\ and change the paths in the top section
> according to the instructions. You will still need to check out
> dtv-binary-kit (or browse it online), because it contains patches that will
> need to be applied to some of the dependencies before building.
> Building and Running ?
> To build Miro as quickly as possible and run it out of the development tree,
> do: This is broken as of 06-06-06. Use bdist_xul_dumb instead for now.
> python runxul
> Video playback won't work. VLC doesn't know how to find its plugin directory
> when DTV is run this way.
> To build a self-contained, redistributable folder with an actual Miro.exe,
> do:
> python bdist_xul_dumb
> This creates a directory dist.
> To build a single-file installer, suitable for distribution to end users:
> python bdist_xul
> This will create something like dist/Miro-<version number>.exe.
> See TestingDtv for the options and environment variables supported, and
> information on the debugging logfile. There is no way to pass command-line
> options in runxul mode, other than to edit
> Recompiling Mozilla ?
> You shouldn't have to do this unless you're debugging Mozilla specific
> issues. The first time, set aside a few days to figure out how to do it.
> Compile Mozilla according to the instructions found here using Mozilla 1.9.
> BuildingXULRunner has Miro specific instructions
> Recompiling Boost ?
> You shouldn't have to do this unless you're debugging Boost specific issues.
> Download the latest Boost source and the Boost jam utility
> Extract bjam.exe into c:\mozilla-build\msys\local\bin\
> Open a Mozilla build environment terminal (See BuildingXULRunner)
> Run tar xfvj boost_1_33_1.tar.bz2
> cd boost_1_33_1
> bjam -sTOOLS=vc-7_1 --with-python
> --with-python-root=C:\\mozilla-build\\python25 --with-python-version=2.5
> stage
> Troubleshooting ?
> Pyrex and psyco ?
> You need to have the exact versions we've listed above for psyco and Pyrex.
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Michael Langford
Phone: 404-386-0495

From eric at  Tue Mar 18 22:35:46 2008
From: eric at (Eric Walstad)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 14:35:46 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] c++::return
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris wrote:
> what do I do if i want the program/function to end?
> in c++ of
> int main(){}
> I do a return 0;
What have you tried in Python?  How did it work and what didn't work the 
way you expected?  What Python documentation or tutorials have you read?

Maybe helpful:

From alan.gauld at  Tue Mar 18 22:39:47 2008
From: alan.gauld at (ALAN GAULD)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 21:39:47 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [Tutor] Need help with structure unpacking module
Message-ID: <>

CCing the list.
Please use Reply All when responding.

> I am still little confused since I was under the impression, 
> that if a c program was able to write this binary code, 
> then if we know how c "packed" the data/string then 
> we able to decode/unpack it using python.  

Thats correct but you have to specify the correct decode 
string to match what C wrote.

> Does python not know how c packs the strings?   

Python knows nothing about what C does its up to the 
programmer to tell Python how to interpret binary data. 
So its the programmer who must know how C stores 
binary strings.

> Please help me understand as to why unpack works 
> for numbers but not for strings.

It does work for strings as both Luke and I demonstrated. 
But you have to tell Python how long the string is. You 
only specified 's' so Python looked for a single byte string.
You needed to specify '4s' for a 4 byte string. 

Let me put it this way:
When you call decode you supply a pattern which struct 
uses to determine how many bytes it needs and how to 
assign those bytes to Pyhon data types Python and struct 
have no idea how those bytes got there they simply take 
the sequence of bytes and try to interpret them in the 
way indicated by the format string.

Thus if you write an integer into a binary file you will write 
4 bytes. Knowing that you can tell struct to decode that 
as an integer. But you could equally well tell struct to 
decode those same bytes as 4 characters and struct 
will do so, because thats what you asked for. The 
4 characters will be the ASCII characters with the values 
of the 4 bytes making up the original number.

So the onus is on you, the programmer, to know what 
the correct decode pattern is for each sequence of bytes 
read. You can find out what that pattern is and how many 
bytes it equates to by using things like len(), ord(), hex() etc
Youcan see an example of that in my File Handling topic 
in my tutorial. Look at the section on struct.


Alan G.

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From hunter92383 at  Tue Mar 18 22:40:05 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 14:40:05 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] c++::return
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

and also, I didn't need to break function is that program, to which i am
amazed of, now come to think of it.
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From alan.gauld at  Tue Mar 18 23:03:06 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 22:03:06 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Python learning curve
References: <000801c88933$bd552370$0201a8c0@bill1eb684d52d>
Message-ID: <frpe35$j01$>

"TFIA Consulting, Inc." <wsmith36 at> wrote

> Your site says it should take just a "few days" to learn Python,

Thats true if you are talking about the core language
and a few of the most common libraries - sys, re, os,
and maybe 1 or 2 more. But thats not iincluding the
hundred or so other more specialised libraries, the
database and web programming frameworks,
a GUI toolkit etc etc.

So after a few days you could write a basic Python
program. You could probably also tackle a project using
one specialised library such as the database API or
maybe the CSV module or the socket module.

> so I told these folks to give me 12 days in case I
> was stupider than average.

Thats probably enough to master the core and a chosen
selection of modules needed for your project. But...

> Here is their documentation on compiling :

Pythopn is not naturally a compiled language so
immediately you are into non-standard tools and libraries.
You ould reasonably charge for any of these:

> Building Miro Windows ?

This seems to be the more project specific bit.

> The supported Windows port of Miro is based on
> Mozilla XUL

Again non standard and worse, not even a commonly used library.
Bybtheir own admition its not a standard Windows GUI solution
because they don't like the windows look n feel - interestingly they
don't seem to care that their Windows users probably do! Whatever
happened to customer choice?

> The XUL port of Miro is by far the most complicated and ugliest.

So you can't be expected to learn it for free!

> The OS X Cocoa port is simpler, and the GTK/X11 port
> is by far the simplest.

So two new frameworks on top of the XUL.
I'd allow at least a week for any GUI framework (unless
you already know the underlying framework - eg Cocoa)

And its defintely not core Python.

> embedding OS X's quicktime in XUL would be a very large project.

So you need QT as well as GUI Cocoa. Thats another fairly
big chunk of learning if you don;t already know it. And the
Python wrapper on top of that. Again not standard Python
and fairly advanced Cocoa.

> Miro makes heavy use of Python extensions.

The "few days" for Python definitely doesn't include building
Python extensions. But this is sometjing that the extra for
12 days might allow to be included. So you might consider
giving this for free.

MSVC++ 7.1 (2003) compiler
Psyco -
Py2exe -
Null Soft Installer -
The latest sqlite3.dll file from SQLite
The Windows SDK 6.1 (for Vista headers)

How much of the above you charge for is up to you.
Arguably SVN and MSVC++ and the WinSDK could be
expected knowledge from a contractor, but all the rest
are definitely beyond the basic language learning for Python.

Looks like you need to do some negotiating!

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From alan.gauld at  Tue Mar 18 23:06:19 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 22:06:19 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] xrange
References: <>
Message-ID: <frpe97$jp0$>

"elis aeris" <hunter92383 at> wrote

> for x in xrange (20, 0):
>    print x
> this doesn't work because it goes from a big number to a small 
> number, which
> does nothing
> but what if I need the for loop to go from a big number to a small 
> number?

Add a 3rd step-value argument to range. (You don't need the xrange
on modern versions of Python BTW)

If you make the step negative it will count down:

>>> range(20,0,-4)
[20, 16, 12, 8, 4]

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From hunter92383 at  Tue Mar 18 23:08:50 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:08:50 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] xrange
In-Reply-To: <frpe97$jp0$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

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From alan.gauld at  Tue Mar 18 23:09:12 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 22:09:12 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] c++::return
References: <>
Message-ID: <frpeej$kc0$>

"elis aeris" <hunter92383 at> wrote 

> what do I do if i want the program/function to end?
> in c++ of
> int main(){}
> I do a return 0;

Actually you don;t. In your e4xample yuou just have empty 
braces and that will end just fine! Similarly in Python it will 
just silently drop off the end of the code.

However if you want to return a value to the OS other 
than 0 you can use the exit function from the sys module.
(Or raise a SystemExit exception with an argument of 
the required error code)

sys.exit() is explained in the Simple Sequences topic 
of my tutorial.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From kent37 at  Tue Mar 18 23:21:21 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 18:21:21 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] xrange
In-Reply-To: <frpe97$jp0$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

> Add a 3rd step-value argument to range. (You don't need the xrange
> on modern versions of Python BTW)

Only if by 'modern' you mean Python 3; on Python 2.x there is a 
difference between range() and xrange(). Though for a list of 20 ints I 
don't think it matters much.


From hunter92383 at  Tue Mar 18 23:25:07 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:25:07 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] xrange
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<frpe97$jp0$> <>
Message-ID: <>

ok i need about 500~1000

is that ok?

my pet practice works works fine with it,but what should I watch out for?

sorry for double reply kent, forgot to reply all.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 3:21 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Alan Gauld wrote:
> > Add a 3rd step-value argument to range. (You don't need the xrange
> > on modern versions of Python BTW)
> Only if by 'modern' you mean Python 3; on Python 2.x there is a
> difference between range() and xrange(). Though for a list of 20 ints I
> don't think it matters much.
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From eric at  Tue Mar 18 23:45:28 2008
From: eric at (Eric Walstad)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:45:28 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] c++::return
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris wrote:
> I seriously have done my homework on writing in python
I wonder if I am misunderstanding your question.  This is a simple 
question about how functions work in Python, right?  Something that most 
every beginning tutorial covers?  You wouldn't be asking here if you had 
done your homework.

> below is a 29 kb 
> .py file that I wrote to do something, although you may not care what it 
> does
Wow, that's one long function!  It looks like either you don't 
understand what you wrote:
     consective_zero = 0
     ## I don't know what this is
or maybe someone else has commented your code?

> please just tell me in plain words:  how do I break function?
And seriously, you'll likely get better answers, faster, when you ask 
better questions.  It's faster, more efficient and more rewarding.  A 
smart question also shows us that you will value the time we spend on 
the answer.  Taking the time to formulate a smart question will often 
help you answer the question on your own.  Actually you did find the 
answer on your own (assuming I understand the question and that you 
wrote the function yourself): 'return'.

From hunter92383 at  Tue Mar 18 23:47:56 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:47:56 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] c++::return
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

i was reading it the second time 6months after and in fact i am working on
version 3 of it with update to functionality.

(and yes, it is MY code)

how do I return a function?
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From simozack at  Mon Mar 17 17:15:48 2008
From: simozack at (Simone)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 17:15:48 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] my first project: a multiplication trainer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Guba ha scritto:

> I was unable to find information on tuple(). (The Python help function
> was rather conservative in its output, Google not helpful).
> What exactly is the use of tuple(q) here, and why does not a simple q
> instead of tuple(q) do? The latter would have been my intuitive
> expectation...

The print statement "%dx%d = " needs a tuple of arguments. The tuple() 
command, that converts a list or a set of values in a tuple of values, 
prevent that error (for example, if the list of values is a list o of 
list, the print statemnte returns the error "TypeError: in argument 

For example:

 >>>a = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] # a is a list of lists with 2 values

<type 'list'>

<type 'tuple'>


 >>>a = [(1, 2), (3, 4)] # a is a list of tuples with 2 values

<type 'tuple'>

> The other thing I have on my mind is this: how could I have the program
> ask the math questions not horizontally but vertically? An example:
>  4
> x7
> =

Simply insert a \n in the print statement, like this:

print "%d\nx%d\n = "

Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!* 

From mb_shkup at  Tue Mar 18 23:48:08 2008
From: mb_shkup at (Mensur Bakija)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:48:08 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Welcome to the "Tutor" mailing list (Digest mode)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

tutor-request at wrote: Welcome to the Tutor at mailing list! This list is for folks
who want to ask (and/or answer) questions from folks who wish to learn
how to program with Python.  Feel free to ask even the most basic of
questions -- that's what the list is for!

For best results when asking a question on this list: - Try to write
some code to solve your problem - Show the code you have written -
Describe what the code does and what you want it to do - If the code
generates an error, copy and paste the entire error message, including
the traceback, into your email.

When replying to a posting: - Use Reply All to reply to the entire
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For all posts: - Format your email as plain text, not HTML

To post to this list, send your email to:

  tutor at

General information about the mailing list is at:

If you ever want to unsubscribe or change your options (eg, switch to
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You can also make such adjustments via email by sending a message to:

  Tutor-request at

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quotes), and you will get back a message with instructions.

You must know your password to change your options (including changing
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From technorapture at  Tue Mar 18 23:55:01 2008
From: technorapture at (Shrutarshi Basu)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 18:55:01 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] xrange
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<frpe97$jp0$> <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm not entirely sure about this, but I think for range(), the entire
range of numbers is generated at one go, which could cause a
slow-down. But xrange() generates the list of numbers one at a time.
For a thousand, there shouldn't be much of a difference, but if you
need a million or so go with xrange()

From allen.fowler at  Wed Mar 19 01:24:36 2008
From: allen.fowler at (Allen Fowler)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:24:36 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
Message-ID: <>


Now, perhaps this not the best way write code, but I have a few questions regrading calling the super classes constructor:

I have a super class that accepts many arguments to it's constructor, and a subclass that should define one additional argument.

What's the most "pythonic" way to make this work?

class MySuperClass(object):
    def __init__(self, opt_1, opt_2, opt_3, opt_n):
       # stuff done here

class MySubClass(MySuperClass):

    def __init__(self, just_a_sub_option):  # what about other args? **args?
        # do stuff with "just_a_sub_option"
        MySuperClass.__init__()                    # Should this be first?  What args to use? **args?

Basically, I'd like to avoid maintaining a verbose list of arguments in the subclass.


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From allen.fowler at  Wed Mar 19 01:36:03 2008
From: allen.fowler at (Allen Fowler)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:36:03 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] kwargs to object proporties?
Message-ID: <>


What's the best way convert keyword arguments to object properties?

Basically, I have a defined list of valid object properties that I'd like to optionally specify in the call to the constructor.

I've got ideas about using __getattr__ but I'm not sure if that's the right way.  Plus, that kind of makes it hard to use tab completion of objects in iPython.


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

From john at  Wed Mar 19 01:37:53 2008
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 13:37:53 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 19/03/2008, Allen Fowler <allen.fowler at> wrote:
>  I have a super class that accepts many arguments to it's constructor, and a subclass that should define one additional argument.
>  What's the most "pythonic" way to make this work?

class BaseClass(object):
  def __init__(self, x, y, z, foo='foo'): # whatever
     # etc

class SubClass(BaseClass):
  def __init__(self, t, *args, **kw):
    BaseClass.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
    # do something with t

This does mean that the special sub class argument has to come before
the base class arguments when you create instances.

Whether you call BaseClass.__init__ early or late in the subclass init
method could depend on what your classes are doing.  Remember, in
Python, __init__ only initializes objects, it doesn't create them.
It's just another bit of code that you can call whenever you want.


From john at  Wed Mar 19 01:57:12 2008
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 13:57:12 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] kwargs to object proporties?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 19/03/2008, Allen Fowler <allen.fowler at> wrote:
> Hello,
>  What's the best way convert keyword arguments to object properties?

You can mess around with self.__dict__.update(kwargs) or
update(locals()).  I'm not sure exactly what you want to do..

See this recipe:
It has some suggestions and discussion that you might find helpful.


From alan.gauld at  Wed Mar 19 01:59:48 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 00:59:48 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] xrange
References: <><frpe97$jp0$>
Message-ID: <frpoef$ivr$>

"Kent Johnson" <kent37 at> wrote

>> Add a 3rd step-value argument to range. (You don't need the xrange
>> on modern versions of Python BTW)
> Only if by 'modern' you mean Python 3; on Python 2.x there is a
> difference between range() and xrange(). Though for a list of 20 
> ints I
> don't think it matters much.

Ah! I thought the unification happened when generators were introduced
I didn't realised it was put back to v3. Thanks for the pointer Kent.

Alan G. 

From alan.gauld at  Wed Mar 19 02:11:59 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 01:11:59 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] c++::return
References: <><><><>
Message-ID: <frpp5b$ksp$>

"elis aeris" <hunter92383 at> wrote

> how do I return a function?
Do you realise that this is an entirely different question
to the one you asked originally, namely:

>> what do I do if i want the program/function to end?
>> in c++ of
>>int main(){}
>>I do a return 0;

One is asking about *ending* the program(or function), the
other about returning. Those are two different concepts.
In particular returning implies that the program does not
end but goes on to use the returnedvalue in some way.

Assuming that it is returning you are interested in then
all the tutorials that discuss Python functions (including
mine) will tell you how to return a value from a function.

You use the return statement exactly like in C++.

Where did you look if you couldn't find it?

Even searching "return" on the Python web site gets me this as
the first link:

6.7 The return statement
      When return passes control out of a try statement with a finally 
clause, that finally clause is executed before really leaving the 
function. ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

And visiting it it tells me:

-----------------------return_stmt ::= "return" [expression_list]

return may only occur syntactically nested in a function definition, 
not within a nested class definition.

If an expression list is present, it is evaluated, else None is 

return leaves the current function call with the expression list (or 
None) as return value.

Now, its not that we mind answering questions, but if you claim
to have looked for an answer and then ask a somewhat vaguely
worded question we will assume you are looking for something
deeper. Its easier for all of us if you are as specific as possible
in your questions.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From kent37 at  Wed Mar 19 03:33:57 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 22:33:57 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Allen Fowler wrote:

> What's the most "pythonic" way to make this work?
> class MySuperClass(object):
>     def __init__(self, opt_1, opt_2, opt_3, opt_n):
>        # stuff done here
>         pass
> class MySubClass(MySuperClass):
>     def __init__(self, just_a_sub_option):  # what about other args? **args?

I think I would go ahead and list the superclass parameters and put the 
new one at the end:
     def __init__(self, opt_1, opt_2, opt_3, opt_n, just_a_sub_option):

>         MySuperClass.__init__()                    # Should this be first?  What args to use? **args?

        MySuperClass.__init__(self, opt_1, opt_2, opt_3, opt_n)

John's method will also work but I prefer to add the new parameter at 
the end of the argument list.


From hunter92383 at  Wed Mar 19 04:41:45 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 20:41:45 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] xrange
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<frpe97$jp0$> <>
Message-ID: <>

Oh i am good with range then, because it's not a real time program.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 3:55 PM, Shrutarshi Basu <technorapture at>

> I'm not entirely sure about this, but I think for range(), the entire
> range of numbers is generated at one go, which could cause a
> slow-down. But xrange() generates the list of numbers one at a time.
> For a thousand, there shouldn't be much of a difference, but if you
> need a million or so go with xrange()
> Basu
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From luciano at  Wed Mar 19 04:45:33 2008
From: luciano at (Luciano Ramalho)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 00:45:33 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Nowadays the best practice for invoking a method from all superclasses
(yes, multiple inheritance) is this:

class SubClass(BaseClass):
    def __init__(self, t, *args, **kw):
        super(SubClass, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
        # do something with t

That way you let Python decide which superclasses your SubClass has,
instead of hard-coding it in several places.



On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 9:37 PM, John Fouhy <john at> wrote:
> On 19/03/2008, Allen Fowler <allen.fowler at> wrote:
>  >  I have a super class that accepts many arguments to it's constructor, and a subclass that should define one additional argument.
>  >
>  >  What's the most "pythonic" way to make this work?
>  class BaseClass(object):
>   def __init__(self, x, y, z, foo='foo'): # whatever
>      # etc
>  class SubClass(BaseClass):
>   def __init__(self, t, *args, **kw):
>     BaseClass.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
>     # do something with t
>  This does mean that the special sub class argument has to come before
>  the base class arguments when you create instances.
>  Whether you call BaseClass.__init__ early or late in the subclass init
>  method could depend on what your classes are doing.  Remember, in
>  Python, __init__ only initializes objects, it doesn't create them.
>  It's just another bit of code that you can call whenever you want.
>  --
>  John.
> _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From hunter92383 at  Wed Mar 19 04:45:40 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 20:45:40 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] c++::return
In-Reply-To: <frpp5b$ksp$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I actually said "ending" to avoid problems with different terminology
between different languages - but i guess a return is still a return in

i did this search

and it didn't return any particularly obvious answer.

The funny thing is, i wrote that program last june and managed to not
know/use a single return :)

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 6:11 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>

> "elis aeris" <hunter92383 at> wrote
> > how do I return a function?
> >
> Do you realise that this is an entirely different question
> to the one you asked originally, namely:
> >> what do I do if i want the program/function to end?
> >>
> >> in c++ of
> >>int main(){}
> >>I do a return 0;
> One is asking about *ending* the program(or function), the
> other about returning. Those are two different concepts.
> In particular returning implies that the program does not
> end but goes on to use the returnedvalue in some way.
> Assuming that it is returning you are interested in then
> all the tutorials that discuss Python functions (including
> mine) will tell you how to return a value from a function.
> You use the return statement exactly like in C++.
> Where did you look if you couldn't find it?
> Even searching "return" on the Python web site gets me this as
> the first link:
> 6.7 The return statement
>      When return passes control out of a try statement with a finally
> clause, that finally clause is executed before really leaving the
> function. ...
> - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
> And visiting it it tells me:
> -----------------------return_stmt ::= "return" [expression_list]
> return may only occur syntactically nested in a function definition,
> not within a nested class definition.
> If an expression list is present, it is evaluated, else None is
> substituted.
> return leaves the current function call with the expression list (or
> None) as return value.
> ---------------------------------
> Now, its not that we mind answering questions, but if you claim
> to have looked for an answer and then ask a somewhat vaguely
> worded question we will assume you are looking for something
> deeper. Its easier for all of us if you are as specific as possible
> in your questions.
> --
> Alan Gauld
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From allen.fowler at  Wed Mar 19 04:55:55 2008
From: allen.fowler at (Allen Fowler)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 20:55:55 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
Message-ID: <>

> > class MySubClass(MySuperClass):
> > 
> >     def __init__(self, just_a_sub_option):  # what about other args? **args?
> I think I would go ahead and list the superclass parameters and put the 
> new one at the end:
>      def __init__(self, opt_1, opt_2, opt_3, opt_n, just_a_sub_option):
> >         MySuperClass.__init__()                    # Should this be first?  
> What args to use? **args?
>         MySuperClass.__init__(self, opt_1, opt_2, opt_3, opt_n)
> John's method will also work but I prefer to add the new parameter at 
> the end of the argument list.

(Hmm.. I should have pointed out that I generally use keyword args.  )

Right. So, I can certainly call the MySuperClass.__init__() with a long list of kwargs, but that gets annoying quickly when the superclass is also under active development and it's call signature frequently changes. 

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From allen.fowler at  Wed Mar 19 05:01:25 2008
From: allen.fowler at (Allen Fowler)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 21:01:25 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
Message-ID: <>

> >  What's the most "pythonic" way to make this work?
> class BaseClass(object):
>   def __init__(self, x, y, z, foo='foo'): # whatever
>      # etc
> class SubClass(BaseClass):
>   def __init__(self, t, *args, **kw):
>     BaseClass.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
>     # do something with t
> This does mean that the special sub class argument has to come before
> the base class arguments when you create instances.
> Whether you call BaseCla

Thank you...  Excellent idea.  

I haven't tried it yet, but I suppose **kwarg.pop()'ing  and *args manipulation could help ease subclass instantiation call signature limitations. (?)


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From brindly at  Wed Mar 19 08:33:39 2008
From: brindly at (brindly sujith)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 13:03:39 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] how to search a directory from a Tkinter program
Message-ID: <>


i am developing an application in tkinter

i want to know whether we have any option to search a directory from tkinter

please answer me

thank you
-------------- next part --------------
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From rabidpoobear at  Wed Mar 19 11:03:42 2008
From: rabidpoobear at (Luke Paireepinart)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 04:03:42 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] c++::return
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<frpp5b$ksp$>
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris wrote:
> I actually said "ending" to avoid problems with different terminology 
> between different languages - but i guess a return is still a return 
> in python.
Return does not exit a program.  A return statement denotes a point in a 
function when the function will stop executing and the specified value 
will be returned to the calling function.
In C++, a return in your main function will cause the program to stop 
executing, because there was no calling function to give control back to.
> i did this search
> <>
> and it didn't return any particularly obvious answer.
There probably won't be a whole tutorial on a 'return' statement - it's 
a fundamental part of functions and you should've picked up on it in any 
tutorial discussing how to define functions.
> The funny thing is, i wrote that program last june and managed to not 
> know/use a single return :)
This is not a good thing.  You shouldn't have a function that is this 
long.  The entire point of functions is small snippets of reusable code 
- having one massive function do everything negates the whole benefit of 
functions.  You may just as well have not put it in a function at all.
Where is this code, by the way?  I didn't receive a copy of it.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Mar 19 09:55:47 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:55:47 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] how to search a directory from a Tkinter program
References: <>
Message-ID: <frqle9$lij$>

"brindly sujith" <brindly at> wrote

> i am developing an application in tkinter
> i want to know whether we have any option to search a directory from 
> tkinter
> program

I'm not sure what you mean.
You can use the standard Python modules to search a directory,
or indeed an entire directory tree using walk(). I demonstrate this
in the OS topic of my tutor.

OTOH if you mean is there a standard directory dialog so that
the user can browse a directory then yes, look in the standard
dialogs package as described in the documentation and tutorials.
More on those here:

And exploring the module with dir() etc will throw up more info.

So either way it is pretty straightforward.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

From jacklucas at  Wed Mar 19 06:15:07 2008
From: jacklucas at (Jack Lucas)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 22:15:07 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Converter
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to make a converter for Python on my Mac. I know I can find one online, but this is more satisfying.
I am not sure exactly where to start. I want to be able to input a "Unit to Convert" a "Unit to Convert to" and an "Amount of Unit to Convert"
For example Unit to Convert: centimeters,  Unit to Convert to: inches, Amount of Unit to Convert: 2.5. Thus you would get 2.5 Centimeters is equal to 1 inch. Or something like that to display. I have no idea where to start, as I want to be able to input any Unit to Convert (will keep it simple for now, feet, inches etc. and add more later.) and have it display the unit I want to convert to, and not all the other junk. Can anyone help me? Atleast get one setup, as I am sure I can then copy and paste, and make minor changes for the rest. Also if someone would not mind explaining WHY I do certain functions, as I am new to Python.

From kent37 at  Wed Mar 19 11:44:54 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 06:44:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Should config file parser be in module's
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Shrutarshi Basu wrote:
> Thanks for that, i think that creating a configuration submodule and
> importing it into the modules that need it will be the most elegant
> solution for me. I was wondering whether the following solution would
> work / be good practice?
> 1. have the parser system in

You could do that but I would put it in a config module.

> 2. have the parser store the result in a string, say confstr

If you only have one configuration parameter this is OK. If you have 
multiple parameters you should put them in a class or dict, otherwise 
the individual modules still have to parse the string.

> 3. have modules in the package access it with __init__.confstr

No, if it is in you access it at package scope, it would be 


PS Please use Reply All to reply to the list.

From timmichelsen at  Wed Mar 19 13:17:22 2008
From: timmichelsen at (Timmie)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 12:17:22 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Converter
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> start, as I want to be able to input any Unit to Convert (will keep it simple
for now, feet, inches etc. and add
Maybe you want to get inspired by a Gnome deskbar handler:

From alan.gauld at  Wed Mar 19 16:34:11 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 15:34:11 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Converter
References: <>
Message-ID: <frrblv$75n$>

"Jack Lucas" <jacklucas at> wrote

>I am trying to make a converter for Python on my Mac.
> I know I can find one online, but this is more satisfying.

Have you looked at the Cocoa tutorial on using Python on MacOS?
It is just such a convertor(for currency). Using that as a template it
should be easy to modify it to use different units.

> Also if someone would not mind explaining WHY I do certain 
> functions,
> as I am new to Python.

Its best if you give us examples. If you don't know why then ask here.

You may find the Cocoa tutorial too deep if you are that new and
a simple text based solution might be more appropriate. But the
actual coding in the Cocoa app is very little and it does look a
lot better! :-).

Alan G. 

From allen.fowler at  Wed Mar 19 18:22:32 2008
From: allen.fowler at (Allen Fowler)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:22:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
Message-ID: <>

> Nowadays the best practice for invoking a method from all superclasses
> (yes, multiple inheritance) is this:
> class SubClass(BaseClass):
>     def __init__(self, t, *args, **kw):
>         super(SubClass, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
>         # do something with t
> That way you let Python decide which superclasses your SubClass has,
> instead of hard-coding it in several places.

Excellent.  Thank you.  This seems far more logical.

Is there a proper way to handle the case when SubClass() is called using positional arguments, and you do not desire "t" to be at the beginning?

Thanks again,

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From me at  Wed Mar 19 21:14:56 2008
From: me at (Mike Holloway)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 20:14:56 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Using pyusb
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I'm very new to this list, so hello all!
I'm just starting out using python, my background is lamp.

I have a Prolific Technologies bridged usb cable that I wish to talk to 
using pyusb and libusb, I've tried following examples and compiling my 
own code but I'm really struggling getting it to work.

I'm trying to send a sequence of letters to the cable, for them to 
reappear on the other side. I've been trying to use bulkWrite and 
bulkRead methods but I'm not sure I'm using them right. There's also 
controlMethod, but I'm not sure what that is used for.

Can anyone help get me started, I'm concerned mostly with the 
communication, I reckon I could actually get somewhere if I can just 
nail the first bit, here's my code so far:

* Cheers in advance, Mike.

import usb
import sys
import os
import time
from array import array

class DeviceDescriptor:
    def __init__(self, vendor_id, product_id, interface_id) :
        self.vendor_id = vendor_id
        self.product_id = product_id
        self.interface_id = interface_id

    def get_device(self) :
        buses = usb.busses()
        for bus in buses :
            for device in bus.devices :
                if device.idVendor == self.vendor_id :
                    if device.idProduct == self.product_id :
                        return device
        return None

class XFPS():
    VENDOR_ID      = 0x067B #: Vendor Id
    PRODUCT_ID   = 0x0000   #: Product Id for the bridged usb cable
    INTERFACE_ID = 0        #: The interface we use to talk to the device
    BULK_IN_EP   = 0x83     #: Endpoint for Bulk reads
    BULK_OUT_EP  = 0x02     #: Endpoint for Bulk writes
    PACKET_LENGTH = 0x40    #: 64 bytes

    device_descriptor = DeviceDescriptor(VENDOR_ID, \
                                         PRODUCT_ID, INTERFACE_ID)

    def __init__(self,) :
        # The actual device (PyUSB object)
        self.device = self.device_descriptor.get_device()
        # Handle that is used to communicate with device. Setup in L{open}
        self.handle = None
    def open(self) :
        self.device = self.device_descriptor.get_device()
        if not self.device:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Cable isn't plugged in"
            self.handle =
        except usb.USBError, err:
            print >> sys.stderr, err

    def close(self):   
        """ Release device interface """
        except Exception, err:
            print >> sys.stderr, err
        self.handle, self.device = None, None
    def my_bulk_write(self):
        A = chr(0x75) # u
        B = chr(0x69) # i
        X = chr(0x6F) # o
        Y = chr(0x70) # p
        LB = chr(0x6C) # l
        RB = chr(0x6B) # k
        LT = chr(0x68) # h
        RT = chr(0x6A) # j

        S = chr(0x32)
        s = chr(0x73)

        msg = [A,B,A,B,A,B,A,B]
        sent_bytes = self.handle.interruptWrite(XFPS.BULK_OUT_EP,msg,1000)
        print sent_bytes
        if sent_bytes:
            read_bytes = self.handle.interruptRead(0x81,sent_bytes);
            print read_bytes

xfps = XFPS()

From alan.gauld at  Wed Mar 19 22:22:32 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 21:22:32 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Using pyusb
References: <>
Message-ID: <frs037$s3m$>

"Mike Holloway" <me at> wrote

> I have a Prolific Technologies bridged usb cable that I wish to talk 
> to
> using pyusb and libusb,

Sorry I can't help but thanks for pointing these out.
I've been intending to write a USB module for over
a year, now I don't need to! :-)

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

From technorapture at  Wed Mar 19 22:30:23 2008
From: technorapture at (Shrutarshi Basu)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 17:30:23 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Should config file parser be in module's
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ok, I'm starting to understand how things work. Just one last
question: suppose my package has a (which contains a config
dict) which another module in the package imports by "import config".
If the user of my package has a in the directory from where
they run their program (which uses my package), then which
will be used? The user's or the packages? The python tutorial section
on modules leads me to believe it will be the users, since the current
directory is searched first, but I'm not sure because it is my package
which does the import, not the users program.
Thanks again,

From kent37 at  Wed Mar 19 22:46:37 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 17:46:37 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Should config file parser be in module's
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Shrutarshi Basu wrote:
> Ok, I'm starting to understand how things work. Just one last
> question: suppose my package has a (which contains a config
> dict) which another module in the package imports by "import config".
> If the user of my package has a in the directory from where
> they run their program (which uses my package), then which
> will be used? The user's or the packages? The python tutorial section
> on modules leads me to believe it will be the users, since the current
> directory is searched first, but I'm not sure because it is my package
> which does the import, not the users program.

It will be the user's

Look at sys.path to see the order in which directories are searched for 


From timmichelsen at  Wed Mar 19 23:15:41 2008
From: timmichelsen at (Tim Michelsen)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 23:15:41 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] loading modules only when needed and PEP 008
Message-ID: <frs3ad$858$>

Hello fellow Pythonistas,
I have a question concerning import statements.

My code uses matplotlib to plot the results of my calculations.

Since I want to make this plotting functionality a optional feature I 
would like to import matplotlib only when needed because it takes a lot 
of time for a TKinter-GUI to start up. And this start-up time is even 
longer when matplotlib is imported.

I am still in doubt because PEP 008 [1] states that all imports should 
come right at the beginning of the code.

My current code goes something like:

import sys

import matplotlib

## ....
## do some calcs
## ...

a optimized version would be:
import sys

plot_data = 'yes' # option: yes/no

if plot_data == 'yes':
	import matplotlib

## ....
## do some calcs
## ...
if plot_data == 'yes':

How would you handle such a case?
What is recommended in such a case?
Does anyone have experience with this?

Thanks for your suggestions in advance!

Kind regards,

[1] PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code -

From timmichelsen at  Wed Mar 19 23:56:22 2008
From: timmichelsen at (Tim Michelsen)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 23:56:22 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] reading parts of a input string into different variables
 based on units.
Message-ID: <frs5mm$gff$>

I would like to read several parts of a string into different variables 
based on the (physical) units of the quantities.

Here's my testing code:
mystring = '2m 4cm 3mm' # can also be '1pound 30pence', ...
mylist = mystring.split(" ")
print mylist

first = mylist[0]
second = mylist[1]
third = mylist[2]

print "first", first
print "second", second
print "third", third

m = 0
cm = 0
mm = 0
## first list item
if first.endswith("m",-1):
     m = first.strip("m")
elif first.endswith("cm",-2):
     cm = first.strip("cm")
elif first.endswith("mm",-2):
     mm = first.strip("mm")
     print 'Wrong unit!'
## second list item
if second.endswith("m",-1):
     m = second.strip("m")
elif second.endswith("cm",-2):
     cm = second.strip("cm")
elif second.endswith("mm",-2):
     mm = second.strip("mm")
     print 'Wrong unit!'
## third list item
if second.endswith("m",-1):
     m = second.strip("m")
elif second.endswith("cm",-2):
     cm = second.strip("cm")
elif second.endswith("mm",-2):
     mm = second.strip("mm")
     print 'Wrong unit!'

print m, cm, mm

Well, I cannot get the meters assigned to the m variable, the 
centimeters to the cm variable and the milimeters to the mm variable. 
All units end with "m" and therefore my code confuses the strings I am 
looking for. I would always reassign the m variable.

I would be very grateful of someone could give me a point or hint how I 
read the quantites (read: numbers) into my variables m, cm, mm.

Thanks and kind regards,

From eric at  Thu Mar 20 00:06:50 2008
From: eric at (Eric Walstad)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 16:06:50 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] loading modules only when needed and PEP 008
In-Reply-To: <frs3ad$858$>
References: <frs3ad$858$>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Tim,
Tim Michelsen wrote:
> Hello fellow Pythonistas,
> I have a question concerning import statements.
> it takes a lot 
> of time for a TKinter-GUI to start up. And this start-up time is even 
> longer when matplotlib is imported
> a optimized version would be:
> import sys
> plot_data = 'yes' # option: yes/no
> if plot_data == 'yes':
> 	import matplotlib
> else:
> 	pass
> How would you handle such a case?
> What is recommended in such a case?
> Does anyone have experience with this?
Beware that code later in your module that calls may 
fail if plot_data is not 'yes'.  When I do this sort of thing I like to 
move my imports into my functions/methods.  The 'main' code then 
conditionally calls the function/method.  All the code in the function 
safely assumes that the import has been done but code in the calling 
function assumes the import hasn't been done.

if plot_data:

def show_plot_data(data):
     "load matplotlib and show the user the data"
     import matplotlib stuff with matplotlib...

And as we are talking about style, note that your
isn't really necessary but it does make it explicitly clear that you are 
choosing not to do anything if the plot_data isn't 'yes'.  Are those 
tabs you're using?  Four spaces are preferred, according to the style guide.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Mar 20 00:27:00 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 23:27:00 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] reading parts of a input string into different
	variables based on units.
References: <frs5mm$gff$>
Message-ID: <frs7cg$m1s$>

"Tim Michelsen" <timmichelsen at> wrote

> I would like to read several parts of a string into different 
> variables
> based on the (physical) units of the quantities.
> Here's my testing code:
> ###############
> mystring = '2m 4cm 3mm' # can also be '1pound 30pence', ...
> mylist = mystring.split(" ")

For something like this I'd use regular expressions.
If your strings vary in length then I'd use a separate regular
expression per unit then use that to findall matching
substrings for each unit.

> if first.endswith("m",-1):
>     m = first.strip("m")
> elif first.endswith("cm",-2):
>     cm = first.strip("cm")
> elif first.endswith("mm",-2):
>     mm = first.strip("mm")

I'd also look at using a dictionary to store the results
so that you can use the unit as a key.

> Well, I cannot get the meters assigned to the m variable, the
> centimeters to the cm variable and the milimeters to the mm 
> variable.
> All units end with "m" and therefore my code confuses the strings I 
> am
> looking for. I would always reassign the m variable.

A regex would avoid that since it would detect an m
as being diffrent to a cm or mm.

Of course you will have to work out the right regex but that
shouldn't be too difficult if you are sure you have a whitespace
separator and a number followed by the unit string.

The code then becomes (in pseudo code)

cm_re = # whatever
mm_re = # whatever
m_re = # whatever

units['cm'] = cm_re.findall(theString)
units['mm'] = mm_re.findall(theString)
units['m'] = m_re.findall(theString)

Now you have a list of values for each unit, you just need
to convert the string values to numeric and sum them or
whatever else you need to do.


Alan G. 

From mlangford.cs03 at  Thu Mar 20 00:26:39 2008
From: mlangford.cs03 at (Michael Langford)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 19:26:39 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Using pyusb
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I've never heard of the type of cable you're using. Can you send a
link to one to the list?

You're missing most of the USB ideas more than the python ideas.

USB is very very complicated. The USB spec (of which you care about
chapter 9) is nothing like how most people actually use USB. Most
people use a HID device (even for things that have nothing to do with
human interfaces) and communicate that way.

If you're going to go with a raw control then:
First off: Are you sure you're getting  handle to the device? What is
the fault you are seeing?

Secondly: How do you know what endpoints your device has? Are you sure
you have the right addresses for them? You should be able to see this
with a USB snooping utility.

Control is used to use channel 0 on the USB. It only allows 8 bytes of
data and a time and is usually used to switch between modes on a
device in my experience. You may have to do a write here to put the
device in a mode to do something . This is incredibly device specific.

Secondly, why are you using two different endpoints for read and
write? Usually you can use 82 and 02 both. Is this something in the
cable documentation that tells you to do this?

As you have bulk endpoints, you should be using bulk read/write. There
are 4 types of USB endpoints: Control, Isochronous, Interrupt and

Control Transfers are only sent over endpoint 0.
Isochronous Transfers are sent periodically and are used for "real
time" devices such as web cams (in practice, very very few people ever
use this mode)
Interrupts Transfers are next, they have a high priority after the
first two types and are limited to 256 bytes (IIRC)
Bulk Transfers are JUST like interrupt transfers, except, they are
lower priority.

As you apparently are using a bulk endpoint, you need to use bulk
transfers with it. The priorities are only with regards to the USB
system. Just as long as your device is using all the same priority,
don't worry about which one you use.

Your OS should have some tool to allow you to view the USB descriptors
of the device. This will at least tell you where the endpoints are
that you maybe could be communicating over.

Please check your control panel or the command line utils (or /proc
device) that tells you this info, as well as where you're stuck before
we can help you more.


PS: I would have loved to have know about these modules a couple
months ago. I could have avoided some C kernel modules perhaps.

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Mike Holloway <me at> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I'm very new to this list, so hello all!
>  I'm just starting out using python, my background is lamp.
>  t
>  I have a Prolific Technologies bridged usb cable that I wish to talk to
>  using pyusb and libusb, I've tried following examples and compiling my
>  own code but I'm really struggling getting it to work.
>  I'm trying to send a sequence of letters to the cable, for them to
>  reappear on the other side. I've been trying to use bulkWrite and
>  bulkRead methods but I'm not sure I'm using them right. There's also
>  controlMethod, but I'm not sure what that is used for.
>  Can anyone help get me started, I'm concerned mostly with the
>  communication, I reckon I could actually get somewhere if I can just
>  nail the first bit, here's my code so far:
>  * Cheers in advance, Mike.
>  import usb
>  import sys
>  import os
>  import time
>  from array import array
>  class DeviceDescriptor:
>     def __init__(self, vendor_id, product_id, interface_id) :
>         self.vendor_id = vendor_id
>         self.product_id = product_id
>         self.interface_id = interface_id
>     def get_device(self) :
>         buses = usb.busses()
>         for bus in buses :
>             for device in bus.devices :
>                 if device.idVendor == self.vendor_id :
>                     if device.idProduct == self.product_id :
>                         return device
>         return None
>  class XFPS():
>     VENDOR_ID      = 0x067B #: Vendor Id
>     PRODUCT_ID   = 0x0000   #: Product Id for the bridged usb cable
>     INTERFACE_ID = 0        #: The interface we use to talk to the device
>     BULK_IN_EP   = 0x83     #: Endpoint for Bulk reads
>     BULK_OUT_EP  = 0x02     #: Endpoint for Bulk writes
>     PACKET_LENGTH = 0x40    #: 64 bytes
>     device_descriptor = DeviceDescriptor(VENDOR_ID, \
>                                          PRODUCT_ID, INTERFACE_ID)
>     def __init__(self,) :
>         # The actual device (PyUSB object)
>         self.device = self.device_descriptor.get_device()
>         # Handle that is used to communicate with device. Setup in L{open}
>         self.handle = None
>     def open(self) :
>         self.device = self.device_descriptor.get_device()
>         if not self.device:
>             print >> sys.stderr, "Cable isn't plugged in"
>         try:
>             self.handle =
>             self.handle.claimInterface(self.device_descriptor.interface_id)
>         except usb.USBError, err:
>             print >> sys.stderr, err
>     def close(self):
>         """ Release device interface """
>         try:
>             self.handle.reset()
>             self.handle.releaseInterface()
>         except Exception, err:
>             print >> sys.stderr, err
>         self.handle, self.device = None, None
>     def my_bulk_write(self):
>         A = chr(0x75) # u
>         B = chr(0x69) # i
>         X = chr(0x6F) # o
>         Y = chr(0x70) # p
>         LB = chr(0x6C) # l
>         RB = chr(0x6B) # k
>         LT = chr(0x68) # h
>         RT = chr(0x6A) # j
>         S = chr(0x32)
>         s = chr(0x73)
>         self.close()
>         msg = [A,B,A,B,A,B,A,B]
>         #help(self.handle.bulkWrite)
>         help(self.handle.interruptWrite)
>         sent_bytes = self.handle.interruptWrite(XFPS.BULK_OUT_EP,msg,1000)
>         print sent_bytes
>         if sent_bytes:
>             read_bytes = self.handle.interruptRead(0x81,sent_bytes);
>             print read_bytes
>  xfps = XFPS()
>  xfps.my_bulk_write()
>  _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Michael Langford
Phone: 404-386-0495

From mlangford.cs03 at  Thu Mar 20 00:33:45 2008
From: mlangford.cs03 at (Michael Langford)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 19:33:45 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Using pyusb
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Btw, the win32 version of libusb is not maintained anymore, and bogus
in my experience. I didn't really get to use libusb much on linux, but
it seemed to get a descriptor at least. IIRC, they were upset with
their interface and in the middle of vastly changing it.


On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 7:26 PM, Michael Langford
<mlangford.cs03 at> wrote:
> I've never heard of the type of cable you're using. Can you send a
>  link to one to the list?
>  You're missing most of the USB ideas more than the python ideas.
>  USB is very very complicated. The USB spec (of which you care about
>  chapter 9) is nothing like how most people actually use USB. Most
>  people use a HID device (even for things that have nothing to do with
>  human interfaces) and communicate that way.
>  If you're going to go with a raw control then:
>  First off: Are you sure you're getting  handle to the device? What is
>  the fault you are seeing?
>  Secondly: How do you know what endpoints your device has? Are you sure
>  you have the right addresses for them? You should be able to see this
>  with a USB snooping utility.
>  Control is used to use channel 0 on the USB. It only allows 8 bytes of
>  data and a time and is usually used to switch between modes on a
>  device in my experience. You may have to do a write here to put the
>  device in a mode to do something . This is incredibly device specific.
>  Secondly, why are you using two different endpoints for read and
>  write? Usually you can use 82 and 02 both. Is this something in the
>  cable documentation that tells you to do this?
>  As you have bulk endpoints, you should be using bulk read/write. There
>  are 4 types of USB endpoints: Control, Isochronous, Interrupt and
>  Bulk.
>  Control Transfers are only sent over endpoint 0.
>  Isochronous Transfers are sent periodically and are used for "real
>  time" devices such as web cams (in practice, very very few people ever
>  use this mode)
>  Interrupts Transfers are next, they have a high priority after the
>  first two types and are limited to 256 bytes (IIRC)
>  Bulk Transfers are JUST like interrupt transfers, except, they are
>  lower priority.
>  As you apparently are using a bulk endpoint, you need to use bulk
>  transfers with it. The priorities are only with regards to the USB
>  system. Just as long as your device is using all the same priority,
>  don't worry about which one you use.
>  Your OS should have some tool to allow you to view the USB descriptors
>  of the device. This will at least tell you where the endpoints are
>  that you maybe could be communicating over.
>  Please check your control panel or the command line utils (or /proc
>  device) that tells you this info, as well as where you're stuck before
>  we can help you more.
>          --Michael
>  PS: I would have loved to have know about these modules a couple
>  months ago. I could have avoided some C kernel modules perhaps.
>  On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Mike Holloway <me at> wrote:
>  > Hi all,
>  >
>  >  I'm very new to this list, so hello all!
>  >  I'm just starting out using python, my background is lamp.
>  >  t
>  >  I have a Prolific Technologies bridged usb cable that I wish to talk to
>  >  using pyusb and libusb, I've tried following examples and compiling my
>  >  own code but I'm really struggling getting it to work.
>  >
>  >  I'm trying to send a sequence of letters to the cable, for them to
>  >  reappear on the other side. I've been trying to use bulkWrite and
>  >  bulkRead methods but I'm not sure I'm using them right. There's also
>  >  controlMethod, but I'm not sure what that is used for.
>  >
>  >  Can anyone help get me started, I'm concerned mostly with the
>  >  communication, I reckon I could actually get somewhere if I can just
>  >  nail the first bit, here's my code so far:
>  >
>  >  * Cheers in advance, Mike.
>  >
>  >
>  >  import usb
>  >  import sys
>  >  import os
>  >  import time
>  >  from array import array
>  >
>  >  class DeviceDescriptor:
>  >     def __init__(self, vendor_id, product_id, interface_id) :
>  >         self.vendor_id = vendor_id
>  >         self.product_id = product_id
>  >         self.interface_id = interface_id
>  >
>  >     def get_device(self) :
>  >         buses = usb.busses()
>  >         for bus in buses :
>  >             for device in bus.devices :
>  >                 if device.idVendor == self.vendor_id :
>  >                     if device.idProduct == self.product_id :
>  >                         return device
>  >         return None
>  >
>  >  class XFPS():
>  >     VENDOR_ID      = 0x067B #: Vendor Id
>  >     PRODUCT_ID   = 0x0000   #: Product Id for the bridged usb cable
>  >     INTERFACE_ID = 0        #: The interface we use to talk to the device
>  >     BULK_IN_EP   = 0x83     #: Endpoint for Bulk reads
>  >     BULK_OUT_EP  = 0x02     #: Endpoint for Bulk writes
>  >     PACKET_LENGTH = 0x40    #: 64 bytes
>  >
>  >     device_descriptor = DeviceDescriptor(VENDOR_ID, \
>  >                                          PRODUCT_ID, INTERFACE_ID)
>  >
>  >     def __init__(self,) :
>  >         # The actual device (PyUSB object)
>  >         self.device = self.device_descriptor.get_device()
>  >         # Handle that is used to communicate with device. Setup in L{open}
>  >         self.handle = None
>  >
>  >     def open(self) :
>  >         self.device = self.device_descriptor.get_device()
>  >         if not self.device:
>  >             print >> sys.stderr, "Cable isn't plugged in"
>  >         try:
>  >             self.handle =
>  >             self.handle.claimInterface(self.device_descriptor.interface_id)
>  >         except usb.USBError, err:
>  >             print >> sys.stderr, err
>  >
>  >     def close(self):
>  >         """ Release device interface """
>  >         try:
>  >             self.handle.reset()
>  >             self.handle.releaseInterface()
>  >         except Exception, err:
>  >             print >> sys.stderr, err
>  >         self.handle, self.device = None, None
>  >
>  >     def my_bulk_write(self):
>  >         A = chr(0x75) # u
>  >         B = chr(0x69) # i
>  >         X = chr(0x6F) # o
>  >         Y = chr(0x70) # p
>  >         LB = chr(0x6C) # l
>  >         RB = chr(0x6B) # k
>  >         LT = chr(0x68) # h
>  >         RT = chr(0x6A) # j
>  >
>  >         S = chr(0x32)
>  >         s = chr(0x73)
>  >
>  >         self.close()
>  >
>  >
>  >         msg = [A,B,A,B,A,B,A,B]
>  >         #help(self.handle.bulkWrite)
>  >         help(self.handle.interruptWrite)
>  >         sent_bytes = self.handle.interruptWrite(XFPS.BULK_OUT_EP,msg,1000)
>  >         print sent_bytes
>  >         if sent_bytes:
>  >             read_bytes = self.handle.interruptRead(0x81,sent_bytes);
>  >             print read_bytes
>  >
>  >  xfps = XFPS()
>  >
>  >  xfps.my_bulk_write()
>  >
>  >  _______________________________________________
>  >  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>  >
>  >
>  --
>  Michael Langford
>  Phone: 404-386-0495
>  Consulting:

Michael Langford
Phone: 404-386-0495

From dineshbvadhia at  Thu Mar 20 00:52:57 2008
From: dineshbvadhia at (Dinesh B Vadhia)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 16:52:57 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Python to C++
Message-ID: <BAY109-DAV777A65E67A564A7834F25A3070@phx.gbl>

Say because of performance, you might want to re-write/convert Python code to C++.  What is the best way (or best practice) to do this wrt the tools available?

-------------- next part --------------
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From timmichelsen at  Thu Mar 20 00:59:03 2008
From: timmichelsen at (Tim Michelsen)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 00:59:03 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] loading modules only when needed and PEP 008
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <frs3ad$858$> <>
Message-ID: <frs9c6$roc$>

> When I do this sort of thing I like
> to move my imports into my functions/methods. 
Would this then be compliant with the style recommendations?

 > The 'main' code then
> conditionally calls the function/method.  All the code in the
> function safely assumes that the import has been done but code in the
> calling function assumes the import hasn't been done.
Yes, this should a the solution.

> And as we are talking about style, note that your else: pass isn't
> really necessary but it does make it explicitly clear that you are 
> choosing not to do anything if the plot_data isn't 'yes'. 
Ok, so I already got some style here, at least...

> Are those
>  tabs you're using?  Four spaces are preferred, according to the
> style guide.
I always use 4 spaces. This sometimes leads to confusions when working 
with the same editor on text files that rely tabs but this is another 

Thanks very much for your fast response!

Kind regards,

From timmichelsen at  Thu Mar 20 01:04:06 2008
From: timmichelsen at (Tim Michelsen)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 01:04:06 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] reading parts of a input string into different
 variables based on units.
In-Reply-To: <frs7cg$m1s$>
References: <frs5mm$gff$> <frs7cg$m1s$>
Message-ID: <frs9ll$smq$>

thank you for the fast reply!

> A regex would avoid that since it would detect an m
> as being diffrent to a cm or mm.
> Of course you will have to work out the right regex but that
> shouldn't be too difficult if you are sure you have a whitespace
> separator and a number followed by the unit string.
I will see whether I can get the right regex together. Ease for educated 
computer scientist but for me coming from a Non-Programmer background 
the rege still bears some fear... and a learning curve.

> Now you have a list of values for each unit, you just need
> to convert the string values to numeric and sum them or
> whatever else you need to do.
I will try to step forward and the send my results back.

Thanks and regards,

From kent37 at  Thu Mar 20 02:02:24 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 21:02:24 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] reading parts of a input string into
 different	variables based on units.
In-Reply-To: <frs7cg$m1s$>
References: <frs5mm$gff$> <frs7cg$m1s$>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

> For something like this I'd use regular expressions.
> If your strings vary in length then I'd use a separate regular
> expression per unit then use that to findall matching
> substrings for each unit.

> Of course you will have to work out the right regex but that
> shouldn't be too difficult if you are sure you have a whitespace
> separator and a number followed by the unit string.

One regex can split apart a numeric part and a non-numeric unit:

In [22]: import re
In [23]: splitter = re.compile(r'(\d+)(\S+)')
In [24]: splitter.findall('2m 4cm 3mm')
Out[24]: [('2', 'm'), ('4', 'cm'), ('3', 'mm')]
In [25]: splitter.findall('1pound 30pence')
Out[25]: [('1', 'pound'), ('30', 'pence')]

If you want to allow decimals change the regex to r'([\d.]+)(\S+)'


From wackedd at  Thu Mar 20 01:55:49 2008
From: wackedd at (wackedd at
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 17:55:49 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Converter
Message-ID: <>

print "Converter"
number = 2.5
n = int(raw_input("Insert Feet Amount"))
while n > 0:
        print n, "Feet is"
        print n*12, "inches"
        print n*30, "centimeters"

Currently this is what I am working with.
2 problems I am facing.
1. When I run the script and type in the amount of feet it calculates it OVER AND OVER.

ex: 1 Feet is
12 inches
30 centimeters
1 Feet is
12 inches
30 centimeters
1 Feet is

2. Currently this script only works for the amount of feet, is their a way to have it choose feet, inches, to convert into whatever, without having to right the script over and over, and all in different programs. Maybe using if raw_input = feet then do this equation. I am coding in pure Python on my mac, so please nothing in C as  have been some answers I have received.

From bgailer at  Thu Mar 20 02:18:47 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 21:18:47 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Converter
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

wackedd at wrote:
> print "Converter"
> number = 2.5
> n = int(raw_input("Insert Feet Amount"))
> while n > 0:
>         print n, "Feet is"
>         print n*12, "inches"
>         print n*30, "centimeters"
> print
> Currently this is what I am working with.
> 2 problems I am facing.
> 1. When I run the script and type in the amount of feet it calculates it OVER AND OVER.

I'd like to introduce you to the concept known as "desk checking". 
Pretend you are the computer executing this program. Mentally (or even 
better on paper) execute each statement in the order that the computer 
would. Write down the values of variables as they change. Especially pay 
attention to the value of n. Also ask of what use is the variable numnber?
> [snip]
> 2. Currently this script only works for the amount of feet, is their a way to have it choose feet, inches, to convert into whatever, without having to right the script over and over, and all in different programs. 

I don't understand this part of the question.
> Maybe using if raw_input = feet then do this equation. I am coding in pure Python on my mac, so please nothing in C as  have been some answers I have received.

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From mlangford.cs03 at  Thu Mar 20 02:42:09 2008
From: mlangford.cs03 at (Michael Langford)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 21:42:09 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python to C++
In-Reply-To: <BAY109-DAV777A65E67A564A7834F25A3070@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY109-DAV777A65E67A564A7834F25A3070@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

Weave is probably what you really want to do, although it doesn't do
what you said:
Pyrex actually does what you said:

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 7:52 PM, Dinesh B Vadhia
<dineshbvadhia at> wrote:
> Say because of performance, you might want to re-write/convert Python code
> to C++.  What is the best way (or best practice) to do this wrt the tools
> available?
> Dinesh
> _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Michael Langford
Phone: 404-386-0495

From marc.tompkins at  Thu Mar 20 04:02:34 2008
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 20:02:34 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] reading parts of a input string into different
	variables based on units.
In-Reply-To: <frs5mm$gff$>
References: <frs5mm$gff$>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 3:56 PM, Tim Michelsen <timmichelsen at>

> m = 0
> cm = 0
> mm = 0
> ## first list item
> if first.endswith("m",-1):
>     m = first.strip("m")
> elif first.endswith("cm",-2):
>     cm = first.strip("cm")
> elif first.endswith("mm",-2):
>     mm = first.strip("mm")
> else:
>     print 'Wrong unit!'
> ## second list item
> if second.endswith("m",-1):
>     m = second.strip("m")
> elif second.endswith("cm",-2):
>     cm = second.strip("cm")
> elif second.endswith("mm",-2):
>     mm = second.strip("mm")
> else:
>     print 'Wrong unit!'
> ## third list item
> if second.endswith("m",-1):
>     m = second.strip("m")
> elif second.endswith("cm",-2):
>     cm = second.strip("cm")
> elif second.endswith("mm",-2):
>     mm = second.strip("mm")
> else:
>     print 'Wrong unit!'

Since they all end in "m", if you do that test first it catches all three
cases.  It's almost as if you put the "else" before the "if".
Regexes are a wonderful thing to learn - do that by all means - but the
simplest thing would be to reverse the order of your tests: check against
"mm" first, then "cm", THEN "m".

To clarify - regexes are probably the best solution for your current
program, but as a general rule it helps to look at tests like this from a
different angle.

-------------- next part --------------
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From eric at  Thu Mar 20 04:32:01 2008
From: eric at (Eric Walstad)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 20:32:01 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] loading modules only when needed and PEP 008
In-Reply-To: <frs9c6$roc$>
References: <frs3ad$858$> <>
Message-ID: <>

Hey Timmie,
Tim Michelsen wrote:
>> When I do this sort of thing I like
>> to move my imports into my functions/methods. 
> Would this then be compliant with the style recommendations?
Hm, I'm not sure.  I guess that if you consider that somewhere near the
top of the style guide it says something about 'foolish consistency'
than I suppose it does <wink>.  I think it's ok to deviate from the pep
when it makes sense to do so.  Define 'makes sense'.  I'm assuming that
importing the matplotlib at the top of your file is making your app
unusably slow; to me that is a great reason to break from the style guide.

>> And as we are talking about style, note that your else: pass isn't
>> really necessary but it does make it explicitly clear that you are 
>> choosing not to do anything if the plot_data isn't 'yes'. 
> Ok, so I already got some style here, at least...
I wouldn't include the 'else' bits, but that's my style.

>> Are those
>>  tabs you're using?  Four spaces are preferred, according to the
>> style guide.
> I always use 4 spaces. This sometimes leads to confusions when working 
> with the same editor on text files that rely tabs but this is another 
> issue...
Sorry.  In my mail reader the indentation looked like tabs.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Mar 20 10:25:00 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 09:25:00 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Converter
References: <>
Message-ID: <frtadp$g6d$>

<wackedd at> wrote 

> Currently this is what I am working with.

Thanks for posting that it gives us a much better idea of 
what stage you are at and lets us target our answers. 
Forget the Cocoa suggestion I made earlier, your 
basic Python skills need improving before you get 
to that.

> 2 problems I am facing.
> 1. When I run the script and type in the amount of feet it 
> calculates it OVER AND OVER.

Bob already gave you a good suggestion there. Your 
loop repeats while n is greater than zero.  Work through 
the code on paper, as if you were the computer, and 
see when/if n stops being greater than zero.

> 2. Currently this script only works for the amount of 
> feet, is their a way to have it choose feet, inches, 
> to convert into whatever, without having to write 
> the script over and over, and all in different programs. 

Yes of course. All you need is to tell the program which 
units to read and which to convert to. So you need a 
program that looks to the user like:

Input Units (in,cm,ml,km,lbs,kg)> in
Output Units(in,cm,ml,km,lbs,kg) > cm
How many inches? 6
6 inches is 15 centimetres

Can you write a program that does that?
You know how to read input with raw_input.
Do you understand how to use if/elif/else to make 
decisions inside your code?
You know how to do the basic calculations.
You know how to print the output.

> Maybe using if raw_input = feet then 
> do this equation. 

Exactly so.

> I am coding in pure Python on my mac, so 
> please nothing in C as  have been some 
> answers I have received.

I have no idea why anyone would suggest C for something 
like this, it is exactly the kind of program you would use 
Python for.

I don't know which book/tutorial you are using but the 
information you need for this problem can be found in 
the following topics of my tutor:
- Simple Sequences
- Talking to the User
- Branching

And optionally you may also want
- Loops
but they aren't strictly necessary for this.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From alan.gauld at  Thu Mar 20 10:33:38 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 09:33:38 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] reading parts of a input string into
	different	variables based on units.
References: <frs5mm$gff$> <frs7cg$m1s$>
Message-ID: <frtatv$hpe$>

"Kent Johnson" <kent37 at> wrote

> One regex can split apart a numeric part and a non-numeric unit:

> In [24]: splitter.findall('2m 4cm 3mm')
> Out[24]: [('2', 'm'), ('4', 'cm'), ('3', 'mm')]

As ever Kent, a neat solution. Much more efficient than 
my 3 way search and relatively easy to split the list 
apart  for analysis. 

Even the regex is cleaner! :-)

Alan G.

From kent37 at  Thu Mar 20 11:45:37 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 06:45:37 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] reading parts of a input string into
 different	variables based on units.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <frs5mm$gff$> <frs7cg$m1s$>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> One regex can split apart a numeric part and a non-numeric unit:

A little explanation:

> In [22]: import re
> In [23]: splitter = re.compile(r'(\d+)(\S+)')

The regex finds one or more digits \d+ followed by one or more 
non-whitespace characters \S+. The parentheses define groups which will 
be returned by the match.

> In [24]: splitter.findall('2m 4cm 3mm')
> Out[24]: [('2', 'm'), ('4', 'cm'), ('3', 'mm')]

findall() finds all matches for the regex in the string. When the regex 
contains groups, the value returned is a list of tuples. Each tuple 
contains the value of all the groups in the regex.

> If you want to allow decimals change the regex to r'([\d.]+)(\S+)'

This makes the first group match digits and period instead of just digits.


From andreas at  Thu Mar 20 15:48:29 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 15:48:29 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python to C++
In-Reply-To: <BAY109-DAV777A65E67A564A7834F25A3070@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY109-DAV777A65E67A564A7834F25A3070@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <1206024509.13580.76.camel@localhost>

If you need to rewrite Python code for performance, I'd recommend using
Pyrex/Cython. (

It let's you get away with small changes to your code as a starter
(Cython is relative compatible syntax-wise with Python), and you can add
"C type annotations" as needed. (And no, C++ is not cost effective
compared to C in this "Python speedup" scenario: you get a more complex
solution without readily available benefits.)

It's also integrated with distutils/setuptools.


Am Mittwoch, den 19.03.2008, 16:52 -0700 schrieb Dinesh B Vadhia:
> Say because of performance, you might want to re-write/convert Python
> code to C++.  What is the best way (or best practice) to do this wrt
> the tools available?
> Dinesh
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From alan.gauld at  Thu Mar 20 18:21:52 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 17:21:52 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Python to C++
References: <BAY109-DAV777A65E67A564A7834F25A3070@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <fru6bt$qg6$>

"Dinesh B Vadhia" <dineshbvadhia at> wrote

> Say because of performance, you might want to re-write/convert 
> Python code to C++.  What is the best way (or best practice) 
> to do this wrt the tools available?

It may be obvious but its worth noting that optimised Python may 
be faster than a badly written C port. So first make sure you have 
squeezed the best performance out of Python.

Secondly only rewrite the bits that need it so use the profiler to 
identify the bottlenecks in your Python code and move those 
to a separate module to reduce conversion effort.

After that the advice already given re pyrex/psycho etc is all good.

You might also find SWIG a useful alternative if you decide 
to rewrite the slow functions by hand. SWIG will help wrap 
those functions so that the remaining Python code can 
access them.

Alan G.

From me at  Thu Mar 20 15:08:09 2008
From: me at (Michael Holloway)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 14:08:09 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Using pyusb
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

I hope I'm using this system correctly by just hitting reply-all in my 
email client :s

Thanks very much Michael, I've been a bit thin on the other details I see.
My platform is Mac Os 10.4, I'm using USB snooper to get the data I 
need, I'll post it at the end of this message.

Forgive me, I've been trying to be bloody-minded about getting this to 
work and haven't read the USB spec. I'm not the sort of person to sit 
down and read pages of information before I get to the stuff I need, as 
I loose interest fast, I'd much rather bash away until I start seeing 

Regarding the actual hardware, here's a pic:

I brought it from Maplin, here's a link (note that the first picture 
shown ISN'T the same cable):

I can't actually find the manufacturers site, but I have since learned 
that Prolific Tech. are the company responsible for the chip that deals 
with the routing, I believe it goes usb a -> serial -> chip -> serial -> 
usb a

When I run my script, I am definately connecting, if I don't have the 
cable plugged in it tells me so, when I plug the cable in and run it, I 
get the following output:

//some help description

I'm using bulk read/write just because it sounded right, your insight 
has definately opened my eyes a bit, I guess I really need to help 
myself by spoffing up on the books.

The cable documentation is extremely basic and poor. Where can I get the 
information I need specifically on how to get the cable to accept data 
sent from my mac?

Here's the snoop:

Full Speed device @ 3 (0x1D100000): 
.............................................   Composite device from 
Prolific Technology, Inc.
    Device Descriptor
        Descriptor Version Number:   0x0100
        Device Class:   0   (Composite)
        Device Subclass:   0
        Device Protocol:   0
        Device MaxPacketSize:   8
        Device VendorID/ProductID:   0x067B/0x0000   (Prolific 
Technology, Inc.)
        Device Version Number:   0x0000
        Number of Configurations:   1
        Manufacturer String:   1 "Prolific Technology Inc."
        Product String:   0 (none)
        Serial Number String:   0 (none)
    Configuration Descriptor
        Length (and contents):   39
            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0000: 09 02 27 00 01 01 00 A0  32 09 
04 00 00 03 FF 00
            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0010: 00 00 07 05 81 03 01 00  01 07 
05 02 02 40 00 00
            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0020: 07 05 83 02 40 00 00
        Number of Interfaces:   1
        Configuration Value:   1
        Attributes:   0xA0 (bus-powered, remote wakeup)
        MaxPower:   100 ma
        Interface #0 - Vendor-specific
            Alternate Setting   0
            Number of Endpoints   3
            Interface Class:   255   (Vendor-specific)
            Interface Subclass;   0   (Vendor-specific)
            Interface Protocol:   0
            Endpoint 0x81 - Interrupt Input
                Address:   0x81  (IN)
                Attributes:   0x03  (Interrupt no synchronization data 
                Max Packet Size:   1
                Polling Interval:   1 ms
            Endpoint 0x02 - Bulk Output
                Address:   0x02  (OUT)
                Attributes:   0x02  (Bulk no synchronization data endpoint)
                Max Packet Size:   64
                Polling Interval:   0 ms
            Endpoint 0x83 - Bulk Input
                Address:   0x83  (IN)
                Attributes:   0x02  (Bulk no synchronization data endpoint)
                Max Packet Size:   64
                Polling Interval:   0 ms

Michael Langford wrote:
> Btw, the win32 version of libusb is not maintained anymore, and bogus
> in my experience. I didn't really get to use libusb much on linux, but
> it seemed to get a descriptor at least. IIRC, they were upset with
> their interface and in the middle of vastly changing it.
>       --Michael
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 7:26 PM, Michael Langford
> <mlangford.cs03 at> wrote:
>> I've never heard of the type of cable you're using. Can you send a
>>  link to one to the list?
>>  You're missing most of the USB ideas more than the python ideas.
>>  USB is very very complicated. The USB spec (of which you care about
>>  chapter 9) is nothing like how most people actually use USB. Most
>>  people use a HID device (even for things that have nothing to do with
>>  human interfaces) and communicate that way.
>>  If you're going to go with a raw control then:
>>  First off: Are you sure you're getting  handle to the device? What is
>>  the fault you are seeing?
>>  Secondly: How do you know what endpoints your device has? Are you sure
>>  you have the right addresses for them? You should be able to see this
>>  with a USB snooping utility.
>>  Control is used to use channel 0 on the USB. It only allows 8 bytes of
>>  data and a time and is usually used to switch between modes on a
>>  device in my experience. You may have to do a write here to put the
>>  device in a mode to do something . This is incredibly device specific.
>>  Secondly, why are you using two different endpoints for read and
>>  write? Usually you can use 82 and 02 both. Is this something in the
>>  cable documentation that tells you to do this?
>>  As you have bulk endpoints, you should be using bulk read/write. There
>>  are 4 types of USB endpoints: Control, Isochronous, Interrupt and
>>  Bulk.
>>  Control Transfers are only sent over endpoint 0.
>>  Isochronous Transfers are sent periodically and are used for "real
>>  time" devices such as web cams (in practice, very very few people ever
>>  use this mode)
>>  Interrupts Transfers are next, they have a high priority after the
>>  first two types and are limited to 256 bytes (IIRC)
>>  Bulk Transfers are JUST like interrupt transfers, except, they are
>>  lower priority.
>>  As you apparently are using a bulk endpoint, you need to use bulk
>>  transfers with it. The priorities are only with regards to the USB
>>  system. Just as long as your device is using all the same priority,
>>  don't worry about which one you use.
>>  Your OS should have some tool to allow you to view the USB descriptors
>>  of the device. This will at least tell you where the endpoints are
>>  that you maybe could be communicating over.
>>  Please check your control panel or the command line utils (or /proc
>>  device) that tells you this info, as well as where you're stuck before
>>  we can help you more.
>>          --Michael
>>  PS: I would have loved to have know about these modules a couple
>>  months ago. I could have avoided some C kernel modules perhaps.
>>  On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Mike Holloway <me at> wrote:
>>  > Hi all,
>>  >
>>  >  I'm very new to this list, so hello all!
>>  >  I'm just starting out using python, my background is lamp.
>>  >  t
>>  >  I have a Prolific Technologies bridged usb cable that I wish to talk to
>>  >  using pyusb and libusb, I've tried following examples and compiling my
>>  >  own code but I'm really struggling getting it to work.
>>  >
>>  >  I'm trying to send a sequence of letters to the cable, for them to
>>  >  reappear on the other side. I've been trying to use bulkWrite and
>>  >  bulkRead methods but I'm not sure I'm using them right. There's also
>>  >  controlMethod, but I'm not sure what that is used for.
>>  >
>>  >  Can anyone help get me started, I'm concerned mostly with the
>>  >  communication, I reckon I could actually get somewhere if I can just
>>  >  nail the first bit, here's my code so far:
>>  >
>>  >  * Cheers in advance, Mike.
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >  import usb
>>  >  import sys
>>  >  import os
>>  >  import time
>>  >  from array import array
>>  >
>>  >  class DeviceDescriptor:
>>  >     def __init__(self, vendor_id, product_id, interface_id) :
>>  >         self.vendor_id = vendor_id
>>  >         self.product_id = product_id
>>  >         self.interface_id = interface_id
>>  >
>>  >     def get_device(self) :
>>  >         buses = usb.busses()
>>  >         for bus in buses :
>>  >             for device in bus.devices :
>>  >                 if device.idVendor == self.vendor_id :
>>  >                     if device.idProduct == self.product_id :
>>  >                         return device
>>  >         return None
>>  >
>>  >  class XFPS():
>>  >     VENDOR_ID      = 0x067B #: Vendor Id
>>  >     PRODUCT_ID   = 0x0000   #: Product Id for the bridged usb cable
>>  >     INTERFACE_ID = 0        #: The interface we use to talk to the device
>>  >     BULK_IN_EP   = 0x83     #: Endpoint for Bulk reads
>>  >     BULK_OUT_EP  = 0x02     #: Endpoint for Bulk writes
>>  >     PACKET_LENGTH = 0x40    #: 64 bytes
>>  >
>>  >     device_descriptor = DeviceDescriptor(VENDOR_ID, \
>>  >                                          PRODUCT_ID, INTERFACE_ID)
>>  >
>>  >     def __init__(self,) :
>>  >         # The actual device (PyUSB object)
>>  >         self.device = self.device_descriptor.get_device()
>>  >         # Handle that is used to communicate with device. Setup in L{open}
>>  >         self.handle = None
>>  >
>>  >     def open(self) :
>>  >         self.device = self.device_descriptor.get_device()
>>  >         if not self.device:
>>  >             print >> sys.stderr, "Cable isn't plugged in"
>>  >         try:
>>  >             self.handle =
>>  >             self.handle.claimInterface(self.device_descriptor.interface_id)
>>  >         except usb.USBError, err:
>>  >             print >> sys.stderr, err
>>  >
>>  >     def close(self):
>>  >         """ Release device interface """
>>  >         try:
>>  >             self.handle.reset()
>>  >             self.handle.releaseInterface()
>>  >         except Exception, err:
>>  >             print >> sys.stderr, err
>>  >         self.handle, self.device = None, None
>>  >
>>  >     def my_bulk_write(self):
>>  >         A = chr(0x75) # u
>>  >         B = chr(0x69) # i
>>  >         X = chr(0x6F) # o
>>  >         Y = chr(0x70) # p
>>  >         LB = chr(0x6C) # l
>>  >         RB = chr(0x6B) # k
>>  >         LT = chr(0x68) # h
>>  >         RT = chr(0x6A) # j
>>  >
>>  >         S = chr(0x32)
>>  >         s = chr(0x73)
>>  >
>>  >         self.close()
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >         msg = [A,B,A,B,A,B,A,B]
>>  >         #help(self.handle.bulkWrite)
>>  >         help(self.handle.interruptWrite)
>>  >         sent_bytes = self.handle.interruptWrite(XFPS.BULK_OUT_EP,msg,1000)
>>  >         print sent_bytes
>>  >         if sent_bytes:
>>  >             read_bytes = self.handle.interruptRead(0x81,sent_bytes);
>>  >             print read_bytes
>>  >
>>  >  xfps = XFPS()
>>  >
>>  >  xfps.my_bulk_write()
>>  >
>>  >  _______________________________________________
>>  >  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>>  >
>>  >
>>  --
>>  Michael Langford
>>  Phone: 404-386-0495
>>  Consulting:

From cfuller084 at  Thu Mar 20 17:18:45 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 11:18:45 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Python to C++
In-Reply-To: <BAY109-DAV777A65E67A564A7834F25A3070@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY109-DAV777A65E67A564A7834F25A3070@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

On Wednesday 19 March 2008 18:52, Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
> Say because of performance, you might want to re-write/convert Python code
> to C++.  What is the best way (or best practice) to do this wrt the tools
> available?
> Dinesh

You also might want to use some profiling tools, or skip that step if it's 
known, and simply rewrite the slowest parts.  It isn't too hard to integrate 
Python with C code, there are tutorials in the bundled documentation (also 
available on the Python website).


From inthefridge at  Thu Mar 20 22:16:05 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 15:16:05 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to read a CSV file and the get that information into a MySQL
database.  I am able to do this, but I have a small problem.  I have a piece
of software that runs and each iteration is one like.  It only runs once
right now; there is only one line + the headers.  I use the csv module to
kill the headers and import the one line.  The problem is...I need to have
it split the csv file at some point. I need to first 20 items taken off and
then have the next 7 + the first 20 imported into the database...then have
it do this for the next 7 + the first on and so forth until hits the
end of the line.

Any ideas?

Spencer Parker

"if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."

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From listsdl04 at  Fri Mar 21 00:32:21 2008
From: listsdl04 at (Guba)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 07:32:21 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] question concerning Boolean operators
Message-ID: <>

Dear list,

from Guido's tutorial:

It is possible to assign the result of a comparison or other Boolean
expression to a variable. For example,

	>>> string1, string2, string3 = '', 'Trondheim', 'Hammer Dance'
	>>> non_null = string1 or string2 or string3
	>>> non_null

How does this work?? How does Python know that we are looking for
non_null? After all, we don't provide this information here, right? (I
take non_null is a variable.)
I must be missing something... Can anyone help?

Many thanks,


From kent37 at  Fri Mar 21 00:42:28 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 19:42:28 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Spencer Parker wrote:
> I am trying to read a CSV file and the get that information into a MySQL 
> database.  I am able to do this, but I have a small problem.  I have a 
> piece of software that runs and each iteration is one like.  It only 
> runs once right now; there is only one line + the headers.  I use the 
> csv module to kill the headers and import the one line.  The problem 
> is...I need to have it split the csv file at some point. I need to first 
> 20 items taken off and then have the next 7 + the first 20 imported into 
> the database...then have it do this for the next 7 + the first 
> on and so forth until hits the end of the line.

I'm not sure I understand. It sounds like you have a very long line of 
data from the csv file and you want to split it into groups of 7, after 
taking the first 20 items. If that is correct, something like this might 

row = ... # your long row
prefix = row[:20] # the twenty items that repeat
for i in range(20, len(row), 7):
   next = prefix + row[i:i+7]
   # Handle 'next' - add it to the database or whateve


From eric at  Fri Mar 21 00:49:45 2008
From: eric at (Eric Walstad)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 16:49:45 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Spencer
Spencer Parker wrote:
> I have a 
> piece of software that runs and each iteration is one like.
I don't understand what this means.

 >  It only
> runs once right now; there is only one line + the headers.  I use the 
> csv module to kill the headers and import the one line.
Does 'kill the headers' mean the same as ignoring them in your code?

> The problem 
> is...I need to have it split the csv file at some point. I need to first 
> 20 items taken off and then have the next 7 + the first 20 imported into 
> the database...then have it do this for the next 7 + the first 
> on and so forth until hits the end of the line.
Define 'item' here.  Is it a field, a character, is it a line?
I'm going to assume that you mean that you want to loop through the file 
line by line, inserting to the database the line's fields in this order:
fields[20], ..., fields[27], fields[0], fields[1], ..., fields[n-1]

This example:

shows how the csv.reader lets you loop over csv data line by line, each 
line is a list of fields.  Using Python's slicing operations you can 
easily rearrange the line's fields to suit your output needs.

See also:


From jim at  Fri Mar 21 00:55:17 2008
From: jim at (jim stockford)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 16:55:17 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] question concerning Boolean operators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    i'm guessing assignment, which actually associates
a reference, will skip referencing an identifier to a null
and will make the association (assignment) to the first
non-null value in the expression, which is string2 in
this case. that the identifier is non_null is immaterial;
you could write
 >>> string1, string2, string3 = '', 'Trondheim', 'Hammer Dance'
 >>> jackson = string1 or string2 or string3
 >>> jackson

On Mar 20, 2008, at 4:32 PM, Guba wrote:

> Dear list,
> from Guido's tutorial:
> It is possible to assign the result of a comparison or other Boolean
> expression to a variable. For example,
> 	>>> string1, string2, string3 = '', 'Trondheim', 'Hammer Dance'
> 	>>> non_null = string1 or string2 or string3
> 	>>> non_null
> 	'Trondheim'
> How does this work?? How does Python know that we are looking for
> non_null? After all, we don't provide this information here, right? (I
> take non_null is a variable.)
> I must be missing something... Can anyone help?
> Many thanks,
> Guba
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From steve at  Fri Mar 21 01:02:10 2008
From: steve at (Steve Willoughby)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 17:02:10 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] question concerning Boolean operators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 04:55:17PM -0700, jim stockford wrote:
>  >>> string1, string2, string3 = '', 'Trondheim', 'Hammer Dance'
>  >>> jackson = string1 or string2 or string3
>  >>> jackson
> 'Trondheim'

The key here is the "or" operator which, in an expression like

    a or b

will return a if a is a True boolean value or b otherwise.  The upshot
is that the result will be True if a OR b is True, and False only if they
are both False.  The *actual* value returned will be the value of a or b.

so here we have:

    string1 or string2 or string3

If string1 is True (which a string is if it's not empty), then that's
the result returned, and we can stop right there.

    non_null = '' or 'Trondheim' or 'Hammer Dance'

However, string1 ('') is empty, which in a Boolean context is False,
so Python goes on to string2 ('Trondheim')  That's non-empty (or True)
so we get that value and don't look further.

    non_null = 'Trondheim'

which is a True value.  If you said:

    if non_null:
        print non_null, 'is not null'
        print "it's null"

The result would be to print:

    Trondheim is not null

Hope that helps

> On Mar 20, 2008, at 4:32 PM, Guba wrote:
> > Dear list,
> >
> > from Guido's tutorial:
> >
> > It is possible to assign the result of a comparison or other Boolean
> > expression to a variable. For example,
> >
> > 	>>> string1, string2, string3 = '', 'Trondheim', 'Hammer Dance'
> > 	>>> non_null = string1 or string2 or string3
> > 	>>> non_null
> > 	'Trondheim'
> >
> > How does this work?? How does Python know that we are looking for
> > non_null? After all, we don't provide this information here, right? (I
> > take non_null is a variable.)
> > I must be missing something... Can anyone help?
> >
> > Many thanks,
> >
> > Guba
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Steve Willoughby    |  Using billion-dollar satellites
steve at   |  to hunt for Tupperware.

From dkuhlman at  Fri Mar 21 01:09:16 2008
From: dkuhlman at (Dave Kuhlman)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 17:09:16 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 03:16:05PM -0600, Spencer Parker wrote:
> I am trying to read a CSV file and the get that information into a MySQL
> database.  I am able to do this, but I have a small problem.  I have a piece
> of software that runs and each iteration is one like.  It only runs once
> right now; there is only one line + the headers.  I use the csv module to
> kill the headers and import the one line.  The problem is...I need to have
> it split the csv file at some point. I need to first 20 items taken off and
> then have the next 7 + the first 20 imported into the database...then have
> it do this for the next 7 + the first on and so forth until hits the
> end of the line.
> Any ideas?

Consider the following bit of code:

    In [6]: f = open('csv_report.csv', 'r')
    In [7]: r = csv.reader(f)
    In [8]: lines = [line for line in r]
    In [9]: lines
    [['Name', 'Description', 'Rating'],
     ['Lemon', 'Bright yellow and tart', '5'],
     ['Eggplant', 'Purple and shiny', '6'],
     ['Tangerine', 'Succulent', '8']]

Once you get a list of lists (a list of rows containing lists of
fields), you can process and skip whichever rows you wish.

Are the items you want to skip/process the rows or the fields.  If
it's the fields, then you might consider flattening your list of
lists.  If you need to do that, then the following might help:

    In [23]: fields = []
    In [24]: for line in lines:
       ....:     for field in line:
       ....:         fields.append(field)
    In [25]: fields
     'Bright yellow and tart',
     'Purple and shiny',

Then process *that* list.

Does someone know a slicker way to flatten a list?  I could not
find anything helpful in itertools.

Or, is your input so large that you do not want to read it in all at
once.  It would have to be quite large before that would be a

- Dave

Dave Kuhlman

From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar 21 01:56:52 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 00:56:52 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] question concerning Boolean operators
References: <>
Message-ID: <frv111$l8j$>

"Guba" <listsdl04 at> wrote

> >>> string1, string2, string3 = '', 'Trondheim', 'Hammer Dance'
> >>> non_null = string1 or string2 or string3
> >>> non_null
> 'Trondheim'
> How does this work?? How does Python know that we are looking for
> non_null? After all, we don't provide this information here, right? 
> (I
> take non_null is a variable.)

You created non_null as a variable when you did the assignment.

>>> non_null = string1 or string2 or string3

That's how we create variables in Python by assigning a value

The next oddity is that an 'or' operation returned a string rather
than a boolean value. That's because of two features of Python:

First, Python evaluates boolean expressions using "short circuit"
evaluation. That means that for an OR it evaluates the first
element and if its True it doesn't bother with the rest since
if any one is True the whole must be true.

Second, Python considers any non zero/non empty value to
be true, so a string is deemed to be a True value in boolean
terms to Python.

Putting that all together, you created a variable called non_null,
assigned it the value of a boolean or expression which
because of short circuit evaluation turned out to be the
first element.

> I must be missing something... Can anyone help?

You don't say if you already program in another language
but if not you will probably find one of the non-programmers
tutorials easier than Guido's official tutor which assumes
some previous experience.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

From keridee at  Sat Mar 22 03:48:41 2008
From: keridee at (tiger12506)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 21:48:41 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
References: <>
Message-ID: <00c301c88bc7$3d9bc2b0$0702a8c0@home>

>> class SubClass(BaseClass):
>>     def __init__(self, t, *args, **kw):
>>         super(SubClass, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
>>         # do something with t

> Is there a proper way to handle the case when SubClass() is called using 
> positional arguments, and you do not desire "t" to be at the beginning?

Sorry. If you are using *args and **kw then t has to be at the beginning. 
Hmm... Unless you consider t to be part of *args or **kw, then you could 
process those before the call to super's __init__. After the def and before 
the call to the super's __init__, *args and **kw are just a list and a 
dictionary. You can edit them however you wish. ;-)

Also, does anyone want to clarify? I thought that super() only return one of 
the base classes and was frowned upon for objects using multiple 

From esilvers68 at  Fri Mar 21 03:21:29 2008
From: esilvers68 at (Elliot Silvers)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 19:21:29 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Help this newbie
Message-ID: <BLU134-W36EA1A282BC18EB1C071B7C0010@phx.gbl>

I am as new as you can get to Python. I have just learned how to save my work (very simple work of course). I created a folder on C:\ (in this case C:\Elliot) for my work. I am able to use the cmd prompt to run it (cd \Elliot -> C:\Elliot '') however I cannot figure out how to import it using the python (command line). 
Please help. There is most likely a very simple solution. I have just not been able to figure it out. 

Windows Live Hotmail is giving away Zunes.
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From andreas at  Fri Mar 21 03:34:29 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 03:34:29 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
In-Reply-To: <00c301c88bc7$3d9bc2b0$0702a8c0@home>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206066869.17587.8.camel@localhost>

Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 21:48 -0500 schrieb tiger12506:

Actually, super returns all base classes, all in it's own time.

Basically, every class has a member __mro__, that contains a
consistently ordered list of classes.

super needs the class from where it is being called to locate the right
place in the __mro__ and to hand you a wrapper around self for the next
base class in this list.

This way, if all classes use super, they can cooperativly call all
implementations of a given method.

That's the theory. In practice there are a number of pitfalls which
makes super problematic. ;)


> Also, does anyone want to clarify? I thought that super() only return one of 
> the base classes and was frowned upon for objects using multiple 
> inheritance??? 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From keridee at  Sat Mar 22 04:38:28 2008
From: keridee at (tiger12506)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 22:38:28 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Help this newbie
References: <BLU134-W36EA1A282BC18EB1C071B7C0010@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <000d01c88bce$31379830$0702a8c0@home>

This is Windows I presume?


python C:\Elliot\

But for windows you shouldn't have to. You can just double-click the file.
On the other hand, if you mean 'import' as it means in the context of the 
actual python language, then you would put the line "import filename" at the 
top of a script which is supposed to use your module.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Elliot Silvers
To: tutor at
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 9:21 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Help this newbie

I am as new as you can get to Python. I have just learned how to save my 
work (very simple work of course). I created a folder on C:\ (in this case 
C:\Elliot) for my work. I am able to use the cmd prompt to run it (cd 
\Elliot -> C:\Elliot '') however I cannot figure out how to 
import it using the python (command line).
Please help. There is most likely a very simple solution. I have just not 
been able to figure it out.

Windows Live Hotmail is giving away Zunes. Enter for your chance to win.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at 

From bgailer at  Fri Mar 21 04:08:25 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 23:08:25 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

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From keridee at  Sat Mar 22 05:11:37 2008
From: keridee at (tiger12506)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 23:11:37 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
References: <>
Message-ID: <001e01c88bd2$d3087900$0702a8c0@home>

Woah. Either you're leaving out essential info, or python got a lot more 

Firstly, super returns all base classes. How? Does it return a tuple of 
them, or a container object, or is this something horribly worse such as 
syntactic sugar?

It doesn't make sense for it to return a tuple, then super().__init__ would 
call the init method of the tuple, not each class, so then syntactic sugar 
would have to be involved. I doubt that..

A container object could use __getattr__ to magically call each of the 
__init__ methods of the contained class references.
The most logical is the container object. But that leaves things open for 
duplicate calls to __init__
So the container would have to keep track of the base classes it has already 
called... which might be the ordered list __mro__, but those are class 
specific, not global, so each super class would not know if an __init__ has 
been called or not... But then again, you would need duplicate calls because 
each level of super would need different initiation.

I apologize. Would you care to explain this a little more technically? 
Specific and accurate are better than translated into layman's terms. I've 
been with python for a while now. thanks.

>Actually, super returns all base classes, all in it's own time.
>Basically, every class has a member __mro__, that contains a
>consistently ordered list of classes.
>super needs the class from where it is being called to locate the right
>place in the __mro__ and to hand you a wrapper around self for the next
>base class in this list.
>This way, if all classes use super, they can cooperativly call all
>implementations of a given method.
>That's the theory. In practice there are a number of pitfalls which
>makes super problematic. ;)

From sli1que at  Fri Mar 21 04:23:22 2008
From: sli1que at (Eric Walker)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 20:23:22 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] grammer
Message-ID: <>

I have been reading about python grammers for processing text files. Does anyone have any simple examples?


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

From kaushalshriyan at  Fri Mar 21 08:08:49 2008
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 12:38:49 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] rsync python script
Message-ID: <>


MAILTO=kaushal at
0 18 * * * rsync -av /var/lib/mysql kaushal at host77:/var/lib/

If i put this two lines in crontab it will run correctly,My requirement was
to create a python script, this python script should indicate success or
failures and the reason for failure

Any ideas

Thanks and Regards

-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar 21 09:24:38 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:24:38 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Help this newbie
References: <BLU134-W36EA1A282BC18EB1C071B7C0010@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <frvr8k$f3l$>

"Elliot Silvers" <esilvers68 at> wrote

> I am as new as you can get to Python. I have just learned 
> how to save my work (very simple work of course). 
> I created a folder on C:\ (in this case C:\Elliot) for my work. 
> I am able to use the cmd prompt to run it 

Congratulations. You should also be able to run it by 
double clicking in explorer.

> however I cannot figure out how to import it using the 
> python (command line). 

Can you show us what happens when you try.
Cut n paste from the command window into your email.

However there are two areas which might be messing things up:
1) do not specify the .py when importing
ie to import type import foo
2) Make sure your Elliot folder is in the import path. 
There are several waays to do this, the simplest is to add
your folder to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

(If 2 is the problem then the impoprt should work OK if 
you CD to your folder before starting Python...)

To set environment variables see the sidebar in the 
Moresequences topic in my tutorial... You will probably 
need to create PYTHONPATH as a new variable.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From alan.gauld at  Fri Mar 21 09:25:52 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:25:52 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] grammer
References: <>
Message-ID: <frvrau$f9d$>

"Eric Walker" <sli1que at> wrote 

> I have been reading about python grammers for processing 
> text files. Does anyone have any simple examples?

Can you give us a context?
eg. Where were you doing the reading?

Alan G

From andreas at  Fri Mar 21 10:25:36 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 10:25:36 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
In-Reply-To: <001e01c88bd2$d3087900$0702a8c0@home>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206091536.17587.11.camel@localhost>

It does not return them at once.

It returns them piece by piece:
andreas at andi-lap:/tmp> cat 
class A(object):
    v=lambda self: "A"
class B(object):
    v=lambda self: "B"
class C(B,A):
    v=lambda self: "C"

print C.__mro__

print c.v()
print super(C, c).v()
print super(B, c).v()
andreas at andi-lap:/tmp> python2.5 
(<class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <type 'object'>)


Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 23:11 -0500 schrieb tiger12506:
> Woah. Either you're leaving out essential info, or python got a lot more 
> complicated.
> Firstly, super returns all base classes. How? Does it return a tuple of 
> them, or a container object, or is this something horribly worse such as 
> syntactic sugar?
> It doesn't make sense for it to return a tuple, then super().__init__ would 
> call the init method of the tuple, not each class, so then syntactic sugar 
> would have to be involved. I doubt that..
> A container object could use __getattr__ to magically call each of the 
> __init__ methods of the contained class references.
> The most logical is the container object. But that leaves things open for 
> duplicate calls to __init__
> So the container would have to keep track of the base classes it has already 
> called... which might be the ordered list __mro__, but those are class 
> specific, not global, so each super class would not know if an __init__ has 
> been called or not... But then again, you would need duplicate calls because 
> each level of super would need different initiation.
> I apologize. Would you care to explain this a little more technically? 
> Specific and accurate are better than translated into layman's terms. I've 
> been with python for a while now. thanks.
> >Actually, super returns all base classes, all in it's own time.
> >
> >Basically, every class has a member __mro__, that contains a
> >consistently ordered list of classes.
> >
> >super needs the class from where it is being called to locate the right
> >place in the __mro__ and to hand you a wrapper around self for the next
> >base class in this list.
> >
> >This way, if all classes use super, they can cooperativly call all
> >implementations of a given method.
> >
> >That's the theory. In practice there are a number of pitfalls which
> >makes super problematic. ;)
> >
> >Andreas 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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Type: application/pgp-signature
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Desc: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil
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From tktucker at  Fri Mar 21 11:57:21 2008
From: tktucker at (Tom Tucker)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 06:57:21 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] rsync python script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The success or failure could be confirmed by checking the exit status and/or
confirming host77 has the same /var/lib file structure as the source host.
The later is the most accurate, however a bit more complicated to confirm.
As for determining the reason for failure, possible causes off the top of my
head might be name resolution, network failure, either system being offline,
crond problems on originating system, /var/lib filesystem full on host77,
etc.  I would continue to brainstorm other possible causes and think of ways
to check for it in your script. For example, perform a name resolution check
on host77. If resolvable, proceed to ping check method.   Good luck.

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 3:08 AM, Kaushal Shriyan <kaushalshriyan at>

> Hi
> MAILTO=kaushal at
> 0 18 * * * rsync -av /var/lib/mysql kaushal at host77:/var/lib/
> If i put this two lines in crontab it will run correctly,My requirement
> was to create a python script, this python script should indicate success or
> failures and the reason for failure
> Any ideas
> Thanks and Regards
> Kaushal
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Fri Mar 21 12:48:30 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 07:48:30 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
In-Reply-To: <1206066869.17587.8.camel@localhost>
References: <>	<00c301c88bc7$3d9bc2b0$0702a8c0@home>
Message-ID: <>

tiger12506 wrote:
 > Also, does anyone want to clarify? I thought that super() only return 
one of
 > the base classes and was frowned upon for objects using multiple
 > inheritance???

super() returns the next class in method-resolution order. super() was 
added to the language specifically to address some problems introduced 
by multiple inheritance.

Actually super() doesn't return a class at all, it returns an object of 
type 'super' that is a proxy for the actual class. And the class it 
proxies may not even be an ancestor of the class named as the first 
argument. For example:

class A(object):
     def v(self):
         print 'A'

class B(A):
     def v(self):
         print 'B'
         super(B, self).v()

class C(A):
     def v(self):
         print 'C'
         super(C, self).v()

class D(B, C):
     def v(self):
         print 'D'
         super(D, self).v()



so super(B, D()) points to C which is not a base class of B at all; it 
*is* the next class after B in D.__mro__ which is
(<class '__main__.D'>, <class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.C'>, 
<class '__main__.A'>, <type 'object'>)

The super() docs are quite inaccurate on this point. There is already an 
issue for this in Roundup that seems to have foundered on how to explain 
some of the finer points of super(). (Hmmm... "If the implementation is 
hard to explain, it's a bad idea." What if it is impossible to explain 
:-) The issue has some suggested improvements for the docs:

Andreas Kostyrka wrote:
> This way, if all classes use super, they can cooperativly call all
> implementations of a given method.

The key here is "if all classes use super". super() needs to be used 
consistently in an inheritance hierarchy.

> That's the theory. In practice there are a number of pitfalls which
> makes super problematic. ;)

Yes. Here is a fairly lengthy document from the Chandler project about 
the correct way to use super:

The complications lead some people to conclude either that super() is 
either too broken or too complicated to use:

Guido's response to the above:

For myself, I have concluded that super() is difficult to use correctly 
and addresses problems that I have never had in practice, so I don't use it.


From kent37 at  Fri Mar 21 13:01:23 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:01:23 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] grammer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Eric Walker wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been reading about python grammers for processing text files. Does anyone have any simple examples?

Do you mean parsers written in Python for processing text files? A 
grammar is usually an abstract specification of a format, not something 
that will actually process the format.

There are many add-on packages for writing parsers in Python. A good 
list is here:

IMO pyparsing is one of the easiest to use. It comes with many examples:

One of the pyparsing examples parses grammar descriptions in Extended 
Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) and produces a pyparsing parser for the grammar:

David Mertz' book Text Processing in Python has many examples:


From inthefridge at  Fri Mar 21 15:41:41 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:41:41 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This is why I should not be allowed to write emails at the end of the day.
At least ones that need deep explanation.  Let's try this a second time.

I am running virt-top on a Xen box.  This grabs information about various
things.  I can set how many iterations of it I want to run.  I only have it
running once now.  It dumps all of its information into a CSV file.  Now I
have 10 virtual machines running on this Xen box right now.  It has one line
that is all of the headers.  Then on the next line it lists all of the
machines information...all on one line.  So I basically have something that
is 70 columns long + 2 columns of host machine specific data.  I want to
insert all of this into a MySQL database that then is processed it all into
a webpage.

I have a test server that only had one machine running so I could experiment
in getting the data into the database.  That part I have working properly.
My problem is that I need to be able to get all of the data of all the
machine running into the database as well.  All of them in their own
specific row.

The first 20 columns in the CSV are for the host machine...then the next 7
items are specific to the virtual machine.  All it lists after the first
20+7 is virtual machine data.  So I want to join the first 20 columns up
with the first 7...then the first 20 columns up with the next on and
so forth.

This is what I have now...


import MySQLdb
import csv
import sys

    db = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",user = "user",passwd =
"password",db = "stats")
except MySQLdb.Error, e:
    print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
    sys.exit (1)

    co = db.cursor()
    csv_data = csv.reader(file('output.txt','r'))

    for row in csv_data: print row
        INSERT INTO stats (Hostname, Time, Arch, PhysicalCPU, Count,
Running, Blocked, Paused, Shutdown, Shutoff, Crashed, Active, Inactive,
PCPU, TotalMemory, Totalguestmemory, TotalCPUtime, DomainID, Domainname,


except MySQLdb.Error, e:
    print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
    sys.exit (1)


Sorry for the confusion I caused everyone...trying to run out of work...and
write an email is not the best combo ever.  Thanks again for all of the

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 9:08 PM, bob gailer <bgailer at> wrote:

>  On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 03:16:05PM -0600, Spencer Parker wrote:
> I've interspersed a bunch of comments to show you how hard it has been to
> read and understand your problem description. After going thru it I think I
> understand the question.
> Please in the future try to express the question more clearly.
>  I am trying to read a CSV file and the get that information into a MySQL
> database.  I am able to do this
> You are able to do what? Read csv files? Insert into my SQL?
>  but I have a small problem.  I have a piece of software
>  Is this a Python program? Will you post it so we can see it?
>  that runs
>  Good - it is nice to have running software
>  and each iteration is one like
>  Like what?
>  It only runs once right now
>  Is that a problem?
>  there is only one line + the headers.
>  In the input file??
>  I use the csv module to kill
>  Kill?
>  the headers and import
>  import in Python has a specific meaning. I don't think you mean import in
> the Python sense.
>  the one line.
>  The problem is...I need to have it split the csv file
>  the file or the line following the headers?
>   at some point. I need to first 20 items taken off
>  Of what? To understand this we'd need to see an example of the csv file.
>  and then have the next 7 + the first 20 imported into the database
>  Huh? I know all of this makes sense to you but not to me. So you need to
> give me a much better picture.
>  then have it do this for the next 7 + the first on and so forth until hits the
> end of the line.
>  Having waded thru all that I will make a guess:
> The csv file format is:
> Headers Line
> Data Line
> and Data Line looks like:
> item1,. item2, ... item20, data11, data12, ... data17, data21, data22, ...
> data27, etc.
> And you want to insert into the datbase:
> item1,. item2, ... item20, data11, data12, ... data17
> item1,. item2, ... item20, data21, data22, ... data27
> etc
>  Any ideas?
>   If I were you and my guesses above are correct I'd reduce the problem
> statement to:
> given a line from a csv file of the format:
> item1,. item2, ... item20, data11, data12, ... data17, data21, data22, ...
> data27, etc.
> How do I create a series of INSERT statements to insert into the database
> item1,. item2, ... item20, data11, data12, ... data17
> item1,. item2, ... item20, data21, data22, ... data27
> --
> Bob Gailer
> 919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Spencer Parker

"if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."

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From keridee at  Sat Mar 22 17:44:18 2008
From: keridee at (tiger12506)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 11:44:18 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
References: <>
Message-ID: <000201c88c3c$09816320$0702a8c0@home>

So super(A, c) refers to the baseclass object?

I don't like this. It partially suggests that A is a superclass of B.
I guess I have to be sure to notice the second parameter which tells of 
which instance I'm finding the superclass.

fyi I totally didn't notice the first parameter of super... was it there in 
previous versions of python?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andreas Kostyrka" <andreas at>
To: "tiger12506" <keridee at>
Cc: <tutor at>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 4:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?

class A(object):
    v=lambda self: "A"
class B(object):
    v=lambda self: "B"
class C(B,A):
    v=lambda self: "C"

print C.__mro__

print c.v()
print super(C, c).v()
print super(B, c).v()

(<class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <type 

From eric at  Fri Mar 21 17:01:31 2008
From: eric at (Eric Walstad)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 09:01:31 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Hey Spencer,

Spencer Parker wrote:
> This is why I should not be allowed to write emails at the end of the 
> day.  At least ones that need deep explanation.  Let's try this a second 
> time.
Thanks, this looks better, but...

> This is what I have now...
*What isn't working* the way you want?  Traceback?  I'll guess that you 
don't want to have to hardcode the columns for a fixed number of virtual 
machine data into your sql string...

> try:
>     co = db.cursor()
>     csv_data = csv.reader(file('output.txt','r'))
>     for row in csv_data: print row
>     co.execute("""
>         INSERT INTO stats (Hostname, Time, Arch, PhysicalCPU, Count, 
> Running, Blocked, Paused, Shutdown, Shutoff, Crashed, Active, Inactive, 
> PCPU, TotalMemory, Totalguestmemory, TotalCPUtime, DomainID, Domainname, 
>         VALUES 
> (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);
>             """,row)
>     co.close()
Huh?  I was expecting to see 27 fields (20 for the host machine and 7 
for the virtual machine), you have 25 above.  Yes, a traceback or 
explanation of what's going wrong would be helpful.

Other things I'd recommend are:

1. I'm pretty sure that your 'row' above is a list of values. 
Investigate Python's list slicing operator[1] that other responses to 
your first email have used.  Doing so will help you understand...

2. Kent's response to your first email looks great.  Reread it and I 
think you'll find it does what you want (handle a variable number of 
virtual machines and their data).  See also: the range function and it's 
'step' argument[2].

3. Nice that you are sending the 'row' list to the database adapter and 
letting it escape the values.  In your case I don't think you have to 
worry about SQL injection, but it's a good habit to get into if you ever 
need to stuff end-user data into a database.



From eric at  Fri Mar 21 17:10:09 2008
From: eric at (Eric Walstad)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 09:10:09 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] rsync python script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
> Hi
> MAILTO=kaushal at <mailto:kaushal at>
> 0 18 * * * rsync -av /var/lib/mysql kaushal at host77:/var/lib/
> If i put this two lines in crontab it will run correctly,My requirement 
> was to create a python script, this python script should indicate 
> success or failures and the reason for failure
It looks like rsync can output to a text file.  Python makes text 
parsing a breeze.  Have you defined 'indicate', 'success' and 'failure' 
yet?  When will your python script run?  Who/What will run it?

From kaushalshriyan at  Fri Mar 21 17:22:04 2008
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 21:52:04 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] rsync python script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 9:40 PM, Eric Walstad <eric at> wrote:

> Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > MAILTO=kaushal at <mailto:kaushal at>
> > 0 18 * * * rsync -av /var/lib/mysql kaushal at host77:/var/lib/
> >
> > If i put this two lines in crontab it will run correctly,My requirement
> > was to create a python script, this python script should indicate
> > success or failures and the reason for failure
> It looks like rsync can output to a text file.  Python makes text
> parsing a breeze.  Have you defined 'indicate', 'success' and 'failure'
> yet?  When will your python script run?  Who/What will run it?

Hi Eric

Can i have a sample python script which can take care of this rsync
application and at the same time indicating success and failure and the
reason for failure

Thanks and Regards

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From inthefridge at  Fri Mar 21 18:47:09 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 11:47:09 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

So if my long row is row do I tell it to use row 2?

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Spencer Parker wrote:
> > I am trying to read a CSV file and the get that information into a MySQL
> > database.  I am able to do this, but I have a small problem.  I have a
> > piece of software that runs and each iteration is one like.  It only
> > runs once right now; there is only one line + the headers.  I use the
> > csv module to kill the headers and import the one line.  The problem
> > is...I need to have it split the csv file at some point. I need to first
> > 20 items taken off and then have the next 7 + the first 20 imported into
> > the database...then have it do this for the next 7 + the first
> > on and so forth until hits the end of the line.
> I'm not sure I understand. It sounds like you have a very long line of
> data from the csv file and you want to split it into groups of 7, after
> taking the first 20 items. If that is correct, something like this might
> work:
> row = ... # your long row
> prefix = row[:20] # the twenty items that repeat
> for i in range(20, len(row), 7):
>   next = prefix + row[i:i+7]
>   # Handle 'next' - add it to the database or whateve
> Kent

Spencer Parker

"if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."

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From kent37 at  Fri Mar 21 18:54:31 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:54:31 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Spencer Parker wrote:
> So if my long row is row do I tell it to use row 2?

csv_data = csv.reader(file('output.txt','r'))
headers = # Skip header row
row = # The row with data


From inthefridge at  Fri Mar 21 19:59:44 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 12:59:44 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <> I got it mostly now dies with this trackback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 23, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148, in
    query = query % db.literal(args)

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 11:54 AM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Spencer Parker wrote:
> > So if my long row is row do I tell it to use row 2?
> csv_data = csv.reader(file('output.txt','r'))
> headers = # Skip header row
> row = # The row with data
> Kent

Spencer Parker

"if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."

-------------- next part --------------
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From wackedd at  Fri Mar 21 20:03:36 2008
From: wackedd at (wackedd at
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 12:03:36 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] More Converter
Message-ID: <>

I am still in need of more help. Currently I am just trying to get one conversion down, as then I can duplicate it. However I am not sure how to make it Convert. Currently I am working with:

# Converter
Original = raw_input("Insert inches, feet ")
To = raw_input("Insert inches, feet ")
Variable = int(raw_input("Insert Amount to Convert "))
if Original == raw_input(feet) and To == raw_input(inches):
        print Variable*12

I want it so that if the raw_input from Original is feet, and the raw_input from To is inches it will print the raw_input from Variable*12.
I always get this error message though

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/donaldlucas/Documents/Python Scripts/", line 5, in <module>
    if Original == raw_input(feet) and To == raw_input(inches):
NameError: name 'feet' is not defined

I would assume that this is because I am not doing the if Orignal== part correctly. Help me?

From kent37 at  Fri Mar 21 20:18:53 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:18:53 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Spencer Parker wrote:
> I got it mostly now dies with this trackback:

It would be helpful to see what 'it' is (i.e. your code), and also to 
see the actual error message as well as the traceback. We try to read 
minds on this group but we aren't really very good at it.


> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./", line 23, in ?
>     co.execute("""
>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 
> 148, in execute
>     query = query % db.literal(args)

From inthefridge at  Fri Mar 21 20:24:30 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:24:30 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I posted it in a previous message on the list...but here it is...


import MySQLdb
import csv
import sys

    db = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",user = "root",passwd =
"Ch33s3Monk3y",db = "xenstats")
except MySQLdb.Error, e:
    print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
    sys.exit (1)

    co = db.cursor()
    csv_data = csv.reader(file('output.txt','r'))
    headers =
    row =
    prefix = row[:20]
    for i in range(20, len(row), 7):
        next = prefix + row[i:i+7]

        for row in csv_data: print next
            INSERT INTO stats VALUES


except MySQLdb.Error, e:
    print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
    sys.exit (1)


On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:18 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Spencer Parker wrote:
> > I got it mostly now dies with this trackback:
> It would be helpful to see what 'it' is (i.e. your code), and also to
> see the actual error message as well as the traceback. We try to read
> minds on this group but we aren't really very good at it.
> Kent
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "./", line 23, in ?
> >     co.execute("""
> >   File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line
> > 148, in execute
> >     query = query % db.literal(args)

Spencer Parker

"if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."

-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Fri Mar 21 20:34:14 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:34:14 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Spencer Parker wrote:
> I posted it in a previous message on the list...but here it is...

Looks new to me...
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import MySQLdb
> import csv
> import sys
> try:
>     db = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",user = "root",passwd = 
> "Ch33s3Monk3y",db = "xenstats")
> except MySQLdb.Error, e:
>     print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
>     sys.exit (1)
> try:
>     co = db.cursor()
>     csv_data = csv.reader(file('output.txt','r'))
>     headers =
>     row =
>     prefix = row[:20]
>     for i in range(20, len(row), 7):
>         next = prefix + row[i:i+7]
>         for row in csv_data: print next

Why do you have this loop? You only want to process one row, right?

>         co.execute("""
>             INSERT INTO stats VALUES 
> (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);
>         """,row)

Should be next - the processed data - not row - the raw data.

You still didn't show the actual error message. After the traceback 
there should be an error.


From inthefridge at  Fri Mar 21 20:42:33 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:42:33 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This is all that I get when I run it...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 23, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148, in
    query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:34 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Spencer Parker wrote:
> > I posted it in a previous message on the list...but here it is...
> Looks new to me...
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/python
> >
> > import MySQLdb
> > import csv
> > import sys
> >
> > try:
> >     db = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",user = "root",passwd =
> > "Ch33s3Monk3y",db = "xenstats")
> > except MySQLdb.Error, e:
> >     print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
> >     sys.exit (1)
> >
> > try:
> >     co = db.cursor()
> >     csv_data = csv.reader(file('output.txt','r'))
> >     headers =
> >     row =
> >     prefix = row[:20]
> >     for i in range(20, len(row), 7):
> >         next = prefix + row[i:i+7]
> >
> >         for row in csv_data: print next
> Why do you have this loop? You only want to process one row, right?
> >         co.execute("""
> >             INSERT INTO stats VALUES
> >
> (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);
> >         """,row)
> Should be next - the processed data - not row - the raw data.
> You still didn't show the actual error message. After the traceback
> there should be an error.
> Kent

Spencer Parker

"if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."

-------------- next part --------------
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From inthefridge at  Fri Mar 21 20:44:32 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:44:32 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

That loop was some weird indentation that was caused when I pasted
wasn't suppose to be indented like that...

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:42 PM, Spencer Parker <inthefridge at>

> This is all that I get when I run it...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./", line 23, in ?
>     co.execute("""
>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148,
> in execute
>     query = query % db.literal(args)
> TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:34 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> > Spencer Parker wrote:
> > > I posted it in a previous message on the list...but here it is...
> >
> > Looks new to me...
> > >
> > > #!/usr/bin/python
> > >
> > > import MySQLdb
> > > import csv
> > > import sys
> > >
> > > try:
> > >     db = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",user = "root",passwd =
> > > "Ch33s3Monk3y",db = "xenstats")
> > > except MySQLdb.Error, e:
> > >     print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
> > >     sys.exit (1)
> > >
> > > try:
> > >     co = db.cursor()
> > >     csv_data = csv.reader(file('output.txt','r'))
> > >     headers =
> > >     row =
> > >     prefix = row[:20]
> > >     for i in range(20, len(row), 7):
> > >         next = prefix + row[i:i+7]
> > >
> > >         for row in csv_data: print next
> >
> > Why do you have this loop? You only want to process one row, right?
> >
> > >         co.execute("""
> > >             INSERT INTO stats VALUES
> > >
> > (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);
> > >         """,row)
> >
> > Should be next - the processed data - not row - the raw data.
> >
> > You still didn't show the actual error message. After the traceback
> > there should be an error.
> >
> > Kent
> >
> --
> Spencer Parker
> _______________________________________________________
> "if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."
> _______________________________________________________

Spencer Parker

"if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."

-------------- next part --------------
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From inthefridge at  Fri Mar 21 20:50:37 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:50:37 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I took that loop out...I had that in from something else and forgot to take
it out...I took it out and it still does the same error.

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:44 PM, Spencer Parker <inthefridge at>

> That loop was some weird indentation that was caused when I pasted
> wasn't suppose to be indented like that...
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:42 PM, Spencer Parker <inthefridge at>
> wrote:
> > This is all that I get when I run it...
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "./", line 23, in ?
> >     co.execute("""
> >   File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line
> > 148, in execute
> >     query = query % db.literal(args)
> > TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:34 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> >
> > > Spencer Parker wrote:
> > > > I posted it in a previous message on the list...but here it is...
> > >
> > > Looks new to me...
> > > >
> > > > #!/usr/bin/python
> > > >
> > > > import MySQLdb
> > > > import csv
> > > > import sys
> > > >
> > > > try:
> > > >     db = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",user = "root",passwd =
> > > > "Ch33s3Monk3y",db = "xenstats")
> > > > except MySQLdb.Error, e:
> > > >     print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
> > > >     sys.exit (1)
> > > >
> > > > try:
> > > >     co = db.cursor()
> > > >     csv_data = csv.reader(file('output.txt','r'))
> > > >     headers =
> > > >     row =
> > > >     prefix = row[:20]
> > > >     for i in range(20, len(row), 7):
> > > >         next = prefix + row[i:i+7]
> > > >
> > > >         for row in csv_data: print next
> > >
> > > Why do you have this loop? You only want to process one row, right?
> > >
> > > >         co.execute("""
> > > >             INSERT INTO stats VALUES
> > > >
> > > (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);
> > > >         """,row)
> > >
> > > Should be next - the processed data - not row - the raw data.
> > >
> > > You still didn't show the actual error message. After the traceback
> > > there should be an error.
> > >
> > > Kent
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Spencer Parker
> > _______________________________________________________
> >
> > "if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."
> >
> > _______________________________________________________
> >
> --
> Spencer Parker
> _______________________________________________________
> "if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."
> _______________________________________________________

Spencer Parker

"if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."

-------------- next part --------------
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From marc.tompkins at  Fri Mar 21 20:55:36 2008
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 12:55:36 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 12:42 PM, Spencer Parker <inthefridge at>

> This is all that I get when I run it...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./", line 23, in ?
>     co.execute("""
>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148,
> in execute
>     query = query % db.literal(args)
> TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

>         co.execute("""
> > >             INSERT INTO stats VALUES
> > >
> > (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);
> > >         """,row)
> >
You have triple quotes around your SQL.  That means that "implied" line
breaks become real.  It won't look as nice, but take the line breaks out and
I think it ought to work.

Just my $.02...

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From kent37 at  Fri Mar 21 20:55:45 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:55:45 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Spencer Parker wrote:
> That loop was some weird indentation that was caused when I pasted 
> wasn't suppose to be indented like that...

Why is it there at all? The loop with range() is the one that is 
generating the data you want to store.

>     This is all that I get when I run it...
>     TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

You didn't include that line before. That means you have more arguments 
(the length of row) than you have %s placeholders.


From marc.tompkins at  Fri Mar 21 20:58:43 2008
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 12:58:43 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sorry... no, it still shouldn't work...
maybe like so:
co.execute('''INSERT INTO stats
% row''')

> You have triple quotes around your SQL.  That means that "implied" line
> breaks become real.  It won't look as nice, but take the line breaks out and
> I think it ought to work.
> Just my $.02...
> --

-------------- next part --------------
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From inthefridge at  Fri Mar 21 21:37:26 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 14:37:26 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <> this is what I have now..

  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148, in
    query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim output.txt
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 22, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148, in
    query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim output.txt
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 22, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148, in
    query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 22, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148, in
    query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 22, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148, in
    query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 22, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148, in
    query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 22, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value
count at row 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 22, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL
syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for
the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim output.txt
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 22, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL
syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for
the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim output.txt
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 22, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value
count at row 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 22, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148, in
    query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
  File "./", line 30
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL
syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for
the right syntax to use near '' at line 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL
syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for
the right syntax to use near '' at line 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL
syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for
the right syntax to use near '' at line 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value
count at row 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148, in
    query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148, in
    query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ python
Python 2.4.3 (#1, Mar 14 2007, 19:01:42)
[GCC 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-52)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 17 +8
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ python
Python 2.4.3 (#1, Mar 14 2007, 19:01:42)
[GCC 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-52)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value
count at row 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value
count at row 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value
count at row 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value
count at row 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value
count at row 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value
count at row 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value
count at row 1")
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim
[sjpark at pxe ~]$ vim

import MySQLdb
import csv
import sys

    db = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",user = "root",passwd =
"Ch33s3Monk3y",db = "xenstats")
except MySQLdb.Error, e:
    print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
    sys.exit (1)

co = db.cursor()
csv_data = csv.reader(file('output.txt','r'))
headers =
row =
prefix = row[:17]
for i in range(17, len(row), 8):
    next = prefix + row[i:i+8]

        INSERT INTO stats
        % row''')


Now I get this error:

  File "./", line 25, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value
count at row 1")

I have a database that has 26 columns in data should only be
25.  I have one that auto increments  a unique ID for.

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:58 PM, Marc Tompkins <marc.tompkins at>

> Sorry... no, it still shouldn't work...
> maybe like so:
> co.execute('''INSERT INTO stats
> VALUES("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s"
> % row''')
> > You have triple quotes around your SQL.  That means that "implied" line
> > breaks become real.  It won't look as nice, but take the line breaks out and
> > I think it ought to work.
> >
> > Just my $.02...
> >
> > --
> >
> --

Spencer Parker

"if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."

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From sli1que at  Fri Mar 21 21:49:54 2008
From: sli1que at (Eric Walker)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:49:54 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Python Grammer
Message-ID: <>

Did anyone respond to my Python Grammer Question?



Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

From kent37 at  Fri Mar 21 22:44:33 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:44:33 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Spencer Parker wrote:
> this is what I have now..

Do you really expect us to read through this? If you can't be bothered 
to compose a decent question and read the answers then neither can I.


From kent37 at  Fri Mar 21 23:06:03 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 18:06:03 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Marc Tompkins wrote:
> Sorry... no, it still shouldn't work...
> maybe like so:
> co.execute('''INSERT INTO stats 
> VALUES("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" 
> % row''')
>     You have triple quotes around your SQL.  That means that "implied"
>     line breaks become real.  It won't look as nice, but take the line
>     breaks out and I think it ought to work.

Wrong on both counts. The triple quotes and line breaks are fine and row 
should be passed as a separate argument as it was.


From dineshbvadhia at  Fri Mar 21 23:37:17 2008
From: dineshbvadhia at (Dinesh B Vadhia)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:37:17 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Python to C++
Message-ID: <BAY109-DAV14BCEE7E1084826FACDC5CA3010@phx.gbl>

Thank-you for all the suggestions for converting to C/C++ which will be followed up.  

Can we interface Python to a C++ library and if so how?


Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 17:21:52 -0000
From: "Alan Gauld" <alan.gauld at>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python to C++
To: tutor at
Message-ID: <fru6bt$qg6$1 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

"Dinesh B Vadhia" <dineshbvadhia at> wrote

> Say because of performance, you might want to re-write/convert 
> Python code to C++.  What is the best way (or best practice) 
> to do this wrt the tools available?

It may be obvious but its worth noting that optimised Python may 
be faster than a badly written C port. So first make sure you have 
squeezed the best performance out of Python.

Secondly only rewrite the bits that need it so use the profiler to 
identify the bottlenecks in your Python code and move those 
to a separate module to reduce conversion effort.

After that the advice already given re pyrex/psycho etc is all good.

You might also find SWIG a useful alternative if you decide 
to rewrite the slow functions by hand. SWIG will help wrap 
those functions so that the remaining Python code can 
access them.

Alan G.

-------------- next part --------------
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From sli1que at  Fri Mar 21 23:40:02 2008
From: sli1que at (Eric Walker)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:40:02 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Python Grammer
Message-ID: <>

Ok, I found the responses, sorry.. 
I have been reading the book "Text Processing in PYTHON" by David Mertz.
I have some text that I have to parse. I want to use grammers. I can't seem to understand how the syntax works. 
something like:
hello :=<some regex >

Thanks in Advance

Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

From alan.gauld at  Sat Mar 22 00:24:56 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 23:24:56 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] More Converter
References: <>
Message-ID: <fs1g49$g7t$>

<wackedd at> wrote

> Original = raw_input("Insert inches, feet ")
> To = raw_input("Insert inches, feet ")
> Variable = int(raw_input("Insert Amount to Convert "))

Up to here is OK.

> if Original == raw_input(feet) and To == raw_input(inches):

But here you get a bit confused.
raw_input is used to get input from the user as a string.
You have already stored the input so now you want to
compare that input to a literal value so you don't need
to use raw_input here, just compare to the actual string:

if Original == "feet" and To == "inches":
        print Variable*12

And that will work.
However to make your program easier for the
user - less typing and less chance of error you might
like to present a menu so that the user only has to
type one number or letter

Unit_Menu = """
1)    Yards
2)    Feet
3)    Inches

Select a unit(1-3)"""

>From = raw_input(Unit_Menu)
To = raw_input(Unit_Menu)

if From == "2" and To == "3":
  print From * 12

> I always get this error message though
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/Users/donaldlucas/Documents/Python Scripts/", 
> line 5, in <module>
>    if Original == raw_input(feet) and To == raw_input(inches):
> NameError: name 'feet' is not defined

raw_input expects a string or a string variable. Without quotes
Python expects feet to be a variable name but no suh variable
has been defined. But as above you don;t need raw_input,
just compare to the literal string "feet".


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

From alan.gauld at  Sat Mar 22 00:27:59 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 23:27:59 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Python Grammer
References: <>
Message-ID: <fs1ga0$gor$>

"Eric Walker" <sli1que at> wrote

> I have some text that I have to parse. I want to use grammers.
> I can't seem to understand how the syntax works.
> something like:
> hello :=<some regex >

OK, Thats somethjing called Backaus Naur Format (or BNF),
try Googling for it - or Wikipedia - and you will get lots of 
It's a format for defining grammars (such as programming languages.)
ISTR it was invented to describe Algol which was the great grand-daddy
of C/C++/Java etc.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 01:01:23 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:01:23 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] returning two values
Message-ID: <>

is it possible to return two values?
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From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 01:03:46 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:03:46 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] list
Message-ID: <>

how do I create an empy int array of 10?
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From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 01:04:21 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:04:21 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] append string
Message-ID: <>

how do I append to the end of strings?
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From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 01:05:10 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:05:10 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] int to string
Message-ID: <>

how do I convert int to string?
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From gregor.lingl at  Sat Mar 22 01:11:02 2008
From: gregor.lingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 01:11:02 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] returning two values
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris schrieb:
> is it possible to return two values?
 >>> def return2():
    return "this", "that"

 >>> return2()
('this', 'that')
 >>> a,b=return2()
 >>> a
 >>> b

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

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From steve at  Sat Mar 22 01:11:33 2008
From: steve at (Steve Willoughby)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:11:33 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] returning two values
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris wrote:
> is it possible to return two values?

Yes and no.  You can return "a" value, but that value may itself be a
tuple of values.  Or a list, dictionary or other kind of object.

 > how do I create an empy int array of 10?

If an int array has 10 things in it, it's not empty.  You don't
need to pre-declare the size of arrays (actually we call them
tuples and lists) in Python at all.  To make an empty list, just
use [] like this:

a = []

You can then fill it with whatever you like.  Also there is
no notion of "int array".  Each element may be of a different

 > how do I append to the end of strings?

a = "Hello"
a += " world"

a now contains "Hello world"

 > how do I convert int to string?

You could use the str() constructor:    str(12) -->  "12"
Or you could use string formatting:     "%d" % 12  --> "12"

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 01:11:50 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:11:50 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] returning two values
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

oh this is brillant, i LOVE python

thank for replying

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 5:11 PM, Gregor Lingl <gregor.lingl at> wrote:

>  elis aeris schrieb:
> is it possible to return two values?
>  Yes:
> >>> def return2():
>     return "this", "that"
> >>> return2()
> ('this', 'that')
> >>> a,b=return2()
> >>> a
> 'this'
> >>> b
> 'that'
> >>>
> Regards,
> Gregor
>  ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
-------------- next part --------------
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From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 01:12:41 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:12:41 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] returning two values
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

so just str(int)

got it,
thanks !

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 5:11 PM, elis aeris <hunter92383 at> wrote:

> oh this is brillant, i LOVE python
> thank for replying
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 5:11 PM, Gregor Lingl <gregor.lingl at> wrote:
> >  elis aeris schrieb:
> >
> > is it possible to return two values?
> >
> >  Yes:
> > >>> def return2():
> >     return "this", "that"
> >
> > >>> return2()
> > ('this', 'that')
> > >>> a,b=return2()
> > >>> a
> > 'this'
> > >>> b
> > 'that'
> > >>>
> > Regards,
> > Gregor
> >
> >  ------------------------------
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
> >
> >
> >
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From andreas at  Sat Mar 22 01:29:01 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 01:29:01 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206145741.11011.6.camel@localhost>


array = []

If you want to assign 10 "None", that would be:

array = [None] * 10


Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 17:03 -0700 schrieb elis aeris:
> how do I create an empy int array of 10?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 01:29:46 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:29:46 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] list
In-Reply-To: <1206145741.11011.6.camel@localhost>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

arra = [0] * 10 ?

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 5:29 PM, Andreas Kostyrka <andreas at>

> Empty?
> array = []
> If you want to assign 10 "None", that would be:
> array = [None] * 10
> Andreas
> Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 17:03 -0700 schrieb elis aeris:
> > how do I create an empy int array of 10?
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
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From steve at  Sat Mar 22 01:41:46 2008
From: steve at (Steve Willoughby)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:41:46 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<1206145741.11011.6.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris wrote:
> arra = [0] * 10 ?

If you want a list of ten zeroes, yes.

A couple of suggestions:

Find a tutorial introduction to Python such as those on, or
google for "dive into python", and go through the examples in there.

Also, use the interactive Python interpreter to try out things like
this.  You'll probably make much faster progress that way compared to
asking such fine-grained questions here.  This is not really a forum
for a long conversational sort of interaction or complete step-by-step
tutorials on Python.

> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 5:29 PM, Andreas Kostyrka <andreas at>
> wrote:
>> Empty?
>> array = []
>> If you want to assign 10 "None", that would be:
>> array = [None] * 10
>> Andreas
>> Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 17:03 -0700 schrieb elis aeris:
>>> how do I create an empy int array of 10?
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From tktucker at  Sat Mar 22 02:39:58 2008
From: tktucker at (Tom Tucker)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 21:39:58 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] int to string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>> y = 3
>>> type(y)
<type 'int'>
>>> x = str(y)
>>> type(x)
<type 'str'>

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 8:05 PM, elis aeris <hunter92383 at> wrote:

> how do I convert int to string?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From tktucker at  Sat Mar 22 02:44:23 2008
From: tktucker at (Tom Tucker)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 21:44:23 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] append string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Strings are immutable, you can't append to them.

How about this....

>>> mystring = 'Elis'

>>> mystring.append('Aeris')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'append'

>>> mystring + ' Aeris'
'Elis Aeris'
>>> x = mystring + ' Aeris'
>>> print x
Elis Aeris

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 8:04 PM, elis aeris <hunter92383 at> wrote:

> how do I append to the end of strings?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From eike.welk at  Sat Mar 22 02:44:54 2008
From: eike.welk at (Eike Welk)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 02:44:54 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python to C++
In-Reply-To: <BAY109-DAV14BCEE7E1084826FACDC5CA3010@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY109-DAV14BCEE7E1084826FACDC5CA3010@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

On Friday 21 March 2008 23:37, Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
> Thank-you for all the suggestions for converting to C/C++ which
> will be followed up.
> Can we interface Python to a C++ library and if so how?
> Dinesh

If you have only few classes / member functions Boost-Python is a good 

I heard that SWIG can also generate glue code for C++.

You could also look at Py-QT they have a tool like SWIG (SIP I think), 
which they use to generate the glue code for the fairly big QT 
library. Maybe you like it better.

From technorapture at  Sat Mar 22 03:01:12 2008
From: technorapture at (Shrutarshi Basu)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 22:01:12 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Pseudo-functions and dicts
Message-ID: <>

I have a dictionary (in a module) which contains values of various
sensors. I would like a user to be able use to a function syntax to
get the sensor values, both as a whole and individually. Currently I
have a function for each value who's sole purpose is to look up the
corresponding dict value and return. But I don't think this is an
elegant way to solve the problem. Is there someway I could define a
single function that responds to all of possible function calls?

My dict : sensor = {'sens1': 200, 'sens2': 300} etc
my functions:
def sens1():
     return sensor['sens1']
same for sens2.

There are two solutions I've thought about:
Have a function that takes in the sensor's name as a string and
responds accordingly. (which might be what I'll end up using)
I could let the user directly access the dict, but I'm not sure if
that is a good idea. My project requires that the user of my module
should not have to know about Python's data structures to use the
values my module returns. If there is some sort of non-functional
dot-separated syntax that I could use, that would be good too.

Embedded Architectures, Systems programming and outrageous ideas --

From maseriyer at  Sat Mar 22 04:08:32 2008
From: maseriyer at (maser)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 20:08:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
Message-ID: <>


I couldn't find a good resource explaining what
@classmethod and @staticmethod are in python and when,
how these could be used.

If someone could explain what these are, or point me
to resources that may help, it is appreciated.


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

From wackedd at  Sat Mar 22 05:49:18 2008
From: wackedd at (wackedd at
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 21:49:18 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Even More Converter!
Message-ID: <>

After my last Email received I have been able to successfully create a Converter, currently it only has 6 units, but I will be adding more. My current code is

# Converter
1) Centimeters
2) Inches
3) Feet
4) Yards
5) Miles
6) Millimeter

Select a unit(1-6) """

>From = raw_input(Unit_Menu)
To = raw_input(Unit_Menu)
Variable = int(raw_input("Insert Amount to Convert "))

And then of course I have multiple followings after this, one example of is this.

# Centimeters to Inches
if From == "1" and To == "2":
        if Variable < 2:
                print Variable, "Centimeter is", Variable/2.5, "Inches"
                print Variable, "Centimeters is", Variable/2.5, "Inches"

It works perfectly, so I am sure my question will not be hard to answer.
When Python gives me the answer to my conversion, is there a way to create it so every 3 numbers a comma is inserted?
Such as: 1 mile is 5,280 feet. Instead of 1 mile is 5280 feet. Yes a simple thing, but something which I believe will make it look better.
Also is there a way to make this so I don't have to go through every individual line of code and add *insert comma* or something to it, simply at the top like how the Unit Menu is placed only once there, and yet applies to the whole document. Thank you

From andreas at  Sat Mar 22 09:46:58 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 09:46:58 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] append string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206175618.11011.11.camel@localhost>

somestring = "ABC"
somestring2 = somestring + "D"
somestring2 += "EF"

assert somestring2 == "ABCDEF"
assert somestring == "ABC"
assert id(somestring) != id(somestring2)

Basically, strings are immutable. If you need to append something to a
string, you need to construct a new string object with the new value.

Now if you are using this to collect huge outputfiles in pieces, one of
the common idioms in Python is collecting it in a list, and converting
to string at the end:

collector = []
for i in xrange(100000):
    collector.append((str(i) * 80)[0:80])

string = "".join(collector)
assert len(string) == 8000000 # ~8MB


Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 17:04 -0700 schrieb elis aeris:
> how do I append to the end of strings?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From andreas at  Sat Mar 22 09:49:02 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 09:49:02 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] int to string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206175742.11011.14.camel@localhost>

Beside casting it with str(), you can also use a format string:

assert "%d" % 10 == "10"
assert "%5d" % 10 == "   10"
assert "%05d" % 10 == "00010"

In practice % supports a superset of what printf in C provides.


Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 17:05 -0700 schrieb elis aeris:
> how do I convert int to string?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From andreas at  Sat Mar 22 09:57:32 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 09:57:32 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Pseudo-functions and dicts
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206176252.11011.20.camel@localhost>

Well, there are basically two ways to go at it.

If you want it at module level, you need to generate the functions:

sensor = {'sens1': 200, 'sens2': 300}

for key in sensor.keys():
    def helper(keytofetch=key):
        return sensor[keytofetch]
    globals()[key] = helper
print sens1()
print sens2()

Alternatively, if you want to stuff into a class, you can do:

class X:
    def __init__(self):
        self.sensor = {}
    def __getattr__(self, key):
        return lambda : self.sensor[key]

x.sensor = {'sens1': 200, 'sens2': 300}

print x.sens1()
print x.sens2()
print x.test() # => raises KeyError


Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 22:01 -0400 schrieb Shrutarshi Basu:
> I have a dictionary (in a module) which contains values of various
> sensors. I would like a user to be able use to a function syntax to
> get the sensor values, both as a whole and individually. Currently I
> have a function for each value who's sole purpose is to look up the
> corresponding dict value and return. But I don't think this is an
> elegant way to solve the problem. Is there someway I could define a
> single function that responds to all of possible function calls?
> Eg.
> My dict : sensor = {'sens1': 200, 'sens2': 300} etc
> my functions:
> def sens1():
>      return sensor['sens1']
> same for sens2.
> There are two solutions I've thought about:
> Have a function that takes in the sensor's name as a string and
> responds accordingly. (which might be what I'll end up using)
> I could let the user directly access the dict, but I'm not sure if
> that is a good idea. My project requires that the user of my module
> should not have to know about Python's data structures to use the
> values my module returns. If there is some sort of non-functional
> dot-separated syntax that I could use, that would be good too.
> Thanks,
> Basu
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From andreas at  Sat Mar 22 10:08:43 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 10:08:43 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206176923.11011.28.camel@localhost>

Well, it's classmethod/staticmethod in truth, @ is the decorator

def testdec(func):
    return {"funcobj": func}

class Abc(object):
    def method():

assert isinstance(Abc.method, dict)

Basically as you can see above, @X before a function definition takes
the function, applies X, and use the result instead.

Now, naive Python level implementations of classmethod and staticmethod
would be (untested, all typed in the mailer):

def classmethod(func):
    def wrapper(self, *args, **kw):
        return func(self.__class__, *args, **kw)
    return wrapper

def staticmethod(func):
    def wrapper(self, *args, **kw):
        return func(*args, **kw)
    return wrapper


Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 20:08 -0700 schrieb maser:
> Hi
> I couldn't find a good resource explaining what
> @classmethod and @staticmethod are in python and when,
> how these could be used.
> If someone could explain what these are, or point me
> to resources that may help, it is appreciated.
> Thanks
> iyer
>       ____________________________________________________________________________________
> Be a better friend, newshound, and 
> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From kepalapening at  Sat Mar 22 11:17:25 2008
From: kepalapening at (Kepala Pening)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 18:17:25 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] Even More Converter!
Message-ID: <20080322.101725.000.1@SELINAPPORTABLE>

import re

num = 123456789

print ','.join(re.findall("\d{3}", str(num)))


----- Original Message -----
From: wackedd at
To: tutor at
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 21:49:18 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Even More Converter!

It works perfectly, so I am sure my question will not be hard to answer.
When Python gives me the answer to my conversion, is there a way to create it 
so every 3 numbers a comma is inserted?
Such as: 1 mile is 5,280 feet. Instead of 1 mile is 5280 feet. Yes a simple 
thing, but something which I believe will make it look better.
Also is there a way to make this so I don't have to go through every 
individual line of code and add *insert comma* or something to it, simply 
at the top like how the Unit Menu is placed only once there, and yet 
applies to the whole document. Thank you

From norman at  Sat Mar 22 12:31:09 2008
From: norman at (Norman Khine)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 12:31:09 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] suggestion on improving script
Message-ID: <>


Please excuse me in advance if this post is long winded. I have the 
following nagging issue for which I have found a work around, but wanted 
a better solution.

I am using jQuery to populate tabs with some data, such as news and jobs 
posts, as can be seen at

In my application, I have the following structure (only partially listed):

$ tree -L 2
|-- ui
|   `-- ui.tabs.js

from utils import t1, t2, t3, t4


     # News - List

     def list_news(self, context):
         namespace = {}
         namespace['batch'] = ''
         #Search the catalogue, list all news items in company


# Set batch informations

[t1]        batch_start = int(context.get_form_value('t1', default=0))

         batch_size = 5
         batch_total = len(news_items)
         batch_fin = batch_start + batch_size
         if batch_fin > batch_total:
             batch_fin = batch_total
         news_items = news_items[batch_start:batch_fin]
         # Namespace
         if news_items:
             msgs = (u'There is one news item.',
                     u'There are ${n} news items.')

[t1]            news_batch = t1(context.uri, batch_start, batch_size,
                               batch_total, msgs=msgs)

             msg = None
             news_batch = None
             msg = u'Currently there is no news.'

     # List jobs
     list_jobs__label__ = u'List jobs'
     list_jobs__access__ = True
     def list_jobs(self, context):

         # Set batch informations

[t2]        batch_start = int(context.get_form_value('t2', default=0))

         batch_size = 5
         batch_total = len(jobs)
         batch_fin = batch_start + batch_size
         if batch_fin > batch_total:
             batch_fin = batch_total
         jobs = jobs[batch_start:batch_fin]
         # Namespace
         if jobs:
             msgs = (u'There is one job.',
                     u'There are ${n} jobs.')

[t2]            job_batch = t2(context.uri, batch_start, batch_size,
                               batch_total, msgs=msgs)

             msg = None
             job_table = None
             job_batch = None
             msg = u'Sorry but there are no jobs'


def t1(uri, start, size, total, gettext=Handler.gettext,
           msgs=(u"There is 1 object.", u"There are ${n} objects.")):

     # Plural forms
     if total == 1:
         msg1 = gettext(msgs[0])
         msg1 = gettext(msgs[1])
         msg1 = Template(msg1).substitute(n=total)
     msg1 = msg1.encode('utf-8')

     # Calculate end
     end = min(start + size, total)

     # Previous
     previous = None
     if start > 0:
         previous = max(start - size, 0)
         previous = str(previous)

[t1]        previous = uri.replace(t1=previous)

         previous = str(previous)
         previous = XMLAttribute.encode(previous)
         previous = '<a href="%s" title="%s">&lt;&lt;</a>' \
                    % (previous, gettext(u'Previous'))
     # Next
     next = None
     if end < total:
         next = str(end)

[t1]        next = uri.replace(t1=next)

         next = str(next)
         next = XMLAttribute.encode(next)
         next = '<a href="%s" title="%s">&gt;&gt;</a>' \
                % (next, gettext(u'Next'))

     # Output
     if previous is None and next is None:
         msg = msg1
         # View more
         if previous is None:
             link = next
         elif next is None:
             link = previous
             link = '%s %s' % (previous, next)

         msg2 = gettext(u"View from ${start} to ${end} (${link}):")
         msg2 = Template(msg2)
         msg2 = msg2.substitute(start=(start+1), end=end, link=link)
         msg2 = msg2.encode('utf-8')

         msg = '%s %s' % (msg1, msg2)

     # Wrap around a paragraph
     return Parser('<p class="batchcontrol">%s</p>' % msg, namespaces)

#Second TAB

def t2(uri, start, size, total, gettext=Handler.gettext,
           msgs=(u"There is 1 object.", u"There are ${n} objects.")):
     # Plural forms


I would like to alter this batch control so that I don't have to create 
a new method everytime I need a new tab.

For example, I would like to change t1, t2 ... t[n] depending on the tab 
I am at.

You can see it in action at;view

If you click on the [Jobs] tab, there are 6 jobs, if you then click on 
the 'There are 6 jobs. View from 1 to 5 (>>):'

you will get a list of the last post.

Note the URI;view?t2=5

If I only use one global method, the problem would be that when I 
clicked on the News tab, I will get no items displayed as can be seen here:;view

I hope this makes sense ;)

Any advice would be much appreciated.



From kent37 at  Sat Mar 22 13:38:02 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 08:38:02 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Pseudo-functions and dicts
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Shrutarshi Basu wrote:

> There are two solutions I've thought about:
> Have a function that takes in the sensor's name as a string and
> responds accordingly. (which might be what I'll end up using)

That is almost the same as using ordinary dict access, with slightly 
different syntax, e.g. sensor('sens1') vs sensor['sens1'].

There is actually a function to do this, it is called 
sensor.__getitem__. You can give it a new name if you like:

In [1]: sensor = {'sens1': 200, 'sens2': 300}
In [2]: get_value = sensor.__getitem__ # Note no parentheses here
In [3]: get_value('sens1')
Out[3]: 200

> I could let the user directly access the dict, but I'm not sure if
> that is a good idea. 

Why not?

> My project requires that the user of my module
> should not have to know about Python's data structures to use the
> values my module returns. 

This seems a strange requirement!

> If there is some sort of non-functional
> dot-separated syntax that I could use, that would be good too.

You could make a class whose attributes are the dict keys, then use 
attribute access syntax. The Bunch class is handy for this:

In [5]: values = Bunch(**sensor) # use sensor as keyword arguments
In [6]: values.sens1
Out[6]: 200


From bhaaluu at  Sat Mar 22 14:02:40 2008
From: bhaaluu at (bhaaluu)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 09:02:40 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Even More Converter!
In-Reply-To: <20080322.101725.000.1@SELINAPPORTABLE>
References: <20080322.101725.000.1@SELINAPPORTABLE>
Message-ID: <>

import re
num = 12345678
print ','.join(re.findall("\d{3}", str(num)))


Where is the '78'?

It looks like that solution inserts comma's from left to right
instead of from right to left.
b h a a l u u at g m a i l dot c o m
"You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its
orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such
allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil.
A good person will resist an evil system with his or her
whole soul." [Mahatma Gandhi]

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 6:17 AM, Kepala Pening <kepalapening at> wrote:
>  import re
>  num = 123456789
>  print ','.join(re.findall("\d{3}", str(num)))
>  output:
>  123,456,789
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: wackedd at
>  To: tutor at
>  Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 21:49:18 -0700
>  Subject: [Tutor] Even More Converter!
>  It works perfectly, so I am sure my question will not be hard to answer.
>  When Python gives me the answer to my conversion, is there a way to create it
>  so every 3 numbers a comma is inserted?
>  Such as: 1 mile is 5,280 feet. Instead of 1 mile is 5280 feet. Yes a simple
>  thing, but something which I believe will make it look better.
>  Also is there a way to make this so I don't have to go through every
>  individual line of code and add *insert comma* or something to it, simply
>  at the top like how the Unit Menu is placed only once there, and yet
>  applies to the whole document. Thank you
>  _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From finalyugi at  Sat Mar 22 14:00:20 2008
From: finalyugi at (Rolando Pereira)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 13:00:20 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Even More Converter!
In-Reply-To: <20080322.101725.000.1@SELINAPPORTABLE>
References: <20080322.101725.000.1@SELINAPPORTABLE>
Message-ID: <>

Kepala Pening wrote:
> import re
> num = 123456789
> print ','.join(re.findall("\d{3}", str(num)))
> output:
> 123,456,789

The problem with that is that it cuts the digits in the end of the
number, if they can't form a 3 digit value.


import re
n = 1234

print ",".join(re.findall("\d{3}", str(n)))

Output: 123, instead of 1,234

I think the use of a function would be better.

def convert_num(num):
	num = map(lambda x: int(x), str(num))
	tmp_number = []
	for i in range(len(num)):
		if k == 2 and i != range(len(num))[-1]:
			k = 0
			k += 1
	num = map(lambda n: str(n), tmp_number)
	num = "".join(num)
	return num

First it converts the number into a list in which each digit is a
separate member.

Then it reverses that list (because when we want to add the commas, we
start to count from the right and not from the left, that is, it's 1,234
and not 123,4).

Next a few loop variables (k and tmp_number), and we loop through the
"num" list, appending it's reversed digits into "tmp_number", except
when we have added 2 numbers without adding a comma, so we append the
next number AND a comma.

When the cycle ends, tmp_number is a list of ints with "," string
separating groups of 3 numbers.

In the end, it make "num" the same as "tmp_number", with all it's
members turned to strings (didn't knew that join() only worked with
strings in a list), reverse it (so it returns the same number that was
in the beginning, and joins everything into a string.


n = 1234

Output: 1,234

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From kent37 at  Sat Mar 22 14:41:34 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 09:41:34 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Even More Converter!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

wackedd at wrote:
> When Python gives me the answer to my conversion, is there a way to create it so every 3 numbers a comma is inserted?

Django uses this function:
def intcomma(value):
     Converts an integer to a string containing commas every three digits.
     For example, 3000 becomes '3,000' and 45000 becomes '45,000'.
     orig = str(value)
     new = re.sub("^(-?\d+)(\d{3})", '\g<1>,\g<2>', str(value))
     if orig == new:
         return new
         return intcomma(new)

> Also is there a way to make this so I don't have to go through every individual line of code and add *insert comma* or something to it, simply at the top like how the Unit Menu is placed only once there, and yet applies to the whole document. Thank you

No. The way to do this is to learn how to use functions to consolidate 
all the prints into one place.


From alan.gauld at  Sat Mar 22 15:07:11 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 14:07:11 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
References: <>
Message-ID: <fs33qg$ftm$>

"maser" <maseriyer at> wrote

> I couldn't find a good resource explaining what
> @classmethod and @staticmethod are in python and when,
> how these could be used.

I'm not sure which aspect of this is the problem
Andreas has explained the strange @ syntax for a decorator
however if its the concepts of class method and static method
that confuss then that probably didn't help :-)

So first I ask do you know what a class method  (or static method)
is? (Unless you are a language lawyer you can almost consider
them as synonyms). If not the simple answer is that a class
method is one which acts on the class itself rather than on
instances of the class (I'll assume you understand the difference
between classes and instances (or objects)). This if you have a
Circle class for example there might be a class method to return
the count of how many Circle instances exist. It might look like this:

class Circle(object):
    count = 0    # a class variable
    def __init__(self, radius=10):
        Circle.count += 1
        self.radius = radius
    def __del__(self):
        Circle.count -= 1

    def circles(this):
        return Circle.count

c1 = Circle()
c2 = Circle(5)
c3 = Circle(42)
print Circle.circles()

Does that help?

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From rdm at  Sat Mar 22 15:27:59 2008
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 07:27:59 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Even More Converter!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20080322.101725.000.1@SELINAPPORTABLE> <>
Message-ID: <>

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From kepalapening at  Sat Mar 22 17:43:08 2008
From: kepalapening at (Kepala Pening)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 00:43:08 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] Even More Converter!
Message-ID: <20080322.164308.625.1@SELINAPPORTABLE>

sorry, I forgot that re search from the front of the string.

import re

putComma = lambda x: (','.join(re.findall("\d{1,3}", str(x)[::-1])))[::-1]

print putComma(1234567)     # 1,234,567
print putComma(12345678)    # 12,345,678
print putComma(123456789)   # 123,456,789

----- Original Message -----
From: bhaaluu <bhaaluu at>
To: "Kepala Pening" <kepalapening at>
Cc: tutor at
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 09:02:40 -0400
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Even More Converter!

> import re
> num = 12345678
> print ','.join(re.findall("\d{3}", str(num)))
> output:
> 123,456
> Where is the '78'?
> It looks like that solution inserts comma's from left to right
> instead of from right to left.
> -- 
> b h a a l u u at g m a i l dot c o m
> "You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its
> orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such
> allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil.
> A good person will resist an evil system with his or her
> whole soul." [Mahatma Gandhi]
> On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 6:17 AM, Kepala Pening <kepalapening at> 
> >
> >  import re
> >
> >  num = 123456789
> >
> >  print ','.join(re.findall("\d{3}", str(num)))
> >
> >  output:
> >  123,456,789
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  ----- Original Message -----
> >  From: wackedd at
> >  To: tutor at
> >  Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 21:49:18 -0700
> >  Subject: [Tutor] Even More Converter!
> >
> >  It works perfectly, so I am sure my question will not be hard to answer.
> >  When Python gives me the answer to my conversion, is there a way to 
create it
> >  so every 3 numbers a comma is inserted?
> >  Such as: 1 mile is 5,280 feet. Instead of 1 mile is 5280 feet. Yes a 
> >  thing, but something which I believe will make it look better.
> >  Also is there a way to make this so I don't have to go through every
> >  individual line of code and add *insert comma* or something to it, simply
> >  at the top like how the Unit Menu is placed only once there, and yet
> >  applies to the whole document. Thank you
> >  _______________________________________________
> >  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> >

From alan.gauld at  Sat Mar 22 18:30:09 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 17:30:09 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] Even More Converter!
References: <>
Message-ID: <fs3fn3$mh5$>

<wackedd at> wrote
> When Python gives me the answer to my conversion, 
> is there a way to create it so every 3 numbers a 
> comma is inserted?

Bear in mind that the use of commas is very much a 
local thing. In some parts of the world periods are used 
and a comma indicates a decimal point so


could be 123 thousand 456 or 123 point 456 depending 
on where the reader is from.

If that is important you might need to investigate a locale specific 
way of defining the seperator. I know Windows has hooks to get 
it from the local settings but I'm not sure about *nix and I don't 
know if Python has a generic way.

This might not matter to you in practice , but I thought I'd 
mention it just in case...

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From finalyugi at  Sat Mar 22 19:11:18 2008
From: finalyugi at (Rolando Pereira)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 18:11:18 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Even More Converter!
In-Reply-To: <fs3fn3$mh5$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
> If that is important you might need to investigate a locale specific 
> way of defining the seperator. I know Windows has hooks to get 
> it from the local settings but I'm not sure about *nix and I don't 
> know if Python has a generic way.
> This might not matter to you in practice , but I thought I'd 
> mention it just in case...

There is always the shell command "locale".


import subprocess

output = subprocess.Popen("locale | grep NUMERIC", shell=True, \
print output.communicate()[0]

LC_NUMERIC="pt_PT.UTF-8" (In my case)


The problem with this is that it assumes the default shell is properly
  setted up (which may not be the case, for example this output happens
in Bash, but in ZSH it gives en_US.UTF-8), which may not be the case.

ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
 - against HTML email  X
             & vCards / \

From kent37 at  Sat Mar 22 19:19:19 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 14:19:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Even More Converter!
In-Reply-To: <fs3fn3$mh5$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

> Bear in mind that the use of commas is very much a 
> local thing. In some parts of the world periods are used 
> and a comma indicates a decimal point so
> 123,456
> could be 123 thousand 456 or 123 point 456 depending 
> on where the reader is from.
> If that is important you might need to investigate a locale specific 
> way of defining the seperator. 

In [7]: import locale
In [9]: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
Out[9]: 'en_US.UTF-8'
In [10]: locale.localeconv()['thousands_sep']
Out[10]: ','


From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 22:35:50 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 14:35:50 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] windows: pop up window
Message-ID: <>

how do I pop up a window to ask user's input?
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From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 22:43:51 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 14:43:51 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] add to list
Message-ID: <>

    chat_window_char_definition = { "2.7.1." : "1",
                                    "" : "2",
                                    "" : "3",
                                    "" : "4",
                                    "" : "5",

how do I automatically add to this list without doing it by hand?

Also, the list is of tuples of 2, how ever, I need to have a tuple of 3, is
that possible?
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From kent37 at  Sat Mar 22 22:59:24 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 17:59:24 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] add to list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris wrote:
>     chat_window_char_definition = { "2.7.1." : "1",
>                                     "" : "2",
>                                     "" : "3",
>                                     "" : "4",
>                                     "" : "5",
>                                     }
> how do I automatically add to this list without doing it by hand?

Is there some pattern to the values? I can't see it.
> Also, the list is of tuples of 2, how ever, I need to have a tuple of 3, 
> is that possible?

Tuples can be whatever length you want. But what you have is not a list 
of tuples, it is a dict mapping keys to values. You could make the keys 
or the values be tuples of strings rather than strings.

Some context would probably help us give you a better answer.


From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 23:02:14 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 15:02:14 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] add to list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

there is no pattern in the numbers. but don't worry about it, because all i
am doing is this:

two strings that look like "",  youknow,   str(int) + "." +
str(int) + "." and so forth
are presented and they equal to a value, which is the third string.

in short, given the first two strings,  return the third string from the

it's a dictionary.

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> elis aeris wrote:
> >     chat_window_char_definition = { "2.7.1." : "1",
> >                                     "" : "2",
> >                                     "" : "3",
> >                                     "" : "4",
> >                                     "" : "5",
> >                                     }
> >
> > how do I automatically add to this list without doing it by hand?
> Is there some pattern to the values? I can't see it.
> >
> > Also, the list is of tuples of 2, how ever, I need to have a tuple of 3,
> > is that possible?
> Tuples can be whatever length you want. But what you have is not a list
> of tuples, it is a dict mapping keys to values. You could make the keys
> or the values be tuples of strings rather than strings.
> Some context would probably help us give you a better answer.
> Kent
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Sat Mar 22 23:02:11 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 18:02:11 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] windows: pop up window
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris wrote:
> how do I pop up a window to ask user's input?

Take a look at


From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 23:02:48 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 15:02:48 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] windows: pop up window
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

how about console window input?

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 3:02 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> elis aeris wrote:
> > how do I pop up a window to ask user's input?
> Take a look at
> Kent
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From kent37 at  Sat Mar 22 23:07:52 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 18:07:52 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] suggestion on improving script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Norman Khine wrote:
> I would like to alter this batch control so that I don't have to create 
> a new method everytime I need a new tab.
> For example, I would like to change t1, t2 ... t[n] depending on the tab 
> I am at.

I don't really understand the question but I think maybe the tabs should 
be represented by instances of some class rather than functions.


From kent37 at  Sat Mar 22 23:09:08 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 18:09:08 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] windows: pop up window
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris wrote:
> how about console window input?

You want to "pop up" a console window? Usually if your program is 
running in a console you have a window already. Use raw_input() to get 
user input in the console.

> On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 3:02 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at 
> <mailto:kent37 at>> wrote:
>     elis aeris wrote:
>      > how do I pop up a window to ask user's input?
>     Take a look at
>     Kent

From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 23:10:03 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 15:10:03 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] windows: pop up window
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

oh sorry, I should have been clear:

how about just popping  a prompt in the same window that is running the

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> elis aeris wrote:
> > how about console window input?
> You want to "pop up" a console window? Usually if your program is
> running in a console you have a window already. Use raw_input() to get
> user input in the console.
> Kent
> >
> > On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 3:02 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at
> > <mailto:kent37 at>> wrote:
> >
> >     elis aeris wrote:
> >      > how do I pop up a window to ask user's input?
> >
> >     Take a look at
> >
> >
> >     Kent
> >
> >
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From kent37 at  Sat Mar 22 23:12:20 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 18:12:20 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] add to list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris wrote:
> there is no pattern in the numbers.

Then how do you expect to create them automatically? I don't understand 
that part of the question.

> two strings that look like "",  youknow,   str(int) + "." + 
> str(int) + "." and so forth
> are presented and they equal to a value, which is the third string.
> in short, given the first two strings,  return the third string from the 
> list.

That sounds like you want a dict whose key is a tuple of the first two 
strings, and the value is the third string. For example,
In [11]: d = { ('a', 'b'): '1',
    ....:   ('c', 'd'): '2' }
In [12]:
In [12]: d['a', 'b']
Out[12]: '1'


From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 23:12:31 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 15:12:31 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] x and y
Message-ID: <>

on a different note, also on lists,  I need to save two values, x and y.

list = { int, int
           int, int
           int, int

but i am not sure of the syntax, is it possible to just read both values
from the same entry in the list ?
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From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 23:14:55 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 15:14:55 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] add to list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Another part of program takes care of that patternless stuff, only saving
and retrieving for comparison is concerned for this part of the code.

In [11]: d = { ('a', 'b'): '1',
   ....:   ('c', 'd'): '2' }
In [12]:
In [12]: d['a', 'b']
Out[12]: '1'

that does look like what I looking for, how does it work?

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> elis aeris wrote:
> > there is no pattern in the numbers.
> Then how do you expect to create them automatically? I don't understand
> that part of the question.
> > two strings that look like "",  youknow,   str(int) + "." +
> > str(int) + "." and so forth
> > are presented and they equal to a value, which is the third string.
> >
> > in short, given the first two strings,  return the third string from the
> > list.
> That sounds like you want a dict whose key is a tuple of the first two
> strings, and the value is the third string. For example,
> In [11]: d = { ('a', 'b'): '1',
>    ....:   ('c', 'd'): '2' }
> In [12]:
> In [12]: d['a', 'b']
> Out[12]: '1'
> Kent
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From kent37 at  Sat Mar 22 23:15:12 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 18:15:12 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] windows: pop up window
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris wrote:
> oh sorry, I should have been clear:
> how about just popping  a prompt in the same window that is running the 
> script?

Sounds like you want raw_input():


From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 23:17:54 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 15:17:54 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] windows: pop up window
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

sweet,  I love built in functions. thanks !

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 3:15 PM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> elis aeris wrote:
> > oh sorry, I should have been clear:
> >
> > how about just popping  a prompt in the same window that is running the
> > script?
> Sounds like you want raw_input():
> Kent
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From alan.gauld at  Sat Mar 22 23:48:40 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 22:48:40 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] x and y
References: <>
Message-ID: <fs42c9$ncb$>

"elis aeris" <hunter92383 at> wrote

> on a different note, also on lists,  I need to save two values, x 
> and y.
> list = { int, int
>           int, int
>           int, int
> but i am not sure of the syntax, is it possible to just read both 
> values
> from the same entry in the list ?

I have no idea what you mean by that, can you give a more
specific example?

Are you trying to extract 2 values out of a list into variables?
Are you trying to save two variable values into a list?

And what kind of list is your example?
It uses a built in function(list) to refer to something that looks
like a cross between a dictionary and an open list but filled
with the same value (or another built in function?)

Can you try using a Python example with real values and tell
us what you want to dowith them. (And try it at the >>> prompt
first, since the most obvious solution is often the right one in


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

From hunter92383 at  Sat Mar 22 23:50:56 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 15:50:56 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] x and y
In-Reply-To: <fs42c9$ncb$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I just need a way to key a list of tuples of 2 for referencing.

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 3:48 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>

> "elis aeris" <hunter92383 at> wrote
> > on a different note, also on lists,  I need to save two values, x
> > and y.
> >
> > list = { int, int
> >           int, int
> >           int, int
> >
> > but i am not sure of the syntax, is it possible to just read both
> > values
> > from the same entry in the list ?
> I have no idea what you mean by that, can you give a more
> specific example?
> Are you trying to extract 2 values out of a list into variables?
> Are you trying to save two variable values into a list?
> And what kind of list is your example?
> It uses a built in function(list) to refer to something that looks
> like a cross between a dictionary and an open list but filled
> with the same value (or another built in function?)
> Can you try using a Python example with real values and tell
> us what you want to dowith them. (And try it at the >>> prompt
> first, since the most obvious solution is often the right one in
> Python!)
> HTH,
> --
> Alan Gauld
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From alan.gauld at  Sun Mar 23 01:28:38 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 00:28:38 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] x and y
References: <><fs42c9$ncb$>
Message-ID: <fs487o$72b$>

"elis aeris" <hunter92383 at> wrote

>I just need a way to key a list of tuples of 2 for referencing.
>> I have no idea what you mean by that, can you give a more
>> specific example?

OK, I have now read your discussion with Kent.

Can i ask, have you tried going through any of the basic tutorials?
They all cover this kind of stuff, especially dictionaries and 
raw input and string concatenation etc. It will be much more 
effective to work through a tutorial than to keep coming back 
here with every little question. Try the Raw Materials topic of 
my tutorial for starters. It gives an example of a phone book 
comprised of a list stored in a dictionary keyed by name...

However as to this question, you can store any Python 
object as the value of a dictionary (even another dictionary), 
and you can use any *immutable* object as a key.

So if I want to store two numbers as a value against another 
two numbers you can just do this:

mapping = { (1,2):(10,20), (3,4): (30,40) }

print mapping[(1,2)]   #-> (10,20)
mapping[(5,6)] = (50,60)     # assign new value


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From dkuhlman at  Sun Mar 23 01:46:23 2008
From: dkuhlman at (Dave Kuhlman)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 17:46:23 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] append string
In-Reply-To: <1206175618.11011.11.camel@localhost>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 09:46:58AM +0100, Andreas Kostyrka wrote:

> Basically, strings are immutable. If you need to append something to a
> string, you need to construct a new string object with the new value.
> Now if you are using this to collect huge outputfiles in pieces, one of
> the common idioms in Python is collecting it in a list, and converting
> to string at the end:
> collector = []
> for i in xrange(100000):
>     collector.append((str(i) * 80)[0:80])
> string = "".join(collector)
> assert len(string) == 8000000 # ~8MB

That was formerly good advice for sure, and it probably still is
good advice.  But, read the following note from

    If s and t are both strings, some Python implementations such as
    CPython can usually perform an in-place optimization for
    assignments of the form s=s+t or s+=t. When applicable, this
    optimization makes quadratic run-time much less likely. This
    optimization is both version and implementation dependent. For
    performance sensitive code, it is preferable to use the str.join()
    method which assures consistent linear concatenation performance
    across versions and implementations. Changed in version 2.4:
    Formerly, string concatenation never occurred in-place.

As the above note says, this optimization is implementation
dependent.  In particular, if you plan on moving your code to
Jython, then follow Andreas's suggestion to use list append
followed by string join.

- Dave

Dave Kuhlman

From rmd103 at  Sun Mar 23 01:54:11 2008
From: rmd103 at (r dascenzo)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 20:54:11 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Libraries/Modules and how well you know them?
Message-ID: <>


As someone relatively new to programming, I've a few questions related  
to the Global Module Index:

What are the distinctions between a library and a module? Do people  
frequently use the terms interchangeably in conversations, mailng  
lists, and around the web?

Looking at the index, there are hundreds of modules. Do "good"  
programmers know the contents of all the modules and functions without  
having to look them up? Are there any suggestions on which might be  
the most useful to become familiar with at first?


From kent37 at  Sun Mar 23 03:24:34 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 22:24:34 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Libraries/Modules and how well you know them?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

r dascenzo wrote:

> What are the distinctions between a library and a module? Do people  
> frequently use the terms interchangeably in conversations, mailng  
> lists, and around the web?

"module" is very specific, it is a single Python source file. A library 
is a collection of useful modules.

> Looking at the index, there are hundreds of modules. Do "good"  
> programmers know the contents of all the modules and functions without  
> having to look them up?


> Are there any suggestions on which might be  
> the most useful to become familiar with at first?

Um, the ones that do things that you want to do?

The table of contents for the library docs gives a more useful organization:

I strongly recommend chapters 2 and 3 to every Python programmer - they 
include docs for all the built-in functions and data types. Experienced 
Python programmers do know much of this without having to look it up.

Other than that...

os and os.path have many useful functions for working with files and 
file paths.

re is extremely useful but difficult to learn.

datetime has lots of useful date handling stuff.

sys, csv, itertools, collections, urllib2, logging, unittest are some of 
the modules I use regularly. But your needs may be different. Browse the 
table of contents and take a closer look at the ones that look useful to 


From bgailer at  Sun Mar 23 03:42:10 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 22:42:10 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] More Converter
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

wackedd at wrote:
> I am still in need of more help. Currently I am just trying to get one conversion down, as then I can duplicate it. However I am not sure how to make it Convert. Currently I am working with:
> # Converter
> Original = raw_input("Insert inches, feet ")

There is a convention in Python to name variables starting with lower 
case and reserve initial caps for class names.
Thus original = raw_input("Insert inches, feet ")
> To = raw_input("Insert inches, feet ")
> Variable = int(raw_input("Insert Amount to Convert "))
> if Original == raw_input(feet) and To == raw_input(inches):
>         print Variable*12

This might be premature for you, but it is useful to separate data from 
logic. If this were my program I'd create a dictionary of conversion 
factors thus:

factors = {("feet", "inches") : 12.0, ("yards", "inches") : 36.0, ...}
then look up the user's desire thus:
factor = factors[(original, to)]
print variable * factor

I hope you (1) can understand this and (2) see that it makes program 
maintenance and expansion a lot easier.

Once you get the value of a dictionary then there are more steps you 
could take:
e.g. you only need entries for going "up". If the user requested 
"inches", "feet" the dictionary lookup would fail, then you'd try again 
factor = factors[(to, original)]
print variable / factor

Adding key testing:

if (original, to) in factors:
  factor = factors[(original, to)]
  print variable * factor
elif (to, original):
  factor = factors[(to, original)]
  print variable / factor
  print "no conversion available for %s to %s" % (original, to)


Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From nomb85 at  Sun Mar 23 06:22:45 2008
From: nomb85 at (Nathan McBride)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 01:22:45 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Maybe advanced pexpect question?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206249765.27498.2.camel@localhost.localdomain>

I've used pexpect for a few projects and love it.  Basically pexpect
lets you spawn a program and interact with it from code like you
yourself were running it in a console.  How would you send the ctrl key?


From rabidpoobear at  Sun Mar 23 08:41:08 2008
From: rabidpoobear at (Luke Paireepinart)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 02:41:08 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] windows: pop up window
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 5:17 PM, elis aeris <hunter92383 at> wrote:

> sweet,  I love built in functions. thanks !

Seriously, Elis. You would have learned raw_input in *any* Python tutorial.
You need to read some tutorials.
-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Sun Mar 23 10:16:13 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 09:16:13 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] More Converter
References: <>
Message-ID: <fs574u$60m$>

"bob gailer" <bgailer at> wrote> Adding key testing:
> if (original, to) in factors:
>  factor = factors[(original, to)]
>  print variable * factor
> elif (to, original):

probably meant to be

elif (to,original) in factors:

>  factor = factors[(to, original)]
>  print variable / factor
> else:
>  print "no conversion available for %s to %s" % (original, to)

Alan G

From kent37 at  Sun Mar 23 12:58:19 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 07:58:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Maybe advanced pexpect question?
In-Reply-To: <1206249765.27498.2.camel@localhost.localdomain>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Nathan McBride wrote:
> I've used pexpect for a few projects and love it.  Basically pexpect
> lets you spawn a program and interact with it from code like you
> yourself were running it in a console.  How would you send the ctrl key?

I don't use pexpect, so I am guessing...

The ctrl key by itself is not a character so you can't send that. ctrl-C 
is a character that is represented in a string as \x03. I expect you 
would send a control character with sendline(), for example to sent 
ctrl-C try
   child.sendline ('\x03')


From kent37 at  Sun Mar 23 13:05:13 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 08:05:13 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python Grammer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Eric Walker wrote:
> Ok, I found the responses, sorry.. 
> I have been reading the book "Text Processing in PYTHON" by David Mertz.
> I have some text that I have to parse. I want to use grammers.

It's grammAr. A grammar is a formal description of the structure of a 
language. It is not a parser; rather it is a specification of what the 
parser needs to do.

Perhaps if you describe your actual problem and say why you want to use 
a grammar we can be of more help, either pointing you to a parsing 
solution or helping to solve the problem without a formal parser. (Most 
Python text processing problems can be solved with simple string 
processing or regular expressions.)


From tayeb.meftah at  Sun Mar 23 13:44:51 2008
From: tayeb.meftah at (Meftah Tayeb)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 13:44:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] unsubscription
References: <><>
Message-ID: <004701c88ce3$b378c380$0201a8c0@tayeb87b48071c>

please ho to Unsubscrib from this mailing list ?

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From cfuller084 at  Sun Mar 23 14:31:41 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 08:31:41 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Maybe advanced pexpect question?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

What about Alt keys? ?I was thinking terminal control voodoo. ?But I don't 
know any. ?man 5 termcap might be a start, though.


On Sunday 23 March 2008 06:58, Kent Johnson wrote:
> Nathan McBride wrote:
> > I've used pexpect for a few projects and love it.  Basically pexpect
> > lets you spawn a program and interact with it from code like you
> > yourself were running it in a console.  How would you send the ctrl key?
> I don't use pexpect, so I am guessing...
> The ctrl key by itself is not a character so you can't send that. ctrl-C
> is a character that is represented in a string as \x03. I expect you
> would send a control character with sendline(), for example to sent
> ctrl-C try
>    child.sendline ('\x03')
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From cfuller at  Sun Mar 23 14:30:30 2008
From: cfuller at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 08:30:30 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Maybe advanced pexpect question?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

What about Alt keys?  I was thinking terminal control voodoo.  But I don't 
know any.  man 5 termcap might be a start, though.


On Sunday 23 March 2008 06:58, Kent Johnson wrote:
> Nathan McBride wrote:
> > I've used pexpect for a few projects and love it.  Basically pexpect
> > lets you spawn a program and interact with it from code like you
> > yourself were running it in a console.  How would you send the ctrl key?
> I don't use pexpect, so I am guessing...
> The ctrl key by itself is not a character so you can't send that. ctrl-C
> is a character that is represented in a string as \x03. I expect you
> would send a control character with sendline(), for example to sent
> ctrl-C try
>    child.sendline ('\x03')
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From bgailer at  Sun Mar 23 17:20:42 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 12:20:42 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] suggestion on improving script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Norman Khine wrote:
> Hello,
> Please excuse me in advance if this post is long winded. I have the 
> following nagging issue for which I have found a work around, but wanted 
> a better solution.

The reason;view?batchstart=5
fails while;view?t2=5
succeeds does not have to do with using a global method.

t2=5 tells the CGI program which tab was clicked, whereas batchstart=5 
does not.
You only need one "t" function as long as you use the t2=5 approach (or 
some other way to
communicate WHICH tab and WHERE to start (e.g. ?tab=2,batchstart=5.

Also - 99% of list_news, list_jobs, et. al. can be factored out into 
common code.

Does this make sense? Would you like more help or can you start figuring 
it out yourself?
> I am using jQuery to populate tabs with some data, such as news and jobs 
> posts, as can be seen at
> In my application, I have the following structure (only partially listed):
> $ tree -L 2
> .
> |--
> |-- ui
> |   `-- ui.tabs.js
> ...
> `--
> from utils import t1, t2, t3, t4
> ...
>      ####################################################################
>      # News - List
>      ####################################################################
>      def list_news(self, context):
>          namespace = {}
>          namespace['batch'] = ''
>          #Search the catalogue, list all news items in company
> ...
> # Set batch informations
> [t1]        batch_start = int(context.get_form_value('t1', default=0))
>          batch_size = 5
>          batch_total = len(news_items)
>          batch_fin = batch_start + batch_size
>          if batch_fin > batch_total:
>              batch_fin = batch_total
>          news_items = news_items[batch_start:batch_fin]
>          # Namespace
>          if news_items:
>              msgs = (u'There is one news item.',
>                      u'There are ${n} news items.')
> [t1]            news_batch = t1(context.uri, batch_start, batch_size,
>                                batch_total, msgs=msgs)
>              msg = None
>          else:
>              news_batch = None
>              msg = u'Currently there is no news.'
>      ####################################################################
>      # List jobs
>      list_jobs__label__ = u'List jobs'
>      list_jobs__access__ = True
>      def list_jobs(self, context):
> ...
>          # Set batch informations
> [t2]        batch_start = int(context.get_form_value('t2', default=0))
>          batch_size = 5
>          batch_total = len(jobs)
>          batch_fin = batch_start + batch_size
>          if batch_fin > batch_total:
>              batch_fin = batch_total
>          jobs = jobs[batch_start:batch_fin]
>          # Namespace
>          if jobs:
>              msgs = (u'There is one job.',
>                      u'There are ${n} jobs.')
> [t2]            job_batch = t2(context.uri, batch_start, batch_size,
>                                batch_total, msgs=msgs)
>              msg = None
>          else:
>              job_table = None
>              job_batch = None
>              msg = u'Sorry but there are no jobs'
> ...
> ####
> def t1(uri, start, size, total, gettext=Handler.gettext,
>            msgs=(u"There is 1 object.", u"There are ${n} objects.")):
>      # Plural forms
>      if total == 1:
>          msg1 = gettext(msgs[0])
>      else:
>          msg1 = gettext(msgs[1])
>          msg1 = Template(msg1).substitute(n=total)
>      msg1 = msg1.encode('utf-8')
>      # Calculate end
>      end = min(start + size, total)
>      # Previous
>      previous = None
>      if start > 0:
>          previous = max(start - size, 0)
>          previous = str(previous)
> [t1]        previous = uri.replace(t1=previous)
>          previous = str(previous)
>          previous = XMLAttribute.encode(previous)
>          previous = '<a href="%s" title="%s">&lt;&lt;</a>' \
>                     % (previous, gettext(u'Previous'))
>      # Next
>      next = None
>      if end < total:
>          next = str(end)
> [t1]        next = uri.replace(t1=next)
>          next = str(next)
>          next = XMLAttribute.encode(next)
>          next = '<a href="%s" title="%s">&gt;&gt;</a>' \
>                 % (next, gettext(u'Next'))
>      # Output
>      if previous is None and next is None:
>          msg = msg1
>      else:
>          # View more
>          if previous is None:
>              link = next
>          elif next is None:
>              link = previous
>          else:
>              link = '%s %s' % (previous, next)
>          msg2 = gettext(u"View from ${start} to ${end} (${link}):")
>          msg2 = Template(msg2)
>          msg2 = msg2.substitute(start=(start+1), end=end, link=link)
>          msg2 = msg2.encode('utf-8')
>          msg = '%s %s' % (msg1, msg2)
>      # Wrap around a paragraph
>      return Parser('<p class="batchcontrol">%s</p>' % msg, namespaces)
> #Second TAB
> def t2(uri, start, size, total, gettext=Handler.gettext,
>            msgs=(u"There is 1 object.", u"There are ${n} objects.")):
>      # Plural forms
> ...
> ###
> I would like to alter this batch control so that I don't have to create 
> a new method everytime I need a new tab.
> For example, I would like to change t1, t2 ... t[n] depending on the tab 
> I am at.
> You can see it in action at;view
> If you click on the [Jobs] tab, there are 6 jobs, if you then click on 
> the 'There are 6 jobs. View from 1 to 5 (>>):'
> you will get a list of the last post.
> Note the URI;view?t2=5
> If I only use one global method, the problem would be that when I 
> clicked on the News tab, I will get no items displayed as can be seen here:
> I hope this makes sense ;)
> Any advice would be much appreciated.
> Cheers
> Norman
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From ricaraoz at  Wed Mar 19 14:36:29 2008
From: ricaraoz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Ricardo_Ar=E1oz?=)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:36:29 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Luciano Ramalho wrote:
> Nowadays the best practice for invoking a method from all superclasses
> (yes, multiple inheritance) is this:
> class SubClass(BaseClass):
>     def __init__(self, t, *args, **kw):
>         super(SubClass, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
>         # do something with t
> That way you let Python decide which superclasses your SubClass has,
> instead of hard-coding it in several places.

You are actually hard-coding it here too, "class SubClass(BaseClass):" 
has "BaseClass" hard-coded. All you do here is hard-code it once instead 
of twice.

> Cheers,
> Luciano
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 9:37 PM, John Fouhy <john at> wrote:
>> On 19/03/2008, Allen Fowler <allen.fowler at> wrote:
>>  >  I have a super class that accepts many arguments to it's constructor, and a subclass that should define one additional argument.
>>  >
>>  >  What's the most "pythonic" way to make this work?
>>  class BaseClass(object):
>>   def __init__(self, x, y, z, foo='foo'): # whatever
>>      # etc
>>  class SubClass(BaseClass):
>>   def __init__(self, t, *args, **kw):
>>     BaseClass.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
>>     # do something with t
>>  This does mean that the special sub class argument has to come before
>>  the base class arguments when you create instances.
>>  Whether you call BaseClass.__init__ early or late in the subclass init
>>  method could depend on what your classes are doing.  Remember, in
>>  Python, __init__ only initializes objects, it doesn't create them.
>>  It's just another bit of code that you can call whenever you want.
>>  --
>>  John.
>> _______________________________________________
>>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From alan.gauld at  Sun Mar 23 18:38:05 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 17:38:05 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] unsubscription
References: <><><>
Message-ID: <fs64hv$o27$>

"Meftah Tayeb" <tayeb.meftah at> wrote 

> please ho to Unsubscrib from this mailing list ?

Go to the mailing list page on and unsubscribe 


Alan g

From maseriyer at  Sun Mar 23 18:49:41 2008
From: maseriyer at (maser)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 10:49:41 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
In-Reply-To: <1206176923.11011.28.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks, Andreas. Why do we need to use classmethod/
staticmethod and where do we need to use them ?


--- Andreas Kostyrka <andreas at> wrote:

> Well, it's classmethod/staticmethod in truth, @ is
> the decorator
> operator:
> def testdec(func):
>     return {"funcobj": func}
> class Abc(object):
>     @testdec
>     def method():
>         pass
> assert isinstance(Abc.method, dict)
> Basically as you can see above, @X before a function
> definition takes
> the function, applies X, and use the result instead.
> Now, naive Python level implementations of
> classmethod and staticmethod
> would be (untested, all typed in the mailer):
> def classmethod(func):
>     def wrapper(self, *args, **kw):
>         return func(self.__class__, *args, **kw)
>     return wrapper
> def staticmethod(func):
>     def wrapper(self, *args, **kw):
>         return func(*args, **kw)
>     return wrapper
> Andreas
> Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 20:08 -0700 schrieb
> maser:
> > Hi
> > 
> > I couldn't find a good resource explaining what
> > @classmethod and @staticmethod are in python and
> when,
> > how these could be used.
> > 
> > If someone could explain what these are, or point
> me
> > to resources that may help, it is appreciated.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > iyer
> > 
> > 
> >      
> > Be a better friend, newshound, and 
> > know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now. 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >

Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

From dineshbvadhia at  Sun Mar 23 12:15:03 2008
From: dineshbvadhia at (Dinesh B Vadhia)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 04:15:03 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] from __future__ import division
Message-ID: <BAY109-DAV6A57E30B3A921D5D01EB3A3030@phx.gbl>

I spent fruitless hours trying to get a (normal) division x/y to work and then saw that you have to declare:

> from __future__ import division

.. at the top of a module file.  What is this all about?


-------------- next part --------------
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From steve at  Sun Mar 23 19:51:38 2008
From: steve at (Steve Willoughby)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 11:51:38 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] from __future__ import division
In-Reply-To: <BAY109-DAV6A57E30B3A921D5D01EB3A3030@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY109-DAV6A57E30B3A921D5D01EB3A3030@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
> I spent fruitless hours trying to get a (normal) division x/y to work and then saw that you have to declare:

normal division x/y works just as expected, with one caveat: remember
that if you divide two *integer* values, you will get an *integer*
division operation yielding an *integer* result.  So:

1.0 / 2.0 --> 0.5
1.0 / 2   --> 0.5
1 / 2.0   --> 0.5
1 / 2     --> 0

So if you make sure at least one operand is a real number you'll get
a real result.  This is now division works in many programming languages
including C and C++.

In the future, Python will switch to always yielding a real result,
and to force an integer division operation you use the special "//"
integer division operator.  If you want that behavior now, just
import that "from the future":

from __future__ import division


1 / 2 --> 0.5
4 / 2 --> 2.0
1 // 2 --> 0
4 // 2 --> 2


>> from __future__ import division
> .. at the top of a module file.  What is this all about?
> Dinesh
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From andreas at  Sun Mar 23 21:20:04 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 21:20:04 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206303604.11011.36.camel@localhost>

Am Mittwoch, den 19.03.2008, 10:36 -0300 schrieb Ricardo Ar?oz:
> Luciano Ramalho wrote:
> > Nowadays the best practice for invoking a method from all superclasses
> > (yes, multiple inheritance) is this:
> > 
> > class SubClass(BaseClass):
> >     def __init__(self, t, *args, **kw):
> >         super(SubClass, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
> >         # do something with t
> > 
> > That way you let Python decide which superclasses your SubClass has,
> > instead of hard-coding it in several places.
> > 
> You are actually hard-coding it here too, "class SubClass(BaseClass):" 
> has "BaseClass" hard-coded. All you do here is hard-code it once instead 
> of twice.

Yes and no. Yes a human has specified the relationships. But you do not
have to specify what other baseclasses your class has. This is relevant
for multiple inheritence, like:

D => B => A
D => C => A

The problem is mostly hiding implementation details.

Using super, you just let Python pick the "next" class to give control.
Using B.__init__ and C.__init__, A.__init__ would be called twice.


> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Luciano
> > 
> > 
> > On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 9:37 PM, John Fouhy <john at> wrote:
> >> On 19/03/2008, Allen Fowler <allen.fowler at> wrote:
> >>  >  I have a super class that accepts many arguments to it's constructor, and a subclass that should define one additional argument.
> >>  >
> >>  >  What's the most "pythonic" way to make this work?
> >>
> >>  class BaseClass(object):
> >>   def __init__(self, x, y, z, foo='foo'): # whatever
> >>      # etc
> >>
> >>  class SubClass(BaseClass):
> >>   def __init__(self, t, *args, **kw):
> >>     BaseClass.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
> >>     # do something with t
> >>
> >>  This does mean that the special sub class argument has to come before
> >>  the base class arguments when you create instances.
> >>
> >>  Whether you call BaseClass.__init__ early or late in the subclass init
> >>  method could depend on what your classes are doing.  Remember, in
> >>  Python, __init__ only initializes objects, it doesn't create them.
> >>  It's just another bit of code that you can call whenever you want.
> >>
> >>  --
> >>  John.
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >>
> >>
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> > 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From andreas at  Sun Mar 23 21:25:06 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 21:25:06 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206303906.11011.40.camel@localhost>

One usual usage for classmethods are "alternate" constructors.


Am Sonntag, den 23.03.2008, 10:49 -0700 schrieb maser:
> Thanks, Andreas. Why do we need to use classmethod/
> staticmethod and where do we need to use them ?
> thanks
> iyer
> --- Andreas Kostyrka <andreas at> wrote:
> > Well, it's classmethod/staticmethod in truth, @ is
> > the decorator
> > operator:
> > 
> > def testdec(func):
> >     return {"funcobj": func}
> > 
> > class Abc(object):
> >     @testdec
> >     def method():
> >         pass
> > 
> > assert isinstance(Abc.method, dict)
> > 
> > Basically as you can see above, @X before a function
> > definition takes
> > the function, applies X, and use the result instead.
> > 
> > Now, naive Python level implementations of
> > classmethod and staticmethod
> > would be (untested, all typed in the mailer):
> > 
> > def classmethod(func):
> >     def wrapper(self, *args, **kw):
> >         return func(self.__class__, *args, **kw)
> >     return wrapper
> > 
> > def staticmethod(func):
> >     def wrapper(self, *args, **kw):
> >         return func(*args, **kw)
> >     return wrapper
> > 
> > Andreas
> > 
> > Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 20:08 -0700 schrieb
> > maser:
> > > Hi
> > > 
> > > I couldn't find a good resource explaining what
> > > @classmethod and @staticmethod are in python and
> > when,
> > > how these could be used.
> > > 
> > > If someone could explain what these are, or point
> > me
> > > to resources that may help, it is appreciated.
> > > 
> > > Thanks
> > > iyer
> > > 
> > > 
> > >      
> >
> ____________________________________________________________________________________
> > > Be a better friend, newshound, and 
> > > know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now. 
> >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> > >
> > 
>       ____________________________________________________________________________________
> Be a better friend, newshound, and 
> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ
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From at  Sun Mar 23 22:44:28 2008
From: at (Konstantinos Rousis)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 23:44:28 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Handling XMLHTTPRequests
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,

I am trying to build an extension for the Firefox that will automatically
authorize users through KeyNote system. My components are the following:

   1. Python implementation of KeyNote. Stand-alone, given some
   information makes the authorization decision.
   2. Firefox Extension: When some events are triggered, an
   XMLHTTPRequest (XHR) should be sent to the server.
   3. *(?)A python script that should handle the XHRs.*

1 and 2 are ready and my difficulties are in 3. I need some conceptual help
on the following:

   - Is it possible a Python script hosted on Apache, accept the XHRs
   made from Firefox extension's JavaScript?
   - Can data sent (e.g. XML files) along with the XHR be extracted from
   my python script and be redirected to the stand-alone Python KeyNote
   application, as well as getting the result back (i.e. authorization
   - Can I define the HTTP response that will be sent back to the

The important thing is this script to be hosted on an Apache server and not
be a stand-alone server. Moreover I would like to avoid the use of CGI and
rather use the mod_python.

Any help would be really appreciated.


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From kent37 at  Sun Mar 23 23:26:26 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 18:26:26 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

maser wrote:
> Thanks, Andreas. Why do we need to use classmethod/
> staticmethod and where do we need to use them ?

I use staticmethods as a convenience to put related functions in the 
namespace of a class. Perhaps contains class Foo with 
staticmethod bar(). In client code I can say

from foo import Foo

If bar was a module method it would be

from foo import Foo, bar

I prefer the former in cases where bar is related to Foo.


From mwalsh at  Sun Mar 23 20:00:53 2008
From: mwalsh at (mwalsh)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 14:00:53 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Maybe advanced pexpect question?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<1206249765.27498.2.camel@localhost.localdomain>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Nathan McBride wrote:
>> I've used pexpect for a few projects and love it.  Basically pexpect
>> lets you spawn a program and interact with it from code like you
>> yourself were running it in a console.  How would you send the ctrl key?
> I don't use pexpect, so I am guessing...
> The ctrl key by itself is not a character so you can't send that. ctrl-C 
> is a character that is represented in a string as \x03. I expect you 
> would send a control character with sendline(), for example to sent 
> ctrl-C try
>    child.sendline ('\x03')

In recent versions of pexpect (I'm looking at 2.3), 'spawn' objects 
include a sendcontrol  method which does almost exactly that for cntl-c, 
with send instead of sendline.

> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From hunter92383 at  Sun Mar 23 23:42:04 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 15:42:04 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] I am reading the tutorial alright?
Message-ID: <>

t = 12345, 54321, "hello!"
print t[0]

the way the 3 items are saved and access fits my need, now how do I make t
have more than one entry so effectively I get this?


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From cappy2112 at  Mon Mar 24 00:11:33 2008
From: cappy2112 at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 16:11:33 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
Message-ID: <>


Would you show the examples which show where staticmethod &
classmethod are used?

I've often wondered about the usefulness of these myself. Having read
many of the popular books on python, none provide a good clear
of why or where these should be used, and what the alternatives are
(if any). They typically show an extremely terse example of the syntax
with little explanation.

Message: 7
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 18:26:26 -0400
From: Kent Johnson <kent37 at>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
To: maser <maseriyer at>
Cc: tutor at
Message-ID: <47E6D912.1050801 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

maser wrote:
> Thanks, Andreas. Why do we need to use classmethod/
> staticmethod and where do we need to use them ?

I use staticmethods as a convenience to put related functions in the
namespace of a class. Perhaps contains class Foo with
staticmethod bar(). In client code I can say

from foo import Foo

If bar was a module method it would be

from foo import Foo, bar

I prefer the former in cases where bar is related to Foo.


From bgailer at  Mon Mar 24 00:13:47 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 19:13:47 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] I am reading the tutorial alright?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris wrote:
> t = 12345, 54321, "hello!"
> print t[0]
> the way the 3 items are saved and access fits my need, now how do I 
> make t have more than one entry so effectively I get this?
> t[n][n]
(1) are you going through the tutorials as requested?
(2) please learn how to ask meaningful questions
For example t[n][n] does not communicate the outcome you desire.
In Python t[n][n] would get you the nth element of the nth element of t. 
For example if n were 2 you'd get 3. If that is what you want you just 
answered your own question, as a simple test in the Python interactive 
window would reveal.

Otherwise we can only guess as to what you want and that wastes all of 
our time!

It would be far more effective to show us what the result would look 
like based on the data you entered into t.

PLEASE do as much as you can to solve problems yourself and express 
questions CLEARLY!

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From hunter92383 at  Mon Mar 24 00:16:29 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 16:16:29 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] I am reading the tutorial alright?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

in c++ i use array[n][n] to store things.

how do i create an array like that?

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 4:13 PM, bob gailer <bgailer at> wrote:

> elis aeris wrote:
> > t = 12345, 54321, "hello!"
> > print t[0]
> >
> > the way the 3 items are saved and access fits my need, now how do I
> > make t have more than one entry so effectively I get this?
> >
> > t[n][n]
> >
> (1) are you going through the tutorials as requested?
> (2) please learn how to ask meaningful questions
> For example t[n][n] does not communicate the outcome you desire.
> In Python t[n][n] would get you the nth element of the nth element of t.
> For example if n were 2 you'd get 3. If that is what you want you just
> answered your own question, as a simple test in the Python interactive
> window would reveal.
> Otherwise we can only guess as to what you want and that wastes all of
> our time!
> It would be far more effective to show us what the result would look
> like based on the data you entered into t.
> PLEASE do as much as you can to solve problems yourself and express
> questions CLEARLY!
> --
> Bob Gailer
> 919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC
-------------- next part --------------
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From marc.tompkins at  Mon Mar 24 00:22:07 2008
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 16:22:07 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] I am reading the tutorial alright?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 4:16 PM, elis aeris <hunter92383 at> wrote:

> in c++ i use array[n][n] to store things.
> how do i create an array like that?

Python doesn't have "arrays".  It has tuples, lists, and dictionaries.  A
quick Google will tell you the distinctions between them.

It looks to me like you want to create a list of lists....

t =[ ["item1", "item2", "item3"], ["itemA", "itemB", "itemC"], ["itemI",
"itemII", "itemIII"] ]

t[0][0] == "item1"
t[1][1] == "itemB"
t[2][2] == "itemIII"

> On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 4:13 PM, bob gailer <bgailer at> wrote:
> > elis aeris wrote:
> > > t = 12345, 54321, "hello!"
> > > print t[0]
> > >
> > > the way the 3 items are saved and access fits my need, now how do I
> > > make t have more than one entry so effectively I get this?
> > >
> > > t[n][n]
> > >
> > (1) are you going through the tutorials as requested?
> > (2) please learn how to ask meaningful questions
> > For example t[n][n] does not communicate the outcome you desire.
> > In Python t[n][n] would get you the nth element of the nth element of t.
> > For example if n were 2 you'd get 3. If that is what you want you just
> > answered your own question, as a simple test in the Python interactive
> > window would reveal.
> >
> > Otherwise we can only guess as to what you want and that wastes all of
> > our time!
> >
> > It would be far more effective to show us what the result would look
> > like based on the data you entered into t.
> >
> > PLEASE do as much as you can to solve problems yourself and express
> > questions CLEARLY!
> >
> > --
> > Bob Gailer
> > 919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

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From hunter92383 at  Mon Mar 24 00:24:25 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 16:24:25 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] I am reading the tutorial alright?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

t =[ ["item1", "item2", "item3"], ["itemA", "itemB", "itemC"], ["itemI",
"itemII", "itemIII"] ]

yes this is what I am looking for.

Now I want to talk about this: how should I have asked my Q to let everyone
know what I was looking for?

looking back to my first post, it seems to be a little weak. Can you suggest
something that I could have said?

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 4:22 PM, Marc Tompkins <marc.tompkins at>

> On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 4:16 PM, elis aeris <hunter92383 at> wrote:
> > in c++ i use array[n][n] to store things.
> >
> > how do i create an array like that?
> >
> Python doesn't have "arrays".  It has tuples, lists, and dictionaries.  A
> quick Google will tell you the distinctions between them.
> It looks to me like you want to create a list of lists....
> t =[ ["item1", "item2", "item3"], ["itemA", "itemB", "itemC"], ["itemI",
> "itemII", "itemIII"] ]
> t[0][0] == "item1"
> t[1][1] == "itemB"
> t[2][2] == "itemIII"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 4:13 PM, bob gailer <bgailer at>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > elis aeris wrote:
> > > > t = 12345, 54321, "hello!"
> > > > print t[0]
> > > >
> > > > the way the 3 items are saved and access fits my need, now how do I
> > > > make t have more than one entry so effectively I get this?
> > > >
> > > > t[n][n]
> > > >
> > > (1) are you going through the tutorials as requested?
> > > (2) please learn how to ask meaningful questions
> > > For example t[n][n] does not communicate the outcome you desire.
> > > In Python t[n][n] would get you the nth element of the nth element of
> > > t.
> > > For example if n were 2 you'd get 3. If that is what you want you just
> > > answered your own question, as a simple test in the Python interactive
> > > window would reveal.
> > >
> > > Otherwise we can only guess as to what you want and that wastes all of
> > > our time!
> > >
> > > It would be far more effective to show us what the result would look
> > > like based on the data you entered into t.
> > >
> > > PLEASE do as much as you can to solve problems yourself and express
> > > questions CLEARLY!
> > >
> > > --
> > > Bob Gailer
> > > 919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC
> > >
> > >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> >
> >
> --
-------------- next part --------------
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From hunter92383 at  Mon Mar 24 00:24:40 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 16:24:40 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] I am reading the tutorial alright?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

thanks for the reply, btw.

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 4:22 PM, Marc Tompkins <marc.tompkins at>

> On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 4:16 PM, elis aeris <hunter92383 at> wrote:
> > in c++ i use array[n][n] to store things.
> >
> > how do i create an array like that?
> >
> Python doesn't have "arrays".  It has tuples, lists, and dictionaries.  A
> quick Google will tell you the distinctions between them.
> It looks to me like you want to create a list of lists....
> t =[ ["item1", "item2", "item3"], ["itemA", "itemB", "itemC"], ["itemI",
> "itemII", "itemIII"] ]
> t[0][0] == "item1"
> t[1][1] == "itemB"
> t[2][2] == "itemIII"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 4:13 PM, bob gailer <bgailer at>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > elis aeris wrote:
> > > > t = 12345, 54321, "hello!"
> > > > print t[0]
> > > >
> > > > the way the 3 items are saved and access fits my need, now how do I
> > > > make t have more than one entry so effectively I get this?
> > > >
> > > > t[n][n]
> > > >
> > > (1) are you going through the tutorials as requested?
> > > (2) please learn how to ask meaningful questions
> > > For example t[n][n] does not communicate the outcome you desire.
> > > In Python t[n][n] would get you the nth element of the nth element of
> > > t.
> > > For example if n were 2 you'd get 3. If that is what you want you just
> > > answered your own question, as a simple test in the Python interactive
> > > window would reveal.
> > >
> > > Otherwise we can only guess as to what you want and that wastes all of
> > > our time!
> > >
> > > It would be far more effective to show us what the result would look
> > > like based on the data you entered into t.
> > >
> > > PLEASE do as much as you can to solve problems yourself and express
> > > questions CLEARLY!
> > >
> > > --
> > > Bob Gailer
> > > 919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC
> > >
> > >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> >
> >
> --
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Mon Mar 24 00:34:34 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 19:34:34 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tony Cappellini wrote:
> Kent
> Would you show the examples which show where staticmethod &
> classmethod are used?

Some good discussion here:

I don't use classmethods so I can't discuss that. For staticmethods, 
suppose I have in

class Foo(object):
   # Lots of useful stuff

In I have

from foo import Foo

# Do interesting things with Foo

Now perhaps I need a function
that belongs in but doesn't have to be an instance method - it is 
just a related function. I could make this a module function and change to read

from foo import Foo, doSomethingRelatedToFoo


or I could make doSomethingRelatedToFoo a staticmethod, then I don't 
have to change the import statement, I can access 
doSomethingRelatedToFoo() through the already-imported Foo class:


It's a pretty small difference but I like keeping the import simple and 
not having to change it when I add doSomethingRelatedToFoo() to


From hunter92383 at  Mon Mar 24 00:41:21 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 16:41:21 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] returning two values continued
Message-ID: <>

def returning ():
    a = 1
    b = 2
    return a, b

ab = returning()

does this work?

if it does, is ab a tuple of 2 and [0] being a and [1] being b?
-------------- next part --------------
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From cappy2112 at  Mon Mar 24 01:07:55 2008
From: cappy2112 at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 17:07:55 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>  I don't use classmethods so I can't discuss that. For staticmethods,
>  suppose I have in

Where is the word "staticmethod" in the example below? Where is it used?
This is what I was hoping to see.

>  class Foo(object):
>    # Lots of useful stuff
>  In I have
>  from foo import Foo
>  # Do interesting things with Foo
>  Now perhaps I need a function
>  doSomethingRelatedToFoo()
>  that belongs in but doesn't have to be an instance method - it is
>  just a related function. I could make this a module function and change
> to read
>  from foo import Foo, doSomethingRelatedToFoo
>  doSomethingRelatedToFoo()
>  or I could make doSomethingRelatedToFoo a staticmethod, then I don't
>  have to change the import statement, I can access
>  doSomethingRelatedToFoo() through the already-imported Foo class:
>  Foo.doSomethingRelatedToFoo()
>  It's a pretty small difference but I like keeping the import simple and
>  not having to change it when I add doSomethingRelatedToFoo() to
>  Kent

From marc.tompkins at  Mon Mar 24 01:11:10 2008
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 17:11:10 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] I am reading the tutorial alright?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 4:24 PM, elis aeris <hunter92383 at> wrote:

> Now I want to talk about this: how should I have asked my Q to let
> everyone know what I was looking for?
> looking back to my first post, it seems to be a little weak. Can you
> suggest something that I could have said?

Offhand, how about "What's the Python equivalent of a multi-dimensional

Speaking only for myself, what bugs me about most of your questions so far
is that you don't seem to do any thinking before you hit Send.  For a few of
your questions, it would have taken you less time/effort to do a three-word
Google search than to ask the list; for this one, this list was probably the
right place - but thirty seconds of thought about what you really wanted to
ask would have made the difference.  If you don't know the technical terms(
e.g. "array" versus "list", "dictionary", "tuple"), I for one will not bite
your head off for it - as long as you make a good-faith effort to express

Most of us who read and answer questions are going to spend at least a
couple of minutes, and some thought, on our reply.  If it seems that you
spent less than that on your question, it can be irritating.  Some of us can
be downright cranky, but nobody likes to feel disrespected.  Just take a
minute and think.

-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Mon Mar 24 01:22:01 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:22:01 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
References: <1206176923.11011.28.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <fs6s7b$8eh$>

"maser" <maseriyer at> wrote 

> Thanks, Andreas. Why do we need to use classmethod/
> staticmethod and where do we need to use them ?

Although there are minor technical details where they differ 
static methods and class methods are nearly identical. The 
names come from two programming traditions with different 
names for the same thing. Smalltalk and Lisp etc use class 
method. Delphi, C++ and Javba use static method.

In terms of usage they are both the same and have two basic 
1) As per my earlier response and example to do something 
to the entire class of objects, either select one instance using 
some kind of search mechanism - database queries are often 
coded in class methods, or a count of all instances (perhaps 
with filters which is similar to a database sel;ect) or it can 
be conversions of one  type/class to another. And this can 
in turn be a kind of factory method or pseudo constructor.

2) class methods can also be used to provide generic 
collections of functions, perhaps with some shared 
data/variables. Booch called these "Class Utilities" in his 
book. They could for example provide a pseudo object 
interface to legacy code or provide namespace protection 
for a commonly used data name.

The second form can usually be provided with functions 
in a module in Python but thats not the case in some 
other languages.

As a practical example of the former consider a client/server 
application where the client sends requests to the server 
specifying the class and instance and method of the target 
object. The interprocess message handler can delegate the 
message to a class method to look up the instance and 
in turn call the actual method of the returned instance. 
This is much lighter weight than using a full blown Object 
Request Broker but provides a simar level of decoupling
and ease of use in the client code. I've built several 
systems using this pattern and the RPC code hardly 

Another example is where you need to produce highly 
dynamic object systems with lots of introspection and
varying object structures. This is rarely needed in Python 
because the built in introspection is so good but in languages 
like C++ it may be the easiest way of creating new "classes"
(not objects) in real time (although in truth these "classes" are 
restricted to new data members and accessor methods)
One practical case using this was a hospital diagniosis 
system where doctors needed to be able to introduce 
new subclasses of disease/diagnosis and have these 
classes merge seamlessly with the base hard coded 
disease classes. Static methods were used to maintain 
dictionaries of dictionaries representing the sub classes 
and their features. These could then be passed to the 
instances as required and the instances performed a 
similar kind of attribute access to that used by Python.

Its probably worth saying that these kinds of uses are 
powerful when needed but they are not by any means 
needed in every program. Although once you use them 
you tend to find more uses for them than you previously 
expected! :-)


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From marc.tompkins at  Mon Mar 24 01:26:08 2008
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 17:26:08 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] returning two values continued
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 4:41 PM, elis aeris <hunter92383 at> wrote:

> def returning ():
>     a = 1
>     b = 2
>     return a, b
> ab = returning()
> does this work?

I cut and pasted into an interactive Python session:

>>> def returning ():
...     a = 1
...     b = 2
...     return a, b
>>> ab = returning()
>>> print ab
(1, 2)

if it does, is ab a tuple of 2 and [0] being a and [1] being b?

>>> print type(ab)
<type 'tuple'>
>>> print ab[0]
>>> print ab[1]

I don't know what environment you're using - I use Windows XP.
1 - Start/Run, 'cmd', OK gets me a command prompt.
2 - I type "python" and hit Enter - I have a Python interactive session.
3 - I highlight your code snippet, hit Ctrl-Ins to copy it, then right-click
in the Python session and select Paste.
Ten seconds down, and there's your answer.

Your question was reasonably well thought-out and phrased - you're halfway
there.  Go the other half - try it yourself as I did, and if there's still
something (like an error message) you don't understand, post the code AND
the result when you tried it.  It only takes an extra minute, and it gets
you a LOT more credit here.  Cut, Copy, and Paste are your friends.

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From alan.gauld at  Mon Mar 24 01:25:36 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:25:36 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] from __future__ import division
References: <BAY109-DAV6A57E30B3A921D5D01EB3A3030@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <fs6se2$90p$>

"Steve Willoughby" <steve at> wrote

> normal division x/y works just as expected, with one caveat: 
> remember
> that if you divide two *integer* values, you will get an *integer*
> division operation yielding an *integer* result.  So:

It's worth pointing out that although beginners tend to find this
behaviour odd it is actually very useful for many types of
programming problem(*). That's why the future mechanism includes
a new operator to do the older style integer division

(*)Some examples include manipulating indices into lists,
selecting from limited ranges, dealing with cyclic lists etc.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

From alan.gauld at  Mon Mar 24 01:31:22 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:31:22 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] I am reading the tutorial alright?
References: <><>
Message-ID: <fs6sp2$9rk$>

"elis aeris" <hunter92383 at> wrote

> in c++ i use array[n][n] to store things.
> how do i create an array like that?

Please read any tutorial they nearly all cover multi dimensional 
It is also easy to experiment at the >>> prompt. Just try the obvious
thing - create a list of lists. It works as you wouyld expect from 

People spend a lot of time writing tutorials so that beginners
don't need to ask questions like this. And so the tutors don't
need to spend a lot of their time answering the same things for
every beginner!

We are trying to be helpful but you need to help yourself too.
It is far quicker to spend some time on a tutorial than to
post questions here thenm wait for a reply that answers it.

Try building a list of lists. If you have problems come back and
show us what you did and what went wrong. Then we can offer
specific help.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

From alan.gauld at  Mon Mar 24 01:37:47 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:37:47 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] returning two values continued
References: <>
Message-ID: <fs6t4u$aq5$>

"elis aeris" <hunter92383 at> wrote

> def returning ():
>    a = 1
>    b = 2
>    return a, b
> ab = returning()
> does this work?
> if it does, is ab a tuple of 2 and [0] being a and [1] being b?

Try it in the >>> prompt, thats what its there for and will give you 
an instant answer:

>>> def returning():
...  a = 1
...  b = 2
...  return a,b
>>> ab = returning()
>>> print ab
(1, 2)
>>> print ab[0]
>>> print ab[1]

Does that answer your question?

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Give a man a fish and feed him for a day
Teach him to fish and you feed him for life 

From alan.gauld at  Mon Mar 24 01:34:42 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:34:42 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] I am reading the tutorial alright?
References: <><><><>
Message-ID: <fs6sv4$acr$>

"elis aeris" <hunter92383 at> wrote

> looking back to my first post, it seems to be a little weak. Can you 
> suggest
> something that I could have said?

Your first post was downright confusing.
Your second post was better because it described what you wanted.
You did that by drawing comparison with C++ arrays.

In general describe the problem you are trying to solve
and show what you think the code might look like and
the output you would expect. or like to see.

And before posting try a search on google, always
including the work Python in the search string.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

From kent37 at  Mon Mar 24 01:56:36 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 20:56:36 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Tony Cappellini wrote:
>>  I don't use classmethods so I can't discuss that. For staticmethods,
>>  suppose I have in
> Where is the word "staticmethod" in the example below? Where is it used?
> This is what I was hoping to see.

It would be

class Foo(object):
   def doSomethingRelatedToFoo():
     # whatever


From hunter92383 at  Mon Mar 24 02:25:00 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 18:25:00 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] def_a
Message-ID: <>

def_a =[
         ["", "", "O"],
         ["", "", "h"],
         ["1.2.", "", ","],
         ["2.7.2.", "", "I"],
         ["", "", "m"],
         ["", "", "e"],
         ["", "", "a"],
         ["", "", "n"],
         ["2.", "", "."],
         ["", "", "L"],
         ["", "", "t"],
         ["3.", "", "'"],
         ["", "", "s"],
         ["", "", "g"],
         ["", "", "o"],
         ["", "", "b"],
         ["", "", "u"],
         ["6.", "", "i"],
         ["6.", "", "!"]


def returnzero:
    return def_a[2]

this is a simple version of the function i use, and of course in the real
version [0] and [1] is used as well.

what I am trying to do is to write a generic function like this

def returnzero (def_a):
    return def_a

in other words, a generic function that is able to use any list assigned to
it, so that i don't have to write 8 functions just to use 8 list,because
that would be dumb, right?
-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Mon Mar 24 02:40:03 2008
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 01:40:03 -0000
Subject: [Tutor] def_a
References: <>
Message-ID: <fs70pl$jhe$>

"elis aeris" <hunter92383 at> wrote

> def_a =[
>         ["", "", "O"],
> ....
>         ["6.", "", "i"],
>         ["6.", "", "!"]
>       ]
> def returnzero:
>    return def_a[2]
> what I am trying to do is to write a generic function like this
> def returnzero (def_a):
>    return def_a
> in other words, a generic function that is able to use any list 
> assigned to
> it, so that i don't have to write 8 functions just to use 8 
> list,because
> that would be dumb, right?

Yes it would be dumb.

Do you have any other questions?
Have you tried the code? Did it work as expected?

Alan G. 

From hunter92383 at  Mon Mar 24 05:03:35 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 21:03:35 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] def_a
In-Reply-To: <fs70pl$jhe$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

it works :D

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 6:40 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>

> "elis aeris" <hunter92383 at> wrote
> > def_a =[
> >         ["", "", "O"],
> > ....
> >         ["6.", "", "i"],
> >         ["6.", "", "!"]
> >       ]
> >
> > def returnzero:
> >    return def_a[2]
> >
> > what I am trying to do is to write a generic function like this
> >
> > def returnzero (def_a):
> >    return def_a
> >
> > in other words, a generic function that is able to use any list
> > assigned to
> > it, so that i don't have to write 8 functions just to use 8
> > list,because
> > that would be dumb, right?
> Yes it would be dumb.
> Do you have any other questions?
> Have you tried the code? Did it work as expected?
> Alan G.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From trey at  Mon Mar 24 06:04:44 2008
From: trey at (Trey Keown)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:04:44 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Tutor] cross-compile python?
Message-ID: <>

Hey all,
  I've started trying to make homebrew programs for my wii the past couple
of days, and have found that programming it in c is quite hard. I was
wondering how I would go about compiling python for something like this.
The wii has a ppc processor, and runs homebrew in the native .elf format.


From Pamela.J.Bartruff at  Mon Mar 24 13:07:50 2008
From: Pamela.J.Bartruff at (Bartruff, Pamela J.)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 07:07:50 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] how to write a function
Message-ID: <>

Hello Python users, 

I am very new to Python, how do I program that converts 24 hour time to
12 hour time?  The program should have three functions(input, conversion
and output function)  


Thanks for any help

Pamela Bartruff

-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Mon Mar 24 14:07:29 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 09:07:29 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to write a function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bartruff, Pamela J. wrote:
> Hello Python users,
> I am very new to Python, how do I program that converts 24 hour time to 
> 12 hour time?  The program should have three functions(input, conversion 
> and output function) 

This sounds like a homework assignment. We will help with homework but 
we won't do it for you.

Do you know how to write a function? What is the time format? Where does 
the input come from? What have you tried so far?


From Pamela.J.Bartruff at  Mon Mar 24 14:28:13 2008
From: Pamela.J.Bartruff at (Bartruff, Pamela J.)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 08:28:13 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] how to write a function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Def convert_time(time):
"""split hours from minutes"
Time = raw_input("enter a time, in military: ")
If hours > 12
 Hours = hours - 12
 Am_or_pm = "p.m."
Output_hours = hours
Output_minutes = minutes
Output_hours = ""
 Am_or_pm = "a.m."

-----Original Message-----
From: Kent Johnson [mailto:kent37 at] 
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 8:07 AM
To: Bartruff, Pamela J.
Cc: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to write a function

Bartruff, Pamela J. wrote:
> Hello Python users,
> I am very new to Python, how do I program that converts 24 hour time
> 12 hour time?  The program should have three functions(input,
> and output function) 

This sounds like a homework assignment. We will help with homework but 
we won't do it for you.

Do you know how to write a function? What is the time format? Where does

the input come from? What have you tried so far?


From bhaaluu at  Mon Mar 24 15:16:49 2008
From: bhaaluu at (bhaaluu)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:16:49 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to write a function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 8:07 AM, Bartruff, Pamela J.
<Pamela.J.Bartruff at> wrote:
> Hello Python users,
> I am very new to Python, how do I program that converts 24 hour time to 12
> hour time?  The program should have three functions(input, conversion and
> output function)
> Thanks for any help
> Pamela Bartruff
> _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

You define a function with: def functionName():
The body of the function should be indented (4 spaces is good).
So here are examples of 3 'stub' functions that don't do anything (yet):

def input():
    # comments go after a hash
    # this is the input function
    varName = raw_input("Enter input: ")
    return varName

def conversion(varName):
    #  this is the conversion function
    # do something here
    return varName

def output(varName):
    # this is the output function
    print ("You input %s" % varName)

def main():
    varName = input()

if __name__ == "__main__":

You'll have to fill in the parts specific to your problem.
The best way to start is to work the problem out on paper
first: ie. you should already know how to do the math to
convert from 24 hour time, to 12 hour time. If you can't
do it on paper yet, you need to start by learning how to do it
on paper before you can teach the computer how to do it.

Happy Programming!
b h a a l u u at g m a i l dot c o m
"You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its
orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such
allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil.
A good person will resist an evil system with his or her
whole soul." [Mahatma Gandhi]

From inthefridge at  Mon Mar 24 15:51:25 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 08:51:25 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I am at a loss as to why this isn't working properly:


import MySQLdb
import csv
import sys

    db = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",user = "root",passwd =
"########",db = "stats")
except MySQLdb.Error, e:
    print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
    sys.exit (1)

co = db.cursor()
csv_data = csv.reader(file('output.txt','r'))
headers =
row =
prefix = row[:17]
for i in range(17, len(row),8):
    next = prefix + row[i:i+8]
    print next
    INSERT INTO stats(Hostname, Time, Arch, PhysicalCPU, Count, Running,
Blocked, Paused, Shutdown, Shutoff, Crashed, Active, Inactive, PCPU,
TotalMemory, Totalguestmemory, TotalCPUtime, DomainID, Domainname, CPUTime,

    """, row)

It pulls all of the data correctly and it is the correct of items that it is
grabbing.  I get this traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 21, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 148, in
    query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

If I have it print out the next variable...the data is correct that it is
pulling out...

['', '15:33:59', 'x86_64', '8', '9', '1', '4', '0', '0', '0',
'0', '5', '4', '0.0', '12495360', '818688', '0', '1', 'beta', '0.', '0.',
'', '', '', '']

Maybe fresh eyes could pull out my mistake?

Thanks again for everything!
-------------- next part --------------
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From Pamela.J.Bartruff at  Mon Mar 24 16:17:01 2008
From: Pamela.J.Bartruff at (Bartruff, Pamela J.)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:17:01 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] how to write a function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you so much.  I appreciate the help, I am very new to Python, but
I would very much like to learn more...

-----Original Message-----
From: bhaaluu [mailto:bhaaluu at] 
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 9:17 AM
To: Bartruff, Pamela J.
Cc: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to write a function

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 8:07 AM, Bartruff, Pamela J.
<Pamela.J.Bartruff at> wrote:
> Hello Python users,
> I am very new to Python, how do I program that converts 24 hour time
to 12
> hour time?  The program should have three functions(input, conversion
> output function)
> Thanks for any help
> Pamela Bartruff
> _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

You define a function with: def functionName():
The body of the function should be indented (4 spaces is good).
So here are examples of 3 'stub' functions that don't do anything (yet):

def input():
    # comments go after a hash
    # this is the input function
    varName = raw_input("Enter input: ")
    return varName

def conversion(varName):
    #  this is the conversion function
    # do something here
    return varName

def output(varName):
    # this is the output function
    print ("You input %s" % varName)

def main():
    varName = input()

if __name__ == "__main__":

You'll have to fill in the parts specific to your problem.
The best way to start is to work the problem out on paper
first: ie. you should already know how to do the math to
convert from 24 hour time, to 12 hour time. If you can't
do it on paper yet, you need to start by learning how to do it
on paper before you can teach the computer how to do it.

Happy Programming!
b h a a l u u at g m a i l dot c o m
"You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its
orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such
allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil.
A good person will resist an evil system with his or her
whole soul." [Mahatma Gandhi]

From kent37 at  Mon Mar 24 16:27:37 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 11:27:37 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Spencer Parker wrote:
> I am at a loss as to why this isn't working properly:
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import MySQLdb
> import csv
> import sys
> try:
>     db = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",user = "root",passwd = 
> "########",db = "stats")
> except MySQLdb.Error, e:
>     print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
>     sys.exit (1)
> co = db.cursor()
> csv_data = csv.reader(file('output.txt','r'))
> headers =
> row =
> prefix = row[:17]
> for i in range(17, len(row),8):
>     next = prefix + row[i:i+8]
>     print next
> co.execute("""
>     INSERT INTO stats(Hostname, Time, Arch, PhysicalCPU, Count, Running, 
> Blocked, Paused, Shutdown, Shutoff, Crashed, Active, Inactive, PCPU, 
> TotalMemory, Totalguestmemory, TotalCPUtime, DomainID, Domainname, 
> VALUES("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s");
>     """, row)

You want 'next', not 'row'


> co.close()
> db.commit()
> db.close()
> It pulls all of the data correctly and it is the correct of items that 
> it is grabbing.  I get this traceback:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./", line 21, in ?
>     co.execute("""
>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 
> 148, in execute
>     query = query % db.literal(args)
> TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
> If I have it print out the next variable...the data is correct that it 
> is pulling out...
> [' <>', '15:33:59', 'x86_64', '8', '9', 
> '1', '4', '0', '0', '0', '0', '5', '4', '0.0', '12495360', '818688', 
> '0', '1', 'beta', '0.', '0.', '', '', '', '']
> Maybe fresh eyes could pull out my mistake?
> Thanks again for everything!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From inthefridge at  Mon Mar 24 16:38:09 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 09:38:09 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Okay...that got me a different error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 21, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value
count at row 1")

Thanks for getting me past that part...once this is error is resolved...then
it should be done.  The good thing is I think I could actually do this again
and understand what I am doing...I guess there is progress there.

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 9:27 AM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Spencer Parker wrote:
> > I am at a loss as to why this isn't working properly:
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/python
> >
> > import MySQLdb
> > import csv
> > import sys
> >
> > try:
> >     db = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",user = "root",passwd =
> > "########",db = "stats")
> > except MySQLdb.Error, e:
> >     print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
> >     sys.exit (1)
> >
> > co = db.cursor()
> > csv_data = csv.reader(file('output.txt','r'))
> > headers =
> > row =
> > prefix = row[:17]
> > for i in range(17, len(row),8):
> >     next = prefix + row[i:i+8]
> >     print next
> > co.execute("""
> >     INSERT INTO stats(Hostname, Time, Arch, PhysicalCPU, Count, Running,
> > Blocked, Paused, Shutdown, Shutoff, Crashed, Active, Inactive, PCPU,
> > TotalMemory, Totalguestmemory, TotalCPUtime, DomainID, Domainname,
> >
> >
> VALUES("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s");
> >     """, row)
> You want 'next', not 'row'
> Kent
> > co.close()
> > db.commit()
> > db.close()
> >
> > It pulls all of the data correctly and it is the correct of items that
> > it is grabbing.  I get this traceback:
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "./", line 21, in ?
> >     co.execute("""
> >   File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line
> > 148, in execute
> >     query = query % db.literal(args)
> > TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
> >
> > If I have it print out the next variable...the data is correct that it
> > is pulling out...
> >
> > [' <>', '15:33:59', 'x86_64', '8', '9',
> > '1', '4', '0', '0', '0', '0', '5', '4', '0.0', '12495360', '818688',
> > '0', '1', 'beta', '0.', '0.', '', '', '', '']
> >
> > Maybe fresh eyes could pull out my mistake?
> >
> > Thanks again for everything!
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >

Spencer Parker

"if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."

-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Mon Mar 24 16:46:14 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 11:46:14 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Spencer Parker wrote:
> Okay...that got me a different error:

> _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match 
> value count at row 1")

So, what do you think that error might be trying to tell you? What 
output do you get from the 'print next' statement?


From inthefridge at  Mon Mar 24 17:01:47 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:01:47 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I am pretty sure it is trying to tell me that the data I have is not
matching up with the columns I have in mysql.

The output I get from the print next is this:

['', '15:33:59', 'x86_64', '8', '9', '1', '4', '0', '0', '0',
'0', '5', '4', '0.0', '12495360', '818688', '0', '36', '',
'0.', '0.', '', '', '', '']

I have 25 columns in my MySQL database and it appears to be grabbing 25

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Spencer Parker wrote:
> > Okay...that got me a different error:
> > _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match
> > value count at row 1")
> So, what do you think that error might be trying to tell you? What
> output do you get from the 'print next' statement?
> Kent

Spencer Parker

"if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."

-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Mon Mar 24 17:30:40 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 12:30:40 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Spencer Parker wrote:
> I am pretty sure it is trying to tell me that the data I have is not 
> matching up with the columns I have in mysql.

Yes, I think so.
> The output I get from the print next is this:
> [' <>', '15:33:59', 'x86_64', '8', '9', 
> '1', '4', '0', '0', '0', '0', '5', '4', '0.0', '12495360', '818688', 
> '0', '36', ' <>', '0.', '0.', '', '', 
> '', '']
> I have 25 columns in my MySQL database and it appears to be grabbing 25 
> items.

Does it print any more lines, for example a line with no data that would 
look like

How many values are in the row of input? What is your current code? The 
last one you posted seems to have an incorrect indent, the co.execute() 
doesn't look like it is inside the loop.


From inthefridge at  Mon Mar 24 17:49:46 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:49:46 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <> I don't know what I was missing...but I copied the code from a
file I had without the loop in it works just fine...I'm going
through to see what changed right now...thanks for the is

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> Spencer Parker wrote:
> > I am pretty sure it is trying to tell me that the data I have is not
> > matching up with the columns I have in mysql.
> Yes, I think so.
> >
> > The output I get from the print next is this:
> >
> > [' <>', '15:33:59', 'x86_64', '8', '9',
> > '1', '4', '0', '0', '0', '0', '5', '4', '0.0', '12495360', '818688',
> > '0', '36', ' <>', '0.', '0.', '', '',
> > '', '']
> >
> > I have 25 columns in my MySQL database and it appears to be grabbing 25
> > items.
> Does it print any more lines, for example a line with no data that would
> look like
> []
> ?
> How many values are in the row of input? What is your current code? The
> last one you posted seems to have an incorrect indent, the co.execute()
> doesn't look like it is inside the loop.
> Kent

Spencer Parker

"if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

From inthefridge at  Mon Mar 24 17:54:17 2008
From: inthefridge at (Spencer Parker)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:54:17 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CSV file processing...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I took out the quotes around the second part of the INSERT statement and
that made it work fine.

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Spencer Parker <inthefridge at>

> I don't know what I was missing...but I copied the code from a
> file I had without the loop in it works just fine...I'm going
> through to see what changed right now...thanks for the is
> appreciated...
> On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> > Spencer Parker wrote:
> > > I am pretty sure it is trying to tell me that the data I have is not
> > > matching up with the columns I have in mysql.
> >
> > Yes, I think so.
> > >
> > > The output I get from the print next is this:
> > >
> > > [' <>', '15:33:59', 'x86_64', '8',
> > '9',
> > > '1', '4', '0', '0', '0', '0', '5', '4', '0.0', '12495360', '818688',
> > > '0', '36', ' <>', '0.', '0.', '', '',
> > > '', '']
> > >
> > > I have 25 columns in my MySQL database and it appears to be grabbing
> > 25
> > > items.
> >
> > Does it print any more lines, for example a line with no data that would
> > look like
> > []
> > ?
> >
> > How many values are in the row of input? What is your current code? The
> > last one you posted seems to have an incorrect indent, the co.execute()
> > doesn't look like it is inside the loop.
> >
> > Kent
> >
> --
> Spencer Parker
> _______________________________________________________
> "if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."
> _______________________________________________________

Spencer Parker

"if you can't go to heaven, may you at least die in Ireland."

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From marc.tompkins at  Mon Mar 24 18:20:23 2008
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:20:23 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] how to write a function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 6:28 AM, Bartruff, Pamela J. <
Pamela.J.Bartruff at> wrote:

> Def convert_time(time):
> """split hours from minutes"
> Time = raw_input("enter a time, in military: ")

At this point, Time is a string, not a number.  (At this point, we also have
to _assume_ that the user entered a valid date string, but you can worry
about validation a little later...)

    hours = Time.split(':')[0]
    minutes = Time.split(':')[1]

The "split" method returns a list of strings.  I've told it to use a colon
(':') as the separator.  "hours" takes the first item in the list - remember
that we start from 0, not from 1 - and "minutes" takes the second item.

At this point you still have two strings, not numbers - convert them to
integers like so:
    hours = int(Time.split(':')[0])
    minutes = int(Time.split(':')[1])
(note - these lines replace what we did above)

And now you can move on to the rest of  your logic...

If hours > 12
>  Hours = hours - 12
>  Am_or_pm = "p.m."
> Output_hours = hours
> Output_minutes = minutes
> Output_hours = ""
> Else:
>  Am_or_pm = "a.m."

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From mlangford.cs03 at  Mon Mar 24 22:51:02 2008
From: mlangford.cs03 at (Michael Langford)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 17:51:02 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] cross-compile python?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Cross compiling python isn't easy. Follow what this blogger did to get
started, then ask when you get stuck.


On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 1:04 AM, Trey Keown <trey at> wrote:
> Hey all,
>   I've started trying to make homebrew programs for my wii the past couple
>  of days, and have found that programming it in c is quite hard. I was
>  wondering how I would go about compiling python for something like this.
>  The wii has a ppc processor, and runs homebrew in the native .elf format.
>  Thanks
>  _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Michael Langford
Phone: 404-386-0495

From andreas at  Mon Mar 24 23:51:12 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 23:51:12 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206399073.11011.46.camel@localhost>

A classical example is a class that can be constructed from different

Ok, let's implement a special integer class:

class MyOwnInteger(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

Now, let's say we want to add the possibility to create MyOwnInteger
instances from strings. We can accomplish this by checking the type of
value inside of __init__, but this does not scale if there might be
different interpretations for a string:

class MyOwnInteger(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
    def fromString(cls, value):
        return cls(int(value))
    def fromFiledata(cls, filename):
        fp = file(filename)
        data =
        return cls(int(data.strip()))


Am Sonntag, den 23.03.2008, 16:11 -0700 schrieb Tony Cappellini:
> Kent
> Would you show the examples which show where staticmethod &
> classmethod are used?
> I've often wondered about the usefulness of these myself. Having read
> many of the popular books on python, none provide a good clear
> explanation
> of why or where these should be used, and what the alternatives are
> (if any). They typically show an extremely terse example of the syntax
> with little explanation.
> Message: 7
> Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 18:26:26 -0400
> From: Kent Johnson <kent37 at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] what is @classmethod and @staticmethod ??
> To: maser <maseriyer at>
> Cc: tutor at
> Message-ID: <47E6D912.1050801 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> maser wrote:
> > Thanks, Andreas. Why do we need to use classmethod/
> > staticmethod and where do we need to use them ?
> I use staticmethods as a convenience to put related functions in the
> namespace of a class. Perhaps contains class Foo with
> staticmethod bar(). In client code I can say
> from foo import Foo
> If bar was a module method it would be
> from foo import Foo, bar
> bar()
> I prefer the former in cases where bar is related to Foo.
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From technorapture at  Tue Mar 25 03:12:41 2008
From: technorapture at (Shrutarshi Basu)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 22:12:41 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Let imported module access calling program
Message-ID: <>

I'm working on a module-based robot interface, but I've hit a bit of a
roadblock. I would like the user's script to be able to simply import
modules and drive the robot. I want the users code to be executed once
every few seconds, but I don't want the timing system to be part of
the users code: the user should just define the robot's behavior which
is executed in a cyclic manner. I would like to make the timing and
repeating system a part of the module the user imports in their code,
but that means that the module has to be able to access functions
inside the calling program. Is there an easy way to do this? Or is
there a completely different solution that I'm not seeing? (I would
like to avoid something object-oriented, because that's a personal
challenge for me for this project: to explore new ways of

Embedded Architectures, Systems programming and outrageous ideas --

From kent37 at  Tue Mar 25 03:30:31 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 22:30:31 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Let imported module access calling program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Shrutarshi Basu wrote:
> I'm working on a module-based robot interface, but I've hit a bit of a
> roadblock. I would like the user's script to be able to simply import
> modules and drive the robot. I want the users code to be executed once
> every few seconds, but I don't want the timing system to be part of
> the users code

This seems kind of strange to me. You want the entire user module to be 
re-run? Why don't you want looping and timing to be under the user's 
control? Can you show a short example of what the user code might look like?


From technorapture at  Tue Mar 25 03:43:51 2008
From: technorapture at (Shrutarshi Basu)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 22:43:51 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Let imported module access calling program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>  This seems kind of strange to me. You want the entire user module to be
>  re-run? Why don't you want looping and timing to be under the user's
>  control? Can you show a short example of what the user code might look like?
>  Kent

Well perhaps not the entire module, but probably most of it. Here's an
example. Suppose you want to define a simple obstacle avoidance
behavior, the script should be something similar to:

import robot
if robot.sensor('front') > 100:

Defining the sensor() and left_turn() functions is no problem, but
this should be a continuous behavior, hence the need to run it over
and over at certain time intervals. I already have a
(accessed by and a few other modules) which the user can
modify to set the intervals (and other details). i've also been
thinking about creating a which handles the repetition
and imports the user's code and runs its functions, but i would still
like to explore this method.
Thanks again,

From cappy2112 at  Tue Mar 25 07:39:18 2008
From: cappy2112 at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 23:39:18 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Python to C++
Message-ID: <>

Another alternative is Weave

But mixing C/C++ with Python sort of defeats the reasons for using
Python to begin with

Message: 2
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 02:44:54 +0100
From: Eike Welk <eike.welk at>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python to C++
To: tutor at
Message-ID: <200803220244.54377.eike.welk at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

On Friday 21 March 2008 23:37, Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
> Thank-you for all the suggestions for converting to C/C++ which
> will be followed up.
> Can we interface Python to a C++ library and if so how?
> Dinesh

If you have only few classes / member functions Boost-Python is a good

I heard that SWIG can also generate glue code for C++.

You could also look at Py-QT they have a tool like SWIG (SIP I think),
which they use to generate the glue code for the fairly big QT
library. Maybe you like it better.

From andreas at  Tue Mar 25 10:46:36 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:46:36 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python to C++
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206438396.11011.58.camel@localhost>

Well, not exactly. Mixing Python with C/C++ extends the "coverage" that
you can do with Python.


Am Montag, den 24.03.2008, 23:39 -0700 schrieb Tony Cappellini:
> Another alternative is Weave
> But mixing C/C++ with Python sort of defeats the reasons for using
> Python to begin with
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 02:44:54 +0100
> From: Eike Welk <eike.welk at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python to C++
> To: tutor at
> Message-ID: <200803220244.54377.eike.welk at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> On Friday 21 March 2008 23:37, Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
> > Thank-you for all the suggestions for converting to C/C++ which
> > will be followed up.
> >
> > Can we interface Python to a C++ library and if so how?
> >
> > Dinesh
> >
> If you have only few classes / member functions Boost-Python is a good
> solution.
> I heard that SWIG can also generate glue code for C++.
> You could also look at Py-QT they have a tool like SWIG (SIP I think),
> which they use to generate the glue code for the fairly big QT
> library. Maybe you like it better.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From kent37 at  Tue Mar 25 03:16:09 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 22:16:09 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] New Kent's Korner: urllib2 cookbook
Message-ID: <>

Draft notes for the next Kent's Korner presentation are available at

Comments welcome.


From kent37 at  Tue Mar 25 12:22:19 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 07:22:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Let imported module access calling program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Shrutarshi Basu wrote:
>>  This seems kind of strange to me. You want the entire user module to be
>>  re-run?
> Well perhaps not the entire module, but probably most of it.

How will you know how much to re-run? Reloading a module re-runs *all* 
of it, including reinitializing any global variables...

> Here's an
> example. Suppose you want to define a simple obstacle avoidance
> behavior, the script should be something similar to:
> import robot
> if robot.sensor('front') > 100:
>     robot.left_turn()

A few ideas:

- put all the code that should be repeated into a single function and 
pass that function to a run() function:

def actions():
   if robot.sensor('front') > 100:

- Give the user direct control of the timing:

while robot.is_running():
   if robot.sensor('front') > 100:
   time.sleep(1) # or robot.wait()

- register event handlers for specific events. This is more complex but 
it is also a more flexible execution model than polling at timed intervals:

def handle_sensor_front():

robot.register('sensor', 'front', handle_sensor_front)

- have the user subclass robot and implement handler methods:

class MyRobot(robot):
   def handle_sensor_front(self):

You might want to look at Pyro (Python Robotics) to see how others have 
solved this problem:

> Defining the sensor() and left_turn() functions is no problem, but
> this should be a continuous behavior, hence the need to run it over
> and over at certain time intervals. I already have a
> (accessed by and a few other modules) which the user can
> modify to set the intervals (and other details). i've also been
> thinking about creating a which handles the repetition
> and imports the user's code and runs its functions, but i would still
> like to explore this method.
> Thanks again,
> Basu

From hunter92383 at  Tue Mar 25 13:00:01 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 05:00:01 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Python to C++
In-Reply-To: <1206438396.11011.58.camel@localhost>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

i personally write my python code with c++ in mind because i knew i am going
to rewrite it over.

so it's very easy to do that. it's fun to find out how many more lines of
c++ is required for something done with 2 lines in python.

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 2:46 AM, Andreas Kostyrka <andreas at>

> Well, not exactly. Mixing Python with C/C++ extends the "coverage" that
> you can do with Python.
> Andreas
> Am Montag, den 24.03.2008, 23:39 -0700 schrieb Tony Cappellini:
> > Another alternative is Weave
> >
> >
> > But mixing C/C++ with Python sort of defeats the reasons for using
> > Python to begin with
> >
> > Message: 2
> > Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 02:44:54 +0100
> > From: Eike Welk <eike.welk at>
> > Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python to C++
> > To: tutor at
> > Message-ID: <200803220244.54377.eike.welk at>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> >
> > On Friday 21 March 2008 23:37, Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
> > > Thank-you for all the suggestions for converting to C/C++ which
> > > will be followed up.
> > >
> > > Can we interface Python to a C++ library and if so how?
> > >
> > > Dinesh
> > >
> >
> > If you have only few classes / member functions Boost-Python is a good
> > solution.
> >
> >
> > I heard that SWIG can also generate glue code for C++.
> >
> >
> > You could also look at Py-QT they have a tool like SWIG (SIP I think),
> > which they use to generate the glue code for the fairly big QT
> > library. Maybe you like it better.
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From technorapture at  Tue Mar 25 13:46:17 2008
From: technorapture at (Shrutarshi Basu)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 08:46:17 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Let imported module access calling program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The event handling approach looks interesting and isn't something that
I haven't encountered before. Could you to point me somewhere I could
learn more about it? I've already read the papers published by the
Pyro group and looked at some of their sample programs. I am trying to
give the user a similar experience, but using an modular instead of
class-based architecture. But I think I will go look into some of the
source to get an idea for what they have done (though in the end i
will probably implement a different system).
Thanks again for all your help,

From kent37 at  Tue Mar 25 14:01:12 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 09:01:12 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Let imported module access calling program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Shrutarshi Basu wrote:
> The event handling approach looks interesting and isn't something that
> I haven't encountered before. Could you to point me somewhere I could
> learn more about it?

Not really...this is commonly used by GUI frameworks. For example in 
Tkinter you can register a mouse-button callback on a widget by calling
widget.bind('<Button-1>', callback)
where callback is the event handler.

In your case, you would define the possible events and make a registry. 
For example, the registry could be a dict mapping event name to a list 
of handlers:

from collections import defaultdict
event_registry = defaultdict(list)

def register(event, handler):
   # Should check that event is a real event name

A client might call
register('sensor_front', handle_sensor_front)

Then in your main loop you check for the various events and call the 
callbacks. Perhaps you have a dict mapping event names to functions that 
query a condition:

events = dict(sensor_front = lambda: robot.sensor('front')

for event, query in events.items():
   if query():
     for handler in event_registry[event]:

This is simplistic - it needs error handling, a way to remove event 
handlers and probably much more - but perhaps it will give you enough to 
evaluate the idea.


From hunter92383 at  Tue Mar 25 14:19:03 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 06:19:03 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] decimal precision
Message-ID: <>

x = 53
w = 192
for a in range ( x, (x+192) ):
    print (a-x)/w

the problem is at (a-x)/w

it's supposed to return a ratio between x and w, yet it 0 all the time.
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From connorsml at  Tue Mar 25 14:31:52 2008
From: connorsml at (Michael Connors)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 14:31:52 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] decimal precision
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 25/03/2008, elis aeris <hunter92383 at> wrote:
> x = 53
> w = 192
> for a in range ( x, (x+192) ):
>     print (a-x)/w
> the problem is at (a-x)/w
> it's supposed to return a ratio between x and w, yet it 0 all the time.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

I think to do float division the operands should be floats.
So if you do:

print float(a-x) / float(w)

It should produce a floating point result.

Michael Connors
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From connorsml at  Tue Mar 25 14:30:55 2008
From: connorsml at (Michael Connors)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 14:30:55 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] decimal precision
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 25/03/2008, elis aeris <hunter92383 at> wrote:
> x = 53
> w = 192
> for a in range ( x, (x+192) ):
>     print (a-x)/w
> the problem is at (a-x)/w
> it's supposed to return a ratio between x and w, yet it 0 all the time.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

I think to do float division the operands should be floats.
So if you do:

print float(a-x) / float(w)

It should produce a floating point result.

Michael Connors
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From hunter92383 at  Tue Mar 25 14:55:46 2008
From: hunter92383 at (elis aeris)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 06:55:46 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] decimal precision
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

what if i want it only to 2nd decimal?

what if i want to cut off everything behind decimal?

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 6:30 AM, Michael Connors <connorsml at>

> On 25/03/2008, elis aeris <hunter92383 at> wrote:
> > x = 53
> > w = 192
> > for a in range ( x, (x+192) ):
> >     print (a-x)/w
> >
> >
> > the problem is at (a-x)/w
> >
> > it's supposed to return a ratio between x and w, yet it 0 all the time.
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> >
> >
> I think to do float division the operands should be floats.
> So if you do:
> print float(a-x) / float(w)
> It should produce a floating point result.
> --
> Michael Connors
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From connorsml at  Tue Mar 25 15:05:07 2008
From: connorsml at (Michael Connors)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:05:07 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] decimal precision
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 25/03/2008, elis aeris <hunter92383 at> wrote:
> what if i want it only to 2nd decimal?
> what if i want to cut off everything behind decimal?

In: print "%.2f" % (0.999999)
Out: 0.99
Michael Connors
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From cappy2112 at  Tue Mar 25 15:21:38 2008
From: cappy2112 at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 07:21:38 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Python to C++
In-Reply-To: <1206438396.11011.58.camel@localhost>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yes, but then you loose the clean Python readability, which is one of
the strong points for using Python

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 2:46 AM, Andreas Kostyrka <andreas at> wrote:
> Well, not exactly. Mixing Python with C/C++ extends the "coverage" that
>  you can do with Python.
>  Andreas
>  Am Montag, den 24.03.2008, 23:39 -0700 schrieb Tony Cappellini:
> > Another alternative is Weave
>  >
>  >
>  > But mixing C/C++ with Python sort of defeats the reasons for using
>  > Python to begin with
>  >
>  > Message: 2
>  > Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 02:44:54 +0100
>  > From: Eike Welk <eike.welk at>
>  > Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python to C++
>  > To: tutor at
>  > Message-ID: <200803220244.54377.eike.welk at>
>  > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>  >
>  > On Friday 21 March 2008 23:37, Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
>  > > Thank-you for all the suggestions for converting to C/C++ which
>  > > will be followed up.
>  > >
>  > > Can we interface Python to a C++ library and if so how?
>  > >
>  > > Dinesh
>  > >
>  >
>  > If you have only few classes / member functions Boost-Python is a good
>  > solution.
>  >
>  >
>  > I heard that SWIG can also generate glue code for C++.
>  >
>  >
>  > You could also look at Py-QT they have a tool like SWIG (SIP I think),
>  > which they use to generate the glue code for the fairly big QT
>  > library. Maybe you like it better.
>  >
>  > _______________________________________________
>  > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>  >

From rdm at  Tue Mar 25 15:28:20 2008
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 07:28:20 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] decimal precision
In-Reply-To: <
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

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From andreas at  Tue Mar 25 16:33:21 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 16:33:21 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python to C++
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206459201.11011.92.camel@localhost>

Check out Cython or Pyrex. For a number of applications (performance
speedup, C interfacing) they provide a quite Pythonic experience.


Am Dienstag, den 25.03.2008, 07:21 -0700 schrieb Tony Cappellini:
> Yes, but then you loose the clean Python readability, which is one of
> the strong points for using Python
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 2:46 AM, Andreas Kostyrka <andreas at> wrote:
> > Well, not exactly. Mixing Python with C/C++ extends the "coverage" that
> >  you can do with Python.
> >
> >  Andreas
> >
> >
> >  Am Montag, den 24.03.2008, 23:39 -0700 schrieb Tony Cappellini:
> >
> >
> > > Another alternative is Weave
> >  >
> >  >
> >  > But mixing C/C++ with Python sort of defeats the reasons for using
> >  > Python to begin with
> >  >
> >  > Message: 2
> >  > Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 02:44:54 +0100
> >  > From: Eike Welk <eike.welk at>
> >  > Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python to C++
> >  > To: tutor at
> >  > Message-ID: <200803220244.54377.eike.welk at>
> >  > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> >  >
> >  > On Friday 21 March 2008 23:37, Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
> >  > > Thank-you for all the suggestions for converting to C/C++ which
> >  > > will be followed up.
> >  > >
> >  > > Can we interface Python to a C++ library and if so how?
> >  > >
> >  > > Dinesh
> >  > >
> >  >
> >  > If you have only few classes / member functions Boost-Python is a good
> >  > solution.
> >  >
> >  >
> >  > I heard that SWIG can also generate glue code for C++.
> >  >
> >  >
> >  > You could also look at Py-QT they have a tool like SWIG (SIP I think),
> >  > which they use to generate the glue code for the fairly big QT
> >  > library. Maybe you like it better.
> >  >
> >  > _______________________________________________
> >  > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >  >
> >
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From bryan.fodness at  Tue Mar 25 16:59:54 2008
From: bryan.fodness at (Bryan Fodness)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:59:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with logic while extracting data from binary file
Message-ID: <>

Here is my program.  I am trying to extract values from a binary file for
use in a calculation.  I am having trouble with the logic.  Everything goes
well until I use the parseSequence function.  If there is only one sequence
I seem fine, but if there is a sequence within a sequence everything seems
to fall apart.  I don' t know if I have just looked at this so long that I
am not seeing the obvious fix.  Any help would be appreciated.

I have attached the input file that I am using for a test.  Also, here is
one of the strings that enters the parseSequence function, broken up to make
it more readable.

I would like to get parseDICOM(rawData)['\n0\x82'].


('\n0', 'p\x00', 544,




               \x0c0\x06\x00\x02\x00\x00\x002 ')

import struct
from time import *

print "Creating Variables...\n"


rawData = open('file.dcm', 'rb').read()

# Need to get Transfer Syntax UID (0002,0010) for encoding type

def parsePreamble(data):

    preamble = data[:128]
    dicm = data[128:132]

    if dicm == 'DICM':
        return preamble, 132
        raise NotAPreambleException

def parseMetaElementGL(data):

    vl_field = data[138:140]
    length = struct.unpack('h', vl_field)[0]
    value = struct.unpack('hh',data[140:(140+length)])[0]
    return value

def parseDataElement(data, start):

    if start < (144+parseMetaElementGL(rawData)):
        group_num = data[start:start+2]
        element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
        vr_field = data[start+4:start+6]

        if vr_field == 'UN' or vr_field == 'SQ' or vr_field == 'OB' or
vr_field == 'OW':
            unused = data[start+6:start+8]
            vl_field = data[start+8:start+12]
            length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]       # 4-byte
            value = data[start+12:(start+12+length)]
            pos = start+12+length
            element = (group_num+element_num)
            return element, pos, value, length

            vl_field = data[start+6:start+8]
            length = struct.unpack('h', vl_field)[0]        # 2-byte
            value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
            pos = start+8+length
            element = (group_num+element_num)
            return element, pos, value, length
        while start < len(data):
            group_num = data[start:start+2]
            element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
            vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]
            length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
            value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
            pos = start+8+length
            element = (group_num+element_num)
            return  element, pos, value, length

            print "End of File"

def parseSequence(data, start):

    group_num = data[start:start+2]
    element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
    vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]
    length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
    value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
    pos = start+8+length
    element = (group_num+element_num)

    if element == '\xfe\xff\x00\xe0':
        start = start+8
        group_num = data[start:start+2]
        element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
        vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]
        length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
        value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
        pos = start+8+length
        element = (group_num+element_num)

        if element == '\xfe\xff\x00\xe0':
            start = start+8
            group_num = data[start:start+2]
            element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
            vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]
            length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
            value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
            pos = start+8+length
            element = (group_num+element_num)
            return  element, pos, value

            return  element, pos, value

         return  element, pos, value

def parseDICOM(data):

    elements = []
    values = []
        preamble, next = parsePreamble(data)
    except NotAPreambleException:
        preamble, next = None, 0

    while next < len(data):
        element, next, value, length = parseDataElement(data, next)

        if element == '\n0\x10\x00' or element == '\n0@\x00' or element ==
'\n0p\x00' or element == '\n0\xb0\x00':
            start = 0

            while  start < length:
                element, start, svalue = parseSequence(value, start)


    paired = zip(elements, values)
    search = dict(paired)
    return search

# Access variables for use in calculation

InstanceCreationDate = parseDICOM(rawData)['\x08\x00\x12\x00']
InstanceCreationTime = parseDICOM(rawData)['\x08\x00\x13\x00']
PatientsName = parseDICOM(rawData)['\x10\x00\x10\x00']
RTPlanLabel = parseDICOM(rawData)['\n0\x02\x00']
DoseReferenceDescription = parseDICOM(rawData)['\n0\x16\x00']
ToleranceTableLabel = parseDICOM(rawData)['\n0C\x00']
NumberOfBeams = int(parseDICOM(rawData)['\n0\x80\x00'])
BeamDoseSpecificationPoint = parseDICOM(rawData)['\n0\x82']

print "Instance Creation Date\t\t\t=\t%s" %InstanceCreationDate
print "Instance Creation Time\t\t\t=\t%s" %InstanceCreationTime
print "Patients Name\t\t\t\t=\t%s" %PatientsName
print "RT Plan Label\t\t\t\t=\t%s" %RTPlanLabel
print "DoseReference Description\t\t=\t%s" %DoseReferenceDescription
print "Tolerance Table Label\t\t\t=\t%s" %ToleranceTableLabel
print "Number Of Beams\t\t\t\t=\t%i" %NumberOfBeams
print "Beam Dose Specification Point\t\t=\t%s" %LeafJawPostions


print "\nVariables created in %.3f seconds\n" %time

"The game of science can accurately be described as a never-ending insult to
human intelligence." - Jo?o Magueijo
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From olexander.dubrovsky at  Tue Mar 25 17:13:24 2008
From: olexander.dubrovsky at (Olexander)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 18:13:24 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Help with input/output
Message-ID: <>


please could you help me with input processing for olympiad problems.
For example, what would be the code for input and output of this


The input file contains several test cases. The first line of each test case contains two integers A and D separated by a single space indicating, respectively, the number of attacking and defending players involved in the play (2 <= A,D <= 11). The next line contains A integers Bi separated by single spaces, indicating the distances of the attacking players to the goal line (1 <= Bi <= 104). The next line contains D integers Cj separated by single spaces, indicating the distances of the defending players to the goal line (1 <= Cj <= 104). The end of input is indicated by A = D = 0.

For each test case in the input print a line containing a single character: ?Y? (uppercase) if there is an attacking player offside, and ?N? (uppercase) otherwise.

2 3
500 700
700 500 500
2 2
200 400
200 1000
3 4
530 510 490
480 470 50 310
0 0


I also wonder how to output several integers in one line.
Thank you.

From bgailer at  Tue Mar 25 19:53:13 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 14:53:13 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] decimal precision
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

elis aeris wrote:


I echo Dick Moore. Several of us have requested that you study the 
tutorials. We continue to see no evidence that you are doing that, nor 
have you told us you are reading them or why not.

Please respond by telling us you are reading the tutorials or if not why 
not. If you are, help us understand why the tutorials fail to answer 
many of these basic questions.
I will not respond to any more of your posts until I have a sense that 
you are doing your best to learn by yourself.

There are some who intentionally "abuse" forums like this. It is 
starting to look like you are one of those.

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From bgailer at  Tue Mar 25 20:05:35 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:05:35 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with logic while extracting data from binary
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

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From kent37 at  Tue Mar 25 20:17:10 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:17:10 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Help with input/output
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Olexander wrote:
> Hello,
> please could you help me with input processing for olympiad problems.

Do you know how to read and write files? This is covered in every Python 
book and tutorial.

What have you tried? What problems are you having?

> I also wonder how to output several integers in one line.

Again, this should be covered in a tutorial, but for example
print 1, 2, 3

outputs three integers.


From levity at  Tue Mar 25 22:17:09 2008
From: levity at (Lawrence Wang)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 17:17:09 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] struct.calcsize curiosity...
Message-ID: <>

>>> struct.calcsize('hq')
>>> struct.calcsize('qh')

why is this? is it platform-dependent? i'm on mac os x.
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From GGraham at  Tue Mar 25 22:49:03 2008
From: GGraham at (Greg Graham)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 16:49:03 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] struct.calcsize curiosity...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Lawrence Wang wrote:
> >>> struct.calcsize('hq')
> 12
> >>> struct.calcsize('qh')
> 10
> why is this? is it platform-dependent? i'm on mac os x.

This has to do with data alignment and is platform-dependent. Are you on
a PowerPC Macintosh? On my Intel Windows XP box, I get the following:

In [3]: struct.calcsize('hq')
Out[3]: 16

In [4]: struct.calcsize('qh')
Out[4]: 10

I suspect on your computer, the elements of the struct have to be
aligned on a 4 byte boundary. In the case of 'hq', the h takes 2 bytes,
and the q takes 8 bytes. However, the q must start on a 4 byte boundary,
so 2 bytes are wasted as padding between the h and the q. In the second
example, because the q is first and takes 8 bytes, the h begins on a 4
byte boundary, so no padding is used. Note however if you had an array
of 'qh' structs, I would expect there to still be 2 bytes of padding
between each array member.

On my machine, it seems to align on 8 byte boundaries, so in the 'hq'
case, I'm wasting 6 bytes for padding between the h and the q.


From maozbay at  Tue Mar 25 23:57:38 2008
From: maozbay at (Mali Ozbay)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 17:57:38 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Google Summer of Code 2008 - Student looking for Python
	Zope ZODB Grok Project / Mentor
Message-ID: <>

Hi there:

I would love to see if there is anyone looking for a student to mentor to do
some hacking in fields such as  Python Zope ZODB Grok etc.,  during this
summer, in the Google Summer of Code 2008.

If you are interested in learning more about my background and experiences
please see my resume on :

You can also view my profile on Google Summer of Code 2008 web space ( in the applicant students list.

Mali Ozbay
University Of Houston - Computer Science
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From mlangford.cs03 at  Wed Mar 26 00:41:29 2008
From: mlangford.cs03 at (Michael Langford)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 19:41:29 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Let imported module access calling program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The following is a pretty normal control loop for robot control (or other
embedded devices). There are probably some syntactical errors as I'm writing
this without a working python interpreter available at this second, but it
should give you the correct gist to do what you said you were trying to do.

You may want something like:
import time

class OperationalStep(object):
   def __init__(self,func,interval=0):
         self.func = func
         self.interval = interval
         self.lastRun = getTime()

   def run():
        """If the step hasn't been run recently enough, do so"""
          if self.interval + self.lastRun < getTime():
              self.lastRun = getTime()

def unknownEvent():
  print( "This is an undefined event code" )

events = collections.defaultdict(unknownEvent)

def getTime():
   """returns time"""
  return time.clock()

def registerEventHandler(eventCode,handler):
   """When event eventCode is seen, run handler"""
   global events
   events[eventCode] = handler

def registerOperationalStep(step,delayAtLeast=0):
   """Registers a step that will be taken in the program no more often than
delayAtLeast often"""
   global tasks
   t = OperationalStep(step,delayAtLeast)

eventQueue = []
def addEvent(ev):
   global eventQueue

def robotLoop():
  """runs each task, handling events as possible"""
   global eventQueue,tasks
   while True:
      for task in tasks:
          #process events
          for ev in eventQueue:

          #run next task

All of this would be put in its own module, say robotcontrol, that would
then be used thusly in a complete separate file:
import robotcontrol
from madeupRobotApi import *
from time import sleep

def checkBump():
   """Checks to see if the robot bump bar is pushed in"""
   if bump.pressed():

def handleSonarData():
   """gets data from the sonar"""
   data =
   print (data)

def handleCoreMeltdown():
    """turns off the core"""

def turnLeft():
   ""turns the robot 90 degrees left"

def turnRight():
   ""turns the robot 90 degrees right"

def goForward(speed=10,t=10):
  """goes forward at speed for time t"""

def goForwardALittle()

def checkSensors()
  if sonar.ready():
  if core.tooHot():

direction = "RIGHT"

def decideNewDirection():
   global direction
   if == "heavy":
     direction = "LEFT"
     direction = "RIGHT"

def handleBump()
   """back up upon bump"""
   if bump.pressed():

def turn():
   """turns the direction specified in direction"""
   global direction
   if direction == "LEFT":

def robotSetup():
   """sets all the event handlers and defines the operational program"""

   #these will happen as things generate events

   #robot control scheme

if "__name__"==__main__:

Michael Langford
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From nomb85 at  Wed Mar 26 03:01:23 2008
From: nomb85 at (Nathan McBride)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 22:01:23 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Maybe advanced pexpect question?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <1206496883.8110.0.camel@localhost.localdomain>

I'm thinking more along the lines as of running a program, sending tab
to get to the field send text to put on the field, tab, send text ?

On Sun, 2008-03-23 at 14:00 -0500, mwalsh wrote:
> Kent Johnson wrote:
> > Nathan McBride wrote:
> >> I've used pexpect for a few projects and love it.  Basically pexpect
> >> lets you spawn a program and interact with it from code like you
> >> yourself were running it in a console.  How would you send the ctrl key?
> > 
> > I don't use pexpect, so I am guessing...
> > 
> > The ctrl key by itself is not a character so you can't send that. ctrl-C 
> > is a character that is represented in a string as \x03. I expect you 
> > would send a control character with sendline(), for example to sent 
> > ctrl-C try
> >    child.sendline ('\x03')
> In recent versions of pexpect (I'm looking at 2.3), 'spawn' objects 
> include a sendcontrol  method which does almost exactly that for cntl-c, 
> with send instead of sendline.
> > Kent
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From technorapture at  Wed Mar 26 04:30:19 2008
From: technorapture at (Shrutarshi Basu)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 23:30:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Let imported module access calling program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Wow...I never expected to get so much help. Thanks for all of's much appreciated. I'm not quite sure which approach I'm
going to use (have quite some thinking to do), but I'll certainly
consider all of them. And I've certainly learned a lot.
Thanks again,

The ByteBaker :

From gloomdemon at  Wed Mar 26 09:47:23 2008
From: gloomdemon at (Gloom Demon)
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:47:23 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Table like array in Python
Message-ID: <>

Hello :-)

I am reading Ivan van Leiningem "Learn Python in 24 hours" and I am having
problems understanding the way arrays work in Python. I used to know Pascal
and arrays there were tablelike.

Example (cost of something in different countries by different years)

Record1 US 2006 22.10
Record2 US 2007 23.45
Record3 UK 2007 22.90
RecordN ....................

So I could read the record, see if the name of the country in the first cell
was what I was looking for and either continue working with the record or
resume searching.

However in Python, if I understand correctly this example would look like

US 2006 22.10 US 2007 23.45 UK 2007 22.90 ........................

This means that I have to keep a lot of unnesessary information in RAM, not
to mention that I would have to scan through the whole array instead
of scanning just the required cell.

Could anyone please direct me to a good description of working with arrays
in Python?
And I have problems understanding what dictionaries are for :-(

Thank You!
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From connorsml at  Wed Mar 26 10:56:25 2008
From: connorsml at (Michael Connors)
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:56:25 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Table like array in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 26/03/2008, Gloom Demon <gloomdemon at> wrote:
> Hello :-)
> Example (cost of something in different countries by different years)
> Record1 US 2006 22.10
> Record2 US 2007 23.45
> Record3 UK 2007 22.90
> ..................................
> <>
In Python a list is similiar to an array in Pascal.
You define a list like this: my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]

However I dont think you want an array here, if I was doing something like
this I would use a dictionary. A dictionary stores keys and values.
So you could do something like this:

records = {'US': {'2007': 22.5, '2008': 44.8}, 'UK': {'2008': 3.4, '2007':

You can now access a particular record as follows:

In: print records['UK']['2007']
Out: 2.6

Michael Connors
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From kent37 at  Wed Mar 26 11:41:20 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 06:41:20 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Table like array in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gloom Demon wrote:

> Example (cost of something in different countries by different years)
> Record1 US 2006 22.10
> Record2 US 2007 23.45
> Record3 UK 2007 22.90
> ..................................
> RecordN ....................
> So I could read the record, see if the name of the country in the first 
> cell was what I was looking for and either continue working with the 
> record or resume searching.

Where are the records coming from? A file or database?
> However in Python, if I understand correctly this example would look 
> like this:
> US 2006 22.10 US 2007 23.45 UK 2007 22.90 ........................

If the data is in a file, and you read the file using, then 
you will get the full contents in memory in a single string.
> This means that I have to keep a lot of unnesessary information in RAM, 
> not to mention that I would have to scan through the whole array instead 
> of scanning just the required cell. 
> Could anyone please direct me to a good description of working with 
> arrays in Python?

Arrays are called lists in Python, they are covered in every tutorial.
But I think maybe it is files that you need help with.

You can read files line by line. One way is to use a for loop, for example,

f = open('records.txt')
for line in f: # the contents of each line in turn will be put in 'line'
   data = line.split() # split the line at spaces
   if data[1] == 'US':
     # process line for US


From rschroev_nospam_ml at  Wed Mar 26 12:03:06 2008
From: rschroev_nospam_ml at (Roel Schroeven)
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 12:03:06 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Table like array in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <fsdahg$vbn$>

Gloom Demon schreef:
> Hello :-)
> I am reading Ivan van Leiningem "Learn Python in 24 hours" and I am 
> having problems understanding the way arrays work in Python. I used to 
> know Pascal and arrays there were tablelike.
> Example (cost of something in different countries by different years)
> Record1 US 2006 22.10
> Record2 US 2007 23.45
> Record3 UK 2007 22.90
> ..................................
> RecordN ....................

That is an array of records. In Pascal you can also have e.g. an array 
of integers, and it is a sequential list just as in Python. What makes 
it table-like is that you have an array not of scalars but of records.

> However in Python, if I understand correctly this example would look 
> like this:
> US 2006 22.10 US 2007 23.45 UK 2007 22.90 ........................

You could do it like that, but there are better ways. You could make a 
list of tuples, which would be more or less equivalent to your Pascal 
array of records. A simple example, presuming you read the values from a 

lst = []
for line in countryfile:
   country, year, amount = line.split()
   year = int(year)
   amount = float(amount)
   lst.append((country, year, amount))

That would look like:

   ('US', 2006, 22.10),
   ('US', 2007, 23.45)

Then you could scan through it like this:

for record in lst:
   if record[0] == 'US':

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge
faster than society gathers wisdom.
   -- Isaac Asimov

Roel Schroeven

From tktucker at  Wed Mar 26 15:11:33 2008
From: tktucker at (Tom Tucker)
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:11:33 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Library for Disk Usage (UNIX)
Message-ID: <>

Hello all. I'm looking for a builtin Python library capable of providing
similar output to what the unix df command provides.  Obviously, I'm trying
to avoid a system call if possible.  I'm looking for the following fields at
a mimimum, total size, used, and /path. Suggestions?  I was looking at
os.stat(/path)[WXYZ}, and os.path.getsize, but they are lacking.

Thanks for the help,

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From cfuller084 at  Wed Mar 26 17:11:48 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:11:48 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Library for Disk Usage (UNIX)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wednesday 26 March 2008 09:11, Tom Tucker wrote:
> Hello all. I'm looking for a builtin Python library capable of providing
> similar output to what the unix df command provides.  Obviously, I'm trying
> to avoid a system call if possible.  I'm looking for the following fields
> at a mimimum, total size, used, and /path. Suggestions?  I was looking at
> os.stat(/path)[WXYZ}, and os.path.getsize, but they are lacking.
> Thanks for the help,
> Tom

You need to know the size of the blocks that the filesystem uses.  Use the 
statvfs module and the os.statvfs function.


From bgailer at  Wed Mar 26 20:01:17 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 15:01:17 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with logic while extracting data from binary
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Please always reply to the list not just me.

Bryan Fodness wrote:
> Thanks Bob,
> I was having trouble with that loop from the start.  Could you tell me 
> what a=3 is doing, I cannot seem to figure it out.
I accidentally left that in. It was a place for me to set a breakpoint 
in the debugger.

I also failed to point out that I made the creation of the dictionary 
"search" straightforward rather than collecting all the keys and values. 
However neither your code or mine handles the multi-value cases (e.g. 
\n0\x82). To solve that I changed search to be of type defaultdict so 
each new element is a list and we can use append() to add values to the 
lists. The printed output now looks like lists but that is easy to alter.

In this version I also "import time", and changed the names start and 
time so as not to conflict (even in appearance) with other names.

Also in this version I modified parseDataElement to be a generator (the 
quickest way I could think of to solve the while loop problem) and added 
a for loop in parseDICOM to access the generator. This also required 
adding "start = pos" at the end of the while loop.

BUT ... on further inspection of your program and data I note that there 
is NOTHING that looks for \n0\x82. It sits in the middle of a block of 
data of length 544. There needs to be some code to examine the contents 
of that block and look for \n0\x82.

Also discovered and fixed "name 'LeafJawPostions' is not defined".

Code follows 

import struct
import time
import collections
print "Creating Variables...\n"
startTime = time.clock()
rawData = open('file.dcm', 'rb').read()
# Need to get Transfer Syntax UID (0002,0010) for encoding type

def parseDICOM(data):
    search = collections.defaultdict(list)
        preamble, next = parsePreamble(data)
    except NotAPreambleException:
        preamble, next = None, 0
    while next < len(data):
        for element, next, value, length in parseDataElement(data, next):
            if element.startswith('\n0') and element.endswith('\x00') 
and element[2] in ('\x10', '@', 'p', '\xb0'):
                start = 0
                while  start < length:
                    element, start, svalue = parseSequence(value, start)
    return search

def parsePreamble(data):
    preamble = data[:128]
    dicm = data[128:132]
    if dicm == 'DICM':
        return preamble, 132
        raise NotAPreambleException

def parseMetaElementGL(data):
    vl_field = data[138:140]
    length = struct.unpack('h', vl_field)[0]
    value = struct.unpack('hh',data[140:(140+length)])[0]
    return value
def parseDataElement(data, start):
    if start < (144 + parseMetaElementGL(rawData)):
        group_num = data[start:start+2]
        element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
        vr_field = data[start+4:start+6]
        if vr_field in ('UN', 'SQ', 'OB','OW'):
            unused = data[start+6:start+8]
            vl_field = data[start+8:start+12]
            length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]       # 4-byte
            value = data[start+12:(start+12+length)]
            pos = start+12+length
            element = (group_num+element_num)
            yield element, pos, value, length
            vl_field = data[start+6:start+8]
            length = struct.unpack('h', vl_field)[0]        # 2-byte
            value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
            pos = start+8+length
            element = (group_num+element_num)
            yield element, pos, value, length
        while start < len(data):
            group_num = data[start:start+2]
            element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
            vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]       
            length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
            value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
            pos = start+8+length
            element = (group_num+element_num)
            yield element, pos, value, length
            start = pos
            print "End of File"

def parseSequence(data, start):
    group_num = data[start:start+2]
    element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
    vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]
    length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
    value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
    pos = start+8+length
    element = (group_num+element_num)
    if element == '\xfe\xff\x00\xe0':
        start = start+8
        group_num = data[start:start+2]
        element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
        vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]
        length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
        value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
        pos = start+8+length
        element = (group_num+element_num)
        if element == '\xfe\xff\x00\xe0':
            start = start+8
            group_num = data[start:start+2]
            element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
            vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]
            length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
            value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
            pos = start+8+length
            element = (group_num+element_num)
            return  element, pos, value
            return  element, pos, value
         return  element, pos, value

# Access variables for use in calculation
parsedData = parseDICOM(rawData)
InstanceCreationDate = parsedData['\x08\x00\x12\x00']
InstanceCreationTime = parsedData['\x08\x00\x13\x00']
PatientsName = parsedData['\x10\x00\x10\x00']
RTPlanLabel = parsedData['\n0\x02\x00']
DoseReferenceDescription = parsedData['\n0\x16\x00']
ToleranceTableLabel = parsedData['\n0C\x00']
NumberOfBeams = int(parsedData['\n0\x80\x00'][0])
BeamDoseSpecificationPoint = parsedData['\n0\x82']

print "Instance Creation Date\t\t\t=\t%s" %InstanceCreationDate
print "Instance Creation Time\t\t\t=\t%s" %InstanceCreationTime
print "Patients Name\t\t\t\t=\t%s" %PatientsName
print "RT Plan Label\t\t\t\t=\t%s" %RTPlanLabel
print "DoseReference Description\t\t=\t%s" %DoseReferenceDescription
print "Tolerance Table Label\t\t\t=\t%s" %ToleranceTableLabel
print "Number Of Beams\t\t\t\t=\t%i" %NumberOfBeams
print "Beam Dose Specification Point\t\t=\t%s" % BeamDoseSpecificationPoint

end = time.clock()
runTime = end - startTime

print "\nVariables created in %.3f seconds\n" % runTime

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From danpaquin at  Wed Mar 26 21:30:27 2008
From: danpaquin at (Dan Thomas-Paquin)
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 13:30:27 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] SOAPpy and ZSI
Message-ID: <>

I've been tasked with setting up a basic SOAP client and I'm its been the most
frustrating python experience.

Here's the code:
from LoginService_services import *
import sys
from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy

# get a port proxy instance
loc = LoginServiceLocator()
port = loc.getLogin(in0='pbs_uen', in1='TDapi', in2='3dcarapi')

# create a new request
req = LoginRequest()

# call the remote method
resp = port.Login(req)

lr = resp.LoginReturn
lri0 = lr.get_element_items()[0]
service_url = lri0.Value

n = 'http://DefaultNamespace'
server = SOAPProxy(service_url, namespace=n)
server.config.dumpSOAPOut = 1
server.config.dumpSOAPIn = 1
server.config.dumpHeadersOut = 1
server.config.dumpHeadersIn = 1
test = server.greeting()

Notice I use ZSI (LoginService_services) for the Login and then SOAPpy for the post
log-in stuff (ZSI's wsdl2py script broke on the post log-in WSDL).
The login part works fine. It returns a URL with a session id appended. 

server.greeting() creates this envelope which I can see because of the dumps:
<ns1:greeting xmlns:ns1="http://DefaultNamespace" SOAP-ENC:root="1">

but then this error follows right after:

  File "", line 34, in <module>
    test = server.greeting()
line 470, in __call__
    return self.__r_call(*args, **kw)
line 492, in __r_call
    self.__hd, self.__ma)
line 363, in __call
    config = self.config)
line 252, in call
    raise HTTPError(code, msg)
SOAPpy.Errors.HTTPError: <HTTPError 500 Apple>

line 252 of is:

 if code == 500 and not \
               ( startswith(content_type, "text/xml") and message_len > 0 ):
            raise HTTPError(code, msg)

I can't tell if the server is returning the 500 error or if the transport is. I
honestly don't know where to go from here. I wouldn't doubt that the envelope isn't
correct for the service but I don't have access to any more info on that. Help much


"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible." -T. E. Lawrence -

From cappy2112 at  Thu Mar 27 00:28:52 2008
From: cappy2112 at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 16:28:52 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 49, Issue 78
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>Draft notes for the next Kent's Korner presentation are available at

>>Comments welcome.
I vote Kent move out of the korner and into the front of the classroom!

Nice color scheme, easy to look at, good layout, font, size, and small
chunks (paragraphs?) of info to digest without getting overwhelmed by
a page of content.

The page looks great.

From o.lenstra at  Thu Mar 27 11:15:59 2008
From: o.lenstra at (Olrik Lenstra)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:15:59 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor support request.
Message-ID: <>

Hi There:

I am Olrik. 17 year old student that is practicing IT.
I recently began learning Python and it's going quite fine.
I'm following a tutorial at
I just finished the branching tab to the left. And i'm about to start
Modules & Functions.
However, I've reached a point where I'd like some support from someone
that is willing to tutor me
and maybe give me some little assignments that I can practice on.
I'm really willing to learn how to program Python and generally a fast learner.

Hope to hear from you soon,

From bhaaluu at  Thu Mar 27 13:51:44 2008
From: bhaaluu at (bhaaluu)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:51:44 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor support request.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hello Olrik,

You can post your questions to this list and have access to many
tutors. Generally speaking, if you'll post a code snippet with your
question, it makes replying with a helpful answer much easier.

Happy Programming!
b h a a l u u at g m a i l dot c o m
"You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its
orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such
allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil.
A good person will resist an evil system with his or her
whole soul." [Mahatma Gandhi]

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 6:15 AM, Olrik Lenstra <o.lenstra at> wrote:
> Hi There:
>  I am Olrik. 17 year old student that is practicing IT.
>  I recently began learning Python and it's going quite fine.
>  I'm following a tutorial at
>  I just finished the branching tab to the left. And i'm about to start
>  Modules & Functions.
>  However, I've reached a point where I'd like some support from someone
>  that is willing to tutor me
>  and maybe give me some little assignments that I can practice on.
>  I'm really willing to learn how to program Python and generally a fast learner.
>  Hope to hear from you soon,
>  Regards,
>  Olrik
>  _______________________________________________
>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From justin.cardinal at  Thu Mar 27 16:50:41 2008
From: justin.cardinal at (Justin Cardinal)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 10:50:41 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Scripting Outlook
Message-ID: <023501c89022$4fd24fd0$de91a8c0@exbspider>

Can anyone direct me to some examples/documentation for using python to work
with Outlook? So far, the most useful thing I've come across is a post from
someone with problems adding an attachment:


That actually got me far enough to create a basic message and send it with
"To" recipients, subject and body filled out. I get a warning that a program
is trying to access Outlook, which I then have to manually allow, and I
think I've seen it suggested that this can be worked around. Also, I'd like
to learn more, like how to use signatures and encryption, adding recipients
to the "Cc" and "Bcc" fields, etc. Any suggestions would be much
appreciated. Thanks!


Justin Cardinal | EXB Solutions, Inc


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From mail at  Thu Mar 27 16:58:28 2008
From: mail at (Tim Golden)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 15:58:28 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Scripting Outlook
In-Reply-To: <023501c89022$4fd24fd0$de91a8c0@exbspider>
References: <023501c89022$4fd24fd0$de91a8c0@exbspider>
Message-ID: <>

Justin Cardinal wrote:
> Can anyone direct me to some examples/documentation for using python to work
> with Outlook? So far, the most useful thing I've come across is a post from
> someone with problems adding an attachment:
> That actually got me far enough to create a basic message and send it with
> "To" recipients, subject and body filled out. I get a warning that a program
> is trying to access Outlook, which I then have to manually allow, and I
> think I've seen it suggested that this can be worked around. Also, I'd like
> to learn more, like how to use signatures and encryption, adding recipients
> to the "Cc" and "Bcc" fields, etc. Any suggestions would be much
> appreciated. Thanks!

I have some (very few) examples here:

and for moderately advanced stuff you can always try try the SpamBayes

but as far as I know no-one's produced a Pythonic wrapper for
Outlook so you're basically using standard CDO or Outlook
automation. Which means that any of the samples around the Web
should be applicable and fairly easily translated.

I'll try to rustle up some more examples from my own stash,
but the nature of my how-do-i pages is that they're small,
self-contained examples rather than extensive docs.


From mail at  Thu Mar 27 17:05:15 2008
From: mail at (Tim Golden)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 16:05:15 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Scripting Outlook
In-Reply-To: <023501c89022$4fd24fd0$de91a8c0@exbspider>
References: <023501c89022$4fd24fd0$de91a8c0@exbspider>
Message-ID: <>

Justin Cardinal wrote:
> Can anyone direct me to some examples/documentation for using python to work
> with Outlook? So far, the most useful thing I've come across is a post from
> someone with problems adding an attachment:

and just for another example, here's some older code
which I post untested (altho' it certainly worked
once upon a time). If I get a chance I'll work it
into a how-do-i.


import os
from win32com.client import Dispatch, constants, gencache

outlook = gencache.EnsureDispatch ("Outlook.Application")

def send (self, to_people, cc_people=[], subject="", text="", 
   msg = outlook.CreateItem (constants.olMailItem)
   msg.Subject = subject
   msg.Body = text

   if type (to_people) == type (""):
     to_people = (to_people,)
   if type (cc_people) == type (""):
     cc_people = (cc_people,)
   recipients = []
   for person in to_people:
     recipient = msg.Recipients.Add (person)
     recipient.Type = constants.olTo
     recipients.append (recipient)
   for person in cc_people:
     recipient = msg.Recipients.Add (person)
     recipient.Type = constants.olCC
     recipients.append (recipient)

   if type (attachments) == type (""):
     attachments = (attachments,)
   for attachment in attachments:
     if os.path.isfile (attachment):
       msg.Attachments.Add (attachment)
       print "attachment %s skipped" % attachment

   all_resolved = 1
   for recipient in recipients:
     if not recipient.Resolve ():
       print "Unable to resolve " + recipient.Name
       all_resolved = 0

   if all_resolved:
     msg.Send ()
     print "Message sent"
     print "Message not sent"


From tucalipe at  Thu Mar 27 19:34:02 2008
From: tucalipe at (Artur Sousa)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 15:34:02 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Creating Standalone Executables
Message-ID: <>

Hi. Is there a way to create a user friendly, with a simple GUI, *.py
The packages I've been trying create executables for doscmd that doesn't
wait for the user to input the required values.
Let me explain: What I'm trying to publish is one single script with various
subscripts defined by functions, so I would end with one single py file, and
when the user opens it, it has to enter a command to acess one of its
However, The doscmd version of python doesn't waits for the users' response,
it just terminates the script.
So, I'd like some information on how to create a simple executable that
allows the user to choose the subscripts he/she wants to run. It doesn't
really need to have a GUI, but something rather than doscmd, if possible...

Thanks in advance.
-------------- next part --------------
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From bryan.fodness at  Thu Mar 27 22:42:34 2008
From: bryan.fodness at (Bryan Fodness)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 17:42:34 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with logic while extracting data from binary
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks again,

I can't seem to keep track of my start values when I break up the value
variable into svalues.  Do you think I should do this, or should I have a
running count from the beginning of the file and keep track until the end?

I am trying to find \n0\x82\x00 and \n0\x84\x00 within the block.  I've
added the if statement, and it seems to enter the parseSequence function the
way I would expect, but it does not seem to populate the dictionary.

Sorry for so many questions about this, but I feel like I am so close.

    while next < len(data):
        for element, next, value, length in parseDataElement(data, next):
##            if element in ('\n0\x10\x00', '\n0@\x00', '\n0p\x00',
##                           '\n0\xb0\x00', '\n0\x80\x01'):
            if element == '\n0p\x00':
                start = 0
                while  start < length:
                    element, start, svalue = parseSequence(value, start)
                    if svalue.startswith('\xfe\xff\x00\xe0'):
                        start_2 = 0
                        element, start_2, svalue = parseSequence(svalue,
    return search
-------------- next part --------------
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From bryan.fodness at  Thu Mar 27 22:45:03 2008
From: bryan.fodness at (Bryan Fodness)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 17:45:03 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with logic while extracting data from binary
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

the start_2 is supposed to be start

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Bryan Fodness <bryan.fodness at>

> Thanks again,
> I can't seem to keep track of my start values when I break up the value
> variable into svalues.  Do you think I should do this, or should I have a
> running count from the beginning of the file and keep track until the end?
> I am trying to find \n0\x82\x00 and \n0\x84\x00 within the block.  I've
> added the if statement, and it seems to enter the parseSequence function the
> way I would expect, but it does not seem to populate the dictionary.
> Sorry for so many questions about this, but I feel like I am so close.
>     while next < len(data):
>         for element, next, value, length in parseDataElement(data, next):
> ##            if element in ('\n0\x10\x00', '\n0@\x00', '\n0p\x00',
> ##                           '\n0\xb0\x00', '\n0\x80\x01'):
>             if element == '\n0p\x00':
>                 start = 0
>                  while  start < length:
>                     element, start, svalue = parseSequence(value, start)
>                     if svalue.startswith('\xfe\xff\x00\xe0'):
>                         start_2 = 0
>                         element, start_2, svalue = parseSequence(svalue,
> start)
>                         search[element].append(svalue)
>                       search[element].append(svalue)
>             else:
>                 search[element].append(value)
>     return search

"The game of science can accurately be described as a never-ending insult to
human intelligence." - Jo?o Magueijo
-------------- next part --------------
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From dperlman at  Thu Mar 27 23:54:49 2008
From: dperlman at (David Perlman)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 17:54:49 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive plots...
Message-ID: <>

I am thinking about writing a program which will involve, among other  
things, displaying a plot of a series of numbers.  The idea is that  
you could click on the points and move them to change the numbers.   
Reverse-plotting, I suppose.  It need not be complex; the numbers  
will all be zero or one, and it's only necessary to flip the bits, so  
click-and-drag is seriously overkill.  Really it would be better to  
just double-click on a point to switch it from one value to the other.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?  I have written some  
programs in python before, including TKinter, but this new project is  
beyond the point that I know where to even start looking.  :)

In case you care, the application is in functional brain imaging; the  
brain scans generate a certain number of time points (say 500) and  
then the motion of the subject is also calculated.  Standard practice  
is to generate a "censor" file composed of zeros and ones, where zero  
indicates that that time point had excessive motion and must be  
disregarded.  I want to display a graph of the motion over time, and  
allow quick and easy interactive editing of the censor time series in  
visual parallel to the motion graph.  This would save a lot of time;  
at present everyone does this in Excel, which being a horrible  
Windows program can't be integrated into the predominantly UNIX-based  
processing pipeline.  And in any case, it requires manually typing  
all the zeros, looking back and forth between the graph of motion and  
the list of numbers.

I have already written a program to algorithmically generate the  
censor time series from the motion data, but it is absolutely  
essential to be able to manually double-check and if necessary make  
minor edits.  I'd like to be able to keep that functionality in  
Python rather than sending everyone back to Excel...  if possible!

Thanks very much for any help.

"Pseudo-colored pictures of a person's brain lighting up are
undoubtedly more persuasive than a pattern of squiggles produced by a
polygraph.  That could be a big problem if the goal is to get to the
truth."  -Dr. Steven Hyman, Harvard

From wescpy at  Fri Mar 28 00:01:46 2008
From: wescpy at (wesley chun)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 16:01:46 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Scripting Outlook
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <023501c89022$4fd24fd0$de91a8c0@exbspider>
Message-ID: <>

> > Can anyone direct me to some examples/documentation for using python to work
> > with Outlook?
> and just for another example, here's some older code
> which I post untested (altho' it certainly worked
> once upon a time). If I get a chance I'll work it
> into a how-do-i.

i began to write a chapter on Win32/Microsoft Office programming and
put this preliminary work in the 2nd edition of Core Python with the
intention on completing it for some future edition.  there is one code
snippet in the book for Outlook (Example 23.5, olook.pyw).  you don't
have to buy the book and can just download that file from the book's
website below (click "Source Code" on the left and go to chapter 23).
i plan to have more examples in future editions of the book.

hope this helps!
-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001

wesley.j.chun ::
python training and technical consulting : silicon valley, ca

From bryan.fodness at  Fri Mar 28 00:03:31 2008
From: bryan.fodness at (Bryan Fodness)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 19:03:31 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with logic while extracting data from binary
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 6:43 PM, bob gailer <bgailer at> wrote:

> Bryan Fodness wrote:
> > Thanks again,
> The problem is that parseSequence gets the length of the block, then, in
> effect, skips to the next block. That bypasses the sub-sequences you want.

> parseSquence needs to examine the block for the sub-blocks beginning
> with \n0\x84\x00. This will probably require another while loop.

I will try that.

> Do you use a debugger? It has been very helpful to me in tracking down
> the problem. What operating system are you running? What IDE or
> development tool are you using?

I have not used a debugger yet, I was getting ready to try that.  I am using
IDLE on Windows Vista.

> [snip]
> --
> Bob Gailer
> 919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

"The game of science can accurately be described as a never-ending insult to
human intelligence." - Jo?o Magueijo
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From john at  Fri Mar 28 00:07:02 2008
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:07:02 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive plots...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 28/03/2008, David Perlman <dperlman at> wrote:
> I am thinking about writing a program which will involve, among other
>  things, displaying a plot of a series of numbers.  The idea is that
>  you could click on the points and move them to change the numbers.
>  Reverse-plotting, I suppose.  It need not be complex; the numbers
>  will all be zero or one, and it's only necessary to flip the bits, so
>  click-and-drag is seriously overkill.  Really it would be better to
>  just double-click on a point to switch it from one value to the other.
>  Can anyone point me in the right direction?  I have written some
>  programs in python before, including TKinter, but this new project is
>  beyond the point that I know where to even start looking.  :)

You could probably do it with Tkinter -- use a Canvas widget to draw
your points.  Each point could just be an oval, and you can bind
events to canvas items in a similar fashion to binding to buttons.  So
you would bind on click (or double-click) an event to move the point
and recalculate.

If you want to drag points around, it's possible too, the bindings
just become a bit more complex. I think there are recipes or examples
around on the net that you can probably find.


From rdm at  Fri Mar 28 00:26:25 2008
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 16:26:25 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor support request.
In-Reply-To: <
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

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From bgailer at  Thu Mar 27 23:43:00 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:43:00 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with logic while extracting data from binary
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Bryan Fodness wrote:
> Thanks again,

The problem is that parseSequence gets the length of the block, then, in 
effect, skips to the next block. That bypasses the sub-sequences you want.

parseSquence needs to examine the block for the sub-blocks beginning 
with \n0\x84\x00. This will probably require another while loop.

Do you use a debugger? It has been very helpful to me in tracking down 
the problem. What operating system are you running? What IDE or 
development tool are you using?


Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From kepalapening at  Fri Mar 28 01:47:46 2008
From: kepalapening at (Rizauddin Saian)
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 08:47:46 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] Creating Standalone Executables
Message-ID: <20080328.004746.750.1@SELINAPPORTABLE>

Just put an extra raw_input() at the end of the python script. It will wait 
for your input, instead of closing the command prompt.

BTW, easygui ( is a very simple gui.

If you use wxPython, you can use wxGlade as the gui editor.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Artur Sousa" <tucalipe at>
To: tutor at
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 15:34:02 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Creating Standalone Executables

Hi. Is there a way to create a user friendly, with a simple GUI, *.py 
The packages I've been trying create executables for doscmd that doesn't wait 
for the user to input the required values.
Let me explain: What I'm trying to publish is one single script with various 
subscripts defined by functions, so I would end with one single py file, 
and when the user opens it, it has to enter a command to acess one of its 
However, The doscmd version of python doesn't waits for the users' response, 
it just terminates the script.
So, I'd like some information on how to create a simple executable that 
allows the user to choose the subscripts he/she wants to run. It doesn't 
really need to have a GUI, but something rather than doscmd, if possible...
Thanks in advance.

From bgailer at  Fri Mar 28 02:46:49 2008
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 21:46:49 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with logic while extracting data from binary
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Bryan Fodness wrote:
> I have not used a debugger yet, I was getting ready to try that.  I am 
> using IDLE on Windows Vista.
Ah. May I recommend Python for Windows. The debugging support is 
excellent. I prefer it to IDLE.

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

From pylinuxian at  Fri Mar 28 09:14:58 2008
From: pylinuxian at (linuxian iandsd)
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 08:14:58 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] parse emails as they come in
Message-ID: <>

good morning everybody !

I have scripted a small program to parse a 5 lines email message as it comes
in to my inbox (this is handled by procmail & here is a wonderful intro to
it :

so every email is being parsed & information is extracted from it.

but sometimes two or more emails come in at once so the input file that my
python script has to parse is more than five lines !! my question is how do
i effeciently manage this from within my original script.

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From amints7 at  Fri Mar 28 05:50:23 2008
From: amints7 at (Amin Han)
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 00:50:23 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Help Writing a Bill Calculating Program
Message-ID: <>

Hi, I'm currently a novice at Python, and I need help creating the
following program...

# Write a program that asks the user to enter a package number and the
total number of hours spent online that month (you may assume that the
user will enter an integer number of hours). Using the information
below, calculate and print the user's bill for that month.
# Modify your program so that it first asks for the total number of
bills to generate. Your program should use a loop to calculate that
many customer bills.
#If possible, modify your program so that it also calculates and
prints what the user would have spent if he had one of the other two
packages. If the user would have saved money using a different
package, print out an appropriate message (e.g., "Package 3 would have
been cheaper").

    *  Package 1: For $9.95 per month, up to 10 hours of access are
provided. Each additional hour costs $2.00.
    * Package 2: For $13.95 per month, up to 20 hours of access are
provided. Each additional hour costs $1.00.
    * Package 3: For 19.95 per month, a customer receives an unlimited
number of hours of access.

If you could help, that would be much appreciated.  Thanks so much.

"After three days without reading, talk becomes flavorless."

From andreas at  Fri Mar 28 11:48:47 2008
From: andreas at (Andreas Kostyrka)
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:48:47 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Help Writing a Bill Calculating Program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1206701327.11011.141.camel@localhost>

Hint: When you want help with your homework, you should first try to
program something. Pasting the requirements to this mailing list will
not help you. Homeworks are there so that YOU learn something. Not that
you can prove that you are capable to find someone that does it for you.


Am Freitag, den 28.03.2008, 00:50 -0400 schrieb Amin Han:
> Hi, I'm currently a novice at Python, and I need help creating the
> following program...
> # Write a program that asks the user to enter a package number and the
> total number of hours spent online that month (you may assume that the
> user will enter an integer number of hours). Using the information
> below, calculate and print the user's bill for that month.
> # Modify your program so that it first asks for the total number of
> bills to generate. Your program should use a loop to calculate that
> many customer bills.
> #If possible, modify your program so that it also calculates and
> prints what the user would have spent if he had one of the other two
> packages. If the user would have saved money using a different
> package, print out an appropriate message (e.g., "Package 3 would have
> been cheaper").
>     *  Package 1: For $9.95 per month, up to 10 hours of access are
> provided. Each additional hour costs $2.00.
>     * Package 2: For $13.95 per month, up to 20 hours of access are
> provided. Each additional hour costs $1.00.
>     * Package 3: For 19.95 per month, a customer receives an unlimited
> number of hours of access.
> If you could help, that would be much appreciated.  Thanks so much.
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From bhaaluu at  Fri Mar 28 12:32:04 2008
From: bhaaluu at (bhaaluu)
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 07:32:04 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Help Writing a Bill Calculating Program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 12:50 AM, Amin Han <amints7 at> wrote:
> Hi, I'm currently a novice at Python, and I need help creating the
>  following program...
>  # Write a program that asks the user to enter a package number and the
>  total number of hours spent online that month (you may assume that the
>  user will enter an integer number of hours). Using the information
>  below, calculate and print the user's bill for that month.

First of all, carefully read the problem that you have been given.
Most computer programs solve a problem. At a minimum, a program
may ask for INPUT, then do a COMPUTATION of some sort, and finally
OUTPUT an answer or solution. After you've read the problem, get a
pencil and a piece of paper and write down everything you've learned
by reading the problem. At a  minimum, you should write down what
the INPUT is, what needs to be COMPUTED, and what the output is.
Things called variables hold input values, and be used in COMPUTATIONS,
and also used to provide output. It is usually helpful to have meaningful
variable names. At this point, you should have enough information to
write a simple program using pseudocode. Now work through the
pseudocode and desk-check it to see if it will do what you want it to do.
Good. At this point, translating the pseudocode to Python should be
rather straightforward.

>  # Modify your program so that it first asks for the total number of
>  bills to generate. Your program should use a loop to calculate that
>  many customer bills.

In order to modify a program, you need to have a working program.
So, if you don't have a working program yet, go back and work some
more. Once you have a working program, you'll need to review what
you know about loops. Apply that knowledge, using the same steps as
before, to this problem. INPUT->COMPUTATION->OUTPUT

>  #If possible, modify your program so that it also calculates and
>  prints what the user would have spent if he had one of the other two
>  packages. If the user would have saved money using a different
>  package, print out an appropriate message (e.g., "Package 3 would have
>  been cheaper").

Here again, use the same approach as you've already done for this problem.

>     *  Package 1: For $9.95 per month, up to 10 hours of access are
>  provided. Each additional hour costs $2.00.
>     * Package 2: For $13.95 per month, up to 20 hours of access are
>  provided. Each additional hour costs $1.00.
>     * Package 3: For 19.95 per month, a customer receives an unlimited
>  number of hours of access.

The data is very clear. What is package 1? Package 2? Package 3? Read it
and write it down until you understand each one.

>  If you could help, that would be much appreciated.  Thanks so much.

I hope this helps you get started. Once you have some Python code written,
and you still have problems, write back and ask for help with your code.
Please include your platform, Python version, and the code you're having
problems with in your post.

Happy Programming!
b h a a l u u at g m a i l dot c o m
"You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its
orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such
allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil.
A good person will resist an evil system with his or her
whole soul." [Mahatma Gandhi]

From kent37 at  Fri Mar 28 13:16:02 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 08:16:02 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] parse emails as they come in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

linuxian iandsd wrote:

> but sometimes two or more emails come in at once so the input file that 
> my python script has to parse is more than five lines !! my question is 
> how do i effeciently manage this from within my original script.

I guess you need to put your processing into a loop?


From cfuller084 at  Fri Mar 28 14:08:20 2008
From: cfuller084 at (Chris Fuller)
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 08:08:20 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] parse emails as they come in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The email and mailbox modules might help you out.  Multiple email messages 
will probably parse as an mbox format mailbox.


On Friday 28 March 2008 03:14, linuxian iandsd wrote:
> good morning everybody !
> I have scripted a small program to parse a 5 lines email message as it
> comes in to my inbox (this is handled by procmail & here is a wonderful
> intro to it :
> so every email is being parsed & information is extracted from it.
> but sometimes two or more emails come in at once so the input file that my
> python script has to parse is more than five lines !! my question is how do
> i effeciently manage this from within my original script.
> thanks

From bryan.fodness at  Fri Mar 28 21:24:10 2008
From: bryan.fodness at (Bryan Fodness)
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 16:24:10 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with logic while extracting data from binary
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks again,

Still lost, even with watching the variables.  I see that it kicks out of
the loop, but don't understand what I have done to cause this.  I'm sorry
for repeated emails, but I have spent multiple days on this.  I have added
another while loop that I think should work, but I can't seem to keep it in
the while loop.  I feel like I am getting close.

It seems like it gets everything at the first level , but not the way I
expected.  It seems to get the first value inside the first while loop, and
then goes outside the loop to get the next three.  I would have expected it
to return the values as it goes through the first while loop (since they are
at the same level), then when it sees the nested identifier, go into the
second while loop and return values.

Any insight would be wonderful.

def parseSequence(data, start):
    group_num = data[start:start+2]
    element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
    vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]
    length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
    value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
    pos = start+8+length
    element = (group_num+element_num)
    if element == '\xfe\xff\x00\xe0':
        data = value
        while start < 536: #length:  # 536
            group_num = data[start:start+2]
            element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
            vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]
            length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
            value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
            start = start+8+length
            element = (group_num+element_num)
            if element == '\xfe\xff\x00\xe0':
                data = value
                while start < 112: #length:  # 112, 112, 116, 116
                    group_num = data[start:start+2]
                    element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
                    vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]
                    length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
                    value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
                    start = start+8+length
                    element = (group_num+element_num)
                    return element, start, value
                return element, start, value
        return  element, pos, value
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From sierra_mtnview at  Sat Mar 29 13:27:36 2008
From: sierra_mtnview at (Wayne Watson)
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 05:27:36 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Saving an Image in a Given Format
Message-ID: <>

I'm pretty new to Python and libraries. I'm actually trying to modify 
some code someone else wrote. There are two ways images are saved. One 
is for the user to select a "Save as GIF" menu item, or save as tiff, or 
others. The other way is that the user wants a collected image from a 
camera saved every, say, 10 minutes. The "save" process is different for 
some reason. Here are the two code segments involved (NOTE my comments 
and questions below B.):

A. Save every 10 minutes
        t = time.localtime(now_time)
        s = "a%4d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d.tif" % (  
            t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday,
            t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec )
        s = os.path.join("Exposures",s)   <========== auto-exposures
        if not os.path.exists("Exposures"):
            os.mkdir("Exposures")  <============ save image
        if self.trigger_mode:

contrast this with where the user specifically wants the image he sees 
saved as a gif:

B. From menu option

def SaveGIF(self):
        if self.current_path:
            default_path = splitext(basename(self.current_path))[0] + 
            path = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".gif",
                                     title="Save as GIF",
            path = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".gif",
                                     title="Save as GIF",
        if not path:
        gif = self.current_image.convert("RGB") <===========Save as gif.

The programmer told me if I change the tif in A. to gif, jpg or 
whatever, it would work. Instead I get a file the of zero length when I 
use jpg. Can anyone explain why this wouldn't work? I see that 
current_image.convert is involved in one place and in 
the first. What module owns these "current" methods?

Hmmm, maybe I needed to use jpeg?

           Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)

             (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
              Obz Site:  39? 15' 7" N, 121? 2' 32" W, 2700 feet
            "The only laws of matter are those which our minds must
             fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated
             for it by matter." -- James Clerk Maxwell
                    Web Page: <>

From kveretennicov at  Sat Mar 29 23:12:52 2008
From: kveretennicov at (Konstantin Veretennicov)
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 00:12:52 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Python and xml
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Doran, Harold <HDoran at> wrote:

>  I am a python neophyte who has used python to parse through text files
> using basic functions and no OOP experience. I have a need to process some
> xml files and from what I am now reading python is the exact tool I need to
> work through this issue.
> However, as I read online docs and peruse which books to buy, I am quickly
> becoming overwhelmed with the topic and could use some guidance on how to
> best tackle my task.
> You can start with this basic example (requires Python 2.5):

  <episode number="14">Dinsdale (Face the Press)</episode>
  <episode number="15">The Spanish Inquisition</episode>
  <episode number="16">Deja vu</episode>
  <episode number="17">The Buzz Aldrin Show</episode>
  <episode number="18">Live From the Grill-O-Mat Snack Bar</episode>
  <episode number="19">It's a Living</episode>
  <episode number="20">The Attila the Hun Show</episode>
  <episode number="21">Archaeology Today</episode>
  <episode number="22">How to Recognize Different Parts of the
  <episode number="23">Scott of the Antarctic</episode>
  <episode number="24">How Not to Be Seen</episode>
  <episode number="25">Spam</episode>
  <episode number="26">Royal Episode 13</episode>
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree as ET

et = ET(file='spam.xml')
for episode in et.findall('episode'):
    print episode.attrib['number'] + ':', '"' + episode.text + '"'

Use standard csv module if you want to produce csv ouput (

-------------- next part --------------
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From sierra_mtnview at  Sun Mar 30 04:15:01 2008
From: sierra_mtnview at (Wayne Watson)
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 19:15:01 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Saving an Image in a Given Format
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I see that I misunderstood the syntax of Python for:


current_image is a "pointer" whose type is some class, so convert() and 
save() must be methods in that class. The question is what class/module? 

Wayne Watson wrote:
> I'm pretty new to Python and libraries. I'm actually trying to modify 
> some code someone else wrote. There are two ways images are saved. One 
> is for the user to select a "Save as GIF" menu item, or save as tiff, or 
> others. The other way is that the user wants a collected image from a 
> camera saved every, say, 10 minutes. The "save" process is different for 
> some reason. Here are the two code segments involved (NOTE my comments 
> and questions below B.):
> A. Save every 10 minutes
>         t = time.localtime(now_time)
>         s = "a%4d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d.tif" % (  
>             t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday,
>             t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec )
>         s = os.path.join("Exposures",s)   <========== auto-exposures
>         if not os.path.exists("Exposures"):
>             os.mkdir("Exposures")
>  <============ save image
>         if self.trigger_mode:
>             self.Trigger()
>             self.CheckEvent()
> contrast this with where the user specifically wants the image he sees 
> saved as a gif:
> B. From menu option
> def SaveGIF(self):
>         if self.current_path:
>             default_path = splitext(basename(self.current_path))[0] + 
> ".gif"
>             path = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".gif",
>                                      title="Save as GIF",
>                                      initialfile=default_path,
>                                      filetypes=GIF_FILE_TYPES)
>         else:
>             path = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".gif",
>                                      title="Save as GIF",
>                                      filetypes=GIF_FILE_TYPES)
>         if not path:
>             return
>         gif = self.current_image.convert("RGB")
> <===========Save as gif.
> The programmer told me if I change the tif in A. to gif, jpg or 
> whatever, it would work. Instead I get a file the of zero length when I 
> use jpg. Can anyone explain why this wouldn't work? I see that 
> current_image.convert is involved in one place and in 
> the first. What module owns these "current" methods?
> Hmmm, maybe I needed to use jpeg?

           Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)

             (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
              Obz Site:  39? 15' 7" N, 121? 2' 32" W, 2700 feet
            "The only laws of matter are those which our minds must
             fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated
             for it by matter." -- James Clerk Maxwell
                    Web Page: <>

From rabidpoobear at  Sun Mar 30 04:47:28 2008
From: rabidpoobear at (Luke Paireepinart)
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 20:47:28 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Saving an Image in a Given Format
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 8:15 PM, Wayne Watson <sierra_mtnview at>

> I see that I misunderstood the syntax of Python for:
> current_image.convert
> current_image is a "pointer" whose type is some class, so convert() and
> save() must be methods in that class.

Yes, they are methods of a class.  self.current_image is just a normal
python variable that stores a reference to a class instance.  You can call
it a 'pointer' because it's probably similar to that internally, but it's
easier just to think about it as a label for a specific calss instance.

> The question is what class/module?
> PIL?

You need to give us the full code.
There will be an import statement at the top, and you can figure out where
current_image is created.  These clues will lead you to the library that
they're using.
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From pine508 at  Sun Mar 30 05:23:08 2008
From: pine508 at (Che M)
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 23:23:08 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive plots...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <BAY105-W321A18DAC2BD2A760CB9B6E0FB0@phx.gbl>

> I am thinking about writing a program which will involve, among other  
> things, displaying a plot of a series of numbers.  The idea is that  
> you could click on the points and move them to change the numbers.   
> Reverse-plotting, I suppose.  It need not be complex; the numbers  
> will all be zero or one, and it's only necessary to flip the bits, so  
> click-and-drag is seriously overkill.  Really it would be better to  
> just double-click on a point to switch it from one value to the other.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction?  I have written some  
> programs in python before, including TKinter, but this new project is  
> beyond the point that I know where to even start looking.  :)
> In case you care, the application is in functional brain imaging; the  
> brain scans generate a certain number of time points (say 500) and  
> then the motion of the subject is also calculated.  Standard practice  
> is to generate a "censor" file composed of zeros and ones, where zero  
> indicates that that time point had excessive motion and must be  
> disregarded.  I want to display a graph of the motion over time, and  
> allow quick and easy interactive editing of the censor time series in  
> visual parallel to the motion graph.  This would save a lot of time;  
> at present everyone does this in Excel, which being a horrible  
> Windows program can't be integrated into the predominantly UNIX-based  
> processing pipeline.  And in any case, it requires manually typing  
> all the zeros, looking back and forth between the graph of motion and  
> the list of numbers.
> I have already written a program to algorithmically generate the  
> censor time series from the motion data, but it is absolutely  
> essential to be able to manually double-check and if necessary make  
> minor edits.  I'd like to be able to keep that functionality in  
> Python rather than sending everyone back to Excel...  if possible!
> Thanks very much for any help.
> --
> -dave-

Without knowing more, it seems that this is going to be a lot of work, but if it will be used for years, probably worth it.  For graphing:  in the wxPython widget toolkit there is a PyPlot widget which does plotting, or you could use Matplotlib, a Python plotting library (with similarities to Matlab) with lots of functions.  In either case you can catch mouse events on the plot and connect those events to changing the display of which parts of the motion graph are "censored" (might not be possible with PyPlot; definitely with Matplotlib).  That way you could censor (or uncensor) sections of the trace right on the graph, and the censor time series would be updated from that.  

I'd also say about Excel ("being a horrible  Windows program") that it is not horrible, unless you meant that all Windows-only programs were horrible by virtue of running on Windows?  Excel is a good program, in my opinion.  But if you want to keep it all under Linux and sort of all of a piece, I get that.  

How well do you know your celebrity gossip?
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From kent37 at  Sun Mar 30 14:57:32 2008
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 08:57:32 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Saving an Image in a Given Format
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Wayne Watson wrote:
> I see that I misunderstood the syntax of Python for:
> current_image.convert 
> current_image is a "pointer" whose type is some class, so convert() and 
> save() must be methods in that class.


> The question is what class/module? 
> PIL?

That is a likely candidate, especially if you know the program uses PIL. 
But it could be another image class, or a custom wrapper around PIL...

You should look for the place where the images are created. Or in your 
code below you could put
print self.current_image.__class__
before the save() statements and see what it tells you.

It's curious that saveGIF() needs the convert() call. Maybe that is what 
you need in the save every 10 minutes call? What format is the original 
data? What is the format of the tiff files saved every 10 minutes?

You have to do a bit of detective work to sort this out.

> Wayne Watson wrote:
>> I'm pretty new to Python and libraries. I'm actually trying to modify 
>> some code someone else wrote. There are two ways images are saved. One 
>> is for the user to select a "Save as GIF" menu item, or save as tiff, or 
>> others. The other way is that the user wants a collected image from a 
>> camera saved every, say, 10 minutes. The "save" process is different for 
>> some reason. Here are the two code segments involved (NOTE my comments 
>> and questions below B.):
>> A. Save every 10 minutes
>>         t = time.localtime(now_time)
>>         s = "a%4d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d.tif" % (  
>>             t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday,
>>             t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec )
>>         s = os.path.join("Exposures",s)   <========== auto-exposures
>>         if not os.path.exists("Exposures"):
>>             os.mkdir("Exposures")
>>  <============ save image
>>         if self.trigger_mode:
>>             self.Trigger()
>>             self.CheckEvent()
>> contrast this with where the user specifically wants the image he sees 
>> saved as a gif:
>> B. From menu option
>> def SaveGIF(self):
>>         if self.current_path:
>>             default_path = splitext(basename(self.current_path))[0] + 
>> ".gif"
>>             path = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".gif",
>>                                      title="Save as GIF",
>>                                      initialfile=default_path,
>>                                      filetypes=GIF_FILE_TYPES)
>>         else:
>>             path = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".gif",
>>                                      title="Save as GIF",
>>                                      filetypes=GIF_FILE_TYPES)
>>         if not path:
>>             return
>>         gif = self.current_image.convert("RGB")
>> <===========Save as gif.
>> The programmer told me if I change the tif in A. to gif, jpg or 
>> whatever, it would work. Instead I get a file the of zero length when I 
>> use jpg. Can anyone explain why this wouldn't work? I see that 
>> current_image.convert is involved in one place and in 
>> the first. What module owns these "current" methods?
>> Hmmm, maybe I needed to use jpeg?

From eric at  Mon Mar 31 17:37:10 2008
From: eric at (Eric Walstad)
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:37:10 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Saving an Image in a Given Format
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Wayne Watson wrote:
> current_image ... convert() and 
> save() must be methods in that class. The question is what class/module? 
> PIL?
I don't know, but you could try the following from the python command 
line, which might give you some hints:


 >>> import Image  # PIL Image class
 >>> im ='/path/to/foo.jpg')

 >>> dir(im)  # Gives you a list of the object's attribute names
['_Image__transformer', '__doc__', '__getattr__', '__init__', 
'__module__', '_copy', '_dump', '_expand', '_getexif', '_makeself', 
'_new', '_open', 'app', 'applist', 'bits', 'category', 'convert', 
'copy', 'crop', 'decoderconfig', 'decodermaxblock', 'draft', 'filename', 
'filter', 'format', 'format_description', 'fp', 'fromstring', 
'getbands', 'getbbox', 'getcolors', 'getdata', 'getextrema', 'getim', 
'getpalette', 'getpixel', 'getprojection', 'histogram', 'huffman_ac', 
'huffman_dc', 'im', 'info', 'layer', 'layers', 'load', 'load_djpeg', 
'load_end', 'load_prepare', 'mode', 'offset', 'palette', 'paste', 
'point', 'putalpha', 'putdata', 'putpalette', 'putpixel', 
'quantization', 'quantize', 'readonly', 'resize', 'rotate', 'save', 
'seek', 'show', 'size', 'split', 'tell', 'thumbnail', 'tile', 
'tobitmap', 'tostring', 'transform', 'transpose', 'verify']

The following error message tells me the object came from PIL.Image, a 
good hint.

 >>> im.just_throw_me_an_error
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/ewalstad/var/tmp/<string>", line 1, in <module>
   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PIL/", line 493, in 
     raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: just_throw_me_an_error