[Tutor] hypotenuse

bob gailer bgailer at alum.rpi.edu
Fri Mar 14 19:20:21 CET 2008

Robert Childers wrote:
> I have rewritten my "hypotenuse" program as follows:>>> #This program 
> calculates the width and diagonal of a golden rectangle
> >>> print "Calculate the width and diagonal of a golden rectangle."
> Calculate the width and diagonal of a golden rectangle.
> >>> height = input ("Input height:")
> Input height:1
> >>> width = height*1.618
> >>> print "Width:", width
> Width: 1.618
> >>> import math
> >>> hyp_squared = height**2 + width**2
> >>> hypotenuse = math.sqrt(hyp_squared)
> >>> print "Diagonal:", hypotenuse
> Diagonal: 1.90208412012
> When I save the program then try to run the module I get an error 
> message that it is invalid.

Please ALWAYS post the code and the traceback. Otherwise we have no way 
to easily help you.

But I will take a guess that you saved the contents of the interactive 
session and tried to run that. That will not work, as  the interactive 
session is full of >>> and results of print statements.

So I suggest you edit the module to see if this is the case; if it is 
then remove all the junk so you just have pure Python. Run that. If you 
still get errors post the code and traceback.

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

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