[Tutor] python, wxpython and postgresql
Michael Langford
mlangford.cs03 at gtalumni.org
Tue Mar 18 16:19:49 CET 2008
I don't recall a modified flag on controls in wxPython.
If you only want to update that which has changed, you probably have
to keep a copy of the result of the query you filled the control with,
and determine the change from comparing it to the current state of the
These guys may have something more sophisticated:
On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Bill Mais <bmais at maisco.com> wrote:
> Hey, I thought programming was all about the shortcuts ;-)
> I'm sorry to not be clear. I've done several excellent python +
> postgresql tutorials, but the one I have not found is wxPython +
> postgresql (or any database).
> Specifically, how would you take your sql results and set the values of
> your wxTextCtrls and wxListCtrls? For example if the sql select
> statement returns 20 fields the function would find the wxPython
> controls with the same name and set their values.
> And how would you build a sql statement with only the wxPython controls
> that have been modified by the user? So if only the address field was
> modified the sql would be: UPDATE table1 SET address = '123 Easy Street'
> WHERE rec_id = 1
> Thanks again,
> Bill
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