[Tutor] passing arguments to functions - problem with argument order

tetsuo2k6 at web.de tetsuo2k6 at web.de
Tue Mar 11 13:26:20 CET 2008

Alan Gauld schrieb:
> <tetsuo2k6 at web.de> wrote 
>> And I thought I might get away without using dicts...
> Why would you want to? Dicts are one of the most 
> powerful data structures around.
> And besides Python is built from dicts so you can 
> never truly get away without using them. Every time 
> you access a feature from a module or class
> you are using a dict! :-)
> Alan G

Well, I know about dicts, however I want to go forward step by step in 
learning - once I feel really comfortable with functions, 
object-orientation aso., I'll certainly look into them again. Besides, I 
_do_ use them sometimes :)


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