[Tutor] Maybe advanced pexpect question?

Nathan McBride nomb85 at comcast.net
Wed Mar 26 03:01:23 CET 2008

I'm thinking more along the lines as of running a program, sending tab
to get to the field send text to put on the field, tab, send text ?

On Sun, 2008-03-23 at 14:00 -0500, mwalsh wrote:
> Kent Johnson wrote:
> > Nathan McBride wrote:
> >> I've used pexpect for a few projects and love it.  Basically pexpect
> >> lets you spawn a program and interact with it from code like you
> >> yourself were running it in a console.  How would you send the ctrl key?
> > 
> > I don't use pexpect, so I am guessing...
> > 
> > The ctrl key by itself is not a character so you can't send that. ctrl-C 
> > is a character that is represented in a string as \x03. I expect you 
> > would send a control character with sendline(), for example to sent 
> > ctrl-C try
> >    child.sendline ('\x03')
> In recent versions of pexpect (I'm looking at 2.3), 'spawn' objects 
> include a sendcontrol  method which does almost exactly that for cntl-c, 
> with send instead of sendline.
> > Kent
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