[Tutor] Scripting Outlook
Tim Golden
mail at timgolden.me.uk
Thu Mar 27 17:05:15 CET 2008
Justin Cardinal wrote:
> Can anyone direct me to some examples/documentation for using python to work
> with Outlook? So far, the most useful thing I've come across is a post from
> someone with problems adding an attachment:
and just for another example, here's some older code
which I post untested (altho' it certainly worked
once upon a time). If I get a chance I'll work it
into a how-do-i.
import os
from win32com.client import Dispatch, constants, gencache
outlook = gencache.EnsureDispatch ("Outlook.Application")
def send (self, to_people, cc_people=[], subject="", text="",
msg = outlook.CreateItem (constants.olMailItem)
msg.Subject = subject
msg.Body = text
if type (to_people) == type (""):
to_people = (to_people,)
if type (cc_people) == type (""):
cc_people = (cc_people,)
recipients = []
for person in to_people:
recipient = msg.Recipients.Add (person)
recipient.Type = constants.olTo
recipients.append (recipient)
for person in cc_people:
recipient = msg.Recipients.Add (person)
recipient.Type = constants.olCC
recipients.append (recipient)
if type (attachments) == type (""):
attachments = (attachments,)
for attachment in attachments:
if os.path.isfile (attachment):
msg.Attachments.Add (attachment)
print "attachment %s skipped" % attachment
all_resolved = 1
for recipient in recipients:
if not recipient.Resolve ():
print "Unable to resolve " + recipient.Name
all_resolved = 0
if all_resolved:
msg.Send ()
print "Message sent"
print "Message not sent"
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