[Tutor] Calling super classs __init__?

Andreas Kostyrka andreas at kostyrka.org
Fri Mar 21 10:25:36 CET 2008

It does not return them at once.

It returns them piece by piece:
andreas at andi-lap:/tmp> cat mro.py 
class A(object):
    v=lambda self: "A"
class B(object):
    v=lambda self: "B"
class C(B,A):
    v=lambda self: "C"

print C.__mro__

print c.v()
print super(C, c).v()
print super(B, c).v()
andreas at andi-lap:/tmp> python2.5 mro.py 
(<class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <type 'object'>)


Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 23:11 -0500 schrieb tiger12506:
> Woah. Either you're leaving out essential info, or python got a lot more 
> complicated.
> Firstly, super returns all base classes. How? Does it return a tuple of 
> them, or a container object, or is this something horribly worse such as 
> syntactic sugar?
> It doesn't make sense for it to return a tuple, then super().__init__ would 
> call the init method of the tuple, not each class, so then syntactic sugar 
> would have to be involved. I doubt that..
> A container object could use __getattr__ to magically call each of the 
> __init__ methods of the contained class references.
> The most logical is the container object. But that leaves things open for 
> duplicate calls to __init__
> So the container would have to keep track of the base classes it has already 
> called... which might be the ordered list __mro__, but those are class 
> specific, not global, so each super class would not know if an __init__ has 
> been called or not... But then again, you would need duplicate calls because 
> each level of super would need different initiation.
> I apologize. Would you care to explain this a little more technically? 
> Specific and accurate are better than translated into layman's terms. I've 
> been with python for a while now. thanks.
> >Actually, super returns all base classes, all in it's own time.
> >
> >Basically, every class has a member __mro__, that contains a
> >consistently ordered list of classes.
> >
> >super needs the class from where it is being called to locate the right
> >place in the __mro__ and to hand you a wrapper around self for the next
> >base class in this list.
> >
> >This way, if all classes use super, they can cooperativly call all
> >implementations of a given method.
> >
> >That's the theory. In practice there are a number of pitfalls which
> >makes super problematic. ;)
> >
> >Andreas 
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