[Tutor] Looking for something similar to du...

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue May 6 10:52:26 CEST 2008

"Marc Tompkins" <marc.tompkins at gmail.com> wrote

>> As to finding disk usage on Windows I found this
>> snippet on an MSDN forum:
>> ------------------
> >....I don't believe
>> there is any direct way in Windows to do that but WMI might
>> provide a way.  Nevertheless this is not what you'd want to
>> Which is rather scary...
> Not really, just written by someone who 1) had something else in 
> mind,

I just meant the fact that Microsoft didn't appear to provide
an API function to find it directly was scary - especially since
its something they report in Explorer as you noted earlier.

> That being said, I've recently been buying 500GB hard
> drives for $100.

The cost of disk space is frighteningly cheap.
I remember buying a Terabyte of storage for a mainframe
about 20 years ago and it cost over $2 million. Now I can
buy a Terabyte of NAS for $200!

That's why I've stopped worrying about lost space due to
block sizes! :-)

Alan G. 

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